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(Curriculum & Research Wing)
Schemes and Syllabi for Screening/Professional Tests as well as Descriptive Examination
Relating to Posts Advertised under Consolidated Advertisement No. 05/2020
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
1. 07/2020 Assistant Private i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’  Typing Test with minimum Speed of 50 W.P.M 35 Marks
Secretary (BS-16), in Bachelor’s degree from a  Shorthand Test with minimum Speed of 100 W.P.M 35 Marks
different Ministries/ University recognized by  Computer Literacy Test:
Divisions/ Departments HEC. i Microsoft Word (Typing, Formatting) 10 Marks
ii. Minimum shorthand speed: ii Microsoft Excel (Typing, Graph, Calculations) 10 Marks
100 w.p.m. and typing iii Microsoft Power Point (Typing, Formatting, Inserting Objects) 10 Marks
speed: 50 w.p.m.
iii. Must be computer literate. Note: Computer literacy means proficiency in M.S Office (M.S Word, Power Point &
2. 88/2020 Assistant Director Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
(System Administration) Master’s degree in Computer Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
(BS-17), Cabinet Science/Information Technology Part-I Part-II
Secretariat, Establishment or equivalent from a University
Division. recognized by the Higher English = 20 marks  Software research and development,
Education Commission. OR Part-II  Coding, Writing, Testing and debugging of software
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ applications,
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Professional Test=80 marks  Program logic,
Science/ BIT (Both four (4)  Visual Basic, C++, Java, Unix/Red Hat Linux
years duration) or equivalent Operating System,
from a University recognized by  Computer Networks and Internet,
the Higher Education  Computer Graphics and Algorithms
Commission.  Development of basic algorithms,
Page 2 of 30
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
3. 89/2020 Programmer (BS-17), i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Objective Type Test (MCQ) Part-I
Cabinet Secretariat, Master’s degree in Computer
Establishment Division. Science/ Information Part-I Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Technology or equivalent
from a University recognized English = 20 marks Part-II
by the Higher Education  Programming in PHP, Ajex and Java Script
Commission. Part-II  Designing, Analyzing & Maintenance of Software
OR  Coding, Debugging, Testing and Documenting of
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Professional Test = 80 marks Application Programme
Bachelor’s Degree in  Installation and Testing Software Package
computer Science/ BIT (Both  Software Development Process,
four (4) years duration) or  Software Architecture,
equivalent from a University  Software Maintenance & Optimization
recognized by the Higher
Education Commission.
ii) Two (2) years post
qualification experience of
Programming/ system
Analysis/ Software
4. 93/2020 General Staff Officer, Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Grade-III (Finance Officer) Bachelor’s (4 years) degree in
(BS-17), Armed Forces Commerce/ Accounting & Part-I Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Institute of Radiology and Finance/ Business
English = 20 marks Part-II
Imaging, Ministry of Administration (Finance) or
Defence. equivalent qualification from a Part-II  Accounting Principles & Procedures,
University recognized by HEC.  Scrutiny of Record for Audit Purposes,
OR Professional Test=80 marks
 Journal, Ledger & Cash Book,
Professional Examination of  Financial Planning & Cost Accounting,
Institute of Cost and  Re-appropriation of Funds and Supplementary Grant,
Management Accountants of  Settlement of Audit Objections
Pakistan (ICMAP)/Certified and  Preparation of Pension Documents.
Accounting Professional (CFAP)
 Public Procurement Rules, 2004
Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Pakistan.
Page 3 of 30
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
5. 100/2020 General Staff Officer i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Grade-III (Picture Master’s/ Bachelor’s (4 years Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Archiving and duration) degree in Computer Part-I Part-II
Communication System Science/ IT/Computer System
(PACS) Administrator) English = 20 marks
Engineering/ Computer  Software research and development,
(BS-17), Armed Forces Engineering/ Software Part-II  Coding, Writing, Testing and debugging of software
Institute of Radiology and Engineering or equivalent applications,
Imaging, Ministry of qualification from a University Professional Test=80 marks  Program logic,
Defence. recognized by HEC.  Visual Basic, C++, Java, Unix/Red Hat Linux
ii) International certification Operating System,
related to information security  Computer Networks and Internet,
(CEH, CHFI or ECSA etc.)  Computer Graphics and Algorithms
 Development of basic algorithms,
6. 102/2020 I.T Expert (Civil) (BS-17), Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Ministry of Defence Master’s/ Bachelor’s (4 years Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
(Defence Division). duration) degree in Computer Part-I Part-II
Engineering/ Software  Software research and development,
Engineering/ Computer System English = 20 marks  Coding, Writing, Testing and debugging of software
Engineering or Computer Part-II applications,
Science/ Information  Program logic,
Technology or equivalent Professional Test=80 marks  Visual Basic, C++, Java, Unix/Red Hat Linux
