Lyophobic Sol Lyophillic Sol
Lyophobic Sol Lyophillic Sol
Lyophobic Sol Lyophillic Sol
During the process, the Ca2+ and Mg 2+ ions form complex with EDTA replacing Na+.
The method is based on the difference in the stability constant of calcium and
magnesium complexes.
15. (i) When a Lanthanoid reacts with dil- acid, it liberate hydrogen gas.
Ln + dil.HCl Ln Cl3 + H2
(ii) When a Lanthanoid reacts with water, it forms hydroxide.
Ln + H2O Ln (OH)3 +H2
18. In the primary batteries, the reaction occurs only once and after the use over a period of
time battery becomes dead and cannot be reused again. A secondary battery , after used,
can be recharged by passing current through it in the opposite direction so that it can be
used again.
21. Construction :SHE consists of a platinumelectrode coated with platinumblack. The
electrode is dipped inan acidic solution and pureHydrogen gas is bubbled throughit. The
23. The ions or molecules bound to central atom or ion in the coordination entity are ligands
e.g [Fe(CN)6]4- has six CN- ligands.
(1) On the basis of charges on them ligands can be negative (e.g. Cl-, OH-, CN- etc.),
positive (e.g. H3O+, NH4+ etc.) or neutral (e.g. CO, NH3, H2O).
(2) On the basis of their donor atoms ligands can be monodentate or unidentate (one donor atom)
e.g- H2O, NH3, Cl- etc, or didentate (two donor atoms) H2N CH2 CH2NH2 or C2O42- etc. or
polydentate (several donor atoms) e.g [EDTA]4- is a hexadentate ligand.
25Application of colloids-
1. Colloidal antimony is used in curing kalaazar.
2. Paints, synthetic plastics, rubber etc. all are colloidal solutions.
3. Rubber is obtained by coagulation of latex.
26(a) Activated charcoal(b) Activated charcoal(c) Silica gel.