Unit 43 - Brief - Special Subject Investigation

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Assignment Brief

Qualification BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma Music (Performing)

Unit number and title Unit 43: Special Subject Investigation
Assignment title The Grant
Start date 10th May 2020
Deadline ? 2021
Assessor name A. Clifford


This unit gives learners the opportunity to carry out an in-depth and practical investigation into a chosen area of interest.
On completion of this unit a learner should:
● Know how to identify an appropriate subject area for investigation.
● Be able to plan a research project.
● Be able to carry out research.
● Be able to produce and present results of an investigation.
You are lucky enough to have been given an Arts Council grant to undertake research on a topic of your choosing. You know
you have to do a good job and impress the panel who’ve asked you to undertake the research and know your future employment
prospects may depend on the quality of the outcome of your research.

Assessment and Grading Criteria

To achieve a PASS grade the evidence To achieve a MERIT grade the evidence To achieve a DISTINCTION grade the
must show that you are able to: must show that, in addition to the pass evidence must show that, in addition to
criteria, you are able to: the pass and merit criteria, you are able
P1 select a subject for M1 select a subject for investigation D1 select a subject for investigation
investigation describing the explaining the appropriateness of justifying the appropriateness of
appropriateness of choices made. choices made. choices made.
P2 produce a research proposal M2 produce a research proposal that D2 produce a detailed research
that describes planning and explains planning and research proposal that justifies planning and
research methodology and methodology and includes clear research methodology and includes
includes clear timelines for the timelines for the project. clear and considered timelines for
project. the project.
P3 undertake research into a M3 undertake research into a chosen D3 undertake research into a
chosen subject generating subject generating relevant and chosen subject generating high
material of variable quality. useful material that explores the quality material that explores the
subject in some detail. subject in detail.
P4 produce a research log that M4 produce a detailed research log D4 produce a well-organised and
identifies the research trail. that describes the research trail. thorough research log that explains
the research trail.
P5 present the results of research M5 present the results of research D5 present the results of research
and investigation. and investigation in a well-structured and investigation in a well
manner, with clearly reasoned and structured and fluent manner, with
valid judgements and conclusions. fully argued and supported
judgements, analysis and


Assignment 1: Subject Choice and Research Proposal: You need to Identify 03 weeks P1, M1, D1
an appropriate subject for your project and produce a research proposal. You P2, M2, D2
won’t be allowed to progress further unless this is approved by the board.
Evidence: Presentation of project proposal.
Assignment 2: Research and Presentation: Undertake research/ investigation 07 weeks P3, M3, D3
before collating and presenting the results of investigations. P4, M4, D4
Evidence: A research log, Tutor observations, Presentation of results. P5, M5, D5

Evidence Check List when Justification for document
Learning outcome 1: The learner should produce;
An identification of chosen subject/topic/area of
interest and should;
● Justify their subject
● justify the appropriateness/suitability of
● Justify particular focus/angle/perspective on
subject- matter
● Justify practicality of choice
● suggest availability of resources; availability
of research material
● Investigate and justify the practicality of the
Learning outcome 2: The learner should produce;
A plan, deciding on appropriate methodology;
appropriate sources and material; variety of information
forms. These are to include;
● research project timescales:
● timetable,
● research deadlines
● scheduling eg interviews, visits, first draft,
tutorials, seminars,second draft, review
● fine-tuning of final submission and
presentation of project.
Learning outcome 3: The learner should produce;
● A range of sources: primary and secondary
sources eg books, journals, newspaper, video
recordings, sound recordings, video
recordings, CD ROMs, internet sites,
● Details of organisation to include:
i) logging the research trail
ii) providing evidence of keeping within
● A selection of suitable sources by;
i) collecting and auditioning material from a
wide variety of sources
ii) discarding inappropriate or duplicated
iii) collect in a range of formats eg written,
recorded, video, graphics, ICT
iv) collate and prioritise in accordance with
point of view, focus of topic.

Learning outcome 4: The learner should produce;

● A presentation demonstrating some or all of
the following techniques: written, verbal,
seminar, audio, video, IT, website, blog,
demonstration, performance (or a combination
of any of these); appropriateness of form(s) to
● Evidence of comprehension: accuracy;
understanding; comparison; conclusion;
evaluation; critical discussion
● Reference to research: eg bibliography, URL,
title, author, artist, composer, playwright,
manufacturer, organisation, individual.
● Self-evaluation form.
● Assessor observation feedback form.


Essential resources
Resources for this unit will depend largely on the individual learner’s choice of subject and presentation method. However, all
learners will require access to general library facilities, internet, CD ROMs, journals, newspapers, books, sound recordings and
video recordings.

Indicative reading for learners

Text Books:
● Allison B, O’Sullivan T, Owen A, Rice J, Rothwell A and Saunders C – Research Skills for Students (Transferable and
Learning Skills) (Routledge, 1996) ISBN 9780749418755
● Bowden J – Writing a Report: How to Prepare, Write and Present Effective Reports, 8th Edition (How To Books, 2008)
ISBN 9781845282936
● Chambers E and Northedge A – The Arts Good Study Guide (Open University Press, 2008) ISBN 9780749217082
● Cottrell S – Critical Thinking Skills (Palgrave Study Skills) (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) ISBN 9781403996855 Gravett S –
Write Reports: That are Accurate, Clear, Concise and Effective (The Right Way to) (Elliot Right Way Books, 2003) ISBN
● Mounsey C – Essays and Dissertations (One Step Ahead) (Oxford University Press, 2002) ISBN 9780198605058
● Smith P – How to Write An Assignment: Proven Techniques from a Chief Examiner That Really Get Results (How To
Books, 1995) ISBN 9781845283520

Magazines and websites:

● BBC Music Magazine
● Gramophone magazine
● www.classical-music.com
● Classic fm magazine https://www.classicfm.com
● NME https://www.nme.com/
● https://www.musicradar.com/guitarist
● Sound on sound magazine https://www.soundonsound.com/
● https://www.worldmusic.net/

● The BBC proms is the biggest music festival of any kind in the world and takes place in London each year.  All concerts
are broadcast on BBC radio 3 and television. there are many recorded live performances online.
● BBC radio broadcasts many interesting programmes on all radio stations and is a major supporter of music. BBC radio 3
broadcasts largely classical music; BBC radio 2 popular music, folk music, world music; BBC radio 1 all the latest hits.
● There are many festivals across the UK and Europe each summer which are broadcast; e.g Glastonbury, Reading.
● radio.garden is one of many apps that will provide a wide range of music from around the world.

Live performance:
There is no substitute for watching live musicians performing. Watch as much live music as you can.

This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose

Assessor Adrian Clifford

Signature Date

Internal verifier

Signature Date
Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration

Learner name: Assessor name:

Issue Date: Submission Date: Submitted on:

Programme: LEVEL 3 BTEC Music

Unit Number and Title: Unit 4 : Aural Perception Skills

Assignment Reference and title: The Interview

Task Ref. Evidence Submitted Description

Task 1 – The Elements of Music

Task 2 – Adding Interest

Task 3 – Analysing Harmonic


Additional comments to the assessor:

Learner declaration

I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources
used in the work.

Learner signature: Date:

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