qualification from a University Operating System,
recognized by HEC.  Computer Networks and Internet,
 Computer Graphics and Algorithms
 Development of basic algorithms,
7. 103/2020 Assistant Anaesthetist MBBS or equivalent qualification Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
(BS-17), Pakistan Institute recognized by Pakistan Medical Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
of Medical Sciences, and Dental Council. Part-I
Ministry of National Health
Services, Regulations & English = 20 marks  Core courses of MBBS Degree Program.
Coordination. Part-II  Health Policies of the Government of Pakistan.
 Care vs Cure for Health Management.
Professional Test=80 marks  Major Challenges being faced by the Health Sector.
8. 104/2020 Medical Officer (BS-17), MBBS Degree or equivalent Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Pakistan Institute of qualification recognized by Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Medical Sciences, Ministry Pakistan Medical and Dental Part-I
of National Health Services, Council.
English = 20 marks  Core courses of MBBS Degree Program.
Regulations &
Coordination.  Health Policies of the Government of Pakistan.
 Care vs Cure for Health Management.
Professional Test=80 marks  Major Challenges being faced by the Health Sector.
Page 4 of 30
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
9. 107/2020 Assistant Network Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Sentence Structuring, Grammar Usage.
Administrator (BS-16), Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
Federal Public Service Science or Information Part-I Part-II
Commission. Technology or equivalent  Types of networks (LAN, WAN, Internet, Intranet etc.)
English =20 marks
qualification from a University  Network Topologies,
recognized by the HEC. Part-II  Network Management
Professional Test =80 marks  Communication Protocols
 OSI model
 Operating Systems (Windows, Linux)
 Transmission Mediums, Direction and Modes
 Network Devices (Switch, Routers, and Modem),
 Network security issues (Viruses, Firewall and
unauthorized access),
10. 108/2020 Assistant Database Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ) Sentence Structuring, Grammar Usage.
Administrator (BS-16), Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
Federal Public Service Science or Information Part-I Part-II
Commission. Technology or equivalent  Relational data model and algebra,
English =20 marks  Entity Relationship Modeling,
qualification from a University
recognized by the HEC. Part-II  Structured Query language,
 RDBMS; Database design,
Professional Test =80 marks
 Transaction processing and Optimization concepts
 Database recovery techniques,
 Database security and Authorization.
 Database Implementation
 Physical database design:
 Storage and File Structure,
 Database efficiency and Tuning
 Data Warehousing and Data Mining,
 Emerging Database Technologies and Applications
11. 113/2020 Medical Officer (BS-17), MBBS or equivalent qualification Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Federal General Hospital, recognized by PM&DC. Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring.
Chak Shahzad, Ministry of Part-I
National Health Services,
English = 20 marks  Core courses of MBBS Degree Program.
Regulations and
Coordination.  Health Policies of the Government of Pakistan.
 Care vs Cure for Health Management.
Professional Test=80 marks  Major Challenges being faced by the Health Sector.
Page 5 of 30
S. Case No. Particulars of Post(s) Qualifications/Experience for Test Specification Topics of Syllabi
No F.4- the Posts
12. 127/2020 Assistant Registrar (BS- i) Law Graduate. Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
17) Federal Service ii) Two (2) years post Vocabulary, Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Tribunal, Ministry of Law qualification experience in Part-I
and Justice. Civil Courts/ Administrative
English = 20 marks  Major Act
Part-II  Estacode
 Criminal Procedure Code
Professional Test = 80 marks
 Rules of Business
 Fundamental Rules/Supplementary Rules
 Civil Service Regulations
 Secretariat Instructions
 General Financial Rules
 Service Tribunal Act
 Service Tribunal Procedure Rules, 1974
13. 128/2020 Reader (BS-16), Federal Law Graduate. Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
Service Tribunal, Ministry of Sentence Structuring, Grammar usage.
Law and Justice. Part-I
English = 20 marks  Appeal Rules
Part-II  Criminal Procedure Code
 Service Tribunal Procedure Rules, 1974
Professional Test = 80 marks
 Civil Servant Act, 1973
 Rules of Business
 Estacode
 Government Servant (Efficiency and Disciplinary)
Rules, 1973
14. 129/2020 Assistant Geologist (BS- i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Part-I
Objective Type Test (MCQ)
16 Plus 25% Special Pay), Bachelor’s degree in Grammar Usage, Sentence Structuring
Works Department, Gilgit Geology/Earth Sciences or Part-I
Baltistan, Ministry of equivalent qualification from a
English = 20 marks  Topographical Surveying
Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit University recognized by the
Baltistan. HEC. Part-II  Ore Dressing & Beneficiation
ii) Two (2) years post  Photogrammetry/Photogeology
qualification experience in the Professional Test=80 marks  Metalogeny and Plate Tectonics
relevant field.  Mine Surveying /Field Survey
 Rock Mechanics
 Mineralogy and Petrology
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Schemes and Syllabi for Written Examination (Descriptive) for all Posts
in BS-20 & 21 advertised under Consolidated Advertisement No. 05/2020

