Dielectric Spectroscopy On Aqueous Electrolytic Solutions: &) A. Loidl

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Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114

DOI 10.1007/s00411-008-0195-7


Dielectric spectroscopy on aqueous electrolytic solutions

R. Gulich Æ M. Köhler Æ P. Lunkenheimer Æ
A. Loidl

Received: 3 April 2008 / Accepted: 20 September 2008 / Published online: 14 October 2008
Ó Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract In this work, detailed dielectric measurements unique dielectric and viscous properties of water. In addi-
are presented on aqueous electrolytic solutions of NaCl and tion, the static dielectric constant and the relaxation
KCl in a broad frequency range, typical for modern tele- dynamics of the water molecules are significantly altered.
communication techniques. The complex dielectric Nowadays this is standard knowledge and extensively
permittivity or equivalently the complex conductivity are discussed in textbooks (see, e.g., [1]) and recent literature
systematically studied as function of frequency (100 MHz– (e.g., [2–6]). There, the concentration dependences of the
40 GHz), temperature (10–60°C) and molar concentration static dielectric constants [1, 3, 4] or of the mean relaxation
(0.001–1 mol/l). By a detailed analysis of the dielectric times [3, 4] for different ion species are plotted or tabulated
results using an asymmetrically broadened Cole–Davidson at a given temperature [1, 3, 4]. The dielectric properties of
distribution of relaxation times, in addition to dc conduc- electrolytes have an enormous impact on a variety of
tivity, the dielectric response as function of frequency, physical and chemical properties and are also of consid-
temperature, and molar concentration was fully parame- erable technical relevance [3, 4]. In recent years, renewed
terized by a total of 13 parameters. This model ansatz and interest arose because of their importance for the absorp-
the 13 parameters include an enormous predictive power, tion of electromagnetic radiation by biological matter [7].
allowing a reasonable estimation of the dielectric constant, The so-called ‘‘Specific Absorption Rate’’ (SAR) employed
loss, and the conductivity for any set of external variables to quantify the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by
frequency, temperature and concentration. The proposed living organisms is mainly determined through the con-
method is not only useful for rather simple electrolytic ductivity of electrolytes. Via the reflection coefficient, the
solutions, but also for cell suspensions and biological real part of the dielectric permittivity (the ‘‘dielectric
matter, if additional processes, especially at low frequen- constant’’, e0 ) determines the absorption of radiation by the
cies, are adequately taken into account. body, and via its influence on the wavelength, e0 is also of
relevance for possible resonance effects within the body.
Hence, precise knowledge of the dielectric properties of
electrolytes as function of frequency, temperature and
Introduction concentration of the ionic solution, is extremely important.
However, it is rather cumbersome to predict the absorption
Dissolved salts have a significant effect on the dielectric of electromagnetic radiation on the basis of tables and
properties of water: their ionic conduction drastically figures taken from the literature. In the present paper it is
increases the dc conductivity, and aqueous solutions are documented that it is possible to provide a set of 13
generally assumed to be good ion conductors, due to the parameters which uniquely describe the frequency, tem-
perature and concentration dependence for aqueous
solutions of a given ionic species. A similar task was
R. Gulich  M. Köhler  P. Lunkenheimer (&)  A. Loidl
already undertaken in [8, 9]. However, in the present work
Experimental Physics V, University of Augsburg,
86135 Augsburg, Germany more materials are investigated and a broader frequency
e-mail: Peter.Lunkenheimer@Physik.Uni-Augsburg.de and temperature range is covered. In addition, it is

