United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent
United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent
22 Coil 28-----Amplifier
100 100
Figure 3
US 6,845,270 B2
1 2
APPARATUS FOR DESTROYING PATHOGEN FIG. 2 is a Schematic of one method of arranging the
MOLECULES USING FREQUENCIES interior electronics for the unit;
FIG. 3 is a Square wave showing the positive and negative
location of the current produced by the disclosed device; and
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent FIG. 4 is a side view of the preferred embodiment for an
application Ser. No. 09/240,023 filed Jan. 29, 1999 now U.S. electrode.
Pat. No. 6,397,106, which was based on U.S. Provisional
Application No. 60/073,311 filed Jan. 29, 1998, the contents DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
of both of which are incorporated herein as though recited in INVENTION
full. 1O
It is well known that all matter vibrates at a specific level.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION It is also known that Vibrational levels can be changed
through interaction with a vibration slightly higher or lower,
1. Field of the Invention thereby bringing the Stimulated cells into forced resonance.
An inexpensive, portable apparatus, and CDS, to enable This technique is used in meditation wherein the metronome
frequencies to be played from a portable or home CD player 15
is Set for a specific brainwave cycle to lower the Subject's
is disclosed. brainwaves into a deep meditative state. The vibrational
2. Brief Description of the Prior Art frequencies for destroying pathogenic cells were first dis
It has long been known that all Substances are composed covered by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. Since that time,
of atoms, each with a vibrational frequency inherent in its although these frequencies were obviously known, they
composition. Just as all Substances have a vibrational have not been widely used, partially due to equipment
frequency, which maintains their integrity and composition, inconvenience. The equipment used by Rife, and others, was
interference with this frequency can destroy the Substances bulky and expensive, thereby requiring Visits to a facility for
integrity. This can be seen when a singer has Sufficient power each treatment.
in their voice to bring the frequency of the Sung note to the The disclosed device enables this electromagnetic tech
frequency of a crystal glass, thereby breaking the glass. This 25
nology to be easily accessible to anyone having a CD player.
physical law can also be applied to the icosahedral and The teachings herein enable the use of a portable CD player,
helical symmetry within a cell. The amplitude of a vibra
tional frequency can disrupt a cell, destroying the protein as well as a Station unit, and the references hereinafter are
bonds. Viruses and other pathogens are weakly bonded and directed to the portable unit. Although the frequencies for
their Symmetry can be considered a torsional oscillator use with the transfer unit disclosed herein can be recorded on
which can be destroyed by over driving these "oscillators” any high quality and distortion free recording medium, Such
at their resonant frequency. as computer chip, tape, etc., for ease of description, refer
Once the ability to detect and measure the vibrational ence will be made herein to the use of a CD. Since the
frequencies was discovered, the destruction of pathogens frequencies being used to break the pathogen bonds are
was explored. This is reflected in vast amounts of prior art 35 modulated for a specific pathogen, the frequency output
and publications since the 1940s. Publications such as The must be within 20% of the targeted frequency, requiring a
Rife Way 3, Mark Simpson; Blast It, Part 2: Frequency high quality medium.
Listings for Diseases, Disorders and Other Pesky Problems, The disclosed technology has gone beyond the known and
Compilation Halal Information, Texas; and The Cure for All proven Scientific data by amplifying the odd harmonics that
Diseases, Hulda R. Clark, PhD, MD, New Century Press, 40 naturally occur within the Square wave. A Sine wave can be
San Diego, Calif. (1995). The use of frequencies as a Somewhat irregular, however it is the most common wave
muscular therapy device is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. form occurring in nature, producing even and odd
4.919,139 issued to Brodard. The device, however, consists harmonics, which are multiple frequencies of the fundamen
of a computer and electrodes and requires complex pro tal. Therefore a 100 cycle per Second Sine wave produces
gramming to Sequence the programmed pulses. Other pat
ents have utilized frequencies, pulses and Voltages; however, 45 harmonics of 200, 300, 400, 500, etc., cycles per second. The
none have taken the frequency of Specific pathogens, 100 cycles per Second Square wave, however produces only
recorded the frequency, and made this treatment available in odd harmonics, 300, 500, 700 cycles per second and up.
