Case Report: Characteristics and Treatment Results of 5 Patients With Fibrous Dysplasia and Review of The Literature
Case Report: Characteristics and Treatment Results of 5 Patients With Fibrous Dysplasia and Review of The Literature
Case Report: Characteristics and Treatment Results of 5 Patients With Fibrous Dysplasia and Review of The Literature
Case Report
Characteristics and Treatment Results of 5 Patients with
Fibrous Dysplasia and Review of the Literature
Copyright © 2015 Nilufer Ozdemir Kutbay et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Aim. Fibrous dysplasia is a rare bone disease caused by missense mutation leading to abnormal fibroblast and osteoblast proliferation
and increased bone resorption. FD can present in monostotic or polyostotic forms. About 3% of FD could be in association with
McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS). Because FD is a rare disease, there is limited data in the literature about characteristics of
disease and response to treatment. Methods. We present our five cases of FD with general properties and their responses to medical
treatment. Results. Two of our patients had polyostotic and three had monostotic FD. One of the polyostotic patients had MAS.
One of our patients had surgery for femur fractures, facial asymmetry, and findings of compression. Four patients were given
pamidronate; one was given zoledronic acid as bisphosphonate treatment. Bone pain was relieved in all patients with medical
treatment. Conclusion. There was a decrease in bone turnover markers to some degree with medical treatment but no radiological
improvement was observed.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Radiologic images of patient 1. (a) X-ray of hands and forearms. (b) X-ray of feet. (c) CT images of craniofacial bones.
Patient 1 (PFD) ALP (U/L) Ca (mg/dL) P (mg/dL) PTH (pg/mL) OC (ng/mL) DPD (nmol/L) Dvit (nmol/L)
Before tx 975 9.6 3.4 81 50.7 83.1 56
After 6 months of 1st pamidronate tx 612 9.3 3.4 66 100 65.6 —
After 6 months of 2nd pamidronate tx 632 9.7 2.8 55 93.7 41.7 —
After 2 years 520 9.2 NA 64.98 92.9 38.55 —
Patient 2 (MFD) ALP (U/L) Ca (mg/dL) P (mg/dL) PTH (pg/mL) OC (ng/mL) DPD (nmol/L) Dvit (nmol/L)
Before tx 54 10.5 4 20 10.8 5.45 24
After 12 months of 1st pamidronate tx 55 10 3.2 29 5.4 4.6 —
Patient 3 (MFD) ALP (U/L) Ca (mg/dL) P (mg/dL) PTH (pg/mL) OC (ng/mL) DPD (nmol) Dvit (nmol/L)
Before tx 66 9.6 4.7 31 5.56 10.97 40
After 12 months of 1st zoledronic a. tx 84 10.1 4.3 37.6 3.97 8 —
Patient 4 (MFD) ALP (U/L) Ca (mg/dL) P (mg/dL) PTH (pg/mL) OC (ng/mL) DPD (nmol/L) Dvit (nmol/L)
Before tx 111 9.6 3.2 32.7 25.6 11.43 31
After 12 months of 1st pamidronate tx 84 9.3 3.2 31.9 12.6 11.01 —
Patient 5 (PFD) ALP (U/L) Ca (mg/dL) P (mg/dL) PTH (pg/mL) OC (ng/mL) DPD (nmol/L) Dvit (nmol/L)
Before tx 227 10.5 3.9 54.5 15.8 8 29
After 3 months of 1st pamidronate tx 138 9.5 3.0 48 NA 5.2 —
2.3. Patient 3. A fifty-three-year-old female patient had the Figure 2: Cranial CT images of patient 3.
complaint of headache four years ago. When cranial CT
was performed there were lytic and sclerotic bone lesions
at the right frontal bone. Those lesions were compatible
with fibrous dysplasia (Figure 2). There was increased activity years ago. Cranial CT showed expansion and deformity
at cranium according to the bone scintigraphy. FD was pointing to FD at the sites of sphenoid bone, left maxillary
diagnosed clinically with the aid of imaging modalities. sinus, zygomatic bone, and mandibular bone (Figure 3(a)).
