Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Environmental Management
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: When producing activated carbons from agricultural by-products, certain properties, such as yield and
Received 9 July 2012 specific surface area, are very important for obtaining an economical and promising adsorbent material.
Received in revised form Nevertheless, many researchers have not simultaneously optimized these properties and have obtained
31 January 2013
different optimal conditions for the production of activated carbon that either increases specific surface
Accepted 12 March 2013
Available online 4 May 2013
area but decreases yield or vice versa. In this research, the production of activated carbon from barley
husks (BH) by chemical activation with zinc chloride was optimized by using a 23 factorial design with
replicates at the central point, followed by a central composite design with two responses (the yield and
Barley husks
iodine number) and three factors (the activation temperature, activation time, and impregnation ratio).
Activated carbon Both responses were simultaneously optimized by using the desirability functions approach to deter-
Optimization mine the optimal conditions of this process. The findings reveal that after the simultaneous dual opti-
Central composite design mization, the maximal response values were obtained at an activation temperature of 436 C, an
Iodine number activation time of 20 min, and an impregnation ratio of 1.1 g ZnCl2/g BH, although the results after the
Yield single optimization of each response were quite different. At these conditions, the predicted values for
the iodine number and yield were 829.58 78.30 mg/g and 46.82 2.64%, respectively, whereas
experimental tests produced values of 901.86 mg/g and 48.48%, respectively. Moreover, activated carbons
from BH obtained at the optimal conditions primarily developed a porous structure (mesopores > 71%
and micropores > 28%), achieving a high surface area (811.44 m2/g) that is similar to commercial acti-
vated carbons and lignocellulosic-based activated carbons. These results imply that the pore width and
surface area are large enough to allow the diffusion and adsorption of pollutants inside the adsorbent
particles. In summary, two responses were optimized to determine the optimal conditions for the pro-
duction of activated carbons because it is possible to increase both the specific surface area and yield.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0301-4797/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
118 M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125
Table 2
Table 1 Proximate and elemental analyses of barley husk.
The factors and levels used in the experimental design.
Analysis Content Weight percentage (%)
Independent variable Coded factor Coded levels
Proximate Moisture 8.86
1 0 1 Ash 6.78
Volatile matter 75.02
Actual levels Fixed carbon 18.19
Activation time (min) A 20 100 180 Elemental C 41.16
Temperature ( C) B 300 500 700 H 6.83
Impregnation ratio C 0.5 1.0 1.5 N 0.045
(g ZnCl2/g BH) S 0.65
120 M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125
Table 3
The design matrix and experimental responses.
1 2 1 2
1 1 1 1 221.70 374.63 298.16 293.83 65.00 59.79 62.40 60.11
2 þ1 1 1 336.48 313.48 324.98 293.83 54.19 62.62 58.40 60.11
3 1 þ1 1 270.25 309.83 290.04 247.56 30.79 31.52 31.16 29.25
4 þ1 þ1 1 288.09 110.31 199.20 247.56 29.91 27.11 28.51 29.25
5 1 1 þ1 452.54 452.54 452.54 513.23 51.51 48.53 50.02 49.25
6 þ1 1 þ1 537.66 541.97 539.82 513.23 46.77 48.57 47.67 49.25
7 1 þ1 þ1 736.10 670.72 703.41 757.23 11.89 11.77 11.83 10.33
8 þ1 þ1 þ1 788.38 682.81 735.60 757.23 10.28 6.92 8.6 10.33
9 1 0 0 1011.06 e 1011.06 854.74 49.02 e 49.02 42.82
10 þ1 0 0 885.37 e 885.37 854.74 38.65 e 38.65 42.82
11 0 1 0 400.74 e 400.74 403.53 56.66 e 56.66 60.26
12 0 þ1 0 665.06 e 665.06 502.40 19.48 e 19.48 25.37
13 0 0 1 448.66 e 448.66 672.47 41.19 e 41.19 44.68
14 0 0 þ1 1091.54 e 1091.54 1037 31.88 e 31.88 29.79
15 0 0 0 712.74 813.86 844.65 854.74 42.80 41.54 43.75 42.82
870.83 730.10 42.90 45.25
1009.96 871.21 47.29 41.65
1019.30 792.19 45.62 42.95
maximized using the Design expert software by a penalty function yield are reported in Tables 6 and 7, respectively. According to the
approach in a downhill simplex search (StatEase, 2005). ANOVA data for the iodine number, the most significant individual
factors were the temperature and impregnation ratio, the most
significant double interaction was between the temperature and the
3. Results and discussion
impregnation ratio, and the most significant quadratic term was for
temperature (Eq. (6)). Similar results were reported by Nieto-
3.1. Precursor properties
Delgado and Rangel-Mendez (2011). Because the activation time
was not a significant factor for the iodine number, it was not included
Several factors could be taken into account in the selection of
in final coded model (Eq. (6)). The individual factors and the double
raw material for the manufacturing of activated carbon, for instance
interaction showed a positive effect on the response of the iodine
high carbon content, low inorganic content (ash), sufficient volatile
number in contrast with the quadratic term for the temperature.
