5 Auricular Splinting 2018
5 Auricular Splinting 2018
5 Auricular Splinting 2018
Karthik Rao*, Mohan Jagade, Vitthal Kale, Dev Kumar, Amol Hekare
Auricular; Splinting; Pseudocyst; Management
Fig. 1: The corrugated drain sheet fashioned into anterior and posterior splints. The anterior splint having
triangular cut to facilitate drainage and accommodate crus of Helix; the posterior splint having curvilinear cut to
accommodate in post-aural groove.
Fig. 2: The pre-operative photograph (panel A) depicting extensive chronic pseudocyst of the right auricle
following trauma. Post-operative photograph with aural splint is shown in panel B.
Fig. 4: Bar graph depicting the post-operative observations during follow up.
Fig. 5: Localized pseudocyst of right ear (panel A) and complete resolution seen during the 6th month follow up
(panel B).
Fig. 6: Panel A showing the post-operative photograph and Panel B depicting the skin discolouration, thickening
of skin and ridging seen during the 6th month follow up.
Fig. 7: Panel A showing pre-operative photograph of chronic recurrent auricular pseudocyst, Panel B showing
immediate post-operative photograph and panel C showing 6th monthly follow up photograph depicting
maintenance of good aural contour with mild skin discolouration and thickening of skin.
Certain authors have been aggressive in their non-porosity of the rubber sheet. The use of
approach by excising of the anterior wall of the corrugated drain sheet splint is an ingenious
pseudocyst followed by abrasion of granulation method of aural pseudocyst management. This
tissue on the inner wall with a diamond burr, method is simple can be performed by even less
followed by a bolster dressing and two weeks experienced surgeons and highly economical
postoperatively the patient had an area of which prevents the recurrence maintains the
exposed cartilage that required a full thickness auricular aesthetics.
post auricular skin graft.9 In our study following
the aspiration, contour dressing and splint CONFLICT OF INTEREST
application, in all 27 patients (100%), there was
complete resolution of swelling. No patient had The authors declare no conflict of interest.
reaccumilation of fluid in the ear.
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