Math489/889 Stochastic Processes and Advanced Mathematical Finance Homework 7
Math489/889 Stochastic Processes and Advanced Mathematical Finance Homework 7
Math489/889 Stochastic Processes and Advanced Mathematical Finance Homework 7
e−1 (1)0
P [X ≥ 1] = 1 − P [X = 0] = 1 − = 1 − e−1
e−1 (1)0 e−1 (1)1
P [X ≥ 2] = 1 − P [X = 0, 1] = 1 − − = 1 − 2e−1
0! 1!
of the independence. Then by Chebyshev’s inequality
P [−5 < X1 + . . . X10 < 5] = P [|X| < 5]
= 1 − P [|X| ≥ 5]
≥ 1 − 10/52 = 1 − 10/25 = 3/5.
Note that the problem does not assume that the daily changes Xi are
normal, so we cannot use the normal distribution for the sum. With
only 10 summands, the Central Limit Theorem cannot be reliably used.
4. Find the moment generating function φX (t) = E [exp(tX)] of the ran-
dom variable X which takes values 1 with probability 1/2 and −1
with probability 1/2. Show directly (that
√ n is, without using Taylor
polynomial approximations) that φX (t/ n) → exp(t /2). (Hint: Use
L’Hopital’s Theorem to evaluate the limit, after taking logarithms of
both sides.)
Solutions: The m.g.f. is
e−t + et
φX (t) = = sinh(t).
Then √ √ n
√ e−t/ n
+ et/ n
φX (t/ n)n =
Then let
√ √ n !
e−t/ n
+ et/ n
L(t, n) = log
√ √
e−t/ n
+ et/ n
= n log
−t/√n √
e + et/ n
= log /(1/n)
Now apply L’Hopital’s Rule twice to evaluate limn→∞ L(t, n). (Details
are omitted.) The result is:
lim L(t, n) = .
n→∞ 2
Therefore φX (t/ n) → exp(t2 /2) as n → ∞.