Drilling Fluids Engineering: Catalog
Drilling Fluids Engineering: Catalog
Drilling Fluids Engineering: Catalog
Volume # 2.11
Revised Sept 21, 2009
DFE tech
345 S. Bonner
WC Square
Tyler, TX 75701
Table of Contents
Company History............................................................................................................. 2
DFE tech Officers ............................................................................................................ 2
DFE tech Staff and Faculty ............................................................................................. 2
DFE tech Facilities .......................................................................................................... 3
DFE tech Program Description........................................................................................ 3
DFE tech Admission Requirements................................................................................. 3
DFE tech Course Outline ................................................................................................ 4
DFE tech Subject Descriptions..................................................................................... 4-6
DFE tech Pricing & Payment........................................................................................... 7
DFE tech Enrollment Periods .......................................................................................... 7
DFE tech Orientation....................................................................................................... 7
DFE tech Class Schedule ............................................................................................... 8
DFE tech Hours of Operation .......................................................................................... 8
DFE tech Class Schedules.............................................................................................. 8
DFE tech Scheduled Holidays......................................................................................... 9
DFE tech Vacation Periods ............................................................................................. 9
DFE tech Placement Assistance ..................................................................................... 9
DFE tech Mealtimes ........................................................................................................ 9
DFE tech Certificate of Completion ................................................................................. 9
DFE tech Policy for Granting Credits............................................................................... 9
DFE tech Attendance Policy.......................................................................................... 10
DFE tech Conduct policy............................................................................................... 10
DFE tech Grading Policy ............................................................................................... 10
DFE tech Requirements for Graduation ........................................................................ 11
DFE tech Satisfactory Progress .................................................................................... 11
DFE tech Grievances .................................................................................................... 11
DFE tech Cancellation Policy ........................................................................................ 12
DFE tech refund Policy............................................................................................. 12-13
TWC Approved & Regulated Statement ....................................................................... 13
DFE tech: Catalog, Sept 2009 – Dec 2010
Volume Number 2.11 - Revised Sept 21, 2009
Company History
DFE tech is an independently operated private career school that provides exceptional, selective
education in the demanding field of Drilling Fluids Engineering. Currently DFE tech provides training
designed to enable graduates to have the opportunity to enter a professional, full time career as a Drilling
Fluids Engineer. Curriculum for this program is specifically developed to provide graduates with the
technical & practical skills and knowledge essential for success in Today’s world of Energy. DFE tech was
founded in 2008 and is owned and operated by Michael Rowden. Mr. Rowden has provided curriculums,
software, and holds patents that have been utilized and proven while in the employ of major fluids
companies and oilfield operators. His training methods utilize technical training, practical applications,
software study, program construction, and hands-on methods for students and employees in his work.
Recognized in the industry as a drilling fluids expert, Mr. Rowden is extremely knowledgeable about the
curriculum core competency development processes in Drilling Fluids. In utilizing that knowledge he has
developed very effective Drilling Fluids Programs, Software, and Career Training Programs. Publications
that have utilized his technical drilling fluids related articles include World Oil, Offshore Magazine, and the
Society of Petroleum Engineering. Mr. Rowden has 30 years experience in Fluids field and office
Drilling Fluids
Bachelor’s Degree, Certification,
Business Administration IMCO Services
All DFE Curriculum
Michael V. Rowden 30 Years as Drilling Career Industry
Fluids Engineer / certifications in
Technical Advisor / most pertinent
Trainer areas of Drilling
Fluids Technology
and Safety.
Facilities and Equipment
DFE tech
345 Bonner, WC Square
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: (903) 343-1278 & 903-520-5271
DFE tech maintains air conditioned class rooms and laboratory rooms. Students may expect to learn
their trade with actual field engineering products and equipment that DFE tech provides for training
and for teaching purposes. DFE tech utilizes 7 (seven) fully operable field lab stations for ample
hands-on training. The 1,600 sq. ft. building and rooms are accessible to disabled personnel and
ample student parking is available in the front parking lot of the school.
Admission Requirements
Individuals applying for admission to the Drilling Fluids Engineering program are required
a. complete an interview with an admissions representative,
b. be at least 17 years of age (applicants under the age of 18 require written permission from a
parent or legal guardian in order to enroll),
c. have a high school diploma or GED.
d. have a personal Laptop Computer to use in class (DFE tech may provide is some cases)
e. have a basic, hand held calculator to use in class.
f. complete a registration form and final contract
g. tour the DFE tech facility
No person shall be excluded from participation or subject to any form of discrimination because of
sex, race, age, religion, national origin or physical handicap.
