Mathematical Astrology: Astrological Terminology - 1
Mathematical Astrology: Astrological Terminology - 1
Mathematical Astrology: Astrological Terminology - 1
Under this topic 'Astrological Terminology' we propose to discuss and acquaint our students with various
terms and their meaning, definition, etc. commonly used in astrology, particularly those used in
mathematical Astrology. In addition, certain astronomical terminology will also be discussed in these
lessons, to the extent these are used in mathematical astrology. The various terminology with which the
students are expected to be familiar are as follows
1. The solar system.
2. The earth
3. The equator of the earth
4. Northern hemisphere, and southern hemisphere.
5. Geographical longitudes (Rekhansha) & Geographical latitudes (Akshansha)
6. Meridian of Greenwich as reference point at the earth's equator
7. Celestial sphere or the cosmic sphere
8. Celestial poles
9. Celestial Equator
10. Ecliptic or the Ravi Marga
11. Zodiac
12. Celestial longitude (Sphuta)
13. Celestial latitude (Vikshepa)
14. Declination (Kranti)
15. Right ascension (Dhruva)
16. Oblique ascension or Rashimaan
17. Equinoctial points
18. Precession of the equinoxes and Ayanamsha
19. Moveable and fixed zodiacs
20. The Sayana and Nirayana system
21. The Table of Ascendants
22. The Table of Houses
23. The Ephemeris
We will now take the above mentioned terms and discuss these one by one so as to make these terms
clear to the students. It may however be mentioned here· that a large number of the above mentioned
terms are quite simple and self explanatory. Most of the students, particularly those who have studied the
geography as a subject during their school education, would be familiar with the terms mentioned above.
Nevertheless we. will discuss and explain all the above mentioned terms in a systematic manner so that
the very concept of these terms is understood by the students.
1. The Solar System
Our Solar System is centered round the Sun. Nine planets viz. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus (or Herschel), Neptune and Pluto alongwith belt of Asteroids revolves in elliptical orbits
around the Sun.
In Hindu Astrology, the last three planet i. e. Uranus (or Herschel), Neptune and Pluto have no place. On
the other hand the classical Hindu Astrology recognizes the Moon and the two shadowy planets i. e. Rahu
and Ketu (or the Moon's Nodes) as equivalent to planets. Rahu and Ketu are not physical bodies but are
mathematically calculated sensitive points of intersection of the orbits of the Moon and the Sun (or in fact
that of the Earth but which appears to be that of the Sun).
1.1 The planets Mercury and Venus are situated in the space between the Sun and the Earth. These
planets are therefore known as 'Inner Planets'. These are also known as 'Inferior Planets'.
Figure 1
1.2 The other three planets namely Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are so situated in the space that their orbits
are on the outer side of the EaI1h. These Planets are therefore known as 'Outer Planets' or 'Superior
2. The Earth
The Earth is ever spinning on its axis. In addition to its spinning, the earth is also revolving round the sun.
It is therefore always in a state of motion in the space at a speed of nearly 30 kms per second or 1,600
kms a minute or 96,60,00,000 kms per year.
2.1 In early times, the earth was believed to be the centre of universe or our solar system. It was thought
that the Sun, the Moon and other planets (stars) actually revolved around the earth, as they appear to do.
But now we know that the earth is a globe, that it rotates or spins on its axis and the Sun and stars appear
to revolve around it from east to west, because the earth is revolving around its axis from west to east.
This phenomenon can be best explained with the example of a moving train. When we look out side the
window from a running train, the trees at a distance or the telephone poles, electric posts and other similar
objects appear to be moving in the opposite direction to that of the train, which actually is not correct. We
know that the trees, the telephone poles, the electric posts etc., all are fixed at a place. Similarly living on
the earth's surface, we also keep on moving in the space with the same speed as that of the earth. The sun
which is actually stationary would appear to us to be moving in the opposite direction to that of the earth.
As the earth is moving from west to east, the Sun and other stars in the space will appear to be moving in
the opposite direction i. e. from east to west. This is what we actually observe also.
2.2 The axis of the Earth slants at an angle of about 231;i° from the perpendicular to the plane of its
orbit. If the plane of orbit of earth is treated as horizontal, then perpendicular to this lane will be known as
vertical and then the axis of earth can be stated to be slanting at an angle of about 231;2 0 (23 degrees 28
minutes to be precise) to the vertical.
Figure 2
The axis of the earth is so inclined that the northern end of the axis always points to the Pole Star or
commonly known as Dhruv Tara. Where the northern and southern end of the axis of earth meet the
surface of the earth, those points are known as North and South Poles of the earth, respectively.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Alternatively, if the coordinates of any point are known, we can locate the point exactly on the plane by
counting the number of units indicted by the coordinates, in the appropriate direction. The same concept
is applied to the earth's surface also with slight modifications as the surface of the earth is not a perfect
plane but is having curvature, the earth's globe being a sphere for all practical purposes.
