Visual Merchadise-Final - PPSX
Visual Merchadise-Final - PPSX
Visual Merchadise-Final - PPSX
Store Design
Managing receipts involves defining the
manner in which the retailer is going to
receive payment for the sales.
The most common method for receiving
payments for goods sold in India is by cash
or by credit card
An important aspect which affects a customer’s perception of the
retail store, it’s the experience that he has while billing the
products purchased by him. While a customer may spend hours
choosing the product that he likes, he does not like waiting for a
long time at the time at the time of payment.
Customer conversion ratio =( number of transactions / customer
traffic) * 100
This percentage reflects the retailer’s ability to turn a potential
customer into a buyer. It is also known as the ‘percentage yield
rate’ or the ‘walk to buy ratio’.
Employees : Employee productivity is usually measured in
terms of sales. Measurement parameters include total sales
per day per salesperson.
Net sales per full‐ time employee = net sales/ total full‐time
employees .
Space covered/ customers served per full‐time employee =
total retailing space/number of customers served/ total
full‐time employees
Labour productivity = (total labour costs / net sales) * 100
Visual Vistas
Grid Loop
layout Layout
Types of
store layout
Free-form layout
5,000 square feet)
in which customers
wish to browse
Checkout counter
Casual Wear
Feature Feature
• If there is a great
Open Display Window Open Display Window variety of
merchandise, fails
to provide cues as
to where one
Prof. Ganesh Antre department stops36
Free-Flow Layout is a type of store layout in
which fixtures and merchandise are
grouped into free-flowing patterns on the
sales floor.
Allowance for browsing
Loitering encouraged
and wandering freely Possible confusion
Increased impulse
Waste of floor space
purchases Cost
Visual appeal
Difficulty of cleaning
Major and minor loops with multiple entrances & multiple sight lines,
draws shopper around the store, encourages exploration, impulse
buying Prof. Ganesh Antre 41
Spine Layout
• Variation of grid, loop and free-form
Because viewers tend to look straight ahead, merchandise placed at eyes level is most likely
to be seen.
f) Grouping merchandise.
Too many retailers place one item after another in a long row. Shoe stores, jewellery stores,
and mass merchandisers tend to do this. Stores with large amounts of one item or with one
line of goods are likely to build longer displays. Instead of creating long displays where the
customer has problems picking out merchandise, retailers should group items so that the
customer’s eyes cannot travel from group to group but stop and focus on particular products.
g) Sales appeal.
Displays should always show the best merchandise that the retailer has to offer. As discussed
above, displays take up some of the most valuable space in the store. Using show-moving
items for display is a waste. One way to generate sales appeal is to choose the most important
feature of the merchandise being displayed and focus on it. Another way is create a theme
that already exists within the customer’s mind, such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, or back to
school. Customers relate best when they can grasp the total picture.
h) Keeping it simple.
Since displays take up a great deal valuable space, there is a tendency to get as much into
them as possible. While the idea of more is better may be true for chocolate, it is not true for
displays. Too many items in a display district and confuse the consumer, and they tend to
create an atmosphere of chaos or congestion.