The Pros and Cons of Online Learning During Shutdown
The Pros and Cons of Online Learning During Shutdown
The Pros and Cons of Online Learning During Shutdown
We are living in the age of computers. There is almost no sector where computer
and internet are not being used. Exchanging of information and communication is
its outstanding contribution. Internet is its network that connect millions of
computers worldwide. It is a gateway for people. Not only in the field of
information and communication, it also plays a significant role in study. Students
and teachers can easily get necessary information though internet. They can
easily read books without going to library. Internet based learning has become
very popular all over the world.
Uses the internet has major benefits to students. The most important advantage
is students can get their studies regularly though online classes. It’s a blessing for
new era. Online learning has an important part of this risk-averse situation in the
world today.
There are lots of advantages of online learning. Online learning is distance
learning. Students can get their studies though online, even if their classes are off.
This process is very comfortable and suitable for people who can’t present in their
physically. During this time of shutdown online learning is helping students in
many way. First of all it saves our time, because of the online learning students
can complete their course on time. Students can get their lectures timely, can
learn about digital world though online classes.
During the time of shutdown online classes is a best option for schools and
institutions. This will improve our knowledge about technology and also will help
to increase formal communication capacity. Students can practice more and more
about their study material.
With a lot of advantages of online learning there are some disadvantages as well.
Internet has some harmful aspects beside its great contribution. Some miscreants
spread Internet virus and destroy computers to fulfill their illegal ends. Some
computer hackers use Internet to hack into other’s computer system and cause
them harm. Sometimes students can even waste their valuable time though using
internet. Moreover many may face difficulty understanding studies because the
are not present in their class as person. Shyness is also a problem for contacting
with their teachers, they may not sometime clear their problems. This is a
disadvantage of online learning.
Advantages and disadvantages are the same part of coin. It depends on us how
we make a good utilize of online studies. Though there are some disadvantages
there are some advantages as well. But the advantages are more than
disadvantages as the new world is making them prepare for online studies we
should also concerntrate with them and increase our capacity for online studies. It
will help both in our future of career and present to improve more.