Case No. F.4-86/2020-R

Particulars of post Registrar Trade Union (BS-20), National Industrial Relations
Commission (NIRC), Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & Human
Resource Development.
Minimum i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ LLB degree or equivalent qualification
Qualification & from a University recognized by HEC.
Experience: ii) Seventeen (17) years post qualification experience in BS-17 and
above in the field of Labour Administration. OR Five (5) years
post qualification experience in BS-19 in case of initial
appointment in BS-19 in the field of Labour Administration.


Analysis Paper: Candidates will be required to analyse a situation related to advertised

post and suggest/draw suitable solution comprising approximately 1000 words.
Candidate’s research based knowledge as well as articulation, expression and technical
treatment of the situation will be examined.


Case Study: Candidates will be given real situation case studies related to advertised
posts/ organization concerned and will be expected from the candidates to present (i)
identification of issues (ii) evaluation of issues (iii) legal or case related theories (iv)
evaluation of case facts if required and (v) possible solution of the case or writing judicial
order, if the case so requires.
Page 7 of 30

Schemes and Syllabi for Written Examination (Descriptive)

for All Posts in BS-18 & BS-19 included in Consolidated
Advertisement No. 05/2020
Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
(i) English Essay-50 Marks: Candidates will be required to write an Essay in English
comprising 1500 words from a set of six given topics. Candidates are expected to
reflect comprehensive and research based knowledge on a selected topic.
Candidate’s articulation, expression and technical approach to the style of English
Essay writing will be examined.
(ii) English (Composition and Précis)-50 Marks:
The examination will test the candidate’s abilities to handle Précis Writing, Reading
Comprehension, Sentence Structuring, Translation, Grammar and Vocabulary, etc.
Précis Writing (10 marks): A selected passage with an orientation of generic
understanding and enough flexibility for compression shall be given for précising and
suggesting an appropriate title.
Reading Comprehension (10 marks)
A selected passage that is rich in substance but not very technical or discipline-
specific shall be given, followed by five questions, each carrying 2 marks.
Grammar and Vocabulary (10 marks): Correct usage of Tense, Articles,
Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation, Phrasal Verbs, Synonyms and Antonyms etc.
Sentence Correction (5 marks): Ten sentences shall be given each having a clear
structural flaw in terms of grammar or punctuation. The candidates shall be asked to
rewrite them with really needed correction only, without marking unnecessary
alterations. No two or more sentences should have exactly the same problem, and 2-3
sentences shall be based on correction of punctuation marks.
Grouping of Words (5 marks): A random list of ten words of moderate standard
(neither very easy nor utterly unfamiliar) shall be given, to be grouped by the
candidates in pairs of those having similar or opposite meaning, as may be clearly
directed in the question.
Pairs of Words (5 marks): Five pairs shall be given of seemingly similar words with
different meanings, generally confused in communication, for bringing out the
difference in meaning of any five of them by first explaining them in parenthesis and
then using them in sentences.
Translation (5 marks): Ten short Urdu sentences involving structural composition,
significant terms and figurative/idiomatic expressions shall be given, to be accurately
translated in English.
Sr. No. Title Author
1. English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy (Cambridge University Press)
2. Practical English Usage M. Swan (Oxford University Press)
3. The Little, Brown Handbook H. Ramsey Flower & Jane Aaron (The Little,
Brown & Co; Harper Collins)
4. A University English Grammar R. Quirk & S. Greenbaum (ELBS; Longmans)
5. Write Better, Speak Better Readers Digest Association
6. Modern English in Action Henry Christ (D.C. Heath & Co.)
7. Exploring the World of English Syed Saadat Ali Shah
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-08/2020-R
Particulars of post Deputy Director/ Senior Meteorologist (BS-18), Pakistan
Meteorological Department, Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division).
Minimum Ph.D in Meteorology/ Seismology/ Hydro-Meteorology/ Hydrology/
Qualification & Geophysics/ Geology/ Geography/ Physical Chemistry/ Physics/
Experience: Mathematics/ Environment/ Space Science/ Agriculture Meteorology/
Computer Science or equivalent in the field of Meteorology from a
University recognized by HEC with one (1) year post qualification
experience in BPS-17.
M.Phil in one of the above subjects from a University recognized by
HEC with three (3) years post qualification experience in BPS-17 in
the field of Meteorology.
i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in one of the above
subjects from a University recognized by HEC with five (5) years
post qualification experience in BPS-17 in the field of
ii) Graduation with Physics or Mathematics from a University
recognized by HEC.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

 25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.

Part-II (Meteorology) (Subjective) : 75 Marks

The Composition and Structure of Earth’s Atmosphere, Hydrostatic Equation and its
Applications, The Clausius-Clapeyron Equation, The Poisson’s Equation, Adiabatic
Processes, Parcel Concepts, Stability in the Atmosphere, Moisture in the Atmosphere, The
Tephigram, Skew-T Log-P Diagram, Solar and Terrestrial Radiation, The Greenhouse
Effect, Energy Balance at the Earth’s Surface, Net Radiation, Free and Forced Convection,
Temperature Inversions.

Cloud Formation, Cloud Classification, Precipitation Processes, Forms of Precipitation,

Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tropical Cyclones, Cyclones and Anti-Cyclones,
Pressure Gradient Force, Coriolis Force, Friction, Geostrophic Wind, Gradient Wind,
Thermal Wind, Land-Sea and Mountain- Valley Breezes, Chinook and Katabatic Winds, Jet
Streams, Air Masses, Weather Fronts, Meteorological Satellites, Interpretation of Weather
Satellite Imagery, Automatic Weather Stations, Weather Maps, Weather Symbols, Weather

The Earth's Atmosphere, Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, Energy and Radiation, Sun Angle
and Seasons, Solar Radiation in the Atmosphere, Radiation Balances, Energy and
Temperature, Daily Temperature Variations, Global Temperature Controls, Atmospheric
Optics, Atmospheric Humidity, Cooling Processes, Condensation, Lifting Mechanisms,
Static Stability, Inversions, Cloud Droplets Atmospheric Pressure, Horizontal Flow Aloft,
Rotating Motion, Surface Flows, Tropical Hadley Circulation, General Circulation, Thermal
Page 9 of 30

Winds, Thermally Direct Circulations, Down slope Winds, Polar Front Theory, Surface and
Upper Air Weather Charts, Radar Meteorology,

Winter and Summer Rain Process, Monsoon, Floods and Drought, Meteorological
Instruments (Thermometer, Barometer, Anemometer, Wing Vane, Radiometer, Sunshine
Recorder etc.), Fog Formation, Impact of Fog on Crop Production.


