Galapatechristian Final Output

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Galapate, Christian R.


Topic: The Relationship between Personality Trait and Sport Performance:

The Case of National League Football Clubs in Jimma Town, Ethiopia Beniyam
Teshome, Dr. Sisay Mengistu, Gemechu Beker Department of Sport Science, Jimma University,
Jimma, Ethiopia Findings: Table 4.9 presents the inter-correlations between the Personality
Factors (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness) and Sport
performance in male national league football players. It was empirically proved that sport
performance was significantly positively correlated with Conscientiousness (r= .897, P < 0.01)
and Agreeableness (r= .380, P < 0.01). Moreover a correlation data revealed that Openness
(r=.104, P=.485) and Extraversion (r=.177, P= .233) score had a weak positive relationship, but
there was not statistically significant. Besides Neuroticism score had a weak negative
relationship (r= -.338, P< .05). However, the relationships were negatively significantly
correlated. But as Singh and Singh (2013) they tried to show neuroticism had significant
correlation with three levels participation (district, state and national level volleyball players) (r =
.34, P< 0.01; r = .46, P< 0.01 & r =.53, P< 0.01) respectively. And also extraversion dimensions
of personality have significant correlation with those three different levels of competition.
Whereas, agreeableness has a positive significant relationship with state and national level
volleyball players sport performer. But conscientiousness correlates significantly higher with the
national level of participants. But in the current study, conscientiousness and agreeableness were
had positively significant relationship with sport performance. Beside, Neuroticism had
negatively significantly correlated with sport performance. So, it is not contradicting on the
finding of Singh and Singh (2013) Table 2: Multiple regression between personality traits and
Sport performance on Male National league Footballplayers, in 2007 E.C, Jimma Town,

Conclusion: The main purpose of this study is to identify personality trait, describe the
correlation of personality trait and sport Performance; and investigate whether the personality
factors (E.A.C.N & O) are significant predictor of sport performance. In the modern world, every
nation is trying hard to produce sportsperson, who could bring glories in various competitions at
international level. Such honors in sports have already acquired a high prestige-value for
participating nations. It is natural; therefore, that improving the standards in the field of football
sport has become a focal point of attention, study and effort on the part of physical educators,
coaches and research workers almost in all countries of the world. In this effort, various
disciplines like psychology, education, medicine, physical sciences etc. are getting more and
more involved. So, this researcher is also trying to analyze the relationship between personality
trait and sport performance in male national league football players in Jimma town. The study
has indicated that all national league football clubs does not have psychological staffs intheir
coaching staff. Therefore, in one or the other way it creates negative impact on the success of the
effectiveness of the athletes, coaches and clubs. And the study revealed that there is a lake of
training for the coaches updating the current knowledge. On the other hand more than half of the
players do have less than two year playing experience on their teams. According to coaches
rating, the overall sport performance of the players showed that the maximum mean result were
reported by work ethics (M= 4.17, SD= .732) and the minimum mean result were game
performance and team plainness (M= 3.64, SD= .870 & M= 3.64, SD= 845) respectively.
Overall, the results of this study showed that the personality dimensions of Conscientiousness
were significantly associated with athletic performance among male national league football
players. These associations were found for coaches’ ratings on several ability dimensions. Only
Conscientiousness had a significant predictor of sport performance. The magnitude of this
association is consistent with previous research done in Ardebil city (Iran) Adel M. et al., (2013).
The other personality trait such as openness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism were
not significantly positively correlated with sport performance. And there was not significant
positive predictor of sport performance (Kane, 1964; Piedmont et al. 1999; Salgado 1997;
Aidman and Schofield, 2004; Singh & Singh 2013). Recommendation: Based on the conclusions
derived from the findings of the data analyzed, the following recommendations were made as
possible ways of curbing the problems observed. Any training can be effective and successful if
it is supported with appropriate facilities and equipments. For example, if any clubs do have a
psychological staff it helps to develop team cohesion,

The Case of National League Football Clubs in Jimma Town, Ethiopia Beniyam Teshome,Dr. It
was empirically proved that sport performance was significantly positively correlated with
Conscientiousness and Agreeableness. Moreover a correlation data revealed that Openness and
Extraversion score had a weak positive relationship, but there was not statistically
significant. Besides Neuroticism score had a weak negative relationship .However, the
relationships were negatively significantly correlated. 

