Football Theory - Jegys-42
Football Theory - Jegys-42
Football Theory - Jegys-42
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1 author:
Robert Orosz
University of Debrecen
All content following this page was uploaded by Robert Orosz on 11 March 2016.
Research Article
Orosz, R., & Mezo, F. (2015). Psychological factors in the development of football-talent from the
perspective of an integrative sport-talent model. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 3(1),
58-76. DOI:
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists (JEGYS) covers issues such as differentiated instruction in
mathematics, science and social sciences for gifted students, education and training of the young scientist,
giftedness, gifted education, scientific creativity, educational policy on science and math education for gifted
students, teaching of the history and philosophy of science, teaching techniques and activities in the
education of the gifted young scientist, is a scientific and academic journal. JEGYS aims to be a scientific
media sharing scientific research, practices, theories and ideas about gifted education and education of the
gifted young scientist. The JEGYS is an international refereed scientific journal which publishes review and
research article, teaching techniques and activities for the education of the gifted young scientist, book
reviews and interviews in Turkish and English. Submitted articles are evaluated in a double blinded peer-
reviewed fashion. The JEGYS is an open access journal, published two issues a year. The JEGYS holds
copyrights for all articles published in the journal. Authors are responsible for article contents published in
the journal.
1 University of Debrecen Institute of Psychology, Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail: Corresponding author’s phone number: +36-30-
2 University of Debrecen, Faculty of Child and Adult Education, Debrecen, Hungary. E-mail:
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Football is the most popular sport in the world. Besides its remarkable social and economic impacts it has also
significant role in recreation, health promotion and community building, so the approach applied in football-
talent care is very important. A possible aim of football-talent development could be nurturing physically and
mentally healthy and successful football players, who will be able to represent socially useful values. Talent
psychology could give serious contribution to this kind of process. In this study the influence of psychological
factors on the development of football-talent is examined. As theoretical framework of this research an
integrative talent model is presented, which can contribute to the efficacy of football-talent care.
The applied talent conception or model has a basic influence on the research, as well as on talent identification
and developmental work (Balogh & Tóth, 2001; Mező, 2008; Mönks & Mason, 1997, 2000). In the case of general
talent theories we can observe a tendency of evolution in the direction of complexity and dynamic approach.
Initially, general talent theories and models tried to identify one or more important intrapersonal factors, which
lie behind the development of talent (Terman, 1925; Shiefele, 1953; Renzulli, 1986). In the talent model approach
those models which already considered the role of the social environment essential in the development of talent
represented a significant change (Mönks & Mason, 1997; Czeizel 2004). Later another important, new viewpoint
appeared: more modern talent models emphasize the mutual effect the ingredients of talent have on each other,
and their dynamics, and treats the development of talent as developmental process (Gagné, 2005; Ziegler, 2005).
In this study a new, complex, and dynamic talent-model is introduced (Orosz, 2009). This integrative model
provides the theoretical background of the present research concerning psychological factors in the development
of football-talent.
Tendency towards complexity in sports talent models
Theorists usually define sports talent on the basis of sporting achievements and results. In most approaches -
explicitly or implicitly- sport talent appears as a prerequisite of success in sports, or as an indicator or predictor
of sporting successes in the present/future. Early theories mainly focus on physical factors (Durand-Bush &
Salmela, 2001; Regnier, Salmela & Russell, 1993). But, similar to the development of general talent models, sports
talent approaches have become increasingly complex, too. For example:
The multidimensional nature of sports talent is emphasized in the Czechoslovak talent selection model of
Havlicek, Komadel, Komarik & Simkova (Van Rossum–Gagné, 1994). According to these authors, the following
factors influence the development of sports talent: a) stable non-compensated factors (e.g. height); b) stable
compensated factors (e.g., speed); c) and non-stable compensated factors (e.g. motivation).
According to Gabler and Ruoff (Révész, 2008), we can consider someone as gifted in certain sports, if he/she
has the kind of physical and psychological conditions in different life stages which can promote a higher level of
future sporting achievement than would be the case randomly.
Harsányi (1992) considers sports talent to belong to individuals whose inherited (physical, psychological,
anthropometric, motor and social) abilities (assuming proper development processes) can most likely ensure a
high level of achievement in the future. He identifies several factors lying behind sports talent, and, in his opinion,
the interaction of hereditary characteristics and environmental influences determine talent.
In Frenkl's interpretation (Frenkl, 2003), the person as a bio-psycho-social being participates in sporting
activities. Achievements are determined by physical and mental attributes, qualities, and social factors.
Baker and Horton (2004) mention primary and secondary factors in defining talent. Primary factors can be
categorized into genetic factors, training factors and psychological factors. According to their theory, these
modules dominate in the development of sports talent. Secondary factors may have less effect, although their
absence may hinder talent development. For example, secondary factors can be the family’s sociocultural
situation, or other background elements, such as the place of training, the orientation of direction, the tools
available and the significance of the professionals involved.
The later sport-talent models emphasize more the psychological and social factors besides the outstanding
physical aptitudes. Although the sports talent models above focus on sports, it is likely that different sports need
different physical and psychological skills and factors. Because football is at the center of this study, at the next
section some theories relating to football talent will be presented.
Theories of Football Talent
Reilly, Williams and Richardson (2003) did not find any consensus among experts’ definitions of football talent.
Professional clubs usually select talented players on the basis of the criteria of experienced coaches and observers
of players, for example, the Ajax Amsterdam sorting scheme, known as ‘TIPS’. In this system technique (T),
intelligence (I), personality (P) and speed (S) appear as criteria of talent. These authors present similar, alternative
lists of criteria, too. For instance, such lists are the ‘TABS’ (technique, attitude, balance, speed) or ‘SUPS’ (speed,
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understanding, personality, and skill). Reilly et al., (2003) reported that physical predictive factors, personality
characteristics, and cognitive factors were important when they reviewed research into football talent
identification. These studies of physical predictors emphasize that players' anthropometric characteristics (e.g.,
body proportions, body weight, body, and shape or limb circumference) show a significant correlation with
performance. In connection with personal characteristics, Reilly et al., (2003) observed personality factors (such
as motivation, self-confidence or treating anxiety) that play a significant role in sports achievements.