108 Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114

proposed here to trace back the observed behavior to a 1 mol/l) and five different NaCl solutions (0.01, 0.1, 0.154,
smaller number of more basic parameters such as the 0.5 and 1 mol/l) were investigated.
energy barriers of Arrhenius laws. The present work is
intended to provide an example for the feasibility of this Data analysis
method. Especially in the technically relevant frequency
range investigated in the present work, the response of The measured frequency-dependent dielectric permittivity
most biological materials is qualitatively similar to that of e* = e0 - ie00 was fitted utilizing the sum of a relaxation
the investigated simple electrolytes. Thus, this method can function and a contribution from pure dc conductivity rdc.
also be used for the prediction of properties of more While the latter accounts for the ionic charge transport, the
complex biological systems. If additional processes at low relaxation function describes the loss peak and step-like
frequencies can adequately taken into account, this will decrease in e0 that are also observed in pure water. Before
ultimately allow determination of SAR values for any systematically analyzing the dielectric spectra, the most
given frequency or temperature. commonly employed relaxation functions were tested,
In the present work, detailed dielectric investigations of namely the Debye function, the symmetrically broadened
aqueous solutions of NaCl and KCl are presented, for Cole–Cole function [12], and the asymmetrically broad-
frequencies between 100 MHz and 40 GHz, temperatures ened Cole–Davidson (CD) function [13]. At room
from 10 to 60°C, and molar concentrations between 0.001 temperature, the relaxation peak is located close to a fre-
and 1 mol/l. In general, the precision of the results at least quency of 20 GHz and it shifts to lower/higher frequencies
matches or surpasses the most previously published data. when the temperature decreases/increases. Thus, to check
The dielectric data are parameterized utilizing the sum of a for the best suited relaxation function, only results at low
Cole–Davidson function and a dc conductivity contribu- temperatures were considered, where the measured fre-
tion. It is demonstrated that a total of 13 parameters allows quency range also covers the high-frequency flank of the
calculation of the complex dielectric permittivity for any relaxation peak. These tests revealed that a mono-disper-
combination of values of frequency, temperature and sive Debye relaxation does not provide a satisfactory fit of
concentration. the data and that a CD function, corresponding to an
asymmetrically broadened distribution of the relaxation
time, yields slightly better results than a symmetrically
Materials and methods
broadened Cole–Cole function. For other polar liquids, the
CD function was also found to provide satisfactory fits
The complex dielectric permittivities of aqueous solutions
(see, e.g., [14–16]). Thus, the frequency-dependent com-
were determined for frequencies between 100 MHz and
plex permittivity was fitted using the following formula:
40 GHz, by means of an open-end coaxial line method
using an Agilent E8363B PNA Network Analyzer and a so- es  e1 rdc
e ðxÞ ¼ e1 þ i ð1Þ
called ‘‘slim-form’’ probe from an Agilent 85070E ½1 þ ðixsÞb e0 x
Dielectric Probe Kit. In this method, the reflection of a
where e? is the high-frequency dielectric constant, es is the
coaxial line, whose end is immersed into the sample
static (low-frequency) dielectric constant, s the relaxation
material, is measured. The dielectric properties are calcu-
time, b the asymmetry parameter which is 1 in the Debye
lated taking into account the electric field distribution at the
case, rdc is the dc conductivity, and e0 the dielectric per-
end of the line [10, 11]. Eppendorf Micro Test Tubes
mittivity of vacuum.
(1.5 ml) were used and put into an Eppendorf thermomixer
Using Eq. 1, the least-square fits were simultaneously
to ensure a constant and stable temperature profile for the
performed for the real and imaginary parts.
solutions, and high homogeneity of the concentration of the
For the temperature dependence of mean relaxation time
electrolyte. The temperature was determined and stabilized
s and dc conductivity, one can assume a thermally acti-
better than 0.1°C. The measurements were performed at 17
vated (Arrhenius) behavior (Eqs. 2 and 3):
temperatures between 10 and 60°C, i.e., 10, 20, 24–50°C in  
steps of 2, and 60°C, respectively. The electrolytic solu- Es
s ¼ s0 exp ð2Þ
tions (KCl and NaCl) were purchased from Merck kB T
(‘‘CertipureÒ grade’’) and Sigma–Aldrich (‘‘Standard  
solution’’, salt concentration ±0.1%, Salt [ 99% purity), rdc ¼ r0 exp  ð3Þ
kB T
respectively. All concentrations in this work are expressed
in molarity (mol/l), determined at room temperature. where Es and Er can be assumed to be hindering barriers
Overall, four different KCl solutions (0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and against thermal reorientation of the water molecules and

Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114 109

against thermally activated diffusion of the dissolved ions, fixed in the fits to e? = 4. A possible weak concentration
and s0 and r0 are factors. dependence is not expected to influence the fit results in the
For ionic conduction, the latter (r0) should exhibit an frequency range investigated in this work. With this
inverse linear temperature dependence. This has been approach, es is completely determined by the Curie–Weiss
neglected here as, due to the relatively narrow temperature parameters for De. Thus, overall we have a set of 13
interval of the present experiments, this linear temperature parameters. In the following section it is shown that these
dependence was considered negligible when compared to parameters, when experimentally determined, uniquely
the exponential function describing the Arrhenius behavior. describe the complex dielectric permittivity or equivalently
For the dielectric strength (De = es - e?) of dipolar the complex conductivity (r* = r0 ? ir00 = ie*e0x) for
materials, based on the Onsager theory a Curie law any given values of frequency, temperature and
(De * 1/T), can be expected; however, in the present case concentration.
it can be better parameterized utilizing the phenomeno-
logical Curie–Weiss law (Eq. 4):
Results and discussion
De ¼ ð4Þ
T h
Figure 1 shows the dielectric constant (a), the dielectric
A stronger temperature dependence of De than implied loss (b) and the real part of the conductivity (c) as function
in the Curie behavior is a phenomenon often observed in of frequency for a 0.01 molarity KCl solution at tempera-
polar liquids pointing to cooperative relaxation processes tures between 10 and 60°C. The real part of the dielectric
[14, 15]. The Curie–Weiss law signifies dipole–dipole constant reveals a low-frequency plateau corresponding to
interactions with kBh characterizing the interaction es, which significantly decreases with increasing tempera-
strength. The constant C is related to the apparent dipole ture. Toward high frequencies a step-like decrease shows
moment of the water molecules in the electrolyte. up, indicative for the characteristic relaxational process of
Of course, most of the constants s0, Es, r0, Er, C and h, the water molecules. Correspondingly, e00 (m) shows the
which characterize the complete temperature dependence typical loss peaks. The peak maximum, which is well
of the dielectric response of the investigated solutions, defined except for the highest temperatures, significantly
should significantly depend on ion concentration. For shifts to lower frequencies with decreasing temperature,
simplicity reasons, the concentration dependences of all indicating an increase of the mean relaxation time due to
these parameters P were parameterized by a linear behavior slowing down of the re-orientational motions of the water
(Eq. 5): molecules. The strong increase in e00 (m) observed at low
frequencies can be ascribed to ionic charge transport. In the
P ¼ AðPÞ þ BðPÞc ð5Þ
double-logarithmic plot of Fig. 1b, it has a slope of -1 and
where c is the molar concentration in mol/l. thus e00 * m-1. As r0 = e0e00 x, this low-frequency diver-
Only for r0 the constant A(r0) becomes zero as it is gence of the loss corresponds to a constant r0 , i.e., dc
evident that for c = 0 the conductivity should vanish conductivity. As revealed by Fig. 1c, which shows the
(neglecting impurities and the small intrinsic conductivity frequency and temperature dependence of the real part of
of pure water). Equation 5 should be taken as a first the conductivity, indeed a frequency-independent low-fre-
approximation only, and it may not be strictly valid at low quency plateau is present, indicating pure dc conductivity.
and high concentrations. More measurements at other The plateau value increases approximately by a factor of 2
concentrations are necessary to find a more precise when the temperature is raised from 10 to 60°C. The solid
parameterization, for example, by introducing higher-order lines in Fig. 1 correspond to fits as outlined in the previous
polynomials. Overall 11 parameters were introduced to section, utilizing a CD function and a dc conductivity
describe the concentration dependence of the constants s0, contribution (Eq. 1). At the lowest frequencies and high
Es, r0, Er, C and h in addition to the static dielectric temperatures, e0 (m) is no longer constant and the slope of
constant es, the high-frequency value e? (both being cor- e00 (m) deviates from a m-1-behavior. These deviations scale
related via De = es - e?), and the asymmetry parameter well with the dc conductivity, becoming stronger for higher
b. Due to the restricted frequency range at the high-fre- rdc. Such behavior can be ascribed to the onset of blocking-
quency flank of the dielectric loss peak, the latter is electrode-effects [17]. Blocking electrodes usually come
difficult to determine from our experiments. Therefore, a into play at low frequencies and/or high ionic conductivity
constant value of b for all concentrations was assumed as when thin layers of counter ions at the electrodes hamper
detailed in the next section. Note that the parameter e? can further diffusion of ions in the electrolyte. As for the rel-
hardly be determined from our experiments and, therefore, atively low ion concentrations of Fig. 1 (c = 0.01 mol/l),
a constant value was taken from the literature [1, 7] and these effects are rather weak, they can be assumed to have

