Learning Competencies Duration % of Distribution No. of Items (40) Domain & Level Types of Test Items

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Table of Specification in Grade 10 English (2nd Quarter)

Learning Competencies Duration % of Distribution No. of Items Domain & Level Types of Test Items
1. Transcode information from linear to
non-linear texts and vice-versa; give
technical and operational definitions; 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
and observe correct grammar in
making sentences.
2. Switch from one listening strategy
to another to extract meaning from
the listening text; and assess the 2 hours 5.56% 2 Cognitive, Evaluating 2 MC
effectiveness of the ideas presented
in the material viewed/listened
taking into account its purpose.
3. Explain how the elements specific to
a selection build its theme and 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Analyzing 1 MC
interpret the author’s purpose.
4. Identify parts and features of
argumentative essays. 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Understanding 1 SR
5. Employ appropriate pitch, stress,
juncture, intonation, etc. 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
6. Explain illustrations from linear to
non-linear texts and vice versa; 1+1 Cognitive, Evaluating 2 MC
assess the effectiveness of the ideas 1 hour 2.78%
presented in the material viewed
taking into account its purpose;
assess the effectiveness of a
material listened to taking into
account the speaker’s purpose.
7. Explain how the elements specific to
a selection build its theme; give 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Analyzing 1 MC
technical and operational
definitions; observe correct
grammar in making definitions.
8. Formulate claims of fact, policy, and
value. 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Creating 1 ES

9. Employ appropriate pitch, stress,

juncture, intonation, etc. 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC

10. Present information using tables,

graphs, and maps; assess the
effectiveness of the ideas presented 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Evaluating 1 MC
in the material viewed taking into
account its purpose.

11. Explain how the elements specific to

a genre contribute to the theme of a 1 hour 2.78% 1+1 Cognitive, Analyzing/Affective,
particular literary selection; assess Valuing 2 MC
whether the speaker’s/author’s
purpose is achieved or not; give
technical and operational
definitions; express appreciation for
sensory images used.

12. Use patterns and techniques of

developing an argumentative claim; 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
use the correct sound of English
when delivering impromptu and
extemporaneous speech; and
observe correct grammar in making

13. Scan for needed information;

evaluate listening texts in terms of 2 hours 5.56% 2 Cognitive, Evaluating 1 MC; 1 SR
accuracy, validity, adequacy, and
relevance; detect bias and prejudice
in the material viewed/listened;
Explain how the elements specific to
a genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection.

14. Use the correct sound of English

when delivering impromptu and Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
1 hour 2.78% 1
extemporaneous speech; give
technical and operational
definitions; and observe correct
grammar in making definitions.
15. Acknowledge citations by preparing
a bibliography 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying/Affective, 1 MC
16. Read/listen closely to get the
author’s purpose; determine tone, 2 hours 5.56% 2+1 Cognitive, Analyzing 1 MC; 2 SR
mood, technique, and purpose of the
author; employ analytical listening
in problem solving; detect bias and
prejudice in the material
viewed/listened; explain how the
elements specific to a genre
contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection

17. Use writing conventions to indicate

acknowledgement of resources. 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying/Affective, 1 MC
18. Observe the correct stance and
proper stage behavior as deemed 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
necessary; and use words and
expressions that affirm or negate.
19. Read/listen closely to get explicitly
and implicitly stated information; 2 hours 5.56% 2 Cognitive, Analyzing 1 MC; 1 SR
employ analytical listening in
problem solving; detect bias and
prejudice in the material viewed;
give technical and operational
definitions; and explain how the
elements specific to a genre
contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection.
20. Use quotation marks or hanging
indentations for direct quotes. 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
21. Observe the correct stance and
proper stage behavior as deemed 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Evaluating 1 MC
necessary; and use words and
expressions that affirm or negate.
22. Read closely to get explicitly and
implicitly stated information; detect 2 hours 5.56% 2 Cognitive, Analyzing 1 MC; 1 SR
biases and prejudices; use previous
experiences as scaffold to the
message conveyed by a material
viewed; give technical and
operational definitions; draw
similarities and differences of the
featured selections in relation to the
23. Use in-text citations
1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC

24. Demonstrate confidence and ease of

delivery; and use words and 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Applying 1 MC
expressions that affirm or negate.
25. Evaluate text content, elements,
features, and properties using a set 2 hours 5.56% 2 Cognitive, Evaluating 1 MC; 1 SR
of criteria; determine unsupported
generalizations and exaggerations;
use previous experiences as scaffold
to the message conveyed by a
material viewed; explain how a
selection may be influenced by
culture, history, environment, or
other factors.
26. Compose an argumentative essay;
demonstrate confidence and ease of 1 hour 2.78% 1 Cognitive, Creating 1 MC
delivery; use words and expressions
that affirm or negate.
27. Evaluate text content, elements,
features, and properties using a set 2 hours 5.56% 2+1 Cognitive, Evaluating 2 MC; 1 SR
of criteria; determine unsupported
generalizations and exaggerations;
use previous experiences as scaffold
to the message conveyed by a
material viewed; give technical and
operational definitions; evaluate
literature as a vehicle of expressing
and resolving conflicts between and
among individuals or groups.
28. Compose an argumentative essay;
make and deliver impromptu and 2 hours 5.56% 2 Cognitive, Creating 2 MC
extemporaneous speeches with ease
and confidence; use words and
expressions that affirm or negate.


MC= 30

SR= 8

ES= 2

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