SPRING 2019:,, Writing, and Reading. in This Course You Will Develop Your Ability To Communicate in
SPRING 2019:,, Writing, and Reading. in This Course You Will Develop Your Ability To Communicate in
SPRING 2019:,, Writing, and Reading. in This Course You Will Develop Your Ability To Communicate in
Elementary French 101 is a three-credit hour course designed to introduce you to the French
language, to the many facets of French culture, and to develop all language skills: speaking,
listening, writing, and reading. In this course you will develop your ability to communicate in
French in everyday situations by learning basic French vocabulary. Upon completion, you will
be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written basic
French and demonstrate cultural awareness. This course consists of at least 20 hours a week of
online activities.
If you decide to use a tablet or a smartphone, make sure that every once in a while
you save your work on your desktop or laptop computer.
Many computers come equipped with their own microphones but often they are placed
inside the computer too far away from the student’s mouth. Due to this, the software
cannot correctly “hear” what the student says, thereby hindering the learning process.
That’s why it is recommended to use a headset with a microphone attached to it.
This e-book can also be purchased and downloaded through the Person Publishing web
ents/get-registered/index.html (The pages of the e-book are printable if needed.)
You’ll need a credit/debit card to make the book's purchase.
You’ll log onto this web site each time to study French
Click on: Yes, I have an access code, and enter your course ID: CRSKLF8-701026
2. Continue following the prompts.
It is highly desirable that you start familiarizing yourself with the software as soon as
possible since there is a learning curve involved with using it.
IMPORTANT: As soon as the semester begins, every student will be required to complete
all assigned work -- just as it is done in a "real" classroom. The software will give you
precise deadlines for your assignments and quizzes.
How to study
Every time you study, whether on your computer, Tablet or Smartphone, remember to read in
French out loud and perform all listening activities with your headset on.
Remember: French is a language and because of that, it needs to be spoken.
If you are a little shy or feel “embarrassed” speaking out loud because someone may overhear
you, study in a private area, one in which you won't feel so self-conscious. Or better yet, ask
whomever it is next to you to join in on the study, adding more fun to your learning experience.
To ensure you achieve the best results in this course, complete homework at the end of every
study session.
Anytime you need extra help or a more thorough explanation, please e-mail me at
aglaviano@mxcc.commnet.edu. I’ll respond to your questions/issues very quickly.
Your final grade will be the result of the grades you earned in your quizzes and for
required assignment completion. Failure to do so will result in an automatic “F.”
1. Withdrawal: If you plan to drop the course, pick up a withdrawal form from the
Registrar’s Office and have the instructor sign it. If the student does not follow this
procedure, he/she will receive an automatic F.
2. Incomplete: If, for a very important reason, you cannot finish this course, you must
apply for an incomplete by picking up an incomplete form at the Registrar’s Office and
having the instructor sign it. If you do not follow this procedure, you will receive an
automatic F.
Your grading is based on the following scale:
95 - over 95= A
90-94= A-
86-89= B+
85= B
80-84= B-
76-79= C+
75= C
70- 74= C-
66-69= D+
65= D
60-64= D-
To ensure a successful semester, each student will be given precise information about all
syllabus assignments.
Because summer time courses are accelerated in nature, everyone is required to do at least
twenty or more hours a week of work for this course. Procrastination is the biggest issue for
online students. To avoid this, put together a weekly schedule and stick to it.
Please remember, an online course is not a shortcut to an easy grade.
In fact, thanks to the sophisticated online software we will be using this semester, your
instructor will have direct access to your account, thereby ensuring that the quality of your
academic work is high and independently submitted.
With this access, your instructor will accurately know the following:
1. What day(s) and time(s) you have logged onto and off of the MyFrenchlab web
2. How much time you have spent on the material to study each time you have
logged on.
3. How much time you have spent on every single assignment (including the oral
assignments). Your instructor will be automatically notified, by the software, if you
get a “red dot” or, in other words, if you score very poorly.
You are required to complete written homework. You’ll be given detailed instruction about this in
the second section of your syllabus. Please contact your instructor with any questions.
If you have misplaced your syllabus and need a replacement, please ask. Your instructor will
send you a new one immediately otherwise you can always log in your Black Board account.
You will find it posted in there.
In order to listen or speak French in this course, you will need to use your
headphone/microphone set. Make sure your set is plugged into your computer or electronic
device. Make sure the microphone is very close to your lips. If you do not own a microphone,
you may purchase one at any retail outlet online, or at the MxCC Bookstore (860) 346-4490. It
is approximately $20.00.
It is very possible that the first time you plug your headset into your computer/electronic device it
may ask you to calibrate your headphone/microphone for better use. It’s a very easy and fast
process. If you have any problems, just let me know or better yet call our Tech Support:
1-888-378-3486. (Preferred).