110 Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114

Fig. 1 a Dielectric constant, b dielectric loss and c real part of the Fig. 2 a Dielectric constant, b dielectric loss and c real part of the
conductivity, as a function of frequency for a 0.01 mol/l KCl solution conductivity, as function of frequency for NaCl solutions with ion
measured at temperatures between 10 and 60°C. The solid lines are concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1 mol/l measured at a temper-
fits using Eq. 1. The dashed line was calculated for 30°C, based on ature of 37°C. The solid lines are fits using Eq. 1. The dashed lines
the parameters of Table 1 were calculated for concentrations of c = 0.01 and 1 mol/l, based on
the parameters of Table 1

only small influence on the properties at higher frequen- account using the commonly applied description with a
cies, and the fits have been restricted to the region beyond parallel RC circuit in series to the sample [17]. Fits with
the range where blocking electrodes may become impor- and without this contribution (in the latter case restricting
tant. Nevertheless, measurements at lower frequencies than the fits to high frequencies) lead to small but significant
those used here would be desirable, to enable a correct differences also for the bulk parameters of Eq. 1 (espe-
modeling of the electrode effects and to get a more precise cially for De). This demonstrates the above-mentioned
estimate of the absolute values of the fit parameters in importance of low-frequency measurements for a more
Eq. 1. precise description also at low ion concentrations.
Figure 2 shows similar results on NaCl electrolytes. In Similar fits were performed for all data sets obtained for
this figure, the real (a) and imaginary (b) parts of the all investigated concentrations of both ion species at tem-
dielectric permittivity is plotted, as is the conductivity (c) peratures between 10 and 60°C. In a first step, from the
measured as a function of frequency at a temperature of results of these fits the temperature dependence of the
37°C, for molar concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1 mol/l. primary parameters of Eq. 1 was determined, namely the
At higher molar concentrations the peak of the water dc conductivity, the relaxation time and the dielectric
relaxation in e00 is almost hidden by conductivity contri- strength, respectively. Representative results for NaCl
butions. Again the solid lines in Fig. 2 correspond to the electrolytes with various concentrations are provided in
results of fits using Eq. 1. At high molar concentrations, the Fig. 3. Here rdc (a) and s (b) are shown in an Arrhenius-
dielectric constant reveals a strong increase of e0 (m) toward type representation, while the dielectric strength De (c) is
low frequencies, which can be ascribed to pronounced plotted as 1/De versus T, to account for the Curie–Weiss
electrode polarization effects. To corroborate this inter- type temperature dependence. The solid lines in Fig. 3 are
pretation, for c = 1 mol/l, two room temperature fit curves indicating a thermally activated behavior of
measurements were performed with the ‘‘slim-form’’ conductivity and relaxation time (Eqs. 2 and 3, respec-
coaxial probe and a coaxial line with larger diameter tively) and a Curie–Weiss behavior of the dielectric
(Agilent ‘‘High Temperature Probe’’). As expected for strength (Eq. 4). For low temperatures, a width parameter
blocking electrodes, a shift of the e0 -increase to lower b & 0.95 was found, only weakly varying with tempera-
frequencies was found for the larger diameter probe. In the ture and concentration. For high temperatures it is difficult
fits shown in Fig. 2, the electrode effects were taken into to obtain a reliable estimate for b as it is mainly based on

Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114 111

Fig. 4 Concentration dependences of pre-factors (a, c), energy

barriers (b, d) and Curie–Weiss parameters (e, f) for both electrolytes.
The lines are fits using Eq. 5

curved). However, one should be aware that this linear

description may only be a rough approximation of the
actual dependence. For example, it is well known that at
Fig. 3 Temperature dependence of the fit parameters as obtained high concentrations interactions between the ions can lead
from the description of the dielectric spectra with Eq. 1 for selected to a reduction of the conductivity [18], a behavior that
aqueous NaCl solutions. The dc conductivity (a) and relaxation time certainly is not covered here. To overcome this problem,
(b) are shown in an Arrhenius-type representation, while the dielectric
strength (c), is plotted as 100/De versus T. The lines are linear fits and
more concentrations should be investigated and the
demonstrate the Arrhenius-like behavior of rdc and the Curie–Weiss- uncertainties of the parameters in Fig. 4 should be reduced,
like behavior of De to arrive at a more precise description. However, for the
purpose of the present work which was intended to dem-
the high-frequency flank of the relaxation peak. Therefore onstrate the principle feasibility of this approach, a linear
it was fixed to a temperature-independent value of 0.95. description may be sufficient. Note that the present
Similar fits as shown in Fig. 3 were performed for all approach is different to that described in [8], where the
investigated concentrations of both ion species. This pro- concentration and temperature dependences of es, s, and
cedure leads to the relevant concentration-dependent rdc of NaCl solutions were parameterized by rather com-
parameters characterizing the temperature dependences of plex polynomial expressions. In the present work, the
the dielectric response for different ion contents, i.e., the temperature dependences were traced back to Eqs. 2–4 and
energy barriers governing the reorientation of the water only the concentration dependences of the involved quan-
molecules (Es), the energy barriers determining the ionic tities (e.g., Es or h) were parameterized, which leads to a
diffusion (Er), the pre-factors of the Arrhenius laws for much smaller total number of required parameters.
both processes (s0 and r0), as well as the Curie–Weiss In Table 1 the 13 parameters as obtained from the fits of
parameters C and h. the experimental data are summarized. Together with
In a second step, the dependences of these parameters on Eqs. 1–5 they should allow for a complete description of the
molar concentration were parameterized. The concentra- complex dielectric permittivity and the complex conduc-
tion dependences of the energy barriers and the pre-factors tivity as a function of frequency, temperature and
for both electrolytes are documented in Fig. 4a–d, while concentration. To check for consistency, in Figs. 1 and 2
the parameters of the Curie–Weiss law for both sets of data typical curves were included that were calculated on the
are shown in Fig. 4e, f. As detailed in the preceding sec- basis of the values given in Table 1 (dashed lines), reveal-
tion, for simplicity reasons the concentration dependences ing a reasonable agreement with the experimental data. To
were fitted by a linear behavior (Eq. 5), and the results of confirm the predictive power of the formalism developed
these fits are shown as solid lines in Fig. 4 (because in here, the results calculated with our formalism were also
Fig. 4a semi-logarithmic scale is used, the linear fits appear compared with results reported in the literature. Figure 5

112 Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114

Table 1 Parameters for the

Parameter NaCl KCl
calculation of the dielectric
response of aqueous NaCl and e? (fixed) 4 4
KCl solutions using Eqs. 1–5
b 0.95 ± 0.02 0.95 ± 0.02
A(s0) (s) (8.09 ± 2) 9 10-15 (1.35 ± 0.4) 9 10-15
B(s0) (s l/mol) (-2.38 ± 0.5) 9 10 (-1.07 ± 0.5) 9 10-15
A(Es) (eV) 0.182 ± 0.02 0.229 ± 0.02
B(Es) (eV l/mol) 4.42 9 10 ± 0.02 3.51 9 10-2 ± 0.02
B(r0) (S l/cm mol) 13.9 ± 3 18.5 ± 3
A(Er) (eV) 0.114 ± 0.01 0.119 ± 0.01
B(Er) (eV l/mol) (1.77 ± 1.5) 9 10-2 (1.31 ± 1.5) 9 10-2
A(C) (K) 14,000 ± 2,000 13,300 ± 2,000
Note that the asymmetry B(C) (K l/mol) -3,930 ± 1,000 -2,450 ± 1,000
parameter b was fitted at low A(h) (K) 119 ± 15 126 ± 15
temperatures only and kept B(h) (K l/mol) 11.5 ± 20 1.21 ± 20
fixed for T [ 30°C

