United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 6,628,382 B2: Robertson (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2003
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 6,628,382 B2: Robertson (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2003
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Us 6,628,382 B2: Robertson (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 30, 2003
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LIQUID PHOTOMETER USING SURFACE gible and with optical properties identical to those of the
TENSION TO CONTAIN SAMPLE Sample being measured), and I the level of light transmitted
through the Sample being measured. Most commonly the
absorbance value is measured in a cell or cuvette with a 1 cm
FIELD OF INVENTION path length. However, Lambert's Law states that for a
This invention relates to the fields of photometry,
collimated (all rays approximately parallel) beam of light
Spectrophotometry, fluorometry, Spectrofluorometry and the passing through a homogeneous Solution of uniform con
like and their use in optically quantitating and or character centration the absorbance is proportional to the path length
izing liquids and Solutions. through the solution. For two path lengths X and Y,
(Absorbance x)/(Absorbance y)=(Pathlength x)/(Pathllengthy)
Thus it is reasonable that absorbance can be measured with
This invention relates to the field of spectrophotometers path lengths other than 1 cm and corrected for path length to
and related instruments. More particularly the invention the equivalent value for a 1 cm path which can be more
relates to ultra low Volume instruments working in the 15 easily compared to data from other spectrophotometers. The
Volume range of 2 microliters or leSS. Such devices are Sample path lengths in the range of 0.2 to 2 mm used in this
particularly useful in quantitation of biotechnology Samples invention can be used to generate absorbance values that can
including nucleic acids or proteins where it is desirable to be easily corrected to the 1 cm path equivalent.
keep Sample loSS and/or cross-contamination to a minimum. Although liquids confined by Surface tension and an
The prior art contains examples of attempts to Supply low optical Surface are well known, e.g. raindrops on the
volume spectrophotometers. World Precision Instruments of window, establishing a collimated optical light path of
Sarasota, Fla. offers parts from which an instrument han known length through Such confined liquids has been per
dling less than 20 microliters can be built for around S3000. ceived as difficult. The recent advent of Small spectrometers
This uses a fiber optic dipping probe with a tip diameter of designed to be used with fiber optics has made it possible to
1.5 mm (DipTip(R), their miniature fiber optic spectrometer 25 consider spectrophotometric geometries not readily possible
and F-O-Lite H light source. With a deuterium lights source before.
(D2Lux) a UV spectrophotometer can be constructed. It is the object of the instant invention to make use of the
U.S. Pat. No. 4,643,580 to Gross et al. discloses a Surface tension of a microliter or Submicroliter Sample of
photometer head in which there is a housing for receiving liquid to provide Suficient means to confine it within the
and Supporting Small test Volumes. A fiber optic transmitter analysis region of an optical analysis instrument and to carry
and receiver are spaced within the housing So that a drop can out the requisite measurement.
be Suspended between the two ends. STATEMENT OF INVENTION
McMillan, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,910,402, discloses apparatus
in which a Syringe drops liquid into the gap between two 35
The invention is an optical instrument for photometric,
fixed fibers and an IR pulse from a LED laser is fed through Spectrophotometric, fluorometric or spectrofluorometric
the droplet. The output Signal is analyzed as a function of the analysis of liquids contained between two Substantially
interaction of the radiation with the liquid of the drop. parallel Surfaces on anvils Spaced apart a known distance,
Ocean Optics, of Dunedin, Fla. 34.698 Supplies a Spec wherein the Sample liquid is confined by the Surfaces and the
troPipetter for microliter-Volume Samples using a Sample 40
Surface tension of the liquid. Each of these Surfaces contain
Volume of about 2 microliters. The optics not only carry light an optical fiber mounted coaxially with each and perpen
to and from the Samples but act as a plunger to load the dicular to the parallel confining Surfaces. The shape and
Sample. The tip of the pipette includes the sample cell. nature of the Surfaces Serve to confine the liquid So as to
center the confined droplet in the optical path of the optical
Liquids, mixtures, Solutions and reacting mixtures are fibers embedded in the Surfaces. An apparatus Supporting the
often characterized using optical techniques Such as 45
Surfaces permits the Surfaces to be controllably Separated to
photometry, spectrophotometry, fluorometry, or spectrofluo allow loading of the Sample and cleaning of the Surfaces
rometry. In order to characterize Samples of these liquids, the after Sample analysis.