But as Singh and Singh they tried to show neuroticism had significant correlation with three
levels participation respectively. And also extraversion dimensions of personality have
significant correlation with those three different levels of competition. Whereas, agreeableness
has a positive significant relationship with state and national level volleyball players sport
performer. But conscientiousness correlates significantly higher with the national level of

But in the current study, conscientiousness and agreeableness were had positively significant
relationship with sport performance. Beside, Neuroticism had negatively significantly correlated
with sport performance. C, Jimma Town, Ethiopia. So, this researcher is also trying to analyze
the relationship between personality trait and sport performance in male national league football
players in Jimma town. 

The study has indicated that all national league football clubs does not have psychological staff’s
intheir coaching staff. Overall, the results of this study showed that the personality dimensions of
Conscientiousness were significantly associated with athletic performance among male national
league football players. These associations were found for coaches’ ratings on several ability
dimensions. Only Conscientiousness had a significant predictor of sport performance. 

The other personality trait such as openness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism were

not significantly positively correlated with sport performance. And there was not significant
positive predictor of sport performance.
Topic: The relationship between personality traits and sport performance

Adel Mirzaei, Reza Nikbakhsh* and Farideh SharififarFaculty of Physical Education and Sport
Sciences, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Iran. Findings: The results showed that
players with mentioned Demographic information in below (Table1). The results also showed
that from among personality components only Conscientiousness have positive significant
correlation with players performance (r=0/18). Studying impact of personality traits on sport
performance has much importance. Therefore, a coache based on this trait, can appoint their
players to appropriate position. This article was aimed to studying impact of personality traits on
sport performance. Personality traits consisted of five dimensions (extraversion, neuroticism,
openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness). The present study finds revealed that only
consciousness have significant positive correlation with football and futsal players' performance.
This finding indicates that athlete with high discipline, responsibility; achievement motivation
and goal orientation have high performance in the game. But, athletes with neuroticism
characteristics such as anxiety, depression, aggression, angry and selfishness have low emotional
and behavioral stability. It causes players easily show their angry, aggression and failure and
have been poor performance in the game. Extraversion athletes, also, due to characteristics such
as sensation seeking, risk taking, distractibility could not control their emotions. In this regard,
these athletes to motivating oneself and feelings of pleasure and satisfy their curiosity, show
emotional behaviors and it will be reduce their athletic performance. Openness to experience is
characterized by flexibility, creativity, acceptance of other people's ideas, attitudes and rules. The
findings of this study indicate that there was not significant relationship between openness with
athlete's performance. It seems that non elite population could be one of the reasons. Other
personality dimension that had not the relationship with athlete's performance was agreeableness.
It means that athletes have not been good relationship with teammates and they more focuses on
their needs than teammates. The present findings are consistent with the findings of Allameh et
al. [15], Kovacs [11], Piedmont et al. [8], Salgado [14], Aidman and Schofield [3]. Also, the
result of this study is no consistent with the findings of Singh and Manoj [9], Taylor & Doria
[12]. It seems that differences between team sport and individual sport and also differences in
population could be possible reasons.

Conclusion: The result of this study indicates that identifying personality traits of players is very
important. Because coaches by identifying players' traits could be use them in best times and
suitable positions. Also, by knowing players personality traits the coaches are able to control
them during the games.
Explanation :

Studying impact of personality traits on sport performance has much importance .Therefore, a
coached based on this trait, can appoint their players to appropriate position. This article was
aimed to studying impact of personality traits on sport performance. Personality traits consisted
of five dimensions. 

The present study finds revealed that only consciousness have significant positive correlation
with football and futsal players' performance. It causes players easily show their
angry, aggression and failure and have been poor performance in the game. Extraversion
athletes, also, due to characteristics such as sensation seeking, risk taking, distractibility could
not control their emotions. In this regard, these athletes to motivating oneself and feelings of
pleasure and satisfy their curiosity, show emotional behaviours and it will be reduce their athletic

The findings of this study indicate that there was not significant relationship between openness
with athlete's performance. Other personality dimension that had not the relationship with
athlete's performance was agreeableness. It means that athletes have not been good relationship
with teammates and they more focuses on their needs than teammates. The present findings are
consistent with the findings of Allameh et al. 

because coaches by identifying players' traits could be use them in best times and suitable
positions. Also, by knowing players personality traits the coaches are able to control them during
the games. 