a compact, inexpensive System. It is the odd harmonics generated from a Square wave that
Without the ability to easily bring this technology to induce resonance in a body causing cells to Sympathetically
individuals, the full benefits are difficult to achieve. The 50 Vibrate at the Same, or nearly the Same, frequency as the
disclosed invention makes the benefits of this technology applied frequency. The disclosed recorded medium, modu
easily accessible to the public. Additionally, the disclosure lated by the frequency transfer unit, incorporates a Square
takes the relationship between the Square wave created by wave at the applicable frequency and mathematically con
audible Sound and the Subsequent cascading harmonics and gruent Square waves that are applicable to the target cell(s)
converts this relationship to mathematical formulas. By 55 pleomorphic life cycle and bandwidth. This applied reso
making this relationship computable, Subsequent identifica nance can either Stimulate a cell to a slight higher or lower
tion of harmonics destructive to pathogens will be easier to energy state or destroy the cell if the amplitude (height) and
define. time of application (duration) of the wave are Sufficient.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS When the disclosed technology is used to destroy a
60 pathogenic cell, the resonance is increased to exceed the
The advantages of the disclosure will become more molecular bonding capability of the cell, causing the cell to
apparent when read with the Specification and the drawings, break apart, destroying the organism. As a result of this
wherein: destruction, the user experiences a local and/or general
FIG. 1A shows a virus capsid protein molecule; reaction of the immune System since the body's immune
FIG. 1B is a mathematical abstraction of the virus; 65 System can now recognize and eliminate the particulate
FIG. 1C the bonding region, center of mass and elastic matter resulting from the cells destruction. Somehow these
coupling of the protein molecule; insidious organisms that cause premature aging and our
US 6,845,270 B2
3 4
early demise appear harmless to our immune System until Voltage is effective based not on power, but rather on
they are exposed to their resonant frequency and are Sympathetic resonance and the use of Scalar waves.
obliterated, thereby enabling the bodies defense mechanism The connections between the CD player 10 differ from
to respond. This immune system response is called a Die Off connections used for music in that only one positive 14 and
reaction. The Die Off reaction will continue to occur upon 5 one negative 16 wires are used. The use of three leads, two
Successive treatments until there are no longer enough positive and a negative, as commonly used for Stereo, causes
degenerative cells to Stimulate an acute immune response, or phase interference in the coil 22 within the unit 20, elimi
until there are no more cells remaining that are sympathetic nating the Scalar wave potentials and negating the Scalar
to the frequencies being applied. Further advantages can be wave's benefits.
obtained from the disclosed device by periodically Screening A sealed electronics box 38 is contained within the unit 20
for a variety of potential degenerative organisms before they to house a coil 22 and amplifier 28 to prevent tampering or
have the opportunity to cause harm to the body. damage to the electronics. The coil 22 can be a toroid coil,
The disclosed System also serves as a Screening mecha or the equivalent with primary and Secondary windings with
nism for detecting pathogens and other possibly degenera a common ground, which will absorb most of the magnetic
tive organisms within the body. In order to screen a body for 15
flux within the core of the coil. The negative lead wire output
pathogens, a CD of many known pathogen-destroying fre 14 from the CD player 10 is connected to the ground
quencies is played using the disclosed frequency transfer connection 24 of the coil 22. The positive lead output from
System. When the user of the System detects a reaction, the the CD player is connected to the input of the coil 22, with
time and location of the reaction is recorded. From this data, a jumper wire lead 26 connected directly to the positive
the Scientific bandwidth that corresponds to a specific patho input of an integrated circuit amplifier 28. This creates a
gen can be determined from known research and records. phase disparity or bi-phase signal at the output of the
The reaction can include any number of physical changes or integrated circuit amplifier 28 as a result of the current lag
Sensations Such as pain or inflammation. These reactions, within the coil 22 windings. The inductive reactance within
known as a Herxhiemer Reaction, are believed to be the the coil 22 results in a one-dimensional electrical, or Scalar
user's body responding to cell destruction and immune 25
wave output of the coil which is connected, through lead 29,
System response. to the negative input of the integrated circuit amplifier 28.