Furthermore, they found that there are differences between inheritance and the determination of personal
factors, and some features (e.g. ability to control anxiety) can be significant. They also suggest research into such
cognitive factors as anticipation and decision making. In their opinion, two cognitive predictors of football talent
are creativity and intelligence. In their study they also describe how the social environment plays a significant
role in the unfolding of football talent. Parents, teachers, coaches, friends, and teammates have an impact on the
athletes and their values, beliefs, emotions, attitudes and engagement. Finally, they emphasize the role of such
cultural and social factors as social trends, popular and traditional cultural values, or socio-economic status.
A kind of implicit theory can be discovered on the basis of research into talent identification. Several
researchers have already focused on finding methods of identifying talented football players, for example:
According to Savelsbergh et al., (2010), differences in visual search and dislocative behaviour can be used as
indicators for identifying talented junior (10-12 year-old) football players. Their subjects (N=20) were all players
of the regional selection team of the Royal Dutch Football Association, or other professional clubs. Savelsbergh
et al., (2002) published a similar examination of soccer goalkeepers.
The results of Gall et al., (2010) suggest that anthropometric and fitness assessments of elite youth soccer
players can play a part in determining their chances of proceeding to higher achievement levels. The 161 players
examined were grouped according to whether they achieved international or professional status or remained
amateur. Measures were taken across three age categories (under 14, 15 and 16 years of age).
Miranda et al., (2013) studied the influence of a 10-week soccer training program for young players (N=13).
They recommend that (in order to identify talent) soccer coaches should collect the following types of data about
players: anthropometric data (e.g. body mass, body mass index, lean body mass), psychological data (e.g. total
mood disturbance), technical skills and specific performance parameters (e.g. flexibility, slalom dribble and lob
pass tests, 30- and 50-m time-trial performances, running intensity at the lactate minimum test and the anaerobic
parameters of the Running Anaerobic Sprint Test).
Vaeyens et al., (2007) found that the decision process (in relation to a systematically increased number of
players involved in realistic, filmed simulations, which depicted an offensive game situation) can be a good
predictor in terms of talent identification. According to their results, more complex situations (e.g.: more players
involved in the action) are more effective tools of talent identification. Their subjects were 13.0-15.8 years olds
In the theories of football talent presented above, also physical, psychological, social, socio-economical, and
cultural factors appear. So based on all this, a complex approach is seen essential in football talent development.
Therefore such a holistic model is suggested which considers the multifactorial nature of football-talent and pays
attention to the dynamics of talent components.
A New, Integrated Model of Sports-Giftedness
Orosz (2009) recommends a new multifactorial, dynamic model of sports talent to provide a theoretical
background to procedures dealing with sports talent development. According to the integrative approach to
talent, merit in sport is not a permanent characteristic, but rather a marker formed in the interaction of many
dynamic components. The realization of giftedness is not only influenced by the presence or shortage of the key
components, but the interaction of all these and the functioning of the whole system. As per the model, the
fulfilment of sporting talent is influenced by personal, interpersonal and transpersonal factors. The integrative
approach model examines these factors’ dynamics (Figure 1).
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Figure 1. The levels of factors influencing development and the direction of their influence
At the personal level, all the physical, affective and cognitive factors may affect the attainment of goals. Physical
factors refer to material aspects. These factors contain our physical body with all of its functional principles (such
as anthropometrical and physiological features), and our existential needs (for example: our efforts to maintain
financial security) and physical actions. The affective factors are our feelings and emotions about the world
(about ourselves, our environment or about events in our life). Such emotions are, for example, the basic
emotions of psychology (sadness, fear, anger, disgust, happiness, disdain, shame, remorse, interest, surprise -
Izard, 1971), as well as other verbally definable emotional experiences. In addition to these, there are also the
often verbally inexpressible shades and depths of the phenomena in the outside world which persons are
attracted to or which they reject. Cognitive factors are efforts and processes dealing with thinking, understanding,
analysing, and valuing the phenomena of the world. Intelligence, attention, memory, decision-making and
anticipation also belong to this category.
At the interpersonal level, the family, the direct social environment (in sport: coaches, peers, friends, relatives
and mentors, etc.) or the wider social surroundings may have significant effects on development (Van Rossum,
1995; Nagy 2002; Budavári, 2007, Csikszentmihalyi, Rathunde & Whalen, 1993, Mönks, 1992; Czeizel, 2004,
Gagné, 1999; Kaufman & Sternberg, 2008; Harsányi, 1992; Frenkl, 2003; Baker & Horton, 2004; Reilly, Williams
& Richardson, 2003; Saether, 2014)
The transpersonal or spiritual level means the connection between phenomena existing beyond our social
lives and personal relationships, and their effects on an individual (i.e. chance or destiny). In case of this level,
transcendental experience becomes an organic part of an individual’s life, and also his or her links with the
spiritual side of life (faith, spirituality, spiritual experiences or the connection with the ‘self’ in a Jungian sense).
This includes the person’s relationship with his/her ancestors or spiritual predecessors (masters, tutors), as well
as the existence of the so called ‘fate-factor’.
Physical, affective and cognitive factors mutually affect each other within a person. A good example of the
interaction of cognitive and affective factors is the way the cognitive appraisal affects emotional life, or the
emotional state affects memory. There are well known examples of the interaction of physical and cognitive
factors, when the physical state (e.g. weariness, physical freshness) has an influence on attention, or when a
sportsman supports his/her physical development with the aid of mental training. An example of the interaction
of physical and affective factors may be the effect of excessive emotional tension on muscle tone, or the effect
of respiratory techniques on the alteration of emotional states. In the same way, there is a possible mutual
relationship between transpersonal factors and the factors above. According to this, a person’s thoughts, feelings,
his/her physical condition and circumstances have an effect on their relation to spirituality.