Operation was not performed. Only medical treatment was As a result of these changes, there was narrowing at the
recommended as zoledronic acid 5 mg intravenously. After inferior orbital fissure and pterygopalatine fossa. There was
zoledronic acid treatment, the complaints of the patient sub- no aeration at the left maxillary and sphenoid sinuses
sided. The changes in bone turnover markers with medical (Figure 3(a)). Increased activity at maxilla and mandible
treatment were shown in Table 1. was seen in bone scintigraphy pointed to FD (Figure 3(b)).
Pamidronate of 180 mg total dose was given intravenously.
2.4. Patient 4. A forty-three-year-old female patient was Bone pain was resolved after treatment and changes in bone
admitted to the hospital, Ear, Nose, and Throat Department, turnover markers were shown in Table 1. Bone lesions seen at
with the complaint of bone pain and facial deformity three CT were stable during follow-up.
4 Case Reports in Endocrinology
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Radiologic and scintigraphic images of patient 4. (a) Cranial CT image. (b) Scintigraphic image.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Radiologic and scintigraphic images of patient 5. (a) Cranial CT image. (b) Scintigraphic image.
2.5. Patient 5. A forty-one-year-old male patient has had with acromegaly, it was thought that he had atypical presen-
diagnosis of FD for 20 years. FD was diagnosed according to tation of MAS, because he had no café-au-lait macules.
maxillary lesion seen at cranial CT. He has also had diagnosis In the literature there was a report of case series present-
of acromegaly for 20 years. Pituitary surgery could not be ing as atypical MAS [7]. McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS)
performed because of the maxillary and sphenoid sinus is a rare disease which is characterized by the three features:
lesion. There was scene of FD at the left temporal, sphenoid, fibrous dysplasia (usually polyostotic), café-au-lait macules,
maxillary, and mandibular bones causing expansion and and endocrine hyperfunction [7]. Endocrinopathies often
changes in density. There was a contraction of superior include sexual precocity, hyperthyroidism, hypercortisolism,
and inferior orbital fissures (Figure 4(a)). As treatment of GH excess, and hyperprolactinemia. One or two classical
acromegaly, he was using octreotide and dopamine agonist. symptoms of MAS were present in atypical MAS. GNAS
Radiotherapy for the acromegaly was performed 3 years mutation analysis was present in <50% of patients with classic
ago. Bone scintigraphy showed increased activity at left triad of MAS. Therefore, the use of mutation analysis in those
maxilla and mandible, sternum, and 1st, 5th, and 6th costae patients is limited and diagnosis of atypical MAS remains
(Figure 4(b)). Changes in bone turnover markers after 180 mg challenging [7]. In our patient GNAS mutation was not
pamidronate treatment were presented in Table 1. Together detected.
Case Reports in Endocrinology 5
Age, gender Type Clinical findings at Medical department first Biopsy verified
the time of dx place of admission
P1 31 y, F Polyostotic Femur fracture Emergency Yes
P2 30 y, M Monostotic Bone pain Plastic Surgery No
P3 53 y, F Monostotic Headache Neurosurgery No
P4 43 y, F Monostotic Bone deformity ENT∗ No
P5 43 y, M Polyostotic Bone deformity Plastic Surgery Yes
ENT: ear, nose, and throat.
Patient 1 Patient 2
90 14
60 10
30 6
0 2
Before tx After 6 After 6 After 2 Before tx After 12
months months years months
of 1st tx of 2nd tx of 1st tx
DPD (nmol/L) DPD (nmol/L)
Patient 3
14 Patient 4
10 11
9 10
8 9
7 8
6 7
5 6
4 5
3 4
2 3
Before tx After 12 2
months Before tx After 12
of 1st tx months of tx
DPD (nmol/L) DPD (nmol/L)
Patient 5
Before tx After 3 months
of tx
DPD (nmol/L)
Figure 5: The changes in urinary DPD levels before and after bisphosphonate treatment.
Case Reports in Endocrinology 7
This study was presented in 36th Turkey Endocrinology and
Metabolism Diseases Congress as a poster on May 21–25,
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
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