The basis for the destruction of pathogens through fre The output leads 32 and 34 of the amplifier are flipped
quency modulation is the weak protein bond between (reversed) to contain most of the scalar potentials 100 at the
molecules, as illustrated in FIGS. 1A-C, with each overlap positive node 102 of the amplifier's output wave(s), as seen
or interSection region for each protein molecule Serving as a in FIG. 3. With a minimum of electrical resistance, due to the
weak point. Using this weakness, in combination with exponential harmonic output of the Scalar potentials, this
increased amplitudes at the pathogen's frequency, even ultra configuration enables the disclosed System to be used on
low intensity (10-16 W/m2) standing waves can rupture more than one perSon at a time as well as enhance the
these bonding regions. When exposed to its most stressful effectiveness of the applied frequency(s).
mechanical oscillation mode, the disintegration of a patho The amplifier 28 further contains a potentiometer 36 that
gen can be viewed through a microscope. To illustrate why is tuned to a mean frequency and predetermined amplitude.
the bonds are disintegrated, FIG. 1A illustrates an example This mean frequency is near the center of the bandwidth of
Virus capsid 1 using a ten-member protein clumping. In FIG. applicable therapeutic frequencies. This ensures continuity
1B a mathematical abstraction of the virus capsid 10 is 40
of Signal output for therapeutic applications. Since the
portrayed with a focus on the oscillation of a single protein electronics box 38 is sealed, the potentiometer 36 cannot be
2. AS can be seen, the focused area is an ellipse having its unintentionally altered.
major axis at the bonding region with the adjacent protein An important and Significantly researched aspect of cel
and its minor axis as the center of mass of the protein lular dysfunction is the loSS or reversal of cellular polarity.
molecule. An elastic coupling extends along the major axis Mutated cells have lost or changed their polarity which
between the protein molecules. It is at the bonding region 45
between the adjacent protein molecules that the pathogen is prevent adequate communication and bonding with other
cells. It is believed that re-establishing proper polarity
weakest. Differential equations, additional information to within the cell(s) can result from the induction of electro
corroborate the process, as well as Specific frequencies, can magnetic waves when the waves contain Scalar potentials
be found in publications Set forth in parent application Ser. and the potentials are most prominent at the positive node of
No. 09/240,023, and are incorporated herein as though 50
recited in full. the electromagnetic waves. Another aspect of the aforemen
tioned is an electroStatic attraction, in that it has been
Frequency Transfer System observed that mutated cells have displayed a Somewhat
In the preferred embodiment, the frequency transfer SyS negative charge. This polar attraction could expedite the
tem includes a digital electronic device, Such as a CD player, 55 capability to induce Sympathetic resonance and evisceration
capable of transferring data from a data Storage medium, a of mutated cells. It has also been discovered that Scalar
frequency transfer unit consisting of an amplifier and a coil, waves have a significant impact on the human immune
and electrode leads having contact Surfaces. The System uses System, enhancing the effectiveness of white blood cells and
only AC current as DC has been proved to be harmful to lymphocytes.
cellular structures. AS shown in FIG. 2, the digital electronic 60 The amplifier 28 is powered by a rechargeable battery 40
device 10 is preferably a portable CD player, or other to enable the unit to be portable. The recharging of the
equivalent unit, that includes a line-out jack 12 which battery 40, as well as the ability to use direct current to
provides a connection to the frequency transfer unit 20. The power an amplifier, is well known in the art. Preferably the
voltage output of a portable CD player is only about 0.4 unit contains low battery indicators, on/off lights and other
VAC, requiring amplification to achieve any efficacy. This is 65 indicators known in the electronics field.
achieved through the use of an integrated circuit amplifier Optimum results are received when multiple harmoni
28, to increase the output to about 4 to 6 VAC. This low cally related congruent Square waves are recorded on the CD
US 6,845,270 B2
S 6
for Simultaneous applications. AS Stated herein, different provided in the disclosed device prevent the Voltage level
pathogens are affected by different frequencies. Recording from reaching even close to a harmful point.
multiple frequencies, harmonically related, onto the CD will Since other modifications and changes varied to fit par
enable the frequencies to work together Synergistically, thus ticular operating requirements and environments will be
eliminating various pathogens and while also targeting the apparent to those skilled in the art, the invention is not
pleomorphic Stages of cellular mutation. Once an appropri considered limited to the example chosen for the purposes of
ate frequency has been established for the primary disease, disclosure, and coverS all changes and modifications which
harmonically related frequencies are also established/ do not constitute departures from the true Spirit and Scope of
recorded within a relevant bandwidth. Longer waves pro this invention.
vide more power and are recorded at lower amplitudes as not What is claimed is:
to override the shorter harmonic wavelengths. The waves 1. A frequency transfer System comprising:
must be mathematically congruent, as a lack of congruency a digital electronic device having at least one line outjack
will cause phase interference and dissonance. The Signal and being capable of transferring electromagnetic
processing of the CD recording, which entails equalization waves from a data Storage medium, Said data Storage
and compression of pathogen Specific Square waves and 15
medium being recorded with at least one Square wave
their relevant harmonic Square waves, determine the overall at a predetermined frequency;
output of transfer unit.