Findings: Descriptive statistics were used for describing and categorizing raw data and for
measuring Mean, frequency, SD and table drawing. Multiple regression analysis was used for
predicting athletes’ sport performance. For analyzing data the SPSS software (25.0) was applied.
The results of table 2 indicates that neuroticism personality trait is significantly and negatively
correlated with ability of a coach, ability of an athlete, game performance, team playerness, work
ethic as well as overall sports performance among university athletes. While, 155 extraversion,
conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness are significantly and positively correlated with
ability of a coach, ability of an athlete, game performance, team playerness, work ethic as well as
overall sports performance among university athletes. The results of table 3 shows that the
complete model explains 47% of the variance in sports performance, with F (5, 226) 39.46, p < .
01. In this model conscientiousness, agreeableness as well as openness are found to be the
significant predictors of sports performance. Its mean that agreeableness, conscientiousness, and
openness are significantly influence on sports performance among university athletes. The
present study finds revealed that only consciousness have significant positive correlation with
football and futsal players' performance. This finding indicates that athlete with high discipline,
responsibility; achievement motivation and goal orientation have high performance in the game.
But, athletes with neuroticism characteristics such as anxiety, depression, aggression, angry and
selfishness have low emotional and behavioral stability. It causes players easily show their
angry, aggression and failure and have been poor performance in the game. Extraversion
athletes, also, due to characteristics such as sensation seeking, risk taking, distractibility could
not control their emotions. In this regard, these athletes to motivating oneself and feelings of
pleasure and satisfy their curiosity, show emotional behaviors and it will be reduce their athletic
performance. Openness to experience is characterized by flexibility, creativity, acceptance of
other people's ideas, attitudes and rules. The findings of this study indicate that there was not
significant relationship between openness with athlete's performance. It seems that non elite
population could be one of the reasons. Other personality dimension that had not the relationship
with athlete's performance was agreeableness. It means that athletes have not been good
relationship with teammates and they more focuses on their needs than teammates. The present
findings are consistent with the findings of Allameh et al. [15], Kovacs [11], Piedmont et al. [8],
Salgado [14], Aidman and Schofield [3]. Also, the result of this study is no consistent with the
findings of Singh and Manoj [9], Taylor & Doria [12]. It seems that differences between team
sport and individual sport and also differences in population could be possible reasons.
Discussion This research aims to investigate personality traits as a predictor in sports
performance among university athletes. The results of present research are showing in table 2 for
H1 that reveal extraversion, conscientiousness, openness as well as agreeableness personality
traits were significantly and positively correlated with ability of a coach, ability of an athlete,
game performance, team playerness, work ethic as well as overall sports performance among
university athletes. Most of the previous researches have investigated how different aspects of
personality are linked with performance in a sport (Adel et al., 2013; Rhodes & Smith, 2006).
For 156 instance, many researchers examined the relationship of personality traits on sports
performance outcomes. Most of them indicate that ranks of football players were positively
correlated with traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness (Tran, 2012). Matsumoto,
Takeuchi, Nakajima, and Iida (2000) suggest that the trait of conscientiousness might be
connected with adherence to training as well as this aspect, consequently, produces less anxiety
as well as more confidence in athletes. Other backgrounds with the trait of conscientiousness
being the most related to positive outcomes in sports (Poropat, 2009; Rhodes & Smith, 2006).
The results of this research are similar with past studies, so the H1 of current research is retained.
Whereas, the results of this research are showing in table 2 for H2 that found neuroticism
personality trait was significantly and negatively correlated with coach ability, ability of an
athlete, game performance, team playerness, work ethic as well as overall sports performance
among university athletes. In past study, Teshom


The results of table 2 indicates that neuroticism personality trait is significantly and negatively
correlated with ability of a coach, ability of an athlete, game performance, team playerness, work
ethic as well as overall sports performance among university athletes. While, 155
extraversion, conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness are significantly and positively
correlated with ability of a coach, ability of an athlete, game performance, team playerness, work
ethic as well as overall sports performance among university athletes. The results of table 3
shows that the complete model explains 47% of the variance in sports performance, with F
39.46, p < .  Its mean that agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness are significantly
influence on sports performance among university athletes. 

The present study finds revealed that only consciousness have significant positive correlation
with football and futsal players' performance. It causes players easily show their
angry, aggression and failure and have been poor performance in the game. The findings of this
study indicate that there was not significant relationship between openness with athlete's
performance. Other personality dimension that had not the relationship with athlete's
performance was agreeableness. 