Sr. Title Author

1. An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics Andrews D G
2. An Introduction to Atmospheric Thermodynamics Tsonis A A
3. Meteorology Today Donald A C
4. Essentials of Meteorology Macintosh D H & Thom S A
5. Atmosphere weather and climate Barry R
6. Climate change causes effects and solutions by John T H
Atmospheric change
7. Monsoon Bin Wang
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-63/2020-R
Particulars of post Eye Specialist (BS-18), Medical Department Of Pakistan Railways,
Ministry Of Railways.
Minimum ii) MBBS or equivalent qualification.
Qualification & iii) Post graduate higher diploma/ degree, viz., MS/FRCS/ FCPS/
Experience: MRCP/ FFA or equivalent in the requisite Speciality and two (2)
years post qualification clinical experience. OR Post graduate
lower diploma in the requisite Speciality and four (4) years post
qualification clinical experience

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of Lower Diploma in Eye Ophthalmology.

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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-71/2020-R
Particulars of post Assistant Professor (Urdu) (Male) (BS-18), Federal Government
Colleges for Men, Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad,
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
Minimum Ph.D. Degree in the relevant subject and one (1) year post
Qualification & qualification teaching experience at College/University level.
Experience: OR
M.Phil in the relevant subject with three (3) years post qualification
teaching experience at College/University level.
Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject
with five (5) years post qualification teaching experience at College/
University level.
Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)
25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Urdu) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

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Part-III: (Professional) 25 Marks (Descriptive)

I. Development of Curriculum and Instructional Material
 Elements of Curriculum.
 Curriculum Development Process: Need Assessment, Formulation of Aims and
Objectives, Taxonomies of Educational Objectives, Selection of Content,
Development of Curricular Materials.
II. Process of Teaching and Teaching Strategies
 Process of Classroom Communication
 Factors affecting Classroom Communication
 Barriers to Classroom Communications
 Use of Instructional Materials and Media
III. Educational Assessment and Evaluation
 Concept of Classroom Assessment and Evaluation
 Distinction between Assessment, Evaluation and Measurement
 Approaches to Evaluation: Formative Evaluation; Summative Evaluation
 Types of Test: Essay Type; Objective Type: Multiple Choice, True-False Items,
Matching Type; Principles of Construction of these Test
 Characteristics of a Good Test: Validity, Reliability, Objectivity, Usability
IV. Research Methods in Education
 Research Instruments: Questionnaire: Interview; Test; Observation; Rating Scale
 Research Proposal and Report Writing
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S. No. Title Author

1. Research in Education JW Best
2. Integrating Education Technology into Roblyer
3. Curriculum Development S. M. Shahid
4. Educational Measurement and Evaluation S. M. Shahid
5. Educational Administration S. M. Shahid
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-91/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-II (Research & Training) (BS-18),
Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging, Ministry of
Minimum i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Statistics or Bio-
Qualification & statistics or equivalent qualification from a University recognized
Experience: by HEC.
ii) Five (5) years post qualification experience in Medical Research.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.

Part-II: (Professional) (Descriptive) 75 Marks

I. Probability Distributions
Discrete and continuous Probability Distributions. Properties, applications of
Binomial, Poisson, Hyper-geometric, Normal Distribution and its properties, Standard
Normal Curve, Normal approximation to Binomial and Poisson distribution.
II. Regression Analysis & Correlation Analysis
Concepts of Regression and Correlation and their application, Simple and Multiple
Linear Regression (upto three variables), Estimation of the Parameters, Method of
least square, Inference regarding regression parameters
Correlation, Correlation Coefficient, Properties of Correlation Coefficient, Inference
regarding correlation coefficient, Partial Correlation and Multiple Correlation (upto
three variables).
III. Sampling & Sampling Distributions
Population and Sample, Advantages of Sampling, Sampling Design, Probability
&Non-Probability Sampling techniques. Brief Concepts of Simple Random, Stratified,
Systematic, Cluster, Multiple and Multistage Sampling. Purposive, Quota Sampling,
Convenience & Accidental Sampling.
Sampling with and without replacement, Application of Central Limit Theorem in
Sampling, Sampling Distribution of Mean, difference between two Means,
Proportion, difference between two Proportion and Variance.
IV. Statistical Inferences
Estimation: Point Estimation, Properties of a good Estimator. Interval Estimation.
Interval Estimation of Population mean. Large and small sample confidence intervals
for Population Mean.
Hypothesis Testing: Types of errors. Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean.
Inferences for Two Population Means. Inferences for the Mean of Two Normal
Populations using Independent Samples (variances are assumed Equal). Inference
for Two Populations Mean using Paired Samples. Inferences for Population
Proportions. Confidence Intervals and hypothesis Testing for Population Proportion.
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Inferences for Two Populations Proportions using Independent Samples, Estimation

of sample size
Analysis of categorized data. Goodness of fit tests. Contingency tables. Test of
independence in contingency tables.
V. Design of Experiments
One-way and Two-way Analysis of Variance, Design of Experiments, Concepts of
Treatment, Replication, Blocking, Experimental Units and Experimental Error, Basic
Principles of Design of Experiments, Description, Layout and Statistical Analysis of
Completely Randomized Design (CRD), Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD), Multiple Comparison tests (LSD test).

