2020 Mobile Banking Acceptance 10
2020 Mobile Banking Acceptance 10
2020 Mobile Banking Acceptance 10
PII: S1567-4223(18)30042-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elerap.2018.05.002
Reference: ELERAP 790
Please cite this article as: F. Malaquias, R. Malaquias, Y. Hwang, Understanding the determinants of mobile banking
adoption: a longitudinal study in brazil, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (2018), doi: https://
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Prior research has analyzed mobile banking and the factors that influence its adoption.
Among the factors identified in these previous studies are trust, social influence, ease of use, personal
innovativeness, and task characteristics (Zhou et al., 2010; Lin, 2011; Yu, 2012; Chitungo and
Munongo, 2013; Shaikh and Karjaluoto, 2015; Malaquias and Hwang, 2016). Through a longitudinal
approach, the current study aims to examine how the effects of these factors evolved over time. Figure
1 presents illustrates the research framework that uses these constructs and the related variables. Our
main purpose is to analyze the effects of time on the use of mobile banking, but we also have the in-
terest to evaluate other variables related to the use of mobile banking.
Trust plays an important role in individual behavior toward adopting an innovation, mainly in
the early adoption stage (Luo et al., 2010). According to Lin et al. (2014), developing customer trust
in mobile banking is a dynamic process in which although initial trust is an important indicator of
mobile banking success, but it does not necessarily lead to the desired objectives if trust does not per-
sist. As mobile banking adoption involves unknown risks, customers need to rely on trust to mitigate
their risk perceptions (Luo et al., 2010). Lin (2013) also pointed out that when customers obtain relia-
ble and trustworthy services, they are more likely to continue using mobile banking.
Trust develops over time as a result of experience and familiarity with another party (Gefen et
al., 2003; Lewicki and Bunker, 1995). Thus, to the extent that customers have a good experience with
this technology, without problems related to privacy and security, the effect of passing time tend to be
positive for trust in mobile banking. In this context, it is important for banks to take care of the securi-
ty of mobile banking over time because information about hacker intrusions and potential vulnerabili-
ties in the mobile channel typically decrease consumer intentions to use this technology.
Social influence reflects “the influence of people important to the user on the adoption behav-
ior” (Zhou et al., 2010, p. 762). Several studies have analyzed the impact of social influence on mo-
bile banking adoption. Yu (2012), for example, identified that it has significant effects on individuals’
intention to adopt mobile banking. Zhou et al. (2010) also have reported that user adoption is signifi-
cantly affected by social influence. Mohammadi (2015) concluded that the social context for consum-
ers plays an important role in encouraging them to adopt mobile banking, and social stimulus can
facilitate the use of mobile banking. As pointed to by Rogers (1995), the meaning of an innovation is
gradually worked out through a social process in which subjective evaluations about an innovation are
communicated. In the present context, it is natural to expect that, with more individuals using mobile
banking, the social influence related to this technology will grow over time.
Personal innovativeness is related to the risk-taking propensity of the individuals (Ararwal
and Prasad, 1998). It represents the relative earliness or lateness with which an individual adopts an
innovation compared with others (Rogers, 1995). Individuals with higher personal innovativeness
tend to develop more positive beliefs about innovations and are expected to be their early adopters
(Lu et al., 2005). In the domain of IT, the literature has shown that personal innovativeness has posi-
tive influence perceptions of trust, usefulness and ease of use of technologies (Lu et al., 2005;
Chitungo and Munongo, 2013). Lu et al. (2005), for example, found that personal innovativeness di-
rectly affects perceptions of usefulness and ease of use toward wireless internet services via mobile
devices. In the context of mobile banking, Chitungo and Munongo (2013) identified that personal
innovativeness has significant effect on user’s attitude, which in turn influences the intention toward
mobile banking. Time is related to the innovativeness of the individuals because some users (non-
innovators) can take more time to adopt new technologies than others (innovators).
Perceived ease of use can be defined as “the degree to which mobile banking is perceived as
easy to understand and operate” (Lin, 2011, p. 254). Users will perceive mobile banking as easy to use
when they recognize that they have the capabilities to use it for their banking transactions (Gu et al.,
2009). The found that that perceived ease of use affects behavioral intention to adopt mobile banking.
