The Last Spin Story Questions SML

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S. Scott—Taft I. T.

High School—Last Spin Story Questions 1

Name: Sinita Scott

School: Taft I. T. High School
Subject: English/Language Arts
Grades: Grades 9-11
Resource: The Last Spin Story Questions and Answer Key
S. Scott—Taft I. T. High School—Last Spin Story Questions 2

The Last Spin Story Questions:

Directions: Read the short story, “The Last Spin” and on a SEPARATE SHEET OF
PAPER, respond to each question in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Please be sure to write
direct quotes from the text for any question that requires evidence or else your answer will
be incomplete.

1. At the start of “The Last Spin,” what have the two boys been picked to do? What are they
doing with the gun? Why do they have to do this? Provide at least one (1) piece of
evidence to support your answer.

2. While completing this task, the boy discuss a number a things. Name three (3) of the
things that they talked about in the passage.

3. Which boy decides to lower the odds? How does he lower them? Why does he decide to
do this?

4. How did Danny and Tigo end up in these clubs? Are they actually friends with the other
members of their clubs? Provide at least one (1) piece of evidence to support your

5. What does Danny mean when he says, “Sometimes I think I’m turkey…”? What context
clues led you to this conclusion? Be specific.

6. While the two boys are talking, what do they come to realize about each other as it relates
to the clubs that they are in and how they have to do these things in these clubs? What
epiphany do the two boys have about their clubs? How do they now feel about each
other? Provide at least one (1) piece of evidence to support your answer.

7. What plans do the two boys make for Sunday after they complete the last spin in the

8. What happened to Danny on the last spin? Provide one (1) piece of evidence to support
your answer. How did Tigo react to this occurrence?

9. Why is this story an example of situational irony? Explain in no less than three (3)
S. Scott—Taft I. T. High School—Last Spin Story Questions 3

The Last Spin Story Questions—Answer Key

1. At the beginning of “The Last Spin,” the boys have been chosen to settle a beef between
their two clubs by playing Russian roulette. The boys didn’t choose to do this; their clubs
told them that they had to. I know this because in the text it says, “This is what the club
said we should settle it. Without a big street diddlebop, you dig?”

2. While completing this task, the boys talk about how they would both like to work around
pieces (guns) in the future. They also talk about their girlfriends and about their families.

3. The boy who decides to lower the odds is Tigo. He puts another bullet into the gun
because he said that the clubs wouldn’t like it if they took too long to finish this task.

4. Danny and Tigo ended up in these clubs because of the block that they live on and they
are not actually friends with the people that they are in the clubs with. Danny says, “I
don’t dig too many of the guys on m club, either…” which means that he doesn’t really
like the other members.

5. When Danny says, “Sometimes I think I’m turkey,” he means that sometimes, he thinks
that he is chicken, or a punk. It is clear that this is the meaning because he made the
statement when he hesitated to pick up the gun. He was afraid that he was going to shoot
himself and didn’t want to take the shot.

6. While the two boys are talking, they realize that they think that the clubs are stupid
because they find themselves doing things that they don’t really want to do, just because
the club is doing it. The epiphany that the boys have is that they should be able to choose
their own friends and they realize this because they conclude that they want to be friends
with each other. Once they get tired of playing the ‘game,’ Tigo says, “Screw the clubs!
Can’t we pick our own… friends?”

7. The boys plan to go to the lake this Sunday with their girlfriends to take a boat ride.

8. On the last spin of the ‘game,’ “the explosion rocked the small basement room, ripping
away half of Danny’s head.” This lets me know that Danny shot himself and died on the
last spin. Tigo was shocked and he started to weep.

9. This story is an example of situational irony because the ending of the story was totally
unexpected. What I expected to happen was that Danny and Tigo would quit the clubs,
become friends, and be happily ever after. I didn’t expect Danny to shoot himself
because they had already taken so many spins and nothing had happened. I didn’t expect
Danny to die and I am sad that he did.

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