Payment of Liquidation Expenses and Liabilities: Cash Other A/P Alpha's Loan

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Cash Other A/P Alpha's Loan

Balance Before Liquidation 10,860 123,740 25,784 16,000
January Installment
Realization of Assets and distribution of loss 40,240 49,400
Balances 51,100 74,340 25,784 16,000
Payment of Liquidation expenses and liabilities 5,500
Balances 45,600 25,784 16,000
Payment of Accounts Payable 25,784 25,784
Balances 19,816 - 16,000
Payment to Partners 13,816
Balances 6,000 74,340 - 16,000
February Installment
Realization of Assets and distribution of loss 42,000 66,340
Balances 48,000 8,000
Payment of Liquidation expenses and liabilities 3,200
Balances 44,800 8,000 - 16,000
Payment to Partners 43,200 16,000
Balances 1,600 8,000 - -
March Installments
Realization of Assets and distribution of loss 7,400 8,000
Balances 9,000 - - -
Payment of Liquidation expenses and liabilities 400
Balances 8,600
Additional Loss to Partners
Balances 8,600
Final Payment to Partners 8,600 - - -
Alpha 50% Beta 30% Charlie 20% SCHEDULE 1 - JANUARY 2018
32,804 10,938 49,074
Capital balance
4,580 2,748 1,832 Loan Balance
28,224 8,190 47,242 Total Interest
2750 1650 1100 Possible Loss (74,340+6,000)
25,474 6,540 46,142 Balance
Additional Loss
25,474 6,540 46,142 Balance
13,816 Additional Loss
25,474 6,540 32,326 Balance

12,170 7,302 4,868 SCHEDULE 2 - FEBRUARY 2018

13,304 -762 27,458
1600 960 640 Capital balance
11,704 -1,722 26,818 Loan Balance
3,617 23,583 Total Interest
8,087 -1,722 3,235 Possible Loss (8,000 + 1,600)
300 180 120 Additional Loss
7,787 -1,902 3,115 Balance
200 120 80
7,587 -2,022 3,035
1,444 -2,022 578
6,143 0 2,457
6,143 - 2,457
Alpha Beta Charlie
25,474 6,340 46,142
16,000 - -
41,474 6,340 46,142
40,170 24,102 16,068
1,304 -17,562 30,074
12,544 - 5,018
11,240 - 25,056
- - 11,240
- - 13,816

Alpha Beta Charlie

11,704 -1,722 26,818
16,000 - -
27,204 -1,722 26,818
4,800 2,880 1,920
22,904 -4,602 24,898
3,287 - 1,315
19,617 - 23,583

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