Personality (with its inner complexity) is part of the system of the surrounding environment and is in a diverse
interaction with it. Usually, a person’s most direct system is the family, and he/she fits into this as the organs fit
into the organic system. Wider environmental effects may reach the person through the filter of the family
because their basic emotional and mental models evolve among their family members. That is why it may happen
that two different players interpret the same coach’s communication in different ways. The family is part of the
wider environmental system of relatives, friends and other important close individuals, while this wider system
is part of the social system itself. These wider systems may also bear on the individual, directly or indirectly.
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Every complete system is, in terms of its quality, more than the sum of its parts. To conceptualise this, the
simple presence of intra-/interpersonal talent factors is not enough to the fulfilment of talent, but the dynamic
interactions within the system is also important. In this way, the lack of a specific component may be
compensated by other components, although particular parts of the system may work against each other.
These systems attempt to achieve a balance that is appropriate for them. On an individual basis this appears
in physical, affective and cognitive fields. Development involves alteration, but for this there is a need for a
temporary disruption of the balance (Watzlawick, Weakland & Fish, 2008). For example, it is possible that a
player has to change his thinking radically to remain a member of his or her team, or, that a young player who
has just left home is going through an emotional crisis. A typical balance disruption of this type is the physical
‘disintegration’ of an adolescent or the change in their body-image. That is why it is vital for the development
and the evolution of talent that the system should encourage the person to change, and should tolerate a
temporary loss of balance. On the other hand, the environmental system aims to maintain this balance, so the
extent to which it can react flexibly to personal changes or follow the individual’s development flexibly is an
important factor. Furthermore, the extent to which it can cut itself adrift from obstructive environmental
influences in any given circumstance is also important. It is possible that a sportsperson can overcome their
environmental balance but the environmental system will always pull them back to its level of progress. In this
sense, consider those diminishing sports talents who cannot resist their best friends and harm themselves both
physically and mentally by drinking alcohol or staying up all night. Or just imagine how a sportsperson can
perform if they carry with them the experience of the history, failure and the unfortunate fate of their
predecessors (‘whatever we do, we will never be successful’). They will possibly make the wrong decisions in
situations which could lead to success until it emerges that the familial system is subconsciously broadcasting
this message. Another example can occur when in sports teams the stable roles and hierarchical relations hinder
personal progress, just as when the still dominant, ageing stars hold back the performance of the ambitious
youngsters, because their rise may bring them a loss of prestige. In this case structural changes in the team
(selling-buying players), replacing the coach or a transfer of a player may dislocate the balance which impedes
process. Wider environmental systems are also an integral part of those systems which include them. According
to this integrative aspect, the laws of balance prevail at this level. For instance, a football club is part of the given
country’s football system. The country’s social relations, economic status, national mentality – throughout the
football federation – directly, indirectly and significantly, influence the standards of the operational level of clubs,
for example, the results they achieve at international level. That is why it is a rare phenomenon that a football
team emerges from a low level national league and achieves significant results at the international level.
The integrative approach to talent-nurturing implies some important practical considerations
It approaches sport talent as a process, instead of as a permanent feature. Due to the interaction of the remaining
factors it may be possible that giftedness appears during a later period of the process. For example, certain
decisive talent components may congregate later on. At the same time, talent can be lost if the factors which
influence the evolution of talent are not present in the right form. To avoid this, it is advisable to use talent-
diagnostics embedded into the developmental process instead of a one-off selection. This may be implemented
by the fluent diagnostic tracking of sportsperson’s status and development, and, by continuously feeding the
results measured back into developmental progress.
The more people adopt a systematic development approach the more effective talent-nurturing is. Factors
affecting talent evolution appear in everyone in a different way (to a different extent, and at a different quality
and balance level). Therefore the integrative approach recommends the operation of talent-nurturing on parallel
The evolution of giftedness at a personal level is assisted if the physical, affective and cognitive components
develop equally well. The improvement of social skills also helps to develop giftedness indirectly because by
developing social skills, a sportsperson can create social relationships which support them. As part of talent
development, it is important to recognise the personal and interpersonal factors which impede the unfolding of
talent, and, consequently, provide support in order to overcome them.
Complex sport talent-nurturing programs may assist in implementing a talent-nurturing programme run on
parallel levels. In these programmes, besides physical development, there is also a substantial growth in affective,
cognitive and social skills. Furthermore, they can incorporate environmental characteristics (such as talent-
nurturing training for parents, talent consultancy, sports-psychology guidance for coaches, training sessions, etc.)
and, additionally, participation in federal and national talent-nurturing programmes. Finally, the integrative
approach considers the cooperation of mutually supporting professionals involved in the system in enhancing
talent-nurturing to be of great importance.
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The research in this study is part of a longitudinal series of monitoring activities which has a dual purpose. On
the one hand, it examines the psychological factors affecting the development of a football talent, according to
the following:
The support for talent-nurturing with psychological tools
Prevention/reduction of talent-loss with psychological tools
Talent identification with the aid of psychology
On the other hand, it measures the integrative aspect of the practical validity of sports talent-nurturing on a
large sport sample to prevent talent-loss and, to develop talent-nurturing. At the current stage of research we
compared the personal and interpersonal significance of players considered gifted and less gifted by their coaches
and their team mates. Our preliminary hypothesis was that the more gifted players would perform better on both
personal and interpersonal levels.
In the next phase of the tracker monitoring the correlation between future pay-off and current results will be
investigated. For instance, how coaches and team mates form their opinions at the present time, and how they
predict a player’s performance in the future, based on his/her giftedness. In addition, how psychological factors
identified in this monitoring relate to the player’s later performance and career. Further on, the transpersonal
factors contributing to a player’s sports-career will be monitored.
