Paorinher Soccer Academy
Paorinher Soccer Academy
Paorinher Soccer Academy
1. Opening prayer.
2. Introduction.
3. Communication from the chair.
4. Reaction/ way forward.
5. Closer.
Min1: 2020:
Introduction was done/ completed well where by every member who came for the meeting introduces themselves.
Chair man welcomes all the parents for turning up for the meeting and he added that the purpose of the meeting
was to inform the parents who came for the meeting that the children who have been selected for the scholarship in
Paorinher nursery and primary school will have to meet the following:
One parent called Okot Vincent says, he appreciated the director for the good work and giving support on the
children and he added that parents should also join hands together so that the offices and everything works
One parent also thanks the director so much and all the technical staff of Paorinher soccer academy who are on the
grass root especially this time of lockdown of covid-19.
Another parent called Auma Flourence says it’s really good for the children to be engaged or being together
especially this time whereby there is no school at the moment. She added that ever since such opportunity has never
come on her way.
One parent also reacted that what she has seen herself, there’s so much discipline and smartness with the children.
The chair man summarized that what has been discussed in the meeting should be done by saying that parent have
shown good example when they are called for the meeting and he added that they have to talk to their children
about the good thing the director has brought that is their future.
He wishes all parent good time in case they go back home and take care of their children; they have to know that
there is covid-19.