Water Level Indicator Report
Water Level Indicator Report
Water Level Indicator Report
Nowadays everybody has overhead tank at their homes, but the one who has a
water tank above knows the kind of problems that they face. Water tank
overflow is a common problem which leads to the wastage of water. Being
electronics enthusiastic made a simple and handy circuit which will detect the
water level and will raise an alarm upon getting the water tank full or a preset
This simple transistor based water level indicator circuit is very useful to
indicate the water levels in a tank. Whenever tank gets filled, we get alerts on
particular levels.
Here we have created levels by alarms & we have added LEDs to indicate the
level of water and one buzzer to indicate full level. When tanks gets filled
completely we get beep sound from buzzer.
So now we do not have to worry about overflow and water out anymore.
3. LED RED 1
Fig 1.
Working of automatic water tank level controller
(i) The Sensor Part: It is generally a fixed support inside the tank having
some nuts and bolt with wires coming out.
(ii) The Circuit Part: It comprises the brain of the module; where in all the
various inputs from the sensors are fed. It is the unit from where you will
get all the information of how much of water is in the tank.
(iii) Power Supply: It is the part where in you will be converting the A/C
voltage to a regulated voltage of 5V to the Circuit.
(iv) The Buzzer Part:It is responsible for bringing up the sound when the water
level fills up in the tank. It will also be having a speaker or a buzzer to alert.
The connections and arrangements are made as shown in the figure above. The
+9V is supplied to water using a metal contact. In this circuit all the transistors
are working as a switch. When the water touches the metal contact in which
base of each transistor is connected, small current flows and turns on the
transistor. When a transistor turns on, LED connected to it glows. Thus LEDs
will be turned on depending up on the level of water.
And finally when it reaches to its top most level, there will be a visual
display as well as a sound from the unit indicating that the water has
filled in the tank and one can be alerted that the tank has been filled up
and the water pump has to be switched off saving the electricity bill as
well as over flow of water from the tank.
● Easy to operate & Fast response.
● Smaller in size.
● Efficient design eliminates man’s work.
● Low power consumption and reduces wastage.
● Water level indicator is used in application like storage tanks, boiler
● Easily indicate when water level is full in the tank with beep sound.
This circuit not only indicates the amount of water present in the overhead
tank but also gives an alarm when the tank is full. This worthy device starts ringing
as soon as the water tank becomes full. It helps to check overflow and wastage of
water by warning the customer when the tank is about to brim. The system
provides visual water level indication with audio alarms at desired levels. It also
provides automatic control of pumps at a remote location.