matter content, high local availability, low cost, and large quanti-
Based on the ANOVA data for the yield response (Table 7), the
ties, among others. Therefore, barley husks can be considered an
most significant individual factors were the temperature and
interesting alternative for the production of activated carbon
impregnation ratio, the most significant double interaction was
because of the aforementioned properties (Table 2).
between the temperature and the impregnation ratio, and the most
significant quadratic term was for the impregnation ratio (Eq. (7)).
3.2. Statistical analysis The above-mentioned factors showed a negative effect on the yield
response. Additionally, the activation time did not have a significant
Table 3 shows the conditions and the experimental results for effect on the yield response.
the production of BHAC. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) used to The adjusted determination coefficient (R2adj) for the iodine
determine the significance of the curvature in the iodine number number and the yield was 0.8597 and 0.9566, respectively. This
and yield responses at a confidence level of 99% are shown in result indicates that the models could represent approximately 86%
Table 4 and Table 5, respectively. In both cases, the curvature is and 96% of the observed variability for the iodine number and yield
significant, which implies that there is an inflection point on the responses, respectively.
studied range of variables. Therefore, the linear model is not
appropriate to represent the design space and, for this reason, a Iodine number ¼ 854:74 þ 49:43B þ 182:27C þ 72:57BC
central composite design was used to fit the quadratic model
considering the 18 experimental runs (Table 3).
After discarding the insignificant terms, the ANOVA data for the (6)
coded and hierarchical quadratic models of the iodine number and 2
Yield ¼ 42:82 17:44B 7:45C 2:02BC 5:58C (7)
Table 4 Table 5
The analysis of variance data for iodine number determined from a factorial design The analysis of variance data for yield determined from a factorial design with
with central points. central points.
Variation Sum of Degree of Mean F-value p-value Variation Sum of Degree of Mean F-value p-value
source square freedom square source square freedom square
Model 4.349 105 1 4.349 105 35.74 <0.0001 Model 58.25 3 19.42 276.25 <0.0001
Curvature 8.946 105 1 8.946 105 73.51 <0.0001 Curvature 2.2 1 2.2 31.34 <0.0001
Residual 2.555 105 21 0.122 105 Residual 1.34 19 0.070
Lack of fit 1.263 105 6 0.211 105 2.44 0.0751 Lack of fit 0.39 4 0.097 1.54 0.2416
Pure error 1.292 105 15 0.086 105 Pure error 0.95 15 0.063
Total 1.585 106 23 Total 61.79 23
M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125 121
Table 6 The mathematical models for the iodine number (Eq. (6)) and
The analysis of variance data for iodine number determined from a central com- the yield (Eq. (7)), were used to build response surfaces and contour
posite design.
plots, as well as to determine the optimal conditions of the process.