liquid is usually contained in a vessel referred to as a cell or For Some applications, the optical fibers can be replaced by
cuvette two or more of whose sides are of optical quality and miniature Sources like light emitting diodes (LEDs) and
permit the passage of those wavelengths needed to charac 50
detectors or detectors with optical filters. The LEDs with
terize the liquid contained therein. When dealing with very their characteristically Small emitting area would replace the
Small Sample Volumes of Say from 1 to 2 microliters, it is Source fiber and Small Solid State detectors with associated
difficult to create cells or cuvettes Small enough to to be filters like those used in color charge coupled devices
filled and permit the industry Standard 1 cm optical path to (CCDS) for imaging would replace the receiving fiber and
be used. It is also difficult and/or time consuming to clean 55
these cells or cuvettes for use with another Sample. In the
case of photometry or spectrophotometry, the value most BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
commonly Sought is the Sample absorbance A defined by FIG. 1 is a drawing of a cutaway Section of the optical
A=-log T 60 path of the invention.
FIG. 2 is a drawing of a cutaway Section of the optical
Where T is the transmittance, or path of the invention with additional fluorometric source
A=log(III) optical fibers shown.
FIG.3a is a perspective drawing of a process by which the
where I is the level of light transmitted through a blank 65 Sample is loaded into the optical path of the invention.
Sample (one containing all components except the one being FIG. 3b shows the sample between the two anvils in the
measured or one whose absorbance is known to be negli measurement position.
US 6,628,382 B2
3 4
FIG. 3c shows the sample compressed between the two through the Sample and A is the absorbance value which can
anvils in the short path or Sample compression position. be related to the concentration of the component being
FIG. 3d shows the sample column drawn by opening the analyzed by Beer's law which states that for solutions 1 and
anvils from the Sample compression position to the Sample 2 that
measurement position.
FIG. 4a is a perspective drawing of apparatus of the (Absorbance 1) (Concentration 1)
invention in its open position with the Source and Spectrom (Absorbance 2) T (Concentration 2)
FIG. 4b shows the apparatus in its closed position as it Thus, when compared with a blank Sample, the concentra
would be for Sample compression or analysis. tion can be directly determined from the absorbance A.
FIGS. 5a and 5b show a system with four spectropho The SMA optical fiber connectors can be held in place by
tometer Systems operating Simultaneously for use on robotic apparatus shown in FIGS. 4a and 4b. The light from the
platforms in both the loading, 5a, and measuring, 5b, system source 74 (Ocean Optics inc. p/n DT-1000, a com
configurations respectively. bined deuterium arc and quartz halogen incandescent lamp,
FIG. 6a is a perspective view of the open instrument of the 15 alternatively a xenon flashlamp can be used) is coupled
invention showing two pipetter tips loading two parts of a through a bifurcated optical fiber assembly (Ocean Optics
mixture each on either Side of the measurement apparatus. inc. p/n BIF-100-2-UV-VIS) to the apparatus 50 with the
FIG. 6b shows the instrument of FIG. 6a closed. Second fiber of the bifurcated assembly going to reference
FIGS. 7a and 7b show perspective views of two path slave spectrometer 72 (Ocean Optics p/n SD2000). The
lengths provided by the apparatus of the invention So that a SMA connectors 53 are mounted to the apparatus by means
differential absorbance path is established. of threaded couplers 52 (World Precision Instruments p/n
FIG. 8 shows a perspective view of a measurement made 13370) which are threaded into the apparatus. The Swing
in the instrument of the invention holding the Sample arm 56 carrying the upper optical fiber 53 can be lowered to
between two transparent sheets. align the source with the detection fiber as is shown in 60,
FIG. 9 shows a perspective view of a measurement made 25 FIG. 4b. The Swing arm spacing is controlled by pin 62
in the instrument of the invention holding the Sample within resting on the plunger 67 of Solenoid 68 (Lucas Ledex of
a transparent container with flexible walls. Vandalia, Ohio p/n 174534-033) shown mounted below the
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION apparatus. The other end of the Solenoid plunger 67 rests on
The liquid sample shown in FIG. 1 is contained by its spring plunger 58 (Manhattan Supply of Plainview, N.Y. p/n
Surface tension between Surfaces 2 and 7 also shown in FIG. 82412032). The sample can be compressed as is shown in
1. Light 3 from the System Source coming through the fiber 20, FIG. 3c by pushing on the Swing arm 56 so as to push
contained in and flush with surface 7 radiates upward the Solenoid plunger to the limit of its travel or by actuating
through the liquid sample and is collected by the larger fiber the Solenoid electrically and pulling the plunger to its Stop.