425 football players and 21 coaches of 22 junior teams of Five Clubs from the First Division of the Hungarian
National Championship took part in our study (see: Table 1). In terms of their age-group, the sample was as
follows: U15s 5 teams N=96; U16s 5 teams N= 104; U17s 5 teams N=106; U18s 3 teams N=41; U19s 4 teams
Table 1. The sample of our study
Age group No. of Players No. of teams
Under 15 96 5
Under 16 104 5
Under 17 106 5
Under 18 41 3
Under 19 78 4
Players and coaches filled in psychological questionnaires and tests in the presence of a psychologist (players
under the age of 18 were able to participate in the study with parental permission). The following questionnaires
and tests were used:
Sporting Background Questionnaire
The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS – Hungarian version)
Psychological Immune Competence Inventory (PICI)
Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI)
Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM)
Co-Player Questionnaire
Coach Questionnaire
Below, these tests and questionnaires are presented in detail.
Sporting Background Questionnaire (SBQ): This questionnaire was created in order to explore familial
factors. It includes the following main topics:
Sport as a value in the family. Issues within this area include exploring how important a role sport plays in
the lives of players and their families. For example: ‘Did you ever do any sport before you began to play
football?’ Or: ‘Is there any professional sportsperson in your family?’ And finally: ‘Is there any amateur
sportsperson in your family?’
The family's social background and circumstances. These issues helped to explore how much sacrifice from the
family is required to support (financially) the sporting career of a player; and these were also applied to
map social background of players.
To what extent did the player feel his family's emotional, financial and other support during his sports career?
How important a role does football play in the life of the player. For example: ‘Do you care about football besides
training (e.g.: Do you read books about football)?’
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Family beliefs about success. For example: ‘Which members of the family are considered successful?’
‘Estimate on a 10-point scale to what extent your parents consider themselves to be successful. What is
your opinion?’
The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS): The Tennessee Self Concept Scale (and its Hungarian version -
Dévai & Sipos, 1986) is a kind of self-description questionnaire. It is used to measure the following dimensions
of self-concept:
Physical Self-Concept (questions: 1st-18th): describes how the subject relates to his own body, what his
opinions are about his physique, and state of health.
Moral Self-Concept (questions: 19th-36th): shows the moral values (sincerity, trustworthiness) of the
Individual Self-Concept (questions: 37th-54th): standards of self-confidence and self-esteem; summary
of judgements on will-power, abilities, skills, perseverance and self-confidence.
Family Self-Concept (questions: 55th-72nd): shows how the individual judges his position within the
family, his attitude towards his family and vice versa.
Social Self-Concept (questions: 73rd-90th): depicts how the individual measures his social status and his
attitude towards his peers.
Total Self-Concept Score (question: 1st-90th) is the sum of the dimensions above; it reflects self-esteem,
self-acceptance and self-confidence.
Beyond these dimensions, the validation-indexes were calculated too.
Psychological Immune Competence Inventory (PICI ): This contains 80 items and it has 16 scales (Oláh,
2005). The PICI examined football-players’ maturity and the efficacy of their psychological immune-system and
revealed what kinds of skills they have for coping with stress. The scales are:
The “positive thinking” scale focuses on personal characteristics in terms of expectations and
anticipation of positive changes.
The “sense of coherence” is the ability to understand and empathize events which have happened to us;
our anticipation of environmental changes and a strong belief in the reasonable outcome of future
“Self-respect” goes beyond a positive rating of ourselves; it is a behaviour which plays an active role in
maintaining values of self-esteem.
The “sense of self growth” scale shows an individual`s psychical development, observing the progress
of his own development; regarding his capacity for self-completion the individual defines himself as a
human being capable of fluent rejuvenation and self-growth.
“Change and challenge orientation” refer to an instinct for sensitive perception following changes.
The “self-efficiency” scale describes how the individual can actuate his own/acquired plans and
solutions. The individual is very confident that he is able to execute behaviours which contribute to
implementing his aims.
The “social creation capacity” scale has a role in revealing dormant, hidden skills in others and their use
in the process of common thinking.
Scores of “synchronicity” show how a person is able to live with environmental changes, in sync with
current events. He is able to fully concentrate all his psychic energies on his aims. The ability to control
attention and unconsciousness.
“Goal orientation” measures how the individual can postpone the fulfilment of his personal needs, and
what is more, persevere if any difficulty arises.
The “sense of control” scale measures how somebody can control his/her life. It represents the
conviction that it depends on us as to how we act in situations in which we participate.
“Social monitoring capacity” records the rate at which an individual can perceive information about the
social environment sensitively and selectively, and, use it adequately to achieve further aims.
“Problem solving capacity” is the individual’s creative capacity to work out plans, alternative solutions
or original ideas. An ability to structure learnt knowledge and make it active and useful during the
struggles faced in life and in problem solving.
“Social mobilizing capacity” refers to the skill of persuading, motivating and directing others.
“Impulse control” is the ability to manage behaviour, rational control and mental programmes. It is
the capability of choosing the level of control and the most suitable approach by analysing possible
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“Emotion control” shows how a person can overcome the distress induced by threats, emergencies and
failures, and furthermore, how he can convert them into constructive behaviour.
The “irritability control” scale measures the reaction to frustration, or the lack of satisfaction of essential
needs. The ability to exercise rational control over anger and rage, an ability to use anger in a constructive
Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI): The players’ characteristics as manifested in sports-situations were
examined with the sport-specific Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI-28) (Smith et all, 1995). The Hungarian
version of the ACSI contains 28 questions (also called ACSI-28) and was created by Jelinek and Oláh (Jelinek,
2000). The system measures the psychical characteristics of sportspeople on the following seven scales:
The “coping with adversity” scale measures an individual`s behaviour in cases which may occur
unexpectedly and raise challenges and, in this way influence sports-performance.
The “peaking under pressure” scale gauges performance in competitive conditions. When the rate is
high the individual achieves a better performance, challenges motivate him.