Variation source Sum of Degree of Mean F-value p-value For all of the above-mentioned purposes, an activation time of
square freedom square 20 min was selected because this factor was not significant in either
Model 1.89 106 4 4.721 105 45.41 <0.0001 response (Fig. 1). Moreover, for practical and economic reasons, it is
B 4.399 104 1 4.399 104 4.23 0.0503
desirable to choose the lowest activation time in the studied range
C 5.980 105 1 5.980 105 57.51 <0.0001
BC 8.426 104 1 8.426 104 8.10 0.0087 to reduce the energy consumption in the pyrolysis process. Fig. 1 a
B2 1.162 106 1 1.162 106 111.78 <0.0001 and b shows that the iodine number increased with increasing
Residual 2.599 105 25 1.040 104 impregnation ratio when temperature is fixed, and a maximal
Lack of fit 1.307 105 10 1.307 104 1.52 0.2254 iodine number is observed in the range of 500e600 C regardless of
Pure error 1.292 105 15 8.614 103
Total 2.148 106 29
the impregnation ratio. Fig. 1 c and d shows that when increasing
both the temperature and impregnation ratio, the yield response
To determine the optimal conditions, Eqs. (6) and (7) were used
Table 7 to maximize the iodine number and yield, respectively. The
The analysis of variance data for yield determined from a central composite design.
maximum iodine number (1046.26 105.52 mg/g) was predicted
Variation source Sum of Degree of Mean F-value p-value to occur at 530 C and an impregnation ratio of 1.5 g ZnCl2/g BH. The
square freedom square maximal yield (61.58 3.32%) was predicted to occur at 300 C and
Model 6763.75 4 1690.94 160.72 < 0.0001 an impregnation ratio of 0.76 g ZnCl2/g BH.
B 5476.72 1 5476.72 520.56 < 0.0001 The effect of temperature on the iodine number and yield could
C 997.73 1 997.73 94.83 <0.0001
BC 64.99 1 64.99 6.18 0.0200
be explained because an increase in the carbonization temperature
C2 224.31 1 224.31 21.32 0.0001 increases the release of volatile matter from the precursor, causing
Residual 263.02 25 10.52 an increase in the dimensions of the pores and, therefore causing an
Lack of fit 168.32 10 16.83 2.67 0.0422 increase in the iodine number up to the optimal conditions but a
Pure error 94.70 15 6.31
decrease in the yield. When the temperature is greater than 530 C,
Total 7026.77 29
a decrease in the iodine number could be associated with the sin-
tering effect of the volatiles and the shrinkage of the carbon
Fig. 1. The surface response and corresponding contour plot for the iodine number (a and b) and the yield (c and d).
122 M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125
Fig. 2. The surface response and contour plot for the desirability function for the simultaneous optimization of the iodine number and yield.
structure, resulting in the narrowing and closing-up of the pores considered equally important, and thus the weights for the
(Lua and Yang, 2005; Yang and Lua, 2006), as well as the widening response variables were set to one.
of the pores, which means that many micropores were enlarged to The surface response and the corresponding contour plot for
mesopores (Demiral and Gündüzog lu, 2010). At temperatures desirability can be observed in Fig. 2 a and b. The maximum value of
greater than 600 C, a decrease in the iodine number is caused by the desirability function (0.779) was obtained at a temperature of
both the temperature effect (as described above) and the progres- 436 C, an activation time of 20 min, and an impregnation ratio of
sive evaporation of ZnCl2, which leads to a reduction in the 1.1 g ZnCl2/g BH. At these conditions, the predicted responses for
degradation of the tars that are responsible for the shrinkage of the the iodine number and yield were 829.58 78.30 mg/g and
pores (Temdrara et al., 2008). With respect to the effect of the 46.82 2.64%, respectively. To validate the predicted responses,
impregnation ratio on the iodine number, in the range of studied experiments were conducted at the optimal conditions, obtaining
temperatures, the ZnCl2 assumes a role as a dehydration agent an iodine number of 901.86 mg/g and yield of 48.48%. The iodine
during activation, inhibiting the formation of tars and other liquids number obtained in this research is similar to or greater than those
that could clog up the pores of the carbons. In this way, the reported by other researchers studying lignocellulosic precursors
movement of the volatiles through the pores will be enhanced, (Table 8).
increasing iodine number, but the yield is decreased.