The amplifier 28 will, as well as increasing the Voltage, a transfer unit, Said transfer unit having no transformer
decrease the rise time of the Square waves, thus optimizing and receiving Said line out jack and having:
the harmonic output of the waves. The interaction of the a coil, Said coil receiving Said Square waves, absorbing
congruent and incongruent Square waves and/or dissonance magnetic flux from Said electromagnetic Square waves
of the waves are monitored on an oscilloscope during the and having an output of Scalar Square waves;
recording process. an amplifier having a positive input and a negative input
In order to transfer the frequencies to the user, leads 50 and a positive output and a negative output, Said
and 52 extend from the unit 20 to electrodes 72 and 74 that 25 amplifier increasing Voltage and reversing wave polari
are place on the body. In the preferred embodiment, illus ties between Said positive input and Said negative input
trated in FIG. 4, the predominately electrical wave electrode and Said positive output and Said negative output;
72 is placed within fabric 76 to prevent direct contact with an incoming positive lead from Said digital electronic
the skin. The fabric 76 can be a continuation of the armband device, Said incoming positive lead having a first por
74 or Separate material and the various ways to encase the tion and a Second portion, Said first portion being
electrode 72 will be obvious to those skilled in the art. The connected to Said coil and Said Second portion being
predominately electromagnetic wave electrode 74 is placed connected to said amplifier;
directly onto the skin in conjunction with electrode gel. By an incoming negative lead from Said digital electronic
preventing both of the electrodes from directly contacting 35
device, Said incoming negative lead being connected to
the skin, the user does not feel any of the electrical pulses. a ground on Said coil;
It should be noted that the Voltage references herein are a transfer lead, Said transfer lead connecting Said Scalar
within the Safe range for humans. This technology can also waves from Said coil to Said amplifier; and
readily be adapted for animal use and the Voltage would a rechargeable battery, Said rechargeable battery powering
necessarily require adjustment in accordance with the physi 40 Said amplifier;
ology of the particular animal. wherein, electromagnetic Square waves from Said digital
The desired frequencies are placed onto the recorded electronic device are received by Said transfer unit and
modulating medium for a predetermined length of time and are converted to predominately Scalar output Square
may be repeated as necessary to equal the recommended waves having an increased Voltage and reversed polar
treatment time. The treatment time is dependent upon the 45 ity within Said transfer unit thereby placing the greatest
pathogen and its Severity, user body weight, etc. Since Scalar potentials at the positive node of Said output
application of the frequencies for periods of time longer than Square wave.
the recommended time period cannot harm the individual, 2. The frequency transfer System of claim 1, wherein Said
the concern is matter of insuring that the frequencies are digital electronic device is a CD player and wherein Said
used for a period of time sufficient to allow destruction of the 50 data Storage medium is a CD.
pathogens molecular bonds. AS Stated herein, the frequen 3. The frequency transfer System of claim 2, wherein Said
cies are not of an amplitude or amperage as to disrupt or CD player is a hand-held unit.
harm healthy cells. Only the pathogens residing at the outer 4. The frequency transfer System of claim 1, wherein Said
portion of the tissues are destroyed by the frequencies with amplifier further comprises a potentiometer, Said potentiom
pathogens residing within the tissue migrating outward to 55 eter being Set at a mean level to maintain output from Said
occupy the empty Spaces. The use of repeated treatments amplifier in an optimum Square wave amplitude for thera
destroys pathogens as they migrate to the outer portions of peutic applications.
the tissues until all pathogens have been destroyed. 5. The frequency transfer system of claim 1, wherein said
AS each frequency is aligned with the frequency of the data Storage medium is recorded with at least one Square
pathogenic protein bond to be broken, only bonds that are 60 wave frequency for transmission to Said transfer unit.
affected by these frequencies are those Specific targeted 6. The frequency transfer system of claim 5, wherein at
pathogens. Normal cells are prevented from being affected least one of Said at least one Square wave frequency is a
by the recorded frequencies by their inherent Structure. A pathogen destroying Square wave frequency.
normal cell has a hexagonal and pentagonal periphery, a 7. The frequency transfer system of claim 6, wherein each
Stronger molecular matrix, and a Substantially higher mortal 65 of Said at least one Square wave frequency is congruent to
oscillation rate. The Voltage required to affect a normal cell other Square wave frequencies being transmitted Simulta
is in the range of 50 volts or 1 ampere and the Safeguards neously.
