End Plate Connections
End Plate Connections
End Plate Connections
A series of tests were executed for H-shaped beams whose flanges were connected to end-plate by non-completely penetrated welds. The welds
were designed by equal capacity rule and the beams were mainly composed of non-compact or slender elements. The parameters introduced are
width–thickness ratios of beam flange and web, end-plate thickness, angle between flange plane and end-plate plane and so on. 24 pieces of
specimens were tested to failure under monotonic loading and 6 under cyclic loading. For comparison, a few of the specimens are those with
completely penetrated groove welds. Finite element (FE) analysis was also carried out to study the effect of parameter change on the resistance of
the welds. The parameters involved end-plate thickness, weld size, column flange thickness and bolt gauge. The results show that thinner end-plate
and greater bolt gauge will deteriorate the resistance of weld. As long as the components are properly designed, as done in tests, the connections
will not fail at the welds no matter what kind of weld form is adopted. In addition, weld form has no obvious effect on the ultimate loads and
cyclic behavior of specimens. It is confirmed that the non-completely penetrated welds connecting flanges of H-shaped beams and end-plates can
be used both under static loading and seismic loading in low-rise building structure where local buckling of the member is the predominant factor.
c 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Portal frame; End-plate connection; Weld; Static and cyclic test; Finite element analysis
Table 4
General information of specimens
Specimen ID Weld form Weld dimension tep (mm) tep /tfb Bolt layout Beam orientation Loading type
h f (mm) S (mm) α (◦ )
A1-1EM CJP – – – 16 2.0 EPA Horizontal Monotonic
A1-2EM CJP – – – 20 2.5 EPA Horizontal Monotonic
A2-1EM-1 FW 8 – – 16 2.0 EPA Horizontal Monotonic
A2-1EM-2 FW 8 – – 16 2.0 EPA Horizontal Monotonic
A2-2EM FW 8 – – 20 2.5 EPA Horizontal Monotonic
A3-1FM PJP3 9 7.8 60 16 2.0 EPA Declining Monotonic
A1-1ER CJP – – – 16 2.0 EPA Horizontal Cyclic
A2-1ER FW 8 – – 16 2.0 EPA Horizontal Cyclic
A2-2ER FW 8 – – 20 2.5 EPA Horizontal Cyclic
B1-1EM CJP – – – 16 2.0 EPB1 Horizontal Monotonic
B1-2EM CJP – – – 20 2.5 EPB1 Horizontal Monotonic
B2-1EM FW 8 – – 16 2.0 EPB1 Horizontal Monotonic
B2-2EM FW 8 – – 20 2.5 EPB1 Horizontal Monotonic
B2-4EM FW 8 – – 16 2.0 EPB2 Horizontal Monotonic
B2-5EM FW 8 – – 20 2.5 EPB2 Horizontal Monotonic
C1-2EM CJP – – – 20 1.7 EPC1 Horizontal Monotonic
C1-3EM CJP – – – 25 2.1 EPC1 Horizontal Monotonic
C3-2EM PJP1 12 11.1 60 20 1.7 EPC1 Horizontal Monotonic
C3-3EM PJP1 12 11.1 60 25 2.1 EPC1 Horizontal Monotonic
C3-5EM PJP1 12 11.1 60 20 1.7 EPC2 Horizontal Monotonic
C3-6EM PJP1 12 11.1 60 25 2.1 EPC2 Horizontal Monotonic
D1-2EM CJP – – – 20 1.7 EPD Horizontal Monotonic
D1-3EM CJP – – – 25 2.1 EPD Horizontal Monotonic
D3-2EM PJP1 12 11.1 60 20 1.7 EPD Horizontal Monotonic
D4-2EM PJP2 12 11.1 60 20 1.7 EPD Horizontal Monotonic
D3-3EM PJP1 12 11.1 60 25 2.1 EPD Horizontal Monotonic
D3-2FM PJP3 12 12.7 60 20 1.7 EPD Declining Monotonic
D1-2ER CJP – – – 20 1.7 EPD Horizontal Cyclic
D3-2ER PJP1 12 11.1 60 20 1.7 EPD Horizontal Cyclic
D3-3ER PJP1 12 11.1 60 25 2.1 EPD Horizontal Cyclic
(a) EPA. (b) EPC1. (c) EPC2. (d) EPB1. (e) EPB2. (f) EPD.