or light pipe 6 in the upper Surface 2 and Sent on to the The Swing arm is held in both its up and its down position
analysis photometer or spectrometer for absorbance mea 35 by magnet 64 (Edmund Scientific of Barrington, N.J. p/n
Surements. For making fluorescence measurements, the J35-105) attracted to either post 66 or allen head cap screw
excitation light can also be brought to the Sample through 54. With the Swing arm in its raised position, the sample
fibers surrounding the collection fiber 6 as is shown in 83, detection Surfaces may be cleaned by wiping the Sample
FIG. 2, This reduces the need for high excitation wavelength from both the lower and upper SMA connector ends before
rejection on the part of the Spectrometer collecting the 40 reloading.
fluorescence light from the Sample through collection fiber Light transmitted through the Sample is collected by the
6. upper fiber and coupled to the detection master spectrometer
Samples are loaded onto the lower Source with a pipetting 70 (Ocean Optics p/n SD2000). The fiber is confined to
means 40, FIG. 3a such as a 2 microliter Pipetteman(R) from minimize flexure of the fiber which would cause unneces
the Ranin(R) Corporation of Woburn, Mass., part of the tip of 45 Sary variability in its transmission and thus unnecessary
which is shown in 40. The droplet 5 when emptied from the variation in measured absorbances. The Swing arm is pre
pipette, if of Sufficient volume, will spread to cover the lower cision pivoted on a shaft turning in two preloaded ball
anvil Surface 7, FIG. 1 which is typically the end of an bearingS 66. Note that the instrument is opened by turning
industry standard SMA fiber optic connector 10, FIG. 3a through an arc Sufficient to permit loading and cleaning. See
(found as connectors on the ends of optical patch cords like 50 FIG. 4. Preferably it is opened at least 90 degrees as seen in
p/n P-400-2-UV-VIS from Ocean Optics inc. of Dunedin, FIG. 4 and more preferably the arc approaches 160 degrees
Fla.) until it encounters the sharp edge shown as 4, FIG. 1. as seen in FIG. 6a.
For most SMA connectors the approximate 2 mm end
diameter can be effectively covered with 2 microliters of In order to accomplish illumination of the Sample for
water or a water-based Solutions. fluorescence as shown in 83, FIG. 2, the upper fiber assem
The upper Second Surface is brought into the measurement 55 bly would need to be custom made So as to Surround the
position 18, FIG. 3b and then into close proximity 20 to the collection fiber with illumination fibers. These would be
lower Surface 7, FIG. 3c, making contact with the deposited bundled and illuminated with the Source wavelength com
droplet wetting the entire confining Surface before returning patible for use with the Sample.
to the Sample measurement position and drawing up the As seen in FIGS. 5a and 5b, two or more of the photo
sample measurement column 30, FIG. 3d shown in 25. By 60 metric Systems can be grouped in unitary form to test
applying blank Samples, Samples missing the component multiple Samples Simultaneously. Such a multiple parallel
being analyzed, the difference in transmitted light intensity photometer System can be employed with a multi-pipette
can be used to characterize the sample according to robot system such as the MultiPROBE II made by Packard
A=-log (III)
Instrument Company of Meriden, Conn. In FIG. 5, the four
65 signal fibers 6, FIG. 1 each feed a fiber optic spectrometer
where I is level of transmitted light with the component and the Spectra are taken Simultaneously. The four Source
being analyzed absent, and I is the level of light transmitted fibers, not shown, are illuminated from a single Source
US 6,628,382 B2
S 6
which may be referenced with a single reference Spectrom and the optical fiber imbedded in the anvil. Once the
eter as with the single channel system. In FIG. 5 the measurement column is pulled, absorbance can be measured
apparatus is shown closed 100 and open for loading 110. as a difference in absorbance between two path lengths.