Once your headset is ready, follow the on-screen instructions.
All assignments are time sensitive. Your syllabus explains what materials need to be covered
during each session, and how, and especially, by when, your assignment must be completed. If
you do not complete the assignments by the given deadline, the software will lock you out. You
will be unable to retrieve the missed assignment and therefore will not receive credit for it.
Be very diligent and e-mail your instructor (aglaviano@mxcc.commnet.edu) whenever you are
experiencing difficulties.
Not understanding how the program works is not an excuse for late work.
NOTICE: All students are required to use this ONLINE course in a civilized and respectful
manner. All communications must pertain to the French course only. If you have any
questions about student conduct, please refer to the Student Handbook. To access it,
please click on the following link: Download a copy of the 2010-2011 Student Handbook (4.5 MB)
or contact your instructor: aglaviano@mxcc.commnet.edu.
IMPORTANT: Before you start please make sure the browser you are using is in
order: http://browsertuneup.pearsoncmg.com/pegasus/world_languages/index.html
To gain access to your eBook please log in your account and then click on the “eText” link you
find on the right side of the web page. See arrow below:
Below you see your detailed syllabus. As you see, each lesson is divided in categories :
Vocabulary, Point of Départ, and Formes and Fonctions. You will start each lesson by learning
new vocabulary. For instance on the 29th, tomorrow, you are going to log in your eBook.
• Look for Chapitre Preliminaire on the left side of your computer screen (Table of
• Click on the gray triangle before the folder once you found it. Now you see two new
sub folders: Leçon 1 (Lesson 1) and Leçon 2 (Lesson2).
• First, click on the vocabulary link and study what’s on your syllabus. You will see the
French words organized by categories. For tomorrow, you have to study vocabulary
about introducing yourself, greeting people, etc. Click on all the French words. You will
hear a speaker pronouncing these words for you. Repeat after the speaker several
times, three times or more.
Once you feel you had enough oral practice, then go back to your table of contents, and
• click on the gray triangle in front of leçon 1 folder. Now click on Point de Départ.
Follow the syllabus and listen to the mini dialogues you find on this new page by
clicking on the speaker logo. Once again, listen and repeat after the speaker.
Once you feel you had enough practice, go back to your table of contents and
• click on the “Formes et Fonctions” link. This is for grammar. Study what is on this page
and once you determine you understood everything it says on this page now you are
ready to test how much you really understood by doing some……..HOMEWORK!!!!!
You’ll find your homework on the calendar portion of your eBook. Thank you.
28 CHAPITRE PRÉLIMINAIRE – Leçon 1 : Je me présente
To gain access to the vocabulary section of this chapter,
please do the following:
- Click on the little triangle found next to Chapitre
VOCABULAIRE Préliminaire Présentons-nous and then click again on
the Vocabulaire link found at the end of the pane.
Once in, please study the French words found under
the following categories:
- Pour vous presenter, (Leçon 1)
- (Please be aware you can click on each one these words and hear a native
speaker pronounce these words for you. Please repeat each of these
words three times after the speaker.
Please do that every time you study yoru vocabulary.
- Pour Saluer,
(Please remember to click on these words to learn how to correctly
pronounce these words)
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
POINT DE DÉPART - Moi je parle français : p. 3
(Please click of the different speaker icons to
hear a native speaker pronounce all these words for you. Like before
please repeat after the speaker 3 times. Thank you)
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
- Chapter review
On this day, please take the time to review the contents of the entire chapter and by
all means, feel free contacting whenever you have questions, uncertainties, etc. I
would be more than happy taking the time and respond to all yoru questions.
Meetings can be arranged by phone or in my office on our main campus in
Middletown. Please use the e-mail to schedule the meeting. Thank you
- Quiz on Chapitre Préliminaire
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
HOMEWORK : Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
FORMES ET FONCTIONS - Le verbe avoir, p. 46-47
HOMEWORK : Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
HOMEWORK : Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
MARS 2019
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you.
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
AVRIL 2019
1 CHAPITRE 2 – Leçon 2 : Voici mes amis
HOMEWORK: HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on
your eBook under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
15 CHAPITRE 3 – Études et professions :
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for your next lesson and it is found on your eBook
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for your next lesson and it is found on your eBook
MAY 2019
1 CHAPITRE 3 – Études et professions
- Chapter review
HOMEWORK : No honework
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
14 CHAPITRE 4 – Leçon 2 : Métro, boulot, dodo
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
HOMEWORK: Your homework is due for the next lesson and it is found on your eBook
under the CALENDAR tab. Thank you
5 CHAPITRE 4 – Métro, boulot, dodo
- Quiz on Chapitre 4