This research aims to investigate personality traits as a predictor in sports performance among
university athletes. The results of present research are showing in table 2 for H1 that reveal
extraversion, conscientiousness, openness as well as agreeableness personality traits were
significantly and positively correlated with ability of a coach, ability of an athlete, game
performance, team playerness, work ethic as well as overall sports performance among
university athletes. Most of the previous researches have investigated how different aspects of
personality are linked with performance in a sport . For 156 instance, many researchers examined
the relationship of personality traits on sports performance outcomes. 

Whereas, the results of this research are showing in table 2 for H2 that found neuroticism
personality trait was significantly and negatively correlated with coach ability, ability of an
athlete, game performance, team playerness, work ethic as well as overall sports performance
among university athletes. 
The Relationship between High School Students' Participation in Sporting Activity and
Personality Variables

Yaacov J. Katz†1By Miri Shachaf RESULTS One-way ANOVA tests were conducted in order
to ascertain possible differences between the three research comparison groups on the three
research factors, namely self-efficacy, self-control and attribution style. Results of the ANOVA
procedures are presented in Table 1: Table 1. Results of one-way ANOVAs for Comparative
Groups on Self-Efficacy, Self-Control and Attribution Style (n= 491) Results of the one-way
ANOVA procedures indicate significant main effects for self-efficacy, self-control and
attribution style. Results of post-hoc Scheffe tests clarified that students in the competitive sport
group had a significantly higher level of self-efficacy than students in the non-competitive sport
group who in turn had a level of self-efficacy that was significantlyhigher than that of students in
the group that did not participate in any sporting activity. Findings of further post-hoc Scheffe
tests intimated that on the self-control variable, members of the competitive sport group had a
higher level of selfcontrol than either members of the non-competitive sport group or members
of the group that did not partake in sporting activity. There were no significant differences on the
self-control variable between non-competitive sport group members and students in the group
that did not participate in sport at all. Results of additional post-hoc Scheffe tests showed that
there were significant differences on the attribution style factor between students in the
competitive sport and the non-competitive sports groups on the one hand and members of the
group that did not participate in sporting activity on the other However, no significant
differences were found between members of the group that participated in competitive sport and
students in the non-competitive sport group although the mean level of internal attribution style
of those who participated in competitive sport was higher than that of students who participated
in non-competitive sporting activity. Further statistical analyses that examined possible gender
differences indicated that scores attained on the three research variables by male and female
students in the three respective comparison groups were similar. Thus no significant differences
were evident between male and female students on the self-efficacy, self-control and attribution
style variables.

CONCLUSION It appears that participation of both male and female high school students in
competitive sport significantly contributes to a strengthening of personality traits in general, and
as indicated in the results of the present study, promotes the enhancement of self-efficacy, self-
control and internal attribution style. As Pine (2010) concurs, participation in competitive
sporting activity contributes to the enhancement of psychological strengths. Thus high school
student athletes can serve as positive role models for their peers.


Yaacov J. By Miri Shachaf RESULTS One-way ANOVA tests were conducted in order to
ascertain possible differences between the three research comparison groups on the three
research factorsKatz1, namely self-efficacy, self-control and attribution style. Results of the
ANOVA procedures are presented in Table 1: Table 1. Results of one-way ANOVAs for
Comparative Groups on Self-Efficacy, Self-Control and Attribution Style Results of the one-way
ANOVA procedures indicate significant main effects for self-efficacy, self-control and
attribution style. Findings of further post-hoc Scheffe tests intimated that on the self-control
variable, members of the competitive sport group had a higher level of selfcontrol than either
members of the non-competitive sport group or members of the group that did not partake in
sporting activity. There were no significant differences on the self-control variable between non-
competitive sport group members and students in the group that did not participate in sport at
all. Thus no significant differences were evident between male and female students on the self-
efficacy, self-control and attribution style variables.
CONCLUSION It appears that participation of both male and female high school students in
competitive sport significantly contributes to a strengthening of personality traits in general, and
as indicated in the results of the present study, promotes the enhancement of self-efficacy, self-
control and internal attribution style. 
Results To provide initial insight into the nature of the associations between variables included in
the study, a correlation analysis was conducted. Both dimensions of perfectionism and various
performance results (result in the current race, seasonal best, and personal best) as well as
anticipated results in the current race (reported before the start) were examined with gender and
age being controlled.