S. No. Title Author
1. Principles and Procedures of Statistics Steel, R and Torrie, J.H.
2. Introduction to Statistical Theory, Part-I & II Chaudhry, S.M. and Kamal, S.
3. Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods Wilcox, R.
4. Statistical Methods Aggarwal, Y.P.
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-92/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-I (Classified Radiologist) (BS-19),
Musculoskeletal Radiology Department, Armed Forces Institute of
Radiology and Imaging, Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i) MBBS or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by
Qualification & PM&DC.
Experience: ii) FCPS (Radiology) or equivalent qualification recognized/
registered by the PM&DC.
iii) One (1) year Fellowship degree/ OJT in Musculoskeletal
iv) Seven (7) years post qualification working experience at any
renowned medical imaging setup.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

i. Core courses of FCPS in Radiology.
ii. Core Courses of Specialization in Musculoskeletal Radiology
Note: (Equal weightage for each topic at Part-III)
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-94/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-I (Bio Medical Officer) (BS-19),
Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging, Ministry of
Minimum i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s/ Bachelor’s (4 years duration)
Qualification & degree in Bio–medical/Electrical Engineering or equivalent
Experience: qualification from a University recognized by HEC.
ii. Twelve (12) years post qualification working experience at any
renowned medical/ imaging set up with hands on experience in CT
Scan/ MRI equipment.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.

Part-II: (Professional) (Descriptive) 75 Marks

1. Biomechanics
 Dynamics: Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, Simple harmonic motion, Simple and
multiple degrees of freedom, Application of these motions in human body and
Biomedical machines.
 Fluid Mechanics: Basic concepts of Fluid Mechanics, Hydrodynamic lubrication of
natural and normal synovial joints.
 Biomedical Applications: Mechanical properties of biological tissues and tissue
mechanics, cardiac mechanics and modeling, muscle mechanics, gait kinetics,
kinematics and analysis. Stress analysis and application to musculoskeletal system.
2. Bio-Instrumentation
 Biological Systems: Study of various Physiological systems, related biopotentials
and physiological parameters.
 Diagnostic Equipment: invasive and noninvasive measurement techniques and
related equipments.
 Cardiovascular Measurements: Electrocardiography, Measurement of Blood
pressure, Blood flow and Cardiac output.
 Biomedical Sensors & Transducers: Introduction, principles, theory, design and
 Patient Monitoring Equipment: Patient Monitors, central monitoring system,
telemetry system, Gas Exchange and distributions, Respiratory therapy equipment.
 Therapic Equipment: ventilator, inhaler, defibrillator, pacemaker and heart lung
 Radiological Equipment: concept of ionization and nonionization radiation and
related equipment, medical lasers and applications.
 Safety in Medical Equipment: Electrical/Mechanical safety, Standards of Medical
Devices, Biohazards and Safety Regulations.

3. Medical Imaging:
 X-ray Imaging: Physics of X-ray, Imaging with X-ray, Radiation dose, Attenuation
based X-ray Imaging, X-ray Detection, X-ray Image Quality, Diagnostic Applications
of X-ray Imaging, Demonstration of X-rays Equipment.
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 Principles of Computed Tomography: Introduction to Computed

Tomography and Scanners, Attenuation Tomography, Time of Flight
Tomography, Reflection Tomography, Diffraction Tomography, Formulation
of Attenuation Computed Tomography, Fourier Slice theorem
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical and physiological principle of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MR Imaging, Formulation of MRI
reconstruction, Functional MRI, BOLD MRI, Applications of MRI and fMRI
 Positron Emission Tomography: Physical and physiological principles of
PET, PET Signal Acquisition, PET Image formation, Significance of PET,
Applications of PET


Title Author
1. Bio-Mechanics Principles and Application Schnech Bronzino
2. Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal Margareta Nordin, Victor H
System Frankel
3. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human David A. Winter
4. Bio-Medical Instrumentation & Measures Cromwell
5. Biomedical Instruments: Theory & Design Walter Welhowitz, Sid Deutsch
and Metin Alsey,
6. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, R.S. Khandpur,
7. Bioinstrumentation and Biosensors Donald L. Wise,
8. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human David A. Winter,
9. Manufacturing Processes Amstead, Begeeman and
Ostwald, John Wiley & Sons
10. The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging. Bushberg J.T.,
11. Foundations of Medical Imaging Z. H. Cho,
12. Biomedical Imaging (Principles & Application
Engg: Series).
13. Digital Image Processing for Medical Geoff
14. Workshop Technology, Part I & II, W.A. Chapman, Arcold Pub,
Page 19 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-95/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-II (Bio Medical Tech) (Cyclotron
Engineer) (BS-18), Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging,
Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Electronics or
Qualification & Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s (4 years duration) degree in
Experience: Electronics Engineering or equivalent qualification from a
University recognized by HEC.
ii) Five (5) years post qualification working experience at functional
PET-CT Cyclotron System at any renowned PET-CT Clinical setup

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.