Drilling Fluids Engineering - Course of Instruction
The approximate time required to complete the Drilling Fluids Engineering Program is seven (07)
weeks utilizing the evening class schedule. The maximum time allowed to complete the Drilling
Fluids Engineering Program is Eight (08) weeks.
Subject Descriptions
Subject numbers used in this course of instruction are based on course codes established
by the school and do not relate to state common course numbering systems. For the
purposes of these subjects, a clock hour is defined as a minimum of 50 minutes of
instruction out of a 60-minute period. Subjects are taken sequentially as offered.
Students are introduced to the role of the Drilling Fluids Engineer as part of a
cohesive Operator / Contractor / Service Unit Team as well as to the various tasks
and mandatory duties of the Drilling Fluids Engineer on the jobsites for which he will
be responsible. This section includes training in basic computer operations, oilfield
terminology, oilfield safety, and on-site communication.
(Lec 16 Hrs / Lab 04 Hrs / Ext 00 Hrs / Total Cl 20 Hrs) [Prerequisite: none]
DFE 102 Drilling Fluids, Drill In Fluids, Functions, Construction, and Practical Clay
This session defines the specific types, functions, and construction of drilling / drill-in
fluids and examines practical clay, polymer, and fluids chemistry within the differing
phases of fluids and formations. Products, product groups, and their functions are
discussed thoroughly. In this section, students will learn the intricate parts and the
specific properties of those items that make up a field drilling fluid as well as how
these items affect the properties of a drilling fluid. Students will learn to suggest and
discuss solutions to drilling fluid property adjustment and maintenance by
understanding actual product functions, chemical make-up, and the specific end
results of each product when added to a drilling fluid system. Students will learn to
adjust and maintain proper fluid properties in conjunction with requirements of the
operator’s request and/or the provided fluids program for the well. Manufacturer’s
product safety data sheet (MSDS) will be discussed along with proper product safety.
(Lec 16 Hrs / Lab 04 Hrs / Ext 00 Hrs / Total Cl 20 Hrs) [Prerequisite: DFE 101]
DFE 103 Practical TMS (top of the mud sheet) Mathematics, Inventory
Management, and API (American Petroleum Institute) Field Testing Procedures.
TMS calculations are tackled in a serious manner in this section. Students will be
taught required mathematics and will perform calculations that they will be using on a
daily basis in their new field of endeavor. All TMS calculations are mandatory and
students will be required to know them intimately. Students will learn the importance
of Inventory control & management. The drilling fluids Daily Mud Report will be
discussed thoroughly and worked to successful completion. This sub-module
includes detailed discussions and hands-on (lab) training of the testing equipment
that Fluids Engineers use daily in their work. Specific safety issues will be addressed
on all aspects of equipment usage and maintenance. Students will be required to
intelligently discuss the results of the testing procedure as it applies to the fluid(s)
tested (Water-Based & Oil Based). This is one of the most important modules of the
course. Students will be expected to pass this section of the course with at least an
85% average.
(Lec 20 Hrs / Lab 12 Hrs / Ext 00 Hrs / Total 32 Hrs) [Prerequisite: DFE 102]
DFE 201 The Drilling Fluids Program and Practical Field Formulas /
Each well drilled by an Operator requires a Drilling Fluids Program prepared by the
Drilling Fluids Company for that specific area and well configuration. This module
will teach students how to read this “roadmap” for the job and how to properly
prepare & maintain the required programmed fluid type and properties for that well.
Field construction of Water-Based and Oil-Based fluids will be discussed as well as
learning successful engineering of the programmed fluids from Spud to Total Depth
(TD) by following the road map (Mud Program) in hand. Students will learn and
apply various formulas for many common situations, challenges, and standard
operations at the rig-site. The students will be able to use the programs they
receive and that they create to solve issues and challenges they will encounter in
their future work as a Drilling Fluids Engineer.
(Lec 12 Hrs / Lab 08 Hrs / Ext 00 Hrs / Total 20 Hrs) [Prerequisite: MID 101]
DFE 202 Handling Planned and Unplanned Events, Formations, and
The drilling operation for each well requires specific methodology, product mix,
technique, and formational protection. Students will learn solutions to specific,
common challenge-events and unplanned, challenge events. Students will learn
the effects of hydraulic activity upon the wellbore and upon the formations as a
result of pressures due to pumping of the fluid(s) and due to the pressures that the
hydrostatic column of the fluid(s) exerts upon the wellbore. Fluid Rheology, pore
and fracture pressures will be addressed along with static and dynamic fluid
column pressures. Students will be able to determine pressures and weights at
various depths within a wellbore using fluids with varying mud-weights and flow
properties. Students are trained in proper solids control methods and will be able
to recommend proper solids control products and techniques as well as proper
rheological parameters for differing fluids and different wellbore intervals.
