Factors Influencing School Dropouts at T PDF
Factors Influencing School Dropouts at T PDF
Factors Influencing School Dropouts at T PDF
The study investigates the factors influencing the school dropouts at the primary level in Jorhat district
of Assam, India based on the responses of 120 dropouts selected through random sampling. The major
factors influencing school dropouts were found to be household work, lack of parental guidance in
studies, large family size, poor economic condition of the family, failure in examination, lack of time
for study, punishment by teachers, lack of interest in studies, etc.
School dropouts at primary level
do the household work which resulted in dropping out of school was reported by
lack of time for their studies. Lack of Pandya and Bora (1997). Lack of parental
interest in studies was found to be a reason interest in continuation of studies was also
for dropping out of the schools among the given as a reason for dropping out of school
respondents (53.33%). This can be by the respondents. Pandya and Bora
supported by the study conducted by (1997) reported lack of parental interest in
Visaria et al (1993) in which they found that continuation of studies as a contributing
lack of interest in education was an factor for dropping out. Another percentage
important reason for discontinuation of (40%) of the respondents gave disliking for
schooling. Lack of interest in studies was teachers as a reason for discontinuing
also reported as one of the reasons for school. This may be associated with the
dropping out by Panda et al (1992) and punishment inflicted by the teachers. The
Pratinidhi et al (1992) also reported lack traumatic experiences might have made the
of interest in studies as one of the reasons child disliking the teachers and studies in
for dropping out. Some of the respondents general. Ill health of self was reported as a
(53.33%) gave punishment by teachers as reason for dropping out by the respondents.
a reason for dropping out of school. The The family’s poverty might have resulted in
respondents reported that due to fear of the poor nutritional intake of the children,
punishment they dropped out of school. which limited their physical and mental
Punishment by teachers as a reason for growth and rendered them incapable of
Table 1. Reasons expressed by respondents for school dropouts at the primary level
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