The “goal setting/mental preparation” scale measures the individual`s mental preparations and his aims.
The “concentration” scale describes the level of a person`s focus on training and competition. A
motivated sportsman is able to concentrate on his exercises and filter out disturbing factors; additionally,
he is equipped to solve unexpected tasks.
The “freedom from worry” scale shows the extent to which sportspeople worry about their performance
and achievement, and about how others judge them.
The “confidence and achievement motivation” scale shows the level of a person`s self-assurance and
positive motivation. A very high level indicates the individual would like to perform at 100 percent
during every contest and training session.
The “coach ability” scale describes and measures the relationship between the coach and the individual.
Values show how open the sportsperson is to training instructions and information. He accepts
constructive criticism and is able to cooperate with his coach.
Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) APM was applied in order to test intelligence (Raven, Raven & Court,
Co-Player Questionnaire. A Co-Player Questionnaire was created in order to get to know the opinions of
sportsmen regarding how talented their teammates are. First, it asked the players to rank their co-players
according to their talents. Following this, the players answered the following questions:
Who are the best team-players, in their opinion?
Who do they predict a great future for? Why?
Who are the most popular, in their opinion?
Who have the greatest amount of self-confidence, in their opinion?
Who do they think are the most anxious before matches?
What do they think is necessary to become a good football player?
Coach Questionnaire: This questionnaire has been developed in order to collect information about the
professionals’ conceptions of giftedness and how they characterize their players. He questions are the same as
those in the co-player questionnaire.
Who are the best team-players, in their opinion?
Who do they predict a great future for? Why?
Who are the most popular, in their opinion?
Who have the greatest amount of self-confidence, in their opinion?
Who do they think are the most anxious before matches?
What do they think is necessary to become a good football player?
Coaches had to rank the players according to their talents and they had to describe the five most talented
players’ strong-points and weak-points. Coaches also had to define the concept of a talented football player.
Grouping on the Basis of Giftedness
At the beginning of data analysis a graduation was made to distinguish players on the basis of their giftedness.
On the basis of data a kind of summarized rank order (which shows players' giftedness) was created by using
main component analysis. The main component analysis identified three components. These were:
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Rank order of coaches regarding players’ giftedness (abbreviated to: coaches’ rank order. Note: lower
values are more favourable)
Co-players’ rank order regarding players’ giftedness (abbreviated to: co-players’ rank order. Note: lower
values are more favourable)
Who do the co-players predict a great future for? (Abbreviated to: great future. Note: higher values are
more favourable).
Table 2 shows correlations among these three variables and the main component. Values show really strong
and significant correlations with the main component for all components. The reason for the negative correlation
of the 'great future' is that this variable's high values are favourable (high values indicate a high number of
individuals who predict a ‘great future’ for someone), but in cases of the rank orders of the co-players or coaches
or the summarized rank order, the lower values are favourable.
Table 2. Pearson correlation between the main component of summarized rank order and components
Components Correlation with the main component
Co-players’ rank order .945*
Predicted ‘Great future’ -.859*
Coaches’ rank order .907*
*significance at level p<.001
The main component can give more usable information than the simple rank orders of coaches or co-players.
The summarized rank order contains data for 374 players, and not the original 425 in the full sample. This was
due to various factors; for example, one coach did not complete the questionnaire, one coach’s ranking was of
no use from a research perspective, while some players were not included in the coaches’ rankings.
In the next step, discriminant analysis (with the stepwise method) was used to study 48 psychological variables
in order to find which variables are best separated in different groups. In the first grouping the best 40 percent
of players were compared to the remaining 60 percent. Three significant variables were the best predictors from
the viewpoint of grouping. These were: confidence and achievement motivation (ACSI), self-efficiency (PISI)
and intelligence performance (as a cognitive component). These variables can predict that players are members
of the first group (probability is 53.9%), or of the second group (probability is 71.3%). According to the results,
psychological variables were hardly able to deal with the question of how to ascribe players to the best class.
Following this, the first 60 percent of players was compared to the remaining 40 percent. According to the
results, about 70 percent is the probability that players can be grouped into the first group, but only less than 50
percent is this probability in case of the second group. Finally, the experiences showed that the best solution is
to split the sample into two equal groups (Table 3), because in this case, the possibility of precise ranking is more
than 60 percent in both groups.
Table 3.Talent-ranking groups related to group-rating compared to the full sample at a proportion of 50-50 %.
Predictive ranking
Groups Summary
More talented Less talented
Frequency within First half 109 (61.6%) 66 (39.1%) 175 (50.6%)
predicted groups Second half 68 (38.4%) 103 (60.9%) 171 (49.4%)
Total 177 (100.0%) 169 (100.0%) 346 (100.0%)
According to the final result of the grouping, those players who belong to the first half of the talent ranking
are considered as talented players, while the others are considered to be members of the less-talented group
(Table 4).
Table 4. Names, abbreviations and numbers of individuals in groups
of name of Group-TS
Psychological factors in … 67
Quarters of Group-T: n = 47 n = 47 n = 47 n = 46
% of half sample: ~25.0% ~25.0% ~25.0% ~25.0%
% of total sample: ~12.5% ~12.5% ~12.5% ~12.5%
According to the results, players from the first and the second half differ significantly from a psychological
perspective. Those who were considered to be talented had better values than the others in all 27 variables.
Differences among Talented (Group-T2-4) and Most Talented (Group-T1) Players
Further investigations led us to the conclusion that there would be significant biases among players in the first
half of the ranking in terms of psychological features. We were curious about whether the most prominent differ
from the others. To test this, we analysed the features of only the first 50 percent of the sample. This talented
group was separated into four subgroups with equal members (47-47-47 and 46 persons), with 25 percent of the
talented players in each group. In this way the most talented 12.5 per cent (Group 1) of the full sample also could
be isolated. A larger-scale subdivision was not reasonable due to the element reduction of samples within
separate groups. This was also confirmed by our previous analysis. Figures 2-7 show the results of the
comparison of the four subgroups. The graphs show that the first group differs in many factors from the others.