5.1 The surface of the earth's sphere is imagined to be cut by several planes each one of them passing
through the centre of the earth and perpendicular to the plane of Earth's equator. These planes will
describe imaginary circles on the surface of the earth so that each one of these imaginary circles will be
passing through the North as well as the South pole of the earth and will have the same centre as that of
the earth. The distance measured along the surface of the earth between any two such consecutive circles
will be zero at both the poles (as all the circles will be passing through the poles) and will be maximum at
the equator. These circles are known as the 'Meridians of Longitude'. These have been explained in the
figure 6.
Figure 6
5.2 Again let us imagine the surface of the earth to be cut by imaginary planes which are all parallel to the
plane of earth's equator. These planes will also describe circles on the surface of the earth and the centres
of all such circles will be falling on the axis of the earth and each one of these circles will be parallel to
each other as well as parallel to the earth's equator. These circles are known as parallels of Latitude.
5.3 Students will recall that the 'meridians of longitudes' are nothing but concentric circles on the surface
of the earth whose planes are all perpendicular to the plane of equator. Similarly, the 'parallels of
latitudes' are again circles on the earth's surface but with their planes parallel to the plane of earth's
equator. It is therefore self evident that at any given point on the surface of earth, the meridian of
longitude and the parallel of latitude will be mutually perpendicular to each other and will therefore
intersect each other at right angles or 90°.
5.4 Students are advised to re-read Para 1.8.1 to 1.8.3 above so that the application of the concept of 2
sets of equidistant parallel lines, each set being mutually perpendicular to the other set (Para 1.8) could be
properly understood by them to locate or identify any place or city on the surface of the earth.
Figure 7
5.5 We have already seen that the earth's equator is a circle. As any circle comprises of 3 60° of arc so the
earth's equator will also have 360°. For easy comprehension, we may imagine that there are 180 numbers
of concentric circles drawn on the surface of earth in such a way that their planes. are perpendicular to the
plane of earth's equator. These 180 circles will describe 360 lines on the surface of earth (each circle will
give two lines i.e. one in the front and the other at the back) which as we already know (Para 1.8.1) are
known as meridians of longitudes. Each of these 360 meridians of longitude will pass from both the poles
of the earth and at equator will be 1 ° apart. The distance between any two consecutive lines measured
along the surface of earth will be maximum at earth's equator which will go on decreasing as we proceed
along these lines either towards North Pole or towards the South Pole where it will become 'Zero'.
5.6 We may also consider for easy comprehension that the circles which are known as the Parallels of
Latitude are also 180 in numbers i. e. 90 circles in the Northern Hemisphere and the remaining 90 circles
in the southern Hemisphere so that the angular distance (angle substanded at the centre of earth) between
any two consecutive circle is 1 0 again as in the case of Meridians of the longitudes. We will therefore,
have a set of parallel lines at 10 angular distance apart running from E to W or W to E around the earth's
globe all of which will be perpendicular to the Meridians of longitude (para 1.8.3).
5.7 We can now super-impose the figures 6 and 7 and see that the new figure formed by merging or
superimposing the two figures will have a graph like appearance drawn on the surface of the earth which
by and large will be somewhat similar to figure 5. The only exception will be that the lines in N-S
direction or the Meridians of longitudes will not be eactly parallel to each other in the true sense.
However as the students may be aware that earth's globe has a circumference of about 40,232 kms or
25,000 miles (approx.), the space of earth's surface covered between two consecutive lines of 1 0 angular
distance in N-S as well as E-W directions will be roughly of the order of 110 kms x 110 kms or 69 miles
x 69 miles. Hence we may consider them to be parallel for the place or city under consideration.
Figure 8
5.8 From the figure 8 above though it is clear that the meridians of longitudes are never exactly parallel
in the strict sense, but as explained in para for the limited spaces marked as 'A’, 'B', and 'C' on the
earth's surface these meridians (shown by dotted arrows in the figure) are considered as parallel.
Therefore the conditions of figure 5 in para above are considered to have been fulfilled.
5.9 Having drawn 2 sets of parallel lines at equal distance which are mutually perpendicular also, we are
now set to locate any place on the surface of earth. We now only need to know its coordinates from a
given reference point. In the context of earth's globe these coordinates are known as 'geographical
longitudes' which are measured along the earth's equator either towards 'East' or 'West' from the reference
point/line. The other coordinate being the geographical latitudes which are measured in perpendicular
direction from earth's equator either towards 'North' or 'South' from the reference point or line. For the
purpose of longitudes, the reference line or the reference meridian has been chosen as the meridian
passing through Greenwich near London. This meridian i.e. the meridian passing through Greenwich is
considered as 0° longitude and the longitudes of all other places on earth is measured with reference to
this meridian only either towards East or towards West. Hence all places, cities etc. on the surface of
earth are located within either 0 0E to 1800E longitude or 00W to 1800W longitude. Similarly for the
purposes of latitudes the reference line or parallel of latitude is the equator itself. The latitudes of all
places, cities etc. situated on the surface of the earth are measured from the equator whose latitude is 0°,
either towards North or South depending on whether the place is in Northern or Southern Hemisphere.