Circulation rates and times will be re-visited to provide perspective and cohesion
to the hydraulic processes encountered at the rigsite while drilling, tripping,
running casing/logs, and while static. Students will be taught to detect and properly
handle the positive and negative effects on the drilling fluid and well-bore caused
by various properties and challenges.
(Lec 16 Hrs / Lab 08 Hrs / Ext 00 Hrs / Total 24 Hrs) [Prerequisite: DFE 201]
DFE 203 The Complete Drilling Fluids Engineer: Mud Checkers Vs Mud
Solids removal & retention, whole mud phase/solids phase, solids distinctions,
proper product concentrations, and how these critical items must fit into the
everyday planning of the learned Drilling Fluids Engineer will be the focus of this
module in the DFE tech engineering school. Proper engineering of a drilling fluid
will be discussed in contrast to reactive mud checking, spot treating, and paper-
hanging. Students will learn that running proper, trouble-free drilling fluids is a
matter of simple, practically applied mathematics on a continuing basis while
drilling is in progress. Treatment methods will be discussed and applied
successfully in the class room environment. After successful completion of this
section, a graduate of DFE tech will be able to run trouble-free drilling fluids on
most any job just as well as any seasoned hand in the field. This will be combined
with the previously learned duties of the Drilling fluids Engineer: Information
Gathering/Data Tracking, Inventory Accounting & Control, Volume Accounting,
Fluid Parameters, Comments & Recommendations, Rig Reporting Procedure, Rig
Communications, & Report Recapping. This list of items entails some of the major
responsibilities of the trained DFE, though not all of them have been listed here.
This module will outline, discuss, and demonstrate the proper methodology of
handling the day to day responsibilities at the rigsite as a seasoned Mud Engineer.
Practical applications to successfully achieve these goals will be discussed as well
as the drilling fluid engineer’s obligation to his employer, the operator, and to his
relief. When students complete this section, they will have a thoroughly solid
understanding of what is expected of the Complete Drilling fluids Engineer, as well
as the capability to apply their training as a Drilling Fluids Engineer on drilling rigs
anywhere in the world.
(Lec 16 Hrs / Lab 12 Hrs / Ext 00 Hrs / Total 28 Hrs) [Prerequisite: DFE 202]
Program Pricing and Payment Schedule
The technical training program at DFE tech prepares students for an exciting and
rewarding career in the professional field of Drilling Fluids Engineering. DFE tech
provides high quality instruction and practical application under the guidance and
supervision of highly qualified instructor(s).
All tuition / registration fees are due in advance. Tuitions may be made by check,
money order, or with an approved credit card. At this time, DFE tech does not
have a time-payment plan or the capability to finance. Scholarships’, if granted,
must be discussed with the Director of Admissions and the Director. Scholarships
are available up to $3,000 for special circumstances including promotional reasons
and hardship cases. State or Federally funded students are not eligible for
scholarships unless an agreement has been established beforehand with the
funding institution.
• Registration $ 100.00
• Tuition Balance $ 12,400.00
• Total Cost $ 12,500.00
Book(s) Included
Supplies Included
Enrollment Periods
Enrollment for upcoming session(s) may be accomplished during normal office
hours, by telephone, or via email. Students may enroll at any time up until the
day their first class begins (DFE 101), but if orientation has not been completed,
approval from the Director must be obtained. Orientation is required for all
Program orientations take place prior to the first day of class. Since DFE tech
has many students from out of town, DFE tech often will have orientation in a
town closer to the students attending the orientation. The Director of Admissions
schedules, publicizes, and calls all students who will be attending each
orientation prior to the event. This helps to convenience the students from
differing locations. Orientations take place before the first class start date and
lasts approximately 1 hour. Orientations may be scheduled with the Director of
Admissions for group or individual orientation at the school facility or at a location
convenient to the locale of the attending group.
Class Schedule
Instructor office hours are posted on the board at the front of the classroom,
however, instructors may be contacted in person Monday – Friday from
8:00 am – 4:00 pm during scheduled class weeks. Instructors may be contacted
during office hours or any time via e-mail, and / or by telephone if outside the
realm of office hours, and during the hours above or on weekends.
Scheduled Holidays
If a class session falls on any of the following holidays, that class will be
Memorial Day Independence Day
Labor Day Thanksgiving
Veterans Day New Year’s Day
Christmas (& Eve)
There are no scheduled vacation periods for this program. Once a student
begins, s/he can expect to complete his or her training in seven (07) weeks.