Part-II: (Professional) (Descriptive) 75 Marks

I. Electricity & Electronics: Electricity & Magnetism; Electrical potential, Resistance,

Laws of resistance, Conductance, Conductivity, Impedance, Ohm law, Resistance in
series and in parallel, practical resistors, work, power, Energy, Joule’s law of electric
field intensity, Gauss’s Theorem, Capacitor, Capacitance, Capacitors in parallel and
series. Force on a conductor in a magnetic field, electrical and magnetic circuits,
leakage flux, Relation between magnetism and electricity, Induced emf, induced
current and directions, Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic inductions, Lenz’s law,
dynamically induced emf, Self inductance, mutual inductance and inductance in
series/parallel, magnetic hysteresis, Energy stored in magnetic field, Generation of
alternating currents and voltages.
II. Electrical Machines
DC Motors: Shunt, Series and Compound Motors, Speed and Torque Relations.
Transformers: Principle, Construction, Voltage transformation ratio, Step-
up/stepdown transformers, Copper & Iron Losses, Transformer connections; delta
and star.
AC Motors: Induction motor, Synchronous motor, Performance, Efficiency. Single
phase and three phase Motors.
Generators: Principle, Construction, Different components of generators. AC
Generators, DC Generators.
III. Quality Management Systems: QA models. Deming, Juran Crosby, Quality circles,
management responsibility, quality planning, purchasing, design process and design
validation, quality audit, corrective and preventive measures.
IV. Medical Imaging:
 X-ray Imaging: Physics of X-ray, Imaging with X-ray, Radiation dose, Attenuation
based X-ray Imaging, X-ray Detection, X-ray Image Quality, Diagnostic Applications
of X-ray Imaging, Demonstration of X-rays Equipment.
 Principles of Computed Tomography: Introduction to Computed
Tomography and Scanners, Attenuation Tomography, Time of Flight
Page 20 of 30

Tomography, Reflection Tomography, Diffraction Tomography, Formulation

of Attenuation Computed Tomography, Fourier Slice theorem
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical and physiological principle of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MR Imaging, Formulation of MRI
reconstruction, Functional MRI, BOLD MRI, Applications of MRI and fMRI
 Positron Emission Tomography: Physical and physiological principles of
PET, PET Signal Acquisition, PET Image formation, Significance of PET,
Applications of PET


S.No. Title Author

1. Manufacturing Processes for Kalpakgjian
Engineering Materials
2. Electrical Technology B.L. Tharaja
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits. Bogart
4. DC Machines P.C. Sen
5. Semiconductors Manzar Saeed
6. Handbook of Engineering Management Dennis Lock.
7. Total Quality Management Dale H. Besterfield, Carol
Besterfield-Michna, Glen H.
Besterfield, Mary Gesterfield-Sacre
8. The Essential Physics of Medical Bushberg J.T.,
9. Foundations of Medical Imaging Z. H. Cho,
10. Biomedical Imaging (Principles &
Application Engg: Series).
11. Digital Image Processing for Medical Geoff
Page 21 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-96/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-I (Classified Radiologist) (BS-19),
Neuro Radiology Department, Armed Forces Institute of Radiology
and Imaging, Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i. MBBS or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by
Qualification & PM&DC.
Experience: ii. FCPS (Radiology) or equivalent qualification recognized/
registered by the PM&DC.
iii. One (1) year Fellowship degree/ OJT in Neuro Radiology.
iv. Seven (7) years post qualification working experience at any
renowned medical imaging setup.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

i. Core courses of FCPS in Radiology.

ii. Core Courses of Specialization in Neuro Radiology
Note: (Equal weightage for each topic at Part-III)
Page 22 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-97/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-I (Classified Radiologist) (BS-19),
PET CT Scan Department, Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and
Imaging, Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i) MBBS or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by
Qualification & PM&DC.
Experience: ii) FCPS (Radiology) or equivalent qualification recognized/
registered by the PM&DC.
iii) One (1) year Fellowship degree/ OJT in PET CT.
iv) Seven (7) years post qualification working experience at any
renowned medical imaging setup.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

i. Core courses of FCPS in Radiology.

ii. Core Courses of Specialization in PET CT.

Note: (Equal weightage for each topic at Part-III)

Page 23 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-98/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-II (Bio Medical Tech) (For Medical
Physicist) (BS-18), Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging,
Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Applied Physics/
Qualification & Radiation Physics/ Medical Physics/ Nuclear Physics or
Experience: equivalent qualification from a University recognized by HEC.
ii) Five (5) years post qualification working experience in any
renowned medical radiation imaging setup.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.
Part-II: (Professional) (Subjective) 75 Marks
I. Introduction to Nuclear Physics: Atomic & nuclear structure, artificial & natural
radioactivity, Modes of radioactive decay, exponential decay, Half-life & mean life of
radionuclides, radioactive decay series & equilibrium, Nuclear Reaction & reaction
cross section, nuclear fission & fusion, Nuclear fuel cycle & nuclear reactors, Cyclotron
& particle accelerators; Poison and Gaussian distribution; Applications of statistical
analysis; Chi-square test; Elementary concepts of probability; Test of significance;
Statistical criteria for the selection and adjustment of counters, T-tests, P-values,
variances, confidence intervals, statistical results and their interpretations, medical
II. Radiation Interaction & Detection: Radiation sources; Interaction of radiation with
matter, Basic principles of radiation detection; Design aspects of ionization chambers,
Proportional and Geiger-Muller counters: Various types of scintillators; Scintillation
detectors; Radiation spectroscopy using Scintillation detectors: Semiconductors;
Various types of semiconductor detectors and their characteristics. Neutron sources;
Neutron detection techniques and neutron spectroscopy. Basic electronic circuits and
electronic equipment used in nuclear radiation detection systems; Measure of central
tendency and dispersion; Concepts of sample space, events, random variables and
probability; Probability distributions (discrete & continuous); Curve fitting and tests for
goodness of fit; Errors and their propagation; Counting statistics.
III. Radiation Biology: Physics and Chemistry of Radiation Absorption, DNA Strand
Breaks and Chromosomal Aberrations, Cell Survival Curves, Radio sensitivity and Cell
Age in the Mitotic Cycle, Repair of Radiation Damage and the Dose Rate Effect,
Oxygen Effect and Re-oxygenation, Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biologic
Effectiveness, Acute Effects of Total-Body Irradiation, Radioprotectors, Radiation
Carcinogenesis, Hereditary Effects of Radiation, Effects of Radiation on the Embryo
and Foetus, Radiation Cataractogenesis, Dose-Response Relationships for Model
Normal Tissues, Clinical Response of Normal Tissues, Model Tumor Systems, Time,
Dose, and Fractionation in Radiotherapy, Alternative Radiation Modalities,
Radiosensitizers, Hyperthermia
IV. Radiation Safety Principles and Techniques: Introduction, Radiation quantities &
units, International organizations setting standards, Latest IAEA Basic Safety
standards, Fundamental Safety Principles, Safety standards for medical exposure,
Principles & control of external & internal exposure hazards, absorbed dose estimation
from external exposure, Health Physics instrumentation, Dose estimation from internally
Page 24 of 30