In the case of personal self-concept (Figure 2), physical self-concept (Figure 2), concentration (Figure 4) and a
feeling of self-efficiency (Figure 5) the results of the most talented players (T1) clearly differed from the seemingly
homogeneous sample of other talented groups (T2-4). However, when it comes to the positive thinking
dimension (Figure 6) the picture is not so obvious. In the case of the ‘freedom from worry’ scale (Figure 7) the
most talented players overtake the others, the two middle groups’ show a solid result while the fourth group
becomes detached.
It was also checked (with one-way analysis of variance and then conducted contrast analysis) whether the
results indicate real statistical discrepancies, and additionally, what variables stand on the background of
differences among groups. According to the result of variance analysis (Table 6), players who were considered
to be the most talented players (see: group T1) had significantly better values in 11 variables than the others
(groups T2-4).
Table 6. In what way do the most talented players (T1 group) differ from T2-4 groups?
Name of Variable Significance
Peaking under pressure .009
Concentration .017
Freedom from worry .001
Change and challenge orientation .019
Self-efficiency .024
Social creation capacity .016
Physical self-concept .027
Moral self-concept .046
Personal self-concept .025
Social self-concept .018
Total self-concept .013
To examine any further relationships between personal and interpersonal characteristics we compared the
results of self-characterisation, peer-characterisation, coach-characterisation and psychological tests and
questionnaires. Comparisons revealed how football players sense and feel themselves in social space, and how
they act in testing situations.
Correlation between co-players’ opinions regarding giftedness
The level of correlation between co-players` opinions of giftedness and the perception of other psychological
characteristics was investigated. It is supposed that notions of giftedness are related to players` thoughts and
perceptions regarding their peers` self-confidence, anxiety and social skills.
To examine the hypothesis, the Spearman rank-correlation calculus was used. The results appear below in
Table 7.
Table 7. Correlation between co-players` opinions about the best team player, most popular, most self-
confident and most anxious peers.
Team player Popularity Self-confident Anxious
Co-player ranking r = -.744* -.614* -.629* .177*
n= 417 411 339 339
*significance at level p<.001
The close correlation can be seen among the results regarding players’ opinions. Talented players are probably
considered socially skilled and more self-confident. The perception of anxiety shows a significant correlation
with co-player ranking (the positive range correlation lists more anxious players at the end of the hierarchy), but,
on the other hand, it is not closely relate to their opinion of how talented they found their team mates. The
results confirm that the sportsperson’s peers also place a high value on social skills, self-confidence and coping
with anxiety in the development of football giftedness.
These results also answered the question of whether the most talented players’ positive evaluation of their
social relations was subjective, or whether their team-mates also agreed with this judgement. According to the
results above, the players’ self-concept is in harmony with their teammates` opinions.
Differences between Players on the Basis of Popularity
Another hypothesis was that those players who are considered to be the most popular differ from their
contemporaries on the basis of certain psychological characteristics (social self-image, social skills, self-assurance,
self-esteem). To investigate this hypothesis, an independent sample t-test was used to compare the psychological
characteristics of players who were considered to be the most popular (according to opinions of at least four of
their team mates). The minimum four opinions were important, because team mates often decide on the basis
of friendship or sympathy and rate others as popular (in effect as an expression of friendship and not because
of their real popularity), so some less popular players can get some votes this way. Our prior assumption was
Psychological factors in … 71
verified according to the results. The most popular players differed from their team mates in the following
psychological features:
Stressful situations motivate them more; they can achieve top performance (peaking under pressure)
They can cope with unexpected situation and challenges more efficiently (coping with adversity)
They have better concentration during training and competitions (concentration)
They have less anxiety regarding their performance (freedom from worry)
They have more sport-specific self-confidence and motivation (confidence and achievement
Positive thinking is typical
They think they control their lives (sense of control)
They have more self-respect
They are more inventive (problem solving capacity)
They have a higher level of self-efficiency
They have a higher social monitoring capacity
They have greater social creation capacity
They have higher intelligence
They value their physical features more positively (physical self-image)
They have positive moral traits (moral self-image)
They have higher self-esteem and self-assurance (individual self-image)
They have a more positive approach to social relationships (social self-image)
As per the features above, it is likely that team mates do not simply consider someone popular because of his
football giftedness, but as a result of his other characteristics as well.
Differences between Players on the Basis of Self-confidence
The next question was whether there is any difference among players with different levels of self-confidence in
terms of psychological factors. Those players whose self-confidence is higher (on the basis of their co-players'
opinions) differ from others in psychological factors (such as personal self-concept, self-efficiency, self-respect,
and sport-specific self-confidence), according to our hypothesis.
To control this hypothesis, players were grouped based on their co-players' opinions about players' self-
confidence. The criteria for membership of the 'high self-confidence group' was that a minimum of four co-
players marked the given player as a 'high self-confidence player' in the Co-players Questionnaire. An
independent sample t-test was applied in order to examine this hypothesis.
This hypothesis is confirmed. Players with the highest level of self-confidence (according to opinions of their
co-players) have significantly (p<0.05) better results than others from the perspective of the psychological scales
Coping with adversity
Peaking under pressure
Freedom from worry
Confidence and achievement motivation
Goal setting/mental preparation
Positive thinking
Sense of coherence
Change and challenge orientation
Social creation capacity
Physical self-concept
Personal self-concept
The results for the self-confidence and performance motivation (including sport-specific self-confidence),
self-respect, self-efficiency and individual self-concept (which measures self-confidence and self-esteem) scales
support opinions about self-confidence. The correspondence between the results for self-characterisation and
peer-characterisation imply that football players described themselves sincerely and accurately during the
examination process. The appearance of concentration and freedom from worry support the theory that these
features interact in players with the highest level of self-confidence. The above results lead us to the conclusion
Orosz & Mezo 72
that players do not only have confidence because of their football skills. Their level of confidence was basically
high and was also boosted by their swiftly developing football skills.