Opening and closing are controlled by a rotary actuator 108 What is claimed is:
such as p/n 195191-031 made by Lucas Ledex of Vandalia, 1. A photometric or Spectrophotometric apparatus wherein
Ohio and cam 106. Spring plunger 104 Such as p/n 3408A35 a Sample in the form of a liquid drop is contained by Surface
sold by McMaster-Carr of New Brunswick, N.J. controls the tension forces between two planar Surfaces, one containing
position and provides the Spring force against which the a photometric or spectrophotometric Source and the other a
compression overtravel is accomplished for initial spreading photometric or spectrophotometric detector and an optical
of the Sample. path is established through the Sample between the two
Samples for photometric analysis can also be loaded into Surfaces said apparatus comprising:
the Sample handling apparatus in two parts, one on each of first and Second anvil Surfaces at least one being moveable
the opposing Surfaces. This is especially useful where the relative the other to any one of three positions:
Sample of interest is a two part reacting mixture where the an adjustable Sample loading position So Selected that
one or more of the beginning absorbance, the ending 15 the at least one moveable Surface and the other
absorbance, and the rate of reaction are of interest and can Surface are So remotely Spaced that a liquid drop can
be measured photometrically of fluorometrically. Samples of be placed on the first Surface;
this Sort can be loaded into the open Spectrophotometer as an adjustable Sample compression position So Selected
shown in FIG. 6a, where two pipetter tips 205 are shown that the Surfaces are opposed and Substantially par
loading the two parts of the mixture, each on either Side of allel and proximally Spaced So that the liquid wets
the measurement apparatus 200. When closed as shown in and spreads upon both Surfaces,
FIG. 6b, measurement can be made from onset of any an adjustable Sample measuring position So Selected
reaction. The exact time of Sample mixing can be deter that the opposed Substantially parallel Surfaces are
mined from photometric or fluorometric measurement Spaced apart to pull the Sample into a column
through the apparatus optical fibers. 25 wherein it is contained by Surface tension thereby
Samples can also be measured with a differential absor providing an optical path for a photometric or Spec
bance path as shown in FIGS. 7a and 7b. Here sample trophotometric measurement.
absorbance can be measured by changing the optical path 2. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the Source is
over which the absorbance is measured, measuring the coupled to the Sample with an optical fiber or light pipe.
Sample at each of one or more path lengths, where the 3. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the detector is
difference in path length combined with the difference in coupled to the Sample with an optical fiber or light pipe.
transmitted intensity can be used to calculate the Sample 4. An apparatus as in claim 3 wherein the Source and
absorbance. This can be of significant value if the sample is detector are each coupled to the sample with an optical fiber
highly absorbing and the accuracy of the path difference for or light pipe.
a small path difference can be better determined than the 35 5. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein there is means Such
absolute full optical path. Measurements are taken as shown that the optical path between the two Surfaces and through
in FIG.7a, where sample 310 is shown with a relatively long the Sample can be varied to accommodate a wide range of
path P and FIG. 7b with a relatively short path length P. Sample absorbances.
between the moveable anvils carrying the facing Surfaces 6. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein the Source is
with one or more path differences AP with the absorbance at 40 intended to excite fluorescence in the Sample and the detec
the shorter path P being subtracted from the absorbance of tor has provision to block the Source illumination and detect
one or more of the longer paths to arrive at the absorbance only the fluorescence.
of the Sample. 7. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein the Source is
Samples can also be contained between two thin sheets of coupled to the Sample with an optical fiber or light pipe.
optically transparent material like TeflonTM or polyethylene 45 8. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein the detector is
films. As shown in FIG. 8, the same sort of column drawn coupled to the Sample with an optical fiber or light pipe.
between the two parts of the sample apparatus can be drawn 9. An apparatus as in claim 5 wherein the optical mea
between the two thin optical sheets 400 where the anvils of Surement path can be varied to accommodate variable levels
the apparatus are wetted to the film Surfaces to minimize of fluorescence and variable levels of absorbance.
reflection at the interface and aid in pulling the measurement 50 10. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the Source
column. This would be of Significant use where Samples are illuminates the Sample from the detection Side of the appa
corrosive or dangerous to handle for Safety reasons and ratus for the measurement of fluorescence.
containment of the Sample is preferred. The two containing 11. An apparatus as in claim 10 wherein both the source
sheets 400 allow the two parts 2 and 7 of the sample and the detector are coupled to the Sample with an optical
apparatus to draw the sample 9 into column 410. Differential 55 fiber or light pipe.
measurement of the sort discussed above would be of 12. Apparatus as in claim 10 wherein the Sample optical
Significant value in this Sort of measurement as the effects of path can be varied to accommodate variable levels of
the interfaces could be minimized with differential measure fluorescence.
ment. The two sheets 400 can be replaced by a small vessel 13. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein components of
412, see FIG. 9, with flexible walls 414 such that the sample 60 reacting or mixing Samples can be applied to each of the two
contained can be pulled into a measurement column. The Sides allowing photometric measurement to be made as the
column is pulled by pushing the anvils of the apparatus into Samples mix or react.
the film until contact is made by both films, then drawing the 14. A method of using the apparatus of claim 13 wherein
measurement column. The compliance of the film will cause components of reacting or mixing Samples are applied to
it to remain in contact with the anvils. Wetting the anvils 65 each of the two Surfaces allowing photometric,
before making contact will assist in maintaining contact and Spectrophotometric, fluorometric or spectrofluorometric
in minimizing reflection at the interface between the film measurement to be made as the Samples mix or react.