deposited radionuclides, Radiation safety in Radionuclide therapy for patients, family

members & the general public, IAEA Safety regulations for transport of radioactive
materials, Radiation accident management & early medical treatment of radiation injury,
Patient doses audit, Shielding and other design considerations for medical facilities,
Regulatory and licensing requirements for medical facilities, Radioactive waste disposal
methods, Handling of I-131 therapy patients. Practical demonstrations of radiation
protection procedures in health physics, i.e., SSDL, whole body counting, bioassay
counting, Verification of inverse square law, Calibration of survey meters, Bioassay
technique, TLDs, Contamination and decontamination, Film badge dosimetry will be
part of this course.
V. Physics of Nuclear Medicine: Introduction to nuclear medicine,
Radiopharmaceuticals, Basic principles & licensing considerations, Production of
radioisotopes, Radioisotope generators, Dosage control techniques, Quality Control
(QC) & Quality Assurance (QA) of radiopharmaceuticals, collimators, types and
applications, quality control considerations in collimators, gamma camera and its
components, Quality Control and Quality Assurance procedures of gamma camera,
maintenance considerations, Computers in nuclear medicine: Creation of digital image,
Data Analysis, Data display and formatting, Principles of SPECT and SPECT-CT, QC
and QA procedures for SPECT, Introduction to non-imaging probes & solid state
gamma cameras. Physics of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and PETCT,
coincidence circuitry, PET-CT camera, Quality assurance and quality control for PET-
Title Author
1. Physics in Nuclear Medicine Sorenson, J.A. and Phelps,
2. Nuclear Physics Kaplan, I.
3. Radiation Detection & Measurements, Knoll G. F.
4. Nuclear Counting Statistics In Physics and Nuclear Sorenson, J.A. and Phelps,
Medicine M.E.
5. ,Radiation Biology: A handbook for teachers and Training course series 42
6. Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine, Gopal B. Saha,
7. IAEA Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation
Sources: International Basic Safety Standards - Interim
Ed. General Safety Requirements.
8. IAEA Fundamental Safety Principles, Series No. SF-1,
published Tuesday, November 07, 2006. • Series, IAEA
Safety Standard. Regulations for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Material. TS, 2012.
9. IAEA SRS-63, Release of patients after Radionuclide
therapy, 2009
10. Physics in nuclear Medicine, Cherry, Simon R., James A.
Sorenson, and Michael E.
11. Nuclear Medicine Physics: A Handbook for Teachers Bailey, D. L., and J. L. Humm.
and Students.
12. Nuclear Medicine Physics: The Basics. Chandra, Ramesh,
13. Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics and Rachel A. Powsner, Matthew R.
Instrumentation Palmer, Edward R. Powsner,
Page 25 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-99/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-I (Classified Radiologist) (BS-19),
Interventional Radiology Department, Armed Forces Institute of
Radiology and Imaging, Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i) MBBS or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by
Qualification & PM&DC.
Experience: ii) FCPS (Radiology) or equivalent qualification recognized/
registered by the PM&DC.
iii) One (1) year Fellowship degree/ OJT in Interventional Radiology.
iv) Seven (7) years post qualification working experience at any
renowned medical imaging setup.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

i. Core courses of FCPS in Radiology.

ii. Core Courses of Specialization in Interventional Radiology.
Note: (Equal weightage for each topic at Part-III)
Page 26 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-101/2020-R
Particulars of post General Staff Officer, Grade-I (Classified Radiologist) (BS-19),
Women Imaging/ Breast Clinic/ Body Imaging Department, Armed
Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging, Ministry of Defence.
Minimum i) MBBS or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by
Qualification & PM&DC.
Experience: ii) FCPS (Radiology) or equivalent qualification recognized/
registered by the PM&DC.
iii) One (1) year Fellowship degree/ OJT in Breast/ Body imaging.
iv) Seven (7) years post qualification working experience at any
renowned medical imaging setup.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & Part-III.