The results of the analysis are depicted in Table 1. Table 1. Means, standard deviations,
Cronbach's alphas, and correlations in Study 1 (with gender and age controlled).

The data exploration process began with investigating the associations between the variables
introduced in the study. The correlations (with age and gender being controlled as potential
confounders) between both dimensions of perfectionism, Big Five personality traits, and
performance-related variables, as well as with additional information regarding functioning in
sports, are depicted in Table 4.

Discussion and Conclusion In the present paper, we attempted to provide insight into the role of
domain-specific perfectionism in predicting the results of distance running. The results of two
studies, conducted during two independent running events, provided evidence for a replicable,
significant effect of perfectionistic strivings on performance. The magnitude of the effect seems
worth noting, given that effects of psychological features on performance are rarely reported, and
their magnitude is often smaller (see Mirzaei, Nikbakhsh, & Sharififar, 2013) or at best
comparable (e.g., Geukes, Mesagno, Hanrahan, & Kellmann, 2012). In contrast, the effects of
perfectionistic concerns proved non-significant. It seems that the positive feature of
perfectionism, reflected in perfectionistic strivings, might be much more important for
performance in endurance sports such as distance running than its negative aspect depicted by
perfectionistic concerns. On the other hand, Study 1 provided some evidence for the role of
perfectionistic concerns in performance, but the effect did not turn out to be direct. Instead,
perfectionistic concerns attenuated the positive effects of perfectionistic strivings for athletes
scoring high on both dimensions, suggesting that in future analyses researchers should take into
account not only simple effects of both dimensions of perfectionism but also analyze the role of
the profile of perfectionism in athletes' functioning. This effect, however, was not replicated in
Study 2, thus formulating any conclusions regarding the interplay between these dimensions in
shaping athletic performance would be premature. Another noteworthy result refers to the
significant effect of perfectionistic strivings on anticipated performance. Again, the effect was
replicated in the second study, providing evidence for a general character of this interaction. As
mentioned above, the mechanisms responsible for this effect might concern both the phase of
preparation to the competition (a more engaged and conscientious approach to training leading to
greater awareness of one's current condition; higher precision in preparing the strategy for the
forthcoming competition) and the phase of performance (greater scrupulosity and persistence in
realization of running strategy). The results described corroborate most of the findings reported
by Stoeber, Uphill, et al. (2009), the only study to date investigating the role of perfectionism in
predicting performance in an endurance sport competition. Thus, it seems worthwhile to briefly
discuss the main similarities and differences between the studies. A similar conceptualization of
perfectionism was used in both studies, but the operationalization was slightly different due to
the fact that a different questionnaire was used in the present study. The main dissimilarity
between the two papers is the sport in which the study was conducted (triathlon vs. running),
and, subsequently, the sports level declared by the participants. While running is in fact a vital
part of triathlon, the differences in these groups of participants and in the profundity of the
effects might be far from subtle. Firstly, triathlon has much higher entry-level requirements in
terms of physical condition needed to complete the race, in turn making the preparation process
more time-consuming than in the case of a 10-kilometer or half-marathon street run.
Consequently, it can be argued that typical sport performance levels of both samples may be
completely different. In the present studies, most athletes declared recreational or amateur level,
with only a small group of participants describing themselves as semi-professional or
professional. Unfortunately, it is impossible to directly compare this with data from the Stoeber
and colleagues' study, as only indicators of performance level (e.g., seasonal best) were used in
their article. However, the discussed differences can be summarized in a rather simplistic way; it
is possible to finish a 10-kilometer run without any systematic preparation, but it is rather
impossible to approach a middle-distance triathlon in the same manner, as it comprises 1.9 km of
swimming, 90 km of cycling, and 21.1 km of running. Resulting conclusions may be twofold.
First, one might argue that the adaptive, positive side of perfectionism associated closely with
perfectionistic strivings is not exclusive to functioning in semi-professional or professional
sports. Recreational and amateur athletes (or their performance) can also benefit from higher
perfectionistic strivings. However, in the present sample, the magnitude of the effect of
perfectionistic strivings is slightly smaller than reported by Stoeber, Otto, et al. (2009). This
difference could be either due to the fact that the questionnaires used in both studies were not the
same or due to higher heterogeneity of the present sample in sport level. Finally, it can also result
from the difference in the duration of both activities, as with longer and more exhausting races,
psychological factors have more time and potential to significantly affect performance.

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