end-plate. The detailed geometries of end-plates and bolt layout bfb tfb f ≤ 2(0.7h f bfb βf ) f fw (1)
are described in Fig. 1.
where, f and f fw
denote the design strength of beam and
fillet weld respectively, βf is the strength factor, 1.22 by
2.3. Weld connecting beam section and end-plate Chinese specification, f fw / f is approximately equal to 0.65 for
grade Q345 steel. The design strength of PJPG weld was also
In this study, both fillet weld (FW) and partial joint pene- calculated according to Eq. (1) while h f was replaced with S
tration groove weld (PJPG weld) with additional reinforcing (Fig. 2). The weld sizes finally adopted are listed in Table 4.
fillet weld on the opposite side of the flange (PJP) are called In all, the three combinations of non-completely penetrated
non-completely penetrated weld. The size of the fillet weld, h f , welds, named as FW, PJP1 and PJP2, were used to connect
was calculated by Eq. (1) based on the principle of equivalent beam flanges and end-plate as shown in Fig. 2. No welding
strength of the weld and beam flange. access hole was set.
Y. Chen, S. Wang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65 (2009) 228–236 231
Test specimen was bolted to a linkage which acted as a 4.2. Load–displacement curves
segment of structural column. The linkage was then fixed on
the back support column. A reaction frame was used to balance Load–displacement (F1 –δ) curves are plotted in Fig. 5,
the load of oil jacks. The test set-up is shown in Fig. 3. In where δ represents the deformation at the free end of the
monotonic loading process, only the upper jack was used. For beam, excluding the settlement and decline of support column.
cyclic loading process, two oil jacks exerted load in turn. Unfortunately, the curve of specimen D1-2EM was not obtained
The loads were applied on the free end of beam at a distance, due to the sensor error.
L b , of 1500 mm (series A) or 2000 mm (series B, C, D) from the In the curves except that of specimen A2-1EM-1, there
end-plate. The load applied by the upper jack and the lower one is an arrow denoting the onset of the local buckling in the
is designated as F1 and F2 respectively. Lateral supports were compression flange, which was detected by strain gauges.
232 Y. Chen, S. Wang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65 (2009) 228–236
(a) Series A, tep = 16 mm. (b) Series A, tep = 20 mm. (c) Series B, tep = 16 mm.
(d) Series B, tep = 20 mm. (e) Series C, tep = 20 mm. (f) Series C, tep = 25 mm.
In Fig. 5, load level Fe or F p are marked with straight lines, f yf Ib f yw Ib
Fe = min , (2)
which represents the loads on the beam end corresponding to its (h b /2) L b (h wb /2) L b
yield moment and full plastic moment respectively. The loads f yf Sfb + f yw Swb
can be calculated by Eqs. (2) and (3) where Ib is the inertia Fp = . (3)
moment of beam section, Sfb and Swb are the plastic section Lb
modulus of flanges and web respectively to the neutral axis of Since the beams of series A and B are NCSE members,
the beam section. The expected capacities of all series are listed the ultimate loads based on estimated moment capacity but
in Table 5. computed by effective area are also given in Table 5, noted as
Y. Chen, S. Wang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65 (2009) 228–236 233
Table 5
Theoretical resistances of connected beams (kN)
Theoretical resistance A B C D
Fe 159 229 137 332
Fp 218 262 156 405
FB 183 231 – –
FB . Here, the flange width, 32tfb f yf /235, and the web depth,
Fig. 11. Load vs. displacement curves of typical specimens in cyclic loading tests.
