Chapter 1-3 (Reviewer)
Chapter 1-3 (Reviewer)
Chapter 1-3 (Reviewer)
1. Constitution
2. National Internal Revenue Code 5. Provisions of taxing act are not to be
3. Tariff and customs code extended by implication
4. Local Government Code (Book II) 6. Tax laws operate “prospectively” unless
5. Local tax ordinances / city or municipal the purpose of the legislature to
tax codes retrospective effect is expressly declared
6. Tax treaties and international 7. Tax laws are special laws and prevail
agreements over a general law.
It is in order to avoid or
minimize the effects of double Application of Tax Laws
taxation. GR: Prospective in operation
7. Special laws
8. Decision of Supreme Court and the E: may nevertheless operate retroactively
Court of Tax Appeals provided that, it is expressly declared.
9. Revenue Rules and Regulation and Taxpayer’s Suit
Administrative rulings and opinions
Case where the act complained involves
Purpose of Rules and Regulations illegal disbursement of public funds
a. To properly enforce and execute the derived from taxation.
laws GR: not only persons individually
b. To clarify and explain the law affected but also taxpayers have
c. To carry into effect the law’s general sufficient interest of preventing the
provisions by providing details of illegal expenditures of money raised by
administration and procedure taxation.
Informer’s Reward
1. Housing
2. Expense account
3. Vehicle of any kind
4. Household Personnel
5. Interest on loan at less than market rate
(extent of difference b/w market rate
and actual rate granted.
Chapter 3 (fbt) 6. Membership fees in social and athletic
Employee income that were effectively clubs or similar organizations
tax were those given in cash 7. Expenses for foreign travel
Additional tax and non-cash were 8. Holiday and vacation expense
virtually untaxed given rise to inequity 9. Educational Assistance
in the distribution of tax burden 10. Life or Health insurance and other non-
Untaxed perks = tax avoidance life insurance premiums.
To enhance progressivity of income tax
Tax exempt Fringe Benefits
and broaden tax basis
1. Income tax under any special laws:
Definition of FBT
- Contributions under SSS law
Compensation: remuneration for - Contributions under GSIS law
services performed - Similar contributions under
Granted by an employer in cash or in existing law
kind, in addition to basic salaries. - Premiums for group insurance
Form of pay to supplement a stated pay of employees
for the performance of services. 2. Required in nature of, or necessary to
Benefits given or furnished to trade, business or profession
managerial or supervisory employee. 3. De minimis benefits
4. For the convenience or advantage of the
Nature of FBT employer (irrespective of Employee’s
Monetary burden imposed by
sovereignty on any good / other benefit Computation of FBT
furnished / granted by an employer
Final tax imposed on employee and 35% rate but for NRA – NETB (25%)
withheld by an employer (35%) 1. Evaluating the value of the benefit
It is collected at the firm’s level rather granted
than at the taxpayer’s level to facilitate 2. Determining the proportion or
tax administration = valuation is easier, percentage of benefit subject to FBT
3. Determining the grossed-up 1. Monetized unused “vacation leave” not
monetary value of FB by dividing exceeding 10 days during the year
monetary value of FB by gross - As well as “sick leave” shall be
monetary value factor added to “other benefits” with
4. Multiplying grossed-up monetary 90k ceiling. Amount exceeding
value factor by FBT rate. 90k shall be subject to basic and
creditable withholding tax.
FBT Tax 2. Monetized value of vacation and sick
leave, credits paid to government
Grossing up FB is to align the tax
officials and employees
treatment of FB with salaries and wages.
- Monetized unused “vacation
Compensation incomes are included in
and sick leave” credits to
the computation
government shall be exempt
Grossed-up monetary represents the
from tax compensation income.
entire income earned by the employee.
3. Medical allowance not exceeding 1 500
Valuation of FB per semester or 250 a month
4. Rice subsidy not more than 2 000 per
Granted in money, value is the amount month or 1 sack rice per month
granted 5. Uniforms not exceeding 6 000 per
Granted in property or transfer annum
ownership, value is FMV of property 6. Medical assistance not exceeding 10 000
Granted in property but no transfer of per annum
ownership, value is equal to 7. Laundry allowance not exceeding 300
depreciation value of the property. per month
8. Achievement awards, in the form of
Deductible expense of the employer
tangible personal property and annual
Given to rank and file employee or to monetary value not exceeding 10 000
supervisory or managerial employee but 9. Christmas and majo0r anniversary
not subject to FBT, deduction is the celebrations not exceeding 5 000 per
monetary value of the FB. employees per annum
If FB is given to supervisory or 10. Daily meal allowance for overtime work
managerial employee, it is subjected to and night /graveyard shift not exceeding
FBT, deduction is the grossed-up 25% basic minimum wage
monetary value. - Subjected to income tax
however, meal allowance and
De Minimis Benefits (DMB) lodging furnished are exempt
from tax if for advantage or
“courtesy” discount on purchases
convenience of the employer.