Customers also will perceive it to be trustworthy and useful, and will be more willing to adopt it (Lin,
2011). Perceived ease of use can be viewed as a driver of usage intention (Lu et al., 2005) and may
differ for potential and experienced customers (Lin, 2011). Though perceived ease of use had a signif-
icant effect on attitude toward mobile banking, it was greater for experienced customers. In e-
commerce, Gefen et al. (2003) has written that the more familiar users are with a website, the more
they will perceive it as easy to use. Thus, the perception of ease of use of a technology tends to grow
over time to the extent that people have more experience with it (Gefen et al., 2003).
The task characteristics construct in this research is related to user task requirements (Zhou et
al., 2014). For mobile banking, if an individual has low demand for mobile transactions, she will not
adopt it (Zhou et al., 2010). Previous studies have analyzed task characteristics and their impact on
mobile banking adoption (Oliveira et al., 2014). The authors found that task characteristics affect task
technology fit, which in turn affects behavioral intention toward mobile banking use. Malaquias and
Hwang (2016) also identified a significant and positive relationship between trust in mobile banking
and tasks characteristics. As mobile devices are increasingly present in daily life of people, individu-
als tend to use more these devices to develop their personal activities. Therefore, we expect that the
need to perform banking services tasks over mobile devices will increase over time.
This study involves a longitudinal analysis of mobile banking use and other factors related to
this technology. We invited undergrad students in business management and accounting to participate
in the research. They were informed that participation was not mandatory, that they could leave the
questionnaire for when they intend to do it, and that no personally-identifying information (PII) re-
garding their identification was needed. Data were collected using anonymous forms. For the empiri-
cal analysis, we collected data in three different periods, as we explain in the following paragraphs. In
all these three case, we used paper and pencil questionnaires.
Sample 1: The first sample had 595 complete questionnaires collected from December 2014
to January 2015. Questionnaires were complete when the respondent give answers to all ques-
Sample 2: The second sample had 197 complete questionnaires May to June 2016.
Sample 3: The third sample had 241 complete questionnaires, from November 2017 to the
beginning of December, 2017.
In total, the dataset for this study is comprised of responses from 1,033 questionnaires. The
interval of time between each sample is at least 15 months, which permits a comparison of values
with more than a year of difference. Moreover, there are 33 months between the 1st and 3rd sample,
which is more than 2½ years. All the questionnaires were answered through anonymous forms. This
methodology does not permit a matching procedure (which would be a good option in this case), but it
contributes to a higher rate of response, since respondents do not need to identify themselves. Never-
theless, all three rounds of data collection were done at the same university, and the respondents had
similar characteristics since all of them were business student. Moreover, some respondents may have
participated in all three surveys, but this information is not available in our database following the
criteria of anonymity.
The participants of this study were undergrad students, and the age of the majority of re-
spondents was in the range of 18 – 30 years, Yet the results do not necessarily represent a generaliza-
ble panorama regarding mobile banking adoption. Luo et al. (2010, p. 227) suggest that undergrad
students usually “have the basic computer skills and the necessary technology infrastructure to con-
duct mobile banking, which relies on the integration of wireless and Internet technologies.” Therefore,
even with a potential limitation of using responses from such students, the results of this study can
contribute with the research in the field of mobile banking since we considered a part of population
that presents the skills and basic infrastructure to adopt this technology.
The questionnaire used in this research was adopted from previous studies. Their items are
available in Appendix A. We calculated the mean of each variable to represent the individual observa-
tion of each respondent. In order to compare the means of the constructs according to each sample, we
employed a t-test for mean differences. The null hypothesis of this test is that the difference is 0; the
alternative hypothesis is that the difference is not equal to 0.
The first step in this research was to analyze the difference between the variables in the three
different periods of mobile banking adoption. Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of all variables
of the study; this information is presented by period.
Table 1 presents initial evidence about the averages of the constructs over time. In order to
compare these values and evaluate the significance of their differences, we employed t-tests. The re-
sults are summarized in Tables 2, 3 and 4. They present results for combinations between the three
samples: the difference in Samples 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3.
As we can see in Tables 2, 3 and 4, the variables Use (difference = 1.152; 1.668, both signifi-
cant at 1%) and Task (difference = 0.981; 1.339, both significant at 1%) presented the highest differ-
ences between the samples. This result confirms our expectations regarding task activities since mo-
bile devices are increasingly present in the daily lives of people. Thus, individuals have tended to use
this technology more frequently over time. It is also important to note that the difference in the level
of PIIT between Samples 2 and 3 was not statistically significant, but there was an increase in the use
of mobile banking over time (difference = 0.516; significant at 1%). Moreover, the differences in
variables between Samples 2 and 3 (Use, Task, Trust, EU and SI) were significant at the 5% level.