According to the results, the maximum iodine number 3.3. Physical chemical properties
(1046.26 105.52 mg/g) and maximum yield (61.58 3.32%) were
found at different optimal conditions, and both responses depend 3.3.1. Surface area and pore volume
on the temperature and impregnation ratio. For instance, when Fig. 3 shows the isotherms of the adsorption/desorption of ni-
using the optimal conditions for the iodine number (530 C and trogen at 77 K on the BHAC produced at different conditions. These
impregnation ratio of 1.5 g ZnCl2/g BH), a low yield isotherms exhibit typical Type IV adsorption/desorption isotherm
(26.84 3.05%) was predicted by Eq. (7). In contrast, if the optimal shape with hysteresis loop and steep rises at low relative pressure
conditions for the yield (300 C and impregnation ratio of 0.76 g indicating the presence of both mesopore and micropore structures
ZnCl2/g BH) were used, a low iodine number (350.87 105.7 mg/ (Sing et al., 1985), and at the highest impregnation ratio, the hys-
g) was predicted by Eq. (6). Therefore, both responses were opti- teresis effect is more evident, indicating an increase in the per-
mized simultaneously by using the desirability functions approach centage of mesopores. Additionally, an increase in the
included in the Design expert software. All variables were impregnation ratio results in an increase in the adsorbed volume;
Table 8
Comparison of the activated carbon properties and production conditions with literature data.
Precursor Impregnation ratio Temperature Activation time Iodine Surface area Yield Reference
(g ZnCl2/g BH) ( C) (min) number (mg/g) (m2/g) (%)
Dates stones 0.5 700 180 e 951 e Alhamed, 2009
Coffee residue 0.25 110 1440 e 520 e Khenniche and
Benissad-Aissani, 2010
Nuts of Terminalia arjuna 2 500 60 e 1260 e Mohanty et al., 2005
Nutshells of Sterculia alata 1 500 60 1122 712 46 Mohanty et al., 2006
Agave bagassea 1.08 456.1 23.8 e 1593.4 e Nieto-Delgado and
Rangel-Mendez, 2011
Herb residuesa 1.105 467 60 896 1125 34 Yang and Qiu, 2011
Tamarind wooda 2.95 439.76 40.26 e 1322 45.26 Sahu et al., 2010
Coir pith 0.5 700 e 203 910 e Namasivayam and
Sangeetha, 2006
Oreganum stalks 1 600 120 e 944 36 HTimur et al., 2006
Pistachio-nut shell 0.75 400 60 e 1635.37 e Lua and Yang, 2005
This research 1.1 436 20 901.86 811.44 48.48
Optimal production conditions determined using the response surface methodology.
M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125 123
Fig. 3. The adsorption/desorption isotherms of N2 at 77 K on BHAC produced under Fig. 6. FTIR spectra of BH and BHAC produced under optimal conditions (activation
optimal conditions (activation time of 20 min, temperature of 436 C, and impreg- time of 20 min, temperature of 436 C, and impregnation ratio of 1.1 g ZnCl2/g BH).
nation ratio of 1.1 g ZnCl2/g BH) and under different impregnation ratios (with acti-
vation time of 100 min and temperature of 500 C).
Fig. 5. The pore size distribution (a) and cumulative pore volume (b) for BHAC produced under optimal conditions (activation time of 20 min, temperature of 436 C, and
impregnation ratio of 1.1 g ZnCl2/g BH) and under different impregnation ratios (with activation time of 100 min and temperature of 500 C).
124 M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125
Fig. 8. SEM micrographs of BHAC at (a) a low impregnation ratio (0.5 g ZnCl2/g BH; activation time of 100 min and temperature of 500 C), (b) optimal conditions (activation time of
20 min, temperature of 436 C, and impregnation ratio of 1.1 g ZnCl2/g BH) and (c) a high impregnation ratio (1.5 g ZnCl2/g BH; activation time of 100 min and temperature of
500 C).
M. Loredo-Cancino et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 125 (2013) 117e125 125
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