Maximum time allowed for completion of the Drilling Fluids Engineering Program
is eight (08) weeks.
Placement Assistance
DFE tech does not offer formal placement assistance. DEF tech works closely
with professional placement services that work locally and nationally to assist
students in job placements at no charge to the graduate. Employment
opportunities from prospective Fluids Companies contacting the school may be
made available to students upon graduation as well as assistance with resume
preparation, addresses for the many Fluids Companies in the US and the world,
and contact data for placement service personnel who may assist students with
locating a position as a drilling fluids engineer, level 1. More information
available at pfeservices.com.
There are no specific meal schedules since DFE tech’s classes do not fall within
mealtime hours.
Diploma Details
Graduating Students will receive their diplomas on graduation day after the
course is completed. This is provided by DFE tech at no cost to the graduating
Engineers. A $15 fee will be charged if DFE is asked to forward a copy of the
Engineer’s Certificate of Completion. Transcripts may be procured for a fee of
Attendance Policy
Attendance and participation in classes are extremely important and students are expected to attend all
class sessions. Attendance for all classes will follow the below guidelines.
• Students shall not be absent for more than 2 consecutive class periods.
• Students shall attend at least 90% of all clock hours for his/her classes.
• Students shall report back to the school on the scheduled date after an approved leave of
Students will be placed on probation the first time they fail to follow any of the above guidelines.
Subsequent violation of attendance policy guidelines will result in termination.
Students terminated for violation of the attendance policy may not reenter before the start of the next
grading period of the subject they were enrolled in at the time of their termination.
If a student is late to class by 10 or more minutes, the student is considered tardy. Being tardy two times
constitutes an absence.
Conduct Policy
Students shall conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner both in and out of class. DFE
tech reserves the right to place a student on probation or terminate him or her from any class or from a
program at any time for any of the following reasons:
At a minimum, a student will be placed on probation when found for the first time to be engaging in any of
the listed activities. Subsequent engagement in any of these activities may result in termination.
In accordance with Title 40, Texas Administrative Code, Section 807.195, students terminated for any of
the reasons listed above may be not readmitted before the start of the next grading period of the subject
they were enrolled in at the time of their termination. Students wishing to be readmitted after being
terminated for conduct must first be interviewed by the School Director or Director of Education before
being readmitted.
Grading Policy
Grades will be provided/posted to students each week. DFE tech uses average grade points as they
accumulate through each course of study to assess student performance. A percentage grade will be
provided weekly for classroom participation, written reports, written tests, and lab skill demonstration.
The mid term exam and final exam will be averaged with the weekly grades. Daily grade percentage will
be averaged into a weekly grade point for comparative performance evaluation. DFE tech is committed
to providing each student with the very best training experience with an emphasis on individual attention
as may be necessary. Students are provided the opportunity to take make up tests and quizzes in the
event their absence is excusable.
Grades will be determined using the following scale:
90% - 100% performance of skills = A (4 Grade Points)
80% - 89% performance of skills = B (3 Grade Points)
70% - 79% performance of skills = C (2 Grade Points)
60% - 69% performance of skills = D (1 Grade Point) - Unacceptable
0% - 59% performance of skills = F (0 Grade Points) - Unacceptable
DFE tech will refresh and retest C students and below as the instructor deems necessary in order to help
improve their individual understanding of the material and to help elevate their academic standing.
Requirements for Graduation
In order to graduate from the courses of instruction offered by DFE tech, students must satisfy the
following requirements:
1. complete all required coursework with a minimum 2.0 GPA
2. satisfy all financial obligations to DFE tech
3. complete the DFE Drilling Fluids Engineering Program in seven (7), but not more than eight (8) weeks
for the Evening Program.
Satisfactory Progress
a. In order to maintain satisfactory progress students must maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average. On Test
averages, a 2.0 GPA will be required.
b. Each student’s progress will be evaluated every week and at the mid-point of each program. Grade
reports will include analysis of the student’s progress toward completion of the program.
c. Students making unsatisfactory progress for the program at the end of a progress evaluation period or
who achieve less than a 2.0 GPA in any given subject will be placed on academic probation for the next
progress evaluation period. If the student on academic probation achieves satisfactory progress for the
subsequent progress evaluation period, but does not achieve the required grades to meet overall
satisfactory progress for the program, the student may be continued on academic probation for one more
progress evaluation period.
d. If a student on academic probation fails to achieve satisfactory progress for the first probationary
progress evaluation period, the student's enrollment will be terminated. The enrollment of a student who
fails to achieve overall satisfactory progress for the program at the end of two successive probationary
progress evaluation periods will be terminated. When a student is placed on academic probation, the
Director will counsel the student prior to the student returning to class. The date, action taken, and terms
of probation will be clearly annotated in the student's permanent file.
