Automated Solar Powered Pumping Systems For Irrigation
Automated Solar Powered Pumping Systems For Irrigation
Automated Solar Powered Pumping Systems For Irrigation
The solar PV panels have proven through a period of
time that they are unfailing to produce adequate
electricity directly from solar radiation. The demand for
water in any irrigation system varies throughout the
complete year in any particular area. This paper proposes
the use of solar power for irrigation purposes. Solar
powered water pumping systems can be the most perfect
and suitable solution for rural locations which are grid
isolated in poor countries where the amount of solar
radiation are very high. Solar powered water pumping
systems (SPPS) can be used to supply to basic needs of
the community like providing drinking water, water for
irrigation etc. without the need for any kind of fuel or
wide-ranging maintenance.
Keywords— solar energy, water pump, time slots
1. Introduction
From olden days we are using conventional sources of energy
in large amount for our basic needs. As non-renewable minerals like
coal are exhausting, we have to depend on the non conventional
sources of energy like solar, wind, tidal etc. For any smaller
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
The main power source is the solar panel which provides energy to
charge a battery. A separate circuit is also added to control the
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
For the simulation of designs and for the PCB layout project design,
Schematic capture in the Proteus Design Suite is used . It is actually a
core component and it is included with all the product configurations.
Figure 2 shows the schematic model of the solar powered systems.
4.Hardware Implementation
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Solar Panel
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Figure 4 shows the solar panel used for the powering of irrigation
systems.Positioning of these solar panels are very important since they
contribute to a continuous powering system.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Relay module:
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
If the size of the pump that we use for the irrigation increases, it will
also increase the size of the PV array that we use in the system. So to
justify the role of solar power in pumping, a small power rating pump
has been used in the setup. In large scale, the chemical injection
pumps emits raw gas into the atmosphere. The use of solar powered
pump can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. Figure 7 shows the
miniature pump used for the proposed small scale irrigation model.
5. Conclusion
It can be concluded that whenever the electricity is scarce,
Photovoltaic systems can be made used in an efficient way to provide
water and irrigation in those areas . Their main advantages over hand
pumps are their basically zero maintenance and long valuable life, no
fuel necessity, no blemishes, and relatively easier installation. Thus
when we compare with pumping systems powered with diesel, the
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
1] Vick B.D. and Clark R.N., Effect of panel temperature on a
solar-PV AC water pumping system. ASES Solar 2004: A Solar
Harvest Growing Opportunities. July 11-14, 2015. Portland.