Not considered as compensation subject
11. Benefits received by virtue of a
to income tax and consequently to
collective bargaining agreement (CBA)
withholding tax
and Productivity incentive schemes
Ff. is considered DMB not subject to income provided that the two do not exceed 10
tax 000 per employee per taxable year.
90k ceiling for 13th month pay/bonuses and performance of his duties are not
“other benefits” compensation subject to withholding if
ff. conditions are satisfied:
13th month pay and other benefits - Ordinary and necessary
received are exempt from income tax expenses paid in the pursuit of
and creditable withholding tax. Total trade, business or profession
exclusion shall not exceed 90k - Required to account / liquidate
Other Benefits for the foregoing expenses
- Christmas bonus
- Productivity incentive bonus
- Loyalty Awards
- Gifts in cash or in kind and
other benefits or similar nture. Representation and Transportation
Gross income is not applicable to: Allowances (RATA)
- Self-employed individuals
- Income generated from business Considered reimbursements for the
expenses incurred in the performance
Excess of DMB over their respective ceilings one’s duties. Excess of RATA, if not
Benefits not included shall not be returned = constitutes taxable
considered DMB but should fall under compensation income of the employees.
the classification of “other benefits” and Expenses which are pre-computed and
is subject to 90 000 ceilings. are paid while on assignment or duty
Excess of 90k would form part of an should not be subject to withholding tax
individual’s gross income and subject to Allowances which are fix in amounts
income tax and applicable creditable and are regularly received as part of
withholding taxes their monthly compensation are subject
to basic tax
Fixed or Variable Allowances
Communication Allowance
Received by public officer or employee
of private entity in addition to the Not subject from FBT and tax on
regular compensation and is subject to compensation on the basis that
income tax and creditable withholding communication allowance is deemed
tax required by the nature.
Expenses which are pre-computed on Non-Taxable Housing Benefits
daily basis and are paid while on an
assignment need not be subject to 1. Housing unit inside or adjacent (within
requirement of substantiation and to 50 meters) from perimeter of housing
withholding. premises.
- Shall be considered for the
Business related expenses / Allowances “convenience or advantage of
subject to liquidation the employer”
Any amount paid specifically, expected 2. Temporary housing for a stay for 3
to be incurred by the employee in the months
3. Housing privilege of military officials
Other Fringe Benefits 6. The following shall not be treated as
taxable fringe benefits:
1. Expense Account - Fringe benefits exempted from
a. Paid for or reimbursed by employer income tax
are taxable FB. If were receipted in - Required by the nature of or
the name of employer and do not necessary to trade
partake the nature of “personal - For the convenience or
expenses” – should not be taxable as advantage of the employer
Fringe benefits. - Benefit to retirement, insurance
b. Not treated as taxable fringe and hospitalization benefit
benefits plans.
- RATA allowance given - Non – taxable housing benefits
regularly on a monthly basis are - Benefits given to rank and file
not taxable FB but subject to employees
basic tax - Other non-taxable benefits
2. Expenses for foreign travel
- In connection with attending Use of Aircraft and Helicopters
business meeting or average of
300 per day are considered Owned and maintained by employer is
reasonable expense not be not taxable fringe benefit but treated as
subject to FBT. (such as cost of business expense
economy and business class Filing of Returns
airplane ticket)
- 30% of cost of first-class 10th day of the month following the end
airplane ticket shall be subject of the calendar quarter
to FBT.
- Absence of documentary
evidence in connection with the
business travel shall be treated
as taxable fringe benefits also in Subject to FBT
traveling expenses of family
members of employees. Purpose is para sa kapakanan ng mga
3. Educational Assistance treated as employees, supervisory and up
taxable FB except:
Subject to Basic Tax
- Study is directly connected with
the employer’s trade and there is Purpose is para sa operation mainly ng
a written contract. business.
- Employee’s dependents through
a competitive scheme under
scholarship program.
4. Membership dues or fees of
employees borne by the employer
5. Life or health insurance and other non-
life insurance premiums are treated as
taxable benefits