US 6,845,270 B2
7 8
8. The transfer system of claim 1 wherein said square at least one pair of electrodes, Said electrodes being
wave frequencies are created on a frequency counter/ connected to Said transfer unit by output leads,
generator, Said frequencies being Stored on Said data Storage modulating Said at least one Square wave frequency and
medium. Said at least one harmonic from Said data Storage
9. The frequency transfer system of claim 1 wherein said medium to each of Said electrode, wherein, Said at least
coil is a toroid coil. one Square wave frequency and Said at least one
10. The frequency transfer system of claim 9, wherein harmonic enterS Said body via one of Said electrode,
Said coil is copper. recording times and locations of bodily reactions to Said
11. The transfer system of claim 1 further comprising at at least one wave and at least one harmonic, and
least one pair electrodes having body-affixing means, each 1O
analyzing Said time and location of bodily reactions to
of Said at least one pair of body affixing means affixing Said determine the correspondence between Said reactions
electrodes to a user's body. and Said known pathogen-destroying frequencies,
12. The transfer system of claim 11 wherein a first of said wherein, Said correspondence indicates presence of a
pair of electrodes contacts Said user's skin and a Second of Specific pathogen in Said body.
Said electrodes is proximate Said user's skin. 15
17. A method of destroying pathogens comprising:
13. The transfer system of claim 12 wherein said electrode
is Secured within Said body affixing means to prevent contact preparing a data Storage medium containing at least one
with Said user's skin. Square wave frequency for transmission Synchronously
14. The transfer system of claim 11 wherein said electrode with at least one harmonic of Said at least one Square
Surface is Stainless Steel. wave frequency, wherein each of Said at least one
15. The transfer system of claim 1 wherein waves passing Square wave frequency corresponds to a particular
through Said Second Section enter Said amplifier prior to pathogen-destroying frequency, and wherein the timing
waves passing through Said coil, thereby creating a phase of each of Said at least one Square wave frequency on
disparity in Said transfer unit output. Said data Storage medium is known;
16. A method of Screening a body for pathogens com 25 affixing a frequency transferring device to a body, Said
prising: frequency transferring device comprising:
preparing a data Storage medium containing at least one a coil, Said coil absorbing magnetic flux from Said
Square wave frequency for transmission Synchronously electromagnetic waves and having an output of Sca
with at least one mathematically congruent Square lar waves;
wave of Said at least one Square wave frequency, an amplifier having a positive input and a negative
wherein each of Said at least one Square wave fre input and a positive output and a negative output,
quency corresponds to a particular pathogen-destroying Said amplifier increasing Voltage and reversing Wave
frequency, and wherein the timing of each of Said at polarities between Said positive input and Said nega
least one Square wave frequency on Said data Storage tive input and Said positive output and Said negative
medium is known; 35 output;
transmitting Said at least one Square wave through a an incoming positive lead from Said digital electronic
frequency transferring device to Said body, Said fre device, Said incoming positive lead having a first
quency transferring device comprising: portion and a Second portion, Said first portion being
a coil, Said coil absorbing magnetic flux from Said connected to Said coil and Said Second portion being
Square waves and having an output of Scalar waves; 40 connected to Said amplifier,
an amplifier, Said amplifier having a positive input and an incoming negative lead from Said digital electronic
a negative input and a positive output and a negative device, Said incoming negative lead being connect to
output, and increasing Voltage and reversing wave a ground on Said coil;
polarities between Said positive input and Said nega a transfer lead, Said transfer lead connecting a com
tive input and Said positive output and Said negative 45 bined current from Said coil to Said amplifier;
output; transmitting Said at least one Square wave frequency and
an incoming positive lead from Said digital electronic Said at least one harmonic to each of Said contact
device, Said incoming positive lead having a first Surfaces, wherein, Said at least one Square wave fre
portion and a Second portion, Said first portion being quency and Said at least one harmonic enterS Said body
connected to Said coil positive input and Said Second 50 via Said electrodes;
portion being connected to Said amplifier positive transmitting Said Square waves for a predetermined length
input; of time based on a predetermined Schedule,
an incoming negative lead from Said digital electronic wherein Said at least one Square wave frequency increases
device, Said incoming negative lead being connect to 55
the vibrational frequency of Said pathogens to break
a ground on Said coil; cellular bonds within Said pathogen.
a transfer lead, Said transfer lead connecting Said Scalar
waves from Said coil to Said amplifier;