Differences between Anxious Players and Non-anxious Players
The following presumption was that those players who were considered to be the most anxious differ from
contemporaries on the basis of certain psychological features (such as freedom from worry, self-confidence, and
concentration). The criteria of anxiety based on four co-players’ opinions (“most anxious players” were those
players who were marked by minimum four other team mates). Data were analysed with an independent sample
t-test and this highlighted three variables which significantly differed from the others in the case of the most
anxious players: freedom from worry, the father’s opinion about the player’s success and the mother’s opinion
about the player’s success. Those players who seem to be the most anxious (according to their team mates) do
indeed report a higher level of anxiety, and so they feel their families do not consider them successful.
It was also measured how those players suffering from high levels of anxiety according to their coaches
differ from their contemporaries as regards certain psychological features. The relevant question in the coach’s
questionnaires was compared with the players` self-characterisation. The independent sample t-test revealed a
significant distinction between the most anxious and the non-anxious players on the following scales, according
to the coaches` ranking:
Peaking under pressure
Freedom from worry
Body self-concept
Moral self-concept
Individual self-concept
The results confirm the fact that coaches’ judgements chime with the players’ feeling of anxiety: those who
were considered to be the most anxious reported higher levels of anxiety about competitive events. Furthermore,
those who are the most anxious have less self-confidence and self-esteem, and they underperform in stressful
situations and are less satisfied with their physical characteristics and moral values.
In connection with our previous analysis, the differences between the more anxious and less anxious players
were checked on the basis of psychological factors. Comparing the two groups with an independent sample t-
test, the results showed that those who consider themselves the most anxious differ significantly in the following
features. On the whole they assume that:
Their fathers do not regard themselves as very successful individuals
They react poorly in unexpected situations and challenges (coping with adversity, ACSI)
They are less prone to achieving top performances in stressful situations (peaking under pressure, ACSI)
They have less ability to concentrate (concentration, ACSI)
They have no real syncing ability – mental presence (synchronicity, PICI)
They are more worried about performance (freedom from worry, ACSI)
They are less likely to develop, or to fulfil themselves (sense of self growth, PICI)
They lack the ability to control anxiety, frustration and pressure in emergencies (emotion control, PICI)
They are less satisfied with their physical attributes (physical self-concept, Ten)
Their levels of self-confidence and self-esteem are lower (individual self-concept).
The results above again confirmed the interaction between anxiety and other significant factors (for example:
concentration, self-esteem, self-confidence, family influences). They also support the reliability of certain scales
(emotion control, freedom from worry).
We supposed that those players who managed to make it to the first division of the football championship had
already proved their skills, and those players who are the best according to their coaches and team mates are
obviously among the most gifted Hungarian football players. Therefore it was supposed that the applied total
giftedness hierarchy of this study truly reflects real football talent. Naturally, this must be emphasised that
sporting talent is not a permanent feature, according to our integrative approach. It is a factor derived from the
dynamic interaction of many other changing agents, which means that currently there are some players at the
lower end of the hierarchy who should progress.
Research data support the integrative approach to giftedness. Total talent-ranking has revealed that more
gifted football players have better results in sum on the basis of psychological factors than their less gifted peers.
Those who excel among the more talented exceed the others in their psychological characteristics. Consequently,
data have objectively demonstrated that the presence of coexisting psychological and family factors are necessary
Psychological factors in … 73
for the appearance of giftedness. This draws our attention to the fact that nurturing football giftedness is done
most effectively if the progress of young players is supported from many directions simultaneously. The more
levels we can assist the development, the more energy players can mobilise for self-realisation and so can
overcome all obstacles and develop their talent. For this, a kind of “team-approach” is necessary in which many
people (coaches, directors, psychologists, doctors, etc.) should cooperate in talent-nurturing. Here it is important
to emphasize the importance of the level of expertise among the specialist support staff, and, moreover, the
communication between them, and their ability to recognise the limits of their own role.
The results related to the factors which influence a football player confirm the personal psychological
factors which are of outstanding importance in developing a sporting talent. The talented players (Group-T)
differed from the others (Group-O) in the following significant factors: talented players...
rate themselves better in both the personal (physical, moral, personal) and interpersonal (family, social)
dimensions of self-concept;
see themselves positively when handling the anxiety caused by performance
have a more positive assessment of their attentional and concentrational abilities
have a higher level of sport-specific self-confidence and performance motivation
have stronger coping skills in the case of nine factors (positive thinking, a sense of coherence, self-respect,
a sense of growth, change and challenge orientation, self-efficiency, synchronicity, goal orientation, social
creation capacity)
achieved better results in the APM IQ-test
When the most talented players (T1) were on the focus this was observable that they could achieve even higher
levels of performance than the other talented groups (T2-4): the most talented players...
are more inspired by challenges, and can achieve better performance (peaking under pressure, ACSI);
can concentrate better on a task in both competitive and training circumstances; are able to filter out
disturbing factors (concentration, ACSI);
are not affected by anxiety as much (freedom from worry, ACSI);
are more flexible and open-minded and ready to take on challenges (change and challenge orientation,
are more convinced they are able to carry out those behaviours which may help them achieve their aims
(self-efficiency, PICI)
are followed by others voluntarily in common activities (social creation capacity, PICI)
are more satisfied with their physical features (physical self-concept, Tennessee);
have strong moral characteristics (moral self-concept, Tennessee);
have a higher level of self-esteem and general self-confidence (personal self-concept, Tennessee);
possess better relationships with peers (social self-concept, Tennessee).
Our examination revealed that the most effective personal factors which influenced talent evolution were
anxiety-handling, self-confidence, self-esteem, concentration and social skills. These significant factors emerged
concomitantly during analysis. Therefore the data support the system-approach model, which states that certain
factors interact with each other and affect the development of talent. The results draw attention to the need to
develop skills beyond purely physical qualities.
