Teknika Cement
Teknika Cement
Teknika Cement
1. Introduction
Recent trends in concrete design, especially in pavement design, have been towards high
early strength concretes, meeting design specifications well before necessary. These high
early strengths are usually achieved by high cement contents, causing often overlooked
secondary effects, such as drying shrinkage (Figure 5), which can result in cracking and
premature durability problems. In order to have an effective PCC mix design, all such
effects should be considered. The 1st and 2nd order issues are recognized as:
This literature review, conducted using common concrete textbooks, considers all of
these competing issues in constructing a concrete mix design theory which will help
optimize the O’Hare Modernization Program’s PCC Mix Design to deliver a durable and
efficient concrete. Based on these theories, a multivariable testing program will be
devised, the results of which will likely be utilized in dictating the specifications for the
new concrete runway pavements at the O’Hare International Airport.
Our testing program will consider the use of 1½” top size coarse aggregates as well as the
normal ¾” top size. The larger aggregate top size will lead to a somewhat lower
compressive strength, an effect that is more pronounced at lower w/c ratios (Figure 3).
From the plot, however, it can be seen that with the expected w/c ratio of around 0.40, a
change from ¾” to 1½” will decrease the compressive strength by less than 10%. This
increased top size will result in more well graded aggregates, possibly leading to a larger
aggregate fraction (to be discussed later), and may also improve 2nd order properties such
as fracture and aggregate interlock.
The final suggested specification for this study, workability, is crucial for concrete
runway pavement design because the pavement is typically slipformed. Workability is,
however, not considered in the core of this program as it is a variable easily regulated by
the contractor via chemical admixtures and proper final mix design. Although not
considered in the mix design, the fresh concrete properties such as slump will be recorded
during the laboratory testing portion of this mix design, providing a rough idea of
Two important secondary effects are shrinkage and appropriate strength development
rates. Figure 4 shows the influence of w/c ratio and aggregate content on shrinkage.
Typical aggregate contents are at least 70% by volume but can be increased by a more
graded aggregate sample, possible with a larger aggregate top size. As can be seen in
Figure 4, if high enough aggregate contents are achieved, shrinkage can be greatly
reduced at any w/c ratio. Shrinkage as a function of cement content, water content, and
w/c ratio is presented in Figure 5. It is suspected that neither Figure 4 or 5 considered
autogenous shrinkage (both were referenced to journal articles published before 1980).
Neville noted, “In practical terms, at a constant water/cement ratio, shrinkage increases
with an increase in the cement content because this results in a larger volume of hydrated
cement paste which is liable to shrinkage. However, at a given workability, which
approximately means a constant water content, shrinkage is unaffected by an increase in
the cement content, or may even decrease, because the water/cement ratio is reduced and
the concrete is, therefore, better able to resist shrinkage”.3 As the w/c ratio is lowered,
the shrinkage becomes less dependent on cement content, being true until the w/c ratio is
below around 0.40 and autogenous shrinkage dominates (not depicted in Figure 4). The
scope of investigation for this plot is from 300-800kg/m3, a much larger scope than will
be considered during our design process. Traditionally, O’Hare mixes contain as much
as 350kg/m3 cement but the expected new designs will be around 250kg/m3 (both with
around 60kg/m3 fly ash). These numbers are in the range where the w/c ratio curves are
converging and the shrinkage greatly reduced. Cutting the cement content will also
reduce the strength gain development, causing it to better follow the intended strength
rate development curve.
Other secondary effects which are of consideration are fracture properties, load transfer,
and economy. Fracture properties are expected to be heavily dependent on coarse
aggregate top size and, although they will not be considered during the first rounds of
testing, the fracture properties of all mixes will be noted and further testing altered
accordingly. Load transfer, much as fracture properties, is dependent on coarse aggregate
top size and will be treated in a likewise manner. The effects on economy are easily
realized when noting that cement is responsible for a large portion of total materials cost,
especially considering the current shortage, and the new mix designs will have a much
lower cement content than the past high early strength/ high cement content mixes.
The specified 28 day Modulus of Rupture (MOR28) values are expected to be around
700psi for the airport pavements at O’Hare. The goal of this laboratory testing initiative
is to recommend design specifications (minimum w/c ratio, max paste content, fly ash
content, coarse aggregate nominal top size, etc) which will ensure a qualified concrete
mix to conservatively meet this MOR28 while also optimizing the often ignored
secondary effects.
Using known data/plots for compressive strength versus w/c ratio and an empirical
formula for MOR as a function of compressive strength, a MOR versus w/c ratio plot can
be constructed for mixes at different ages (i.e. 7, 14, and 28 days). Laboratory tests will
then be run on mixes similar to the standard O’Hare and St. Louis Lambert Airport mixes
in an attempt to isolate where a suspected minimum prescribed w/c ratio might fall. On
this more accurate plot, the minimum specified MOR28 of 700psi will yield a maximum
w/c ratio. From this w/c ratio limit, another w/c ratio will be specified roughly one
standard deviation of MOR28 away, resulting in a minimum w/c ratio. Any w/c ratio
falling between these two limits should result in sufficient flexural strength, although
only a minimum w/c ratio will be specified. This innovative means of indirectly
specifying strength by a minimum w/c ratio and other specifications can more easily be
regulated in the field, as the batch ticket reports the minimum w/c ratio. It is also notable
that there is no concern of quality control issues emerging from extra water added to a
mix at the time of placement for workability issues as this can only raise the w/c ratio,
keeping it within specifications.
Having a minimum w/c ratio set and assuming that the fly ash content will be 20-25% of
the cement content, w/c ratios in the normal range, coarse aggregate nominal top size and
cement content will be varied to investigate the shrinkage, aggregate interlock and
fracture properties. This data will result in a suggested specification for paste content
limits and a recommendation for the possible use of larger than normal coarse aggregates.
5. Figures and Tables
Figure 1. Influence of the water/cement ratio and moist curing age on concrete strength.1
Figure 3. Influence of the aggregate size and the water/cement ratio on concrete strength.1
Figure 5. The pattern of shrinkage as a function of cement content, water content, and water/cement ratio.3
6. References
1. Mehta, P.M., Monteiro, P.J.M., “Concrete Microstructure, Properties, and Materials”, Second
Edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1993
2. Mindess, S., Young, J.F., “Concrete”, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1981.
3. Neville, A.M., “Properties of Concrete”, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.