US 6,628,382 B2
7 8
15. An apparatus as in claim 1 wherein the Sample is 23. An apparatus wherein the Sample is contained in a
confined between two thin transparent sheets to prevent small vessel with flexible walls such that the sample can be
contamination or damage to the photometric measurement pulled into a measurement column between the fixed and
apparatuS or Operator. moveable anvil Surfaces and its absorbance measured as a
16. A method of using the apparatus of claim 1 wherein difference in absorbance between two optical pathlengths.
photometric or spectrophotometric measurement is made 24. A method of using the apparatus of claim 23 wherein
using two optical pathlengths. the sample is enclosed in the small vessel with flexible walls,
17. An apparatus for performing optical measurements on the Surfaces of the apparatus are wetted, the vessel is placed
microliter or Sub-microliter liquid Samples comprising a between the Surfaces of the apparatus and the Sample is
frame, a fixed Surface or anvil mounted on the frame, a 1O pulled into a measurement column by Separating the Sur
moveable Surface or anvil mounted to the frame in Substan faces while the Sample absorbance is measured as a differ
tial parallel opposition to the fixed anvil Surface in at least ence in absorbance between paths of two pathlengths.
one position, at least two optical fibers penetrating at least 25. In apparatus for the photometric or Spectrophotomet
one of the Surfaces, each of the fibers finished flush with its ric measurement of Small liquid volume Samples the
respective Surface, means to move the moveable anvil 15 improvement comprising holding the sample by Surface
Surface to at least one controlled spacing from the fixed tension between two Surfaces, adjusting the distance
Surface and means to perform an optical measurement of the between those two Surfaces Such that the Sample is drawn
properties of the microliter or Sub-microliter liquid Sample into a column by Separating the two Surfaces to a Selected
disposed between the Surfaces employing at least one fiber measuring distance, and performing the measurement
to deliver light to the Sample and at least one other fiber to employing a photometric or Spectrophotometric detector
transmit transmitted or excited energy to a detector. each in one of the Surfaces.
18. The apparatus of claim 17 wherein at least two optical 26. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein the source is
fibers are opposed and each Surface is penetrated by at least coupled to the Sample with an optical fiber or light pipe.
one fiber. 27. The apparatus of claim 25 wherein the detector is
19. The apparatus of claim 18 wherein the moveable 25 couples to the Sample with an optical fiber or light pipe.
Surface is mounted on a Swing arm pivotally related to the 28. The apparatus of claim 27 wherein the optical path is
fixed Surface. established through the Sample between the Source and
20. The apparatus of claim 19 wherein the moveable detector and this path can be varied by adjusting the distance
Surface and Swing arm are disposed to be manually pivoted between the two Surfaces.
to rest upon on of the two tips of the plunger of a Solenoid 29. A method of performing a photometric or spectropho
fixedly mounted to the fixed surface and the other tip of the tometric measurement on a microdrop liquid Sample com
plunger is biased toward the moveable Surface So that the prising: placing the Sample on one of two relatively move
SWing arm can be manually depressed to compreSS the able opposing Surfaces, or placing a part of the Sample on
Sample between the two Surfaces, or the Solenoid can be each Sutrface; moving the Surfaces toward each other a
energized to compreSS the Sample, whereby the Sample wets 35 preSelecV6ed distance to Spread the Sample and to wet the
both Surfaces, but when the Solenoid is not energized and no Surfaces, moving the Surfaces apart from each other a
manual force is applied to the Swing arm the two Surfaces are preselected distance whereby the Sample is contained
Spaced a Selected distance apart to provide a desired optical between tuhe Surfaces by Surface tension; and performing
path through the Sample for measurement. the photometric or spectrophotometric measurement.
21. The apparatus of claim 20 wherein an adjustable stop 40 30. Apparatus for performing a plurality of optical mea
regulates the Spacing between the two Surfaces when the Surements simultaneously on microliter or Sub-microliter
Solenoid plunger is depressed. Samples Comprising an equal plurality of the apparatus of
22. The apparatus of claim 21 wherein a permanent claim 17 assembled in unitary form.
magnet mounted on the Swing arm interacts with the framw
to hold the Swing arm in either the open or closed position. k k k k k