Research data also confirmed the significance of interpersonal factors in developing talent in football players.
The majority of players who made it to the top level basically enjoy family support. Our results allow us to
conclude that the family’s financial background may be an advantage for players in reaching the peak of their
profession, but it is not crucial. It is far more important how families support the player, given their financial
backgrounds. Furthermore, a vital factor in developing talent is the extent of a family’s emotional and physical
support (i.e.: transport to football matches) plus the level of belief and encouragement. The positive feedback
which shows faith and trust enhances self-confidence at the interpersonal level and has a positive effect on
development and performance
If there is a lack of familial support, it may be crucial that some individual(s) in the direct environment
undertake certain support functions. The easiest way to provide financial support is through the football club
providing the player with equipment, transport, and training in camps, etc. Further alternatives can include
governmental, federal and other scholarships and supportive programs. Emotional absence can be best
compensated for by the direct environment. The coach and the supporting attitude of team mates can help
enhance players’ self-esteem and self-confidence; the atmosphere created by the team and the relationships
within it cannot be neglected. In certain situations it is advisable to have the player examined by a sports
Orosz & Mezo 74
psychologist in order to rebuild his self-confidence. As per our experiences, relationships formed during sports-
psychology training sessions are also emotionally supportive.
Team mates’ opinions about talent are strongly related to their notion of the most self-confident and social
individuals within the team. Those who are more gifted are considered to be more self-confident and to have
good social skills. The results relating to self-characterisation and peer-characterisation refer to the fact that team
mates` character-perception is in harmony with players’ own self-characterisations. Furthermore, we can
conclude that the participants filled the questionnaires in accurately. Another fact confirms our observation that
the Tennessee self-concept scale’s self-criticism indicator did not record any differences in any statistical
comparisons among the groups examined. The data shows that the peer community has a very important rule in
developing talent. Football players can have feedback from team mates about their personal skills and talent.
This feedback can influence their self-evaluation and motivation. Favourable social skills may help developing
talent because team mates accept those players who have these abilities, giving them better feedback and
providing them with social support. So, developing these skills may positively affect talent.
Coaches` opinions about talent were in harmony with team mates` opinions, just as the coaches’
characterisations were in accordance with self-characterisation. Their feedback, communication, attitude, faith
and encouragement have a strong influence on developing talent. However, it is also clear from the results that
neither professionals, nor team mates can diagnose a person`s internal characteristics. Consequently, incidental
false judgements can also influence a person`s self-evaluation, motivation and development. In mapping players`
personal characteristics psychodiagnostical methods can help. Information gained from these may help coaches
to get to know players objectively and enhance the effectiveness of talent-nurturing during consultations.
The research data obviously drew attention to the importance of developing other skills beyond physical
attributes. Psychological factors (concentration, freedom from worry, self-confidence, perseverance, social skills)
can enhance personal efficiency when developing footballing talent. The more psychical capacity someone can
mobilize to develop themselves, the better results they will be able to achieve in the future. The development of
psychological factors can be supported by programs with long-term and well-developed concepts and strategies.
Introducing such programs at football clubs would facilitate the development of talent. The fruits of success can
be harvested later; therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the development’s long-term concept. The more a
factor affects the deeper layers of personality, the slower the change may occur.
Relying on our research data we worked out an integrative-approach talent-nurturing project connected to
the Magyar Geniusz Program (Hungarian Genius Program). The Hungarian National Talent Program is a 20-year,
expansive talent-conception accepted by the Hungarian Parliament and lasting until 2028. The Hungarian Genius
Program was 3-year long national project embedded in the National Talent Program and supported by the
European Union, its main object being the establishment of a national talent-nurturing network. It was a network
of so called “talent-points” (i.e. talent centers) established within the framework of a program (Csermely & Kiss,
2008). These centers are open establishments which provide information and assistance for young people of the
region to promote talent-nurturing. Their main functions include guidance, career-orientation, opportunities and
personal information counselling for talented individuals. The main purpose of the network is the effective
operation of talent-nurturing with the aid of communication, co-operation and information flow. Among the
various talent-points, we can find organisations with a notable talent-nurturing tradition and others which have
been newly established to search for and support gifted youngsters. Today, there are about a thousand registered
talent-points in Hungary, which are coordinated by the National Talent-Point. The Kék Bolygó Tehetségpont (Blue Planet
Talent-point - Debrecen, Hungary) has set itself a target to support sports-talents locally through an integrative
approach. Within the framework programmes of the Hungarian Genius Program the institution has implemented
a one-year sports-talent project, supported by the research results above. Elements of this project are oriented
to the cognitive, affective and social factors that influenced the unfolding of sports-talent, and, moreover, are
aimed at stimulating complex, supportive co-operation from the system.
The project includes the following elements:
For sportspeople: sports-psychological consultation; coaching; learning development; Williams stress-handling
training; sports-psychological training groups; psychological training for football teams; motivational courses by
Olympic sportspeople.
For coaches, teachers and hostel prefects: consultations with psychologists; Williams stress-handling training; group
consultations and case discussions; courses on sports psychology and pedagogy.
For parents: consultations with psychologists; Williams stress-handling training; family consultations.
Psychological factors in … 75
Co-operation with other talent development organisations, including DVSC Football Club, Debreceni Egyetem
Sportigazgatóság (University of Debrecen Sports Directorate), Debreceni Sportcentrum (Debrecen Sports
Centre), Debreceni Középiskolai Sportkollégium (Debrecen Secondary School Sports Hostel), Kocka Kör (The
Cube Circle).
Sportsmen, coaches, teachers and parents participating in the project have reported positive experiences.
These observations were used in Tehetseghidak Program (“Bridge to Talent” Program) (which followed the
Hungarian Genius Program) in defining a sports-talent strategy.
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