Since banks have been considering investments in mobile banking as a strategic feature
(Oliveira et al., 2014), there is an expectation that financial institutions must reach at least an accepta-
ble rate of return on these investments over time. This is consistent with the benefits provided by mo-
bile banking to its customers, such as flexibility and mobility (Lin, 2011; Luo et al., 2010;
Kourouthanassis and Giaglis, 2014).
The results in this research are in accord with diffusion of innovations theory. Time is an im-
portant factor through which to understand diffusion. In Brazil, from the responses obtained in the
survey, the use of mobile devices to develop banking activities seems to be in the process of growth.
In Samples 2 and 3, the variable PIIT showed a significant difference when compared with
Sample ` (Tables 2 and 3). We also performed an additional test for robustness. This new analysis was
helpful to indicate whether a respondent in Sample 1 and another in Samples 2 or 3 with an equivalent
level of PIIT would differ in terms of their decisions to adopt mobile banking. Thus, through the indi-
ces of PIIT variable, we developed another round of mean comparison between the years. For this, we
created a group with individuals who scored more than 3 and less than 4 for the variable PIIT (237
respondents). Then, we followed the same reasoning as in Tables 2, 3 and 4. For the results, see Ap-
pendix B, under the column with “4 > PIIT > 3”.
T results of this test indicate the same conclusion as for the previous analysis: the effects of
the variables Use, Task, Trust, EU and SI increased over time. Comparing Samples 1 and 3, this in-
crease is statistically significant at 1%. This is not true, whoever, for PIIT, which is a control that
indicates these sub-samples have individuals with equivalent levels of innovation in IT.
For a second test of the hypothesis for the effects of time, we developed a regression (Model
1) with Use as the dependent variable, and the others as independent variables. We also included two
dummy variables for time in Model 2. Time is represented by Sample2 and Sample3, with Sample1 as
the base case for comparison. The results are presented in Table 5. The is to evaluate whether the pos-
itive effect of time remains significant even in the presence of the controls for the other variables.
The results in Table 5 confirm that the effect of time is statistically significant at 1%, and is
stronger for Sample 1 than Sample 3 (coefficient = 0.567). We repeated the analysis in Model 2 ex-
cluding the observations of Sample 2, and the dummy variable remained statistically significant at 1%
(coefficient = 0.606, N = 836). Nevertheless, when we repeated the test excluding Sample 1, the coef-
ficient of the dummy remained positive (coefficient = 0.141, N = 438), but was not significant at 5%.
It is also important to note that the results in Table 5 suggest there is no significant effect of
PIIT on the Use, which is not in line with previous research. This result may be related to the fact that,
among the respondents, convenience to develop banking activities (represented by Task) and the opin-
ions of others (represented by Social Influence) have been dominant in explaining the use of mobile
banking. Therefore, considering the samples with undergraduate students, their individual relationship
with IT may not necessarily be the main variable through which to understand mobile banking use.
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Mobile banking use (Use)
I often use mobile banking to conduct banking transactions. Zhou et al. (2010)
Task Characteristics (Task)
I need to ...
... transfer money anytime anywhere. Zhou et al. (2010)
... manage my account anytime anywhere. Oliveira et al. (2014)
... acquire account information in real time.
Trust in mobile banking (Trust)
Mobile banking ...
... seems trustworthy. Zhou (2013)
... seems secure. Oliveira et al. (2014)
... keeps its promise.
Ease of use (EU)
Davis (1989)
I find that mobile banking is easy to use.
Zhou et al. (2010)
Learning how to operate mobile banking is easy for me.
Zhou (2012)
Social Influence (SI)
Those people that ...
Zhou et al. (2010)
... influence my behavior think that I should use mobile banking.
Oliveira et al. (2014)
... are important to me think that I should use mobile banking.
Personal Innovativeness in IT (PIIT)
If I heard about a new IT, I would look for ways to gain experience with it. Agarwal and Karahanna (2000)
Among my peers, I am usually the first to try out new information technologies. Zhou (2012)
I like to experiment with new information technologies. Hwang (2014)
For all these items in Appendix A, respondents were asked to answer using a Likert scale, ranging from (1)
strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree.
Note: The main purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of time in the use of mobile banking, and the indirect effect that
time can present on the other variables related with mobile banking adoption.