e. In accordance with Title 40, Texas Administrative Code, Section 807.222, DFE tech may allow a
student whose enrollment was terminated for unsatisfactory progress to reenroll after a period of time
equal to the length of the progress period the student was in at the time of termination. Such
reenrollment does not circumvent the refund policy.
f. Weekly FRIDAY grades for a given subject are due no later than the following Tuesday. Final grade
reports will be mailed to the address provided by the student upon registration the Friday of the week
following the final day of class if requested.
g. Under Texas Education Code, Section 132.061(f) a student who is obligated for the full tuition may
request a grade of "incomplete" if the student withdraws for an appropriate reason unrelated to the
student's academic status. Therefore, if a student withdraws from the program for satisfactory reasons
(i.e. illness, death in family, military service, etc.), the student is allowed to file for an incomplete. This will
allow the student to return to finish the program within 12 months from the withdrawal date. Classes
withdrawn from will be graded as incomplete, and upon return to classes, the student may reenroll in
these classes at no additional cost of tuition. Students requiring remedial work will be offered the
opportunity of doing so between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm each Saturday while enrolled in the program.
Student grievances should first be directed to the instructor. If the grievance cannot be resolved with the
instructor, then the student may meet with the School Director or Director of Education to discuss his or
her grievance. If the grievance cannot be resolved with the Director, then the student may direct
unresolved grievances to:
A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 72 hours (until
midnight of the third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) after the enrollment contract is
signed and a tour of the facilities and inspection of the equipment is made by the prospective student.
1. Refund computations will be based on scheduled clock hours of class attendance through the last
date of attendance. Leaves of absence, suspensions, and school holidays will not be counted as part
of the scheduled class attendance.
2. The effective date of the termination for refund purposes will be the earliest of the following:
(a) The last day of attendance, if the student is terminated by the school;
(b) The date of receipt of written notice from the student; or
(c) Ten school days following the last date of attendance.
3. If tuition and fees are collected in advance of entrance, and if after expiration of the 72 hour
cancellation privilege the student does not enter school, not more than $100 shall be retained by the
4. If the student who enters a residence course of not more than 12 months in length terminates or
withdraws after the expiration of the 72 hour cancellation privilege, the school may retain $100 of
the tuition and fees and the minimum refund of the remaining tuition and fees will be:
(a) During the first week or one-tenth of the course, whichever is less, 90 percent of the
remaining tuition and fees;
(b) After the first week or one-tenth of the course, whichever is less, but within the first three
weeks or one-fifth of the course, whichever is less, 80 percent of the remaining tuition
and fees;
(c) After the first three weeks or one-fifth of the course, whichever is less, but within the first
quarter of the course, 75 percent of the remaining tuition and fees;
(d) During the second quarter of the course, 50 percent of the remaining tuition and fees;
(e) During the third quarter of the course, 10 percent of the remaining tuition and fees; or
(f) During the last quarter of the course, the student may be considered obligated for the full
tuition and fees.
5. The student will not be required to purchase instructional supplies, books and tools until such time as
these materials are required. Once these materials are purchased, no refund will be made.
6. For residence courses more than 12 months in length, the refund shall be applied for each 12 month
period paid, or part thereof, separately.
7. The length of a course for purposes of calculating refunds owed, is the shortest scheduled time period
in which the course may be completed by continuous attendance of a full-time student;
8. A full refund of all tuition and fees is due and refundable in each of the following cases:
(a) An enrollee is not accepted by the school;
(b) If the course of instruction is discontinued by the school and this prevents the student
from completing the course; or
(c) If the student's enrollment was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in
advertising, promotional materials of the school, or representations by the owner or
representatives of the school.
A student of the school or college who withdraws from the school or college as a result of the
student being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Texas National
Guard may elect one of the following options for each program in which the student is enrolled:
(a) if tuition and fees are collected in advance of the withdrawal, a pro rata refund of any
tuition, fees, or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of
any unpaid tuition, fees, or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the
program the student does not complete following withdrawal;
(b) a grade of incomplete with the designation "withdrawn-military" for the courses in the
program, other than courses for which the student has previously received a grade on the
student's transcript, and the right to re-enroll in the program, or a substantially equivalent
program if that program is no longer available, not later than the first anniversary of the
date the student is discharged from active military duty without payment of additional
tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance
of the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or
(c) the assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but
only if the instructor or instructors of the program determine that the student has:
(1) satisfactorily completed at least 90 percent of the required coursework for the
program; and
(2) demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for
completing the program.