weld develops rapidly. When the bolt is in its design ultimate Table 7
state, it appears plastic at the weld toe of specimen B2-1EM Ultimate loads in cyclic loading tests (kN)
and B2-2EM, but for specimen BE1 and BE2 many parts of Specimen ID F1 max F2 max Specimen ID F1 max F2 max
the weld have yielded. Considering the characteristics of stress A1-1ER 163 163 D1-2ER 434 449
distribution and values, it can be deduced that under ultimate A2-1ER 163 160 D3-2ER 444 472
state of bolts, end-plate and weld remain elastic in specimen A2-2ER 162 161 D3-3ER 445 461
B2-2EM, develop very limited plasticity in specimen B2-1EM F1ave 157 F1ave 453
and fail in specimen BE1 and BE2. Therefore, the decrease of
end-plate thickness will deteriorate the resistance of end-plate small as possible on condition that it meets the requirement of
and weld, but the components will be safe when the end-plate calculation and construction.
thickness is calculated by the methods discussed in Section 2.2. 6. Cyclic loading tests
In the two criteria, criterion II is recommended for safety.
To specimen BE3 and BE4 with CJP weld, there exist similar 6.1. Phenomena in cyclic process
phenomena as those mentioned above.
At the first loading level, there was a little plastic
Plastic zone in fillet weld increases with the decrease of deformation in the flange near the weld. In series A, specimens
weld size. When the size was reduced to 70% of the designed reached their ultimate capacity at the second loading level due
value, as specimen BW1, most part of the weld outside the to local buckling of compressed flange, at the third loading
tension flange becomes plastic whereas the beam and other level, the load retained almost the same value as obtained
components develop merely limited plasticity or even remain at the end of the second level and the compressed flange
elastic. Considering the results of tests and FE analysis, the began to buckle severely. In series D, almost all the loads
equal capacity design rule is reasonable and safe enough. reached ultimate value at the second loading level except F2 of
The thickness of column flange has hardly any effect specimen D3-3ER. At the third loading level the loads dropped
on the distribution and peak value of von Mises stress in obviously. No weld failure was detected in all specimens.
welds although the deformation of column flange changed
accordingly. 6.2. Test data and curves
The effect of bolt gauge is somewhat distinct. When bolt The maximum loads, F1 max and F2 max , are summarized in
gauge increases, compound bending of end-plate also increases, Table 7 as well as the corresponding value F1ave , obtained in
which makes the plastic zone develop and the stress level monotonic loading tests.
improve in the weld. Contrarily the plastic zone and stress Load–displacement curves of typical specimens are plotted
level shall decrease. As a result, bolt gauge should be as in Fig. 11.
236 Y. Chen, S. Wang / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 65 (2009) 228–236
Compared with the results of monotonic loading tests, the only if the weld is designed by equivalent capacity rule.
following conclusions can be drawn: (1) the failure modes of Furthermore, the conclusion can be applied even to the
series A and D under cyclic loading are identical with that compact element connection within thickness limitation.
under monotonic loading, i.e. the local buckling of compressed (4) The design principles for non-completely penetrated welds
flange and web in NCSE members, or the thoroughly plastic connecting end-plate and beam flange are examined by test
deformation after full plastic moment development in compact and FE analysis. However, quality examination of the weld
members. (2) None of the specimens failed due to weld should be done and be emphasized.
cracking. (3) In each series, the change of weld form brings not
more than 7% difference for F1 max and F2 max . Thus, weld form Acknowledgements
has no obvious effect on the bearing capacity of the specimen.
The specimens displayed good energy dissipating character- The research was financially supported by Bluescope Butler
istics, and weld form has no obvious effect on the cyclic behav- (Shanghai) Inc., Shanghai ABC Steel Structure Co. Ltd.
ior of the specimens. and Hangxiao Steel Structure Co. Ltd. Appreciation is also
presented to Dr. Aihui Wu for her supply of weld mechanical
7. Design rules properties.
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