Part-II: (Qualification Based) (Descriptive) 25 Marks

Core courses of MBBS Degree

Part-III: (Professional) (Descriptive) 50 Marks

i. Core courses of FCPS in Radiology.

ii. Core Courses of Specialization in Breast/Body Imaging
Note: (Equal weightage for each topic at Part-III)
Page 27 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-117/2020-R
Particulars of post Deputy Chemical Examiner (BS-18), Pakistan Customs
Department, Federal Board of Revenue, Revenue Division.
Minimum (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Chemistry/
Qualification & Analytical Chemistry from a recognized University. (ii) Five (5) years
Experience: post qualification experience of analytical work in a 1st Class
Laboratory in BS-17 or equivalent post.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.
Part-II: (Professional) (Subjective) 75 Marks
I. Basic Concepts of Chemistry
 Chemical Nomenclature (this unit required for credit)
 Atomic Structure
 Periodic Table
 Lewis Structure
 Chemical Reactions
 Stoichiometry
 Acid-Base Chemistry

II. Inorganic Chemistry

 Atomic Structure
 Chemical Periodicity
 Chemical Bonding
 Oxidation States and Oxidation number
 Acid and Bases
 Chemistry of elements
 Extraction of metals
 Nuclear Chemistry
 Coordination Compounds

III. Organic Chemistry

 Bonding and shapes of Organic Molecules
 Chemistry of aliphatic compounds
 Stereochemistry of carbon compounds
 Organometallic compounds
 Active methylene compounds
 Chemistry of biomolecules

IV. Spectrometry
 Basic components of spectrometer
 Use of spectrometer

V. Spectroscopy
 Principles of Spectroscopy
 Types of Spectroscopy
 Spectroscopy and its applications
Page 28 of 30

VI. Physical Chemistry

 Gaseous state
 Thermodynamics:
 Phase rules and its applications
 Solutions and solubility
 Colligative properties
 Electro-chemistry
 Chemical Kinetics
 Photochemistry
 Catalysis
 Colloids

VII. Chromatography
 Principles of Chromatography
 Method of performing Chromatography
 Types of Chromatography
 Uses of Chromatography

VIII. Electron microscopy

 Working of microscope and its uses
 Difference between an Ordinary Microscope and Electron Microscope
 Different types of electron microscope


S.No. Title Author

1. Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 9th ed. 2010 Atkins, P. and Paula, J. D.
2. Inorganic Chemistry, 5th ed. 2010 Shriver, D. and Atkins, P.
3. Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry 2013 Chaudhary, S. U.
4. Organic Chemistry, 8th ed. 2012 John, E. M.
5. Introduction to Spectroscopy, 4th ed., 2009 Pavia, D. L.,Lampman, G. M.,
Kriz,G.S. and Vyvyan, J. R.,
6. Organic Spectroscopy 2006 Younas, M.
Page 29 of 30

Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-126/2020-R
Particulars of post Senior Agricultural Engineer (BS-19), Federal Water Management
Cell, Ministry of National Food Security and Research.
Minimum (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/ Mechanical/ Agricultural Engineering or
Qualification & equivalent from the recognized university
Experience: (ii) Twelve (12) years post qualification experience in Designing/
Planning/ research or Execution of Projects relating to Water
Management/ Economical use of water/ Land Leveling/ Agricultural

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.
Part-II: (Professional) (Subjective) 75 Marks

I. Concept of Integrated Agriculture: Components of natural resources as bases for

agriculture production (Land, Water, biological, Environmental, Solar, Energy)
II. Challenges in Pakistan’s Agriculture: Present scenario and future prospects.
Analytical overview: issues and strategies for improvement of crop management,
livestock management, fisheries, cottage industry, resource management and rural
development. Institutions and policies: issues and options.
III. Elements of Climate and their Relationship with Crop Growth: Farming Systems,
biological nitrogen fixation, soil profile, structure and texture, soil fertility, soil erosion
and conservation, water logging and salinity
IV. Genetic Improvement for Crop Production: GMO crops, Seed production
V. Horticulture: Floriculture, landscaping, pests and diseases of agriculture crops and
their control, integrated pest management.
VI. Rainfed and Irrigated Agriculture: Agriculture mechanization, land tenure and land
reforms, role of agriculture in national economy.
VII. Water Management: Concept of water management and its developments in Pakistan,
components of water management. Irrigation system management, Soil moisture and
its types, soil moisture characteristics, field capacity, wilting point, total available water,
management allowed deficit, infiltration rate, hydraulic conductivity.
VIII. Land Levelling: Importance of land levelling in water management, topographic
survey, system layout, determining cuts and fills, land levelling equipment, laser land
levelling and use of total station.
IX. Watercourse Design and Maintenance: Hydraulics of open channel flow, flow
profiles, design of watercourse for a command, watercourse structures, cleaning and
maintenance of watercourses.
Page 30 of 30


S. No. Title Author

1. Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture World Bank, USA
2. Participatory Rural Development in
Khan, M. H
3. Agriculture in Pakistan Khan M. H.
4. Economic Survey of Latest Years
5. Agricultural/Livestock/Machinery/Rural
Developments Censes of Latest Years
6. Fundamentals of Soil Science Henry D. Foth
7. Isrealson, O.W. Vaughn, E.
Irrigation Principles & Practices
8. A Text Book of Plant Pathology A.V.S.S. Sambamurti
9. The Principles of Agronomy. Harris, Franklin Stewart
10. Crop evapotranspiration (Guidelines for Allen, R.G., Pereira, L.S.,
computing crop water requirements), Raes, D. and Smith, M.
11. OFWM Field Manual 1-4, Federal Water Ministry of Food, Agriculture
Management Cell. and Livestock, Islamabad.

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