shows the obtained concentration dependences of the

dielectric permittivity and of the conductivity at 37°C and
100 MHz for NaCl and KCl electrolytes. For both ion
species we find significant concentration dependences,
while loss and conductivity reveal an almost linear increase
with concentration; the dielectric constant exhibits a plateau
at low and a significant decrease at higher concentrations.
Figures 1 and 2 suggest the e0 at 100 MHz to correspond to
es. The solid line in Fig. 5a was calculated from an empir-
ical expression for es(c) that was derived by Hasted [1, 19],
based on the experimental data. According to [1, 19], NaCl
and KCl electrolytes should behave identical, while the
present approach predicts small but distinct differences in
the conductivity as well as in the dielectric increment. In
general, the overall behavior is surprisingly well reproduced
by our calculated curves, given the rather crude and over-
simplified linear description of the concentration
dependences (Fig. 4). The same holds if our results are
compared with the dashed lines in Fig. 5a, c, which were
calculated as suggested by [8], based on the measurements
of NaCl solutions. It is interesting that, for e00 (c) and r0 (c)
(Fig. 5b, c) at high concentrations our results predict a small Fig. 5 Concentration dependences of the dielectric constant (a), loss
deviation from the linear increase. This may well corre- (b) and conductivity (c) at 100 MHz for NaCl and KCl electrolytes,
respectively, calculated using Eqs. 1–5 with the parameters given in
spond to the long-known occurrence of a less than linear Table 1 (symbols). The solid line in a and the dashed lines in a and b
concentration dependence of the conductivity of solutions were calculated using the empirical relations provided in [1, 19] and
of salt in polar liquids [20], which can be explained, for [8], respectively
example, by the Debye–Hückel theory [21, 22]. As a further
check of our approach, in Fig. 6 the concentration depen- departure from the linear increase predicted by Eq. 1;
dence of the mean relaxation time of NaCl electrolytes at however, one should be aware that in [3] the dc conductivity
20°C is shown and compared to literature values. Again, was subtracted from the raw data and that the low-fre-
experimental data and calculated curve agree reasonably quency slope of loss peaks critically depends on the exact
well. Finally, Fig. 7 shows the frequency dependence of the value that was subtracted. It is noted that the absolute values
permittivity of two NaCl solutions as reported in [3]. Again of the dielectric constant calculated from our approach
the curves calculated according to our approach agree rea- appear to be higher than those from the literature (cf.
sonably well with the literature data. The deviations at the Figs. 5a, 7). At higher concentrations, the present data were
low-frequency flank of the loss peak may indicate a small fitted including blocking-electrode contributions, and it was

Radiat Environ Biophys (2009) 48:107–114 113

solutions, allows a reasonable estimate of the dielectric

properties for any combination of temperature, frequency
and ion concentration. Although the present data were
obtained in a restricted temperature and frequency range
and analyzed by rather simple formulas, a reasonable
prediction of experimental values was already possible. In
a next step, it is planned to improve the precision of this
approach by performing broadband dielectric spectroscopy
employing a combination of state-of-the-art experimental
setups as it is used for example in the investigation of
super-cooled liquids [14, 15, 23, 24]. This approach is
expected to reduce the considerable uncertainties involved
in the determination of most parameters (cf. error bars in
Fig. 6 Concentration dependence of the relaxation time of NaCl
electrolytes (ss), related to that of pure water (sw). The line was Fig. 4), and to develop the present approach as a powerful
calculated using Eqs. 2 and 5 and the parameters given in Table 1. tool for the prediction of the response of electrolyte solu-
The circles show literature data taken from [2] tions to electromagnetic fields.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the German Fed-

eral Office for Radiation Protection within the German Mobile
Telecommunication Research Program.


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