Hence the latitudes vary from 0 0N to 900N for places in Northern Hemisphere and from 0 0S to 900S for
places situated in Southern Hemisphere. Thus the point of intersection of 0° longitude i.e. the Meridian of
Greenwich with the Earth's Equator is considered as the reference point 'O'
5.10 Students would have seen that the explanation for Geographical longitudes and latitudes have been
dealt with in much greater detail and is quite exhaustive in its content. If the phenomenon is clear with
reference to the earth's globe, students will find it easy to understand when the same is applied to the
space and the planets, which is of our primary concern while talking about the Astrology.
2.1 In the previous chapter we have seen how to locate or define a place on the earth's surface. We will
now apply the similar principles to the space and see how to locate or define the position of various
planets situated in the space. For this purpose, we will have to imagine that the entire space around our
planet earth is a huge sphere with infinite diameter which extends far beyond the farthest of the planets
with which we are concerned in Astrology. So living on this planet earth, the other planets in the space
including the sun and the Moon would appear to us to be situated on the imaginary surface of this
imaginary sphere.
Figure 9 of book
2.6 Zodiac
If one observes the movement of planets, it is seen that they also move in their own orbits along with the
Sun's path, but their path deflects north-south also. However the planets never proceed more than 9°
either north or south of the ecliptic. Hence if a parallel line on either side of the ecliptic is drawn at an
angular distance of about 9° then the ecliptic will come in the middle and either side will be a broad
band/path way in which all planets can be located. This imaginary belt/band stretching about 9° north and
9° south of the ecliptic within which the planets and the Moon remain in course of their movement in the
heavens, is known as Zodiac. In astrology we refer to this broad band of 18 ° instead of referring to the
entire sky.
2.11 It is considered necessary here to clarify the position to the students with regard to Para 2.7 to 2.10
above. While dealing with places on the surface of the earth we had only one system of coordinates viz.
geographical longitudes in East-West direction and geographical latitudes in North-South direction.
However in the case of heavenly bodies like planets etc., we have two different systems of coordinates.
The first system of coordinates i.e. celestial longitudes and latitudes is normally followed by the
Astrologers where as the other system i.e. Right Ascension and Declination is followed by the
Astronomers. In spite of there being two systems, the methodology adopted is by and large the same as is
applicable to geographical longitudes and latitudes except that in the two systems mentioned above in
context of celestial sphere the measurements along the Ecliptic as well as the celestial equator are
unidirectional unlike towards east or west in the case of earth's equator.
2.12 Secondly in the first system which is followed b . the Astrologers (celestial longitudes and celestial
latitudes the measurements are along and perpendicular to the Ecliptic where as in the second system
adopted by Astronomers i. e. Right Ascension and declination, the measurements are along and
perpendicular to the celestial equator. The figure give below will make the point clear to the students.
Figure 10 of book
Students may please see the figure 10 carefully. It depi a cosmic sphere or a celestial sphere on the
surface of which a heavenly body e.g. Planet ‘P’ is situated. The other constituents of the figure are:
(e) NPP2S One side of the great circle (or the hour circle or circle of declination) passing
through the planet P, and Poles N and S, perpendicular to the celestial equator
and· intersecting it at point P2
(f) N1PP1S1 One side of the great circle passing through the Planet P Poles N 1and S1 of the
Ecliptic and perpendicular to it (Ecliptic) and intersecting the ecliptic at P 1
(f) OP1 Is the angular distance measured along the ecliptic or we can call this as
Celestial longitude of planet P.
(h) PP1 is the angular distance measured perpendicular to the ecliptic. It is the celestial
latitude of Planet P. As P is situated above the ecliptic in the Northern
hemisphere the celestial latitude will be North.
(i) OP2 it is the angular distance measured along the celestial equator. It is therefore right
ascension of planet P.
(j) PP2 It is the angular distance measured perpendicular to the celestial equator. It is
therefore declination of Planet P. As the planet P is situated In the northern
hemisphere, the declination 'of the planet will be North.
3.4 Ayanamsha
The angular distance measured along the Ecliptic, between the first point from where the fixed Zodiac
commences and the VE. point, at an Epoch is known as Ayanamsha. The exact period when the point of
beginning of both the Zodiacs i. e. the Moveable Zodiac and the Fixed Zodiac coincided, is not known.
Accordingly the Ayanamsha or the precessional distance varies from 19 0 to 240. A number of dates are
given as the year of coincidence. However, we follow the year as given by N.C. Lahiri in his Ephemeries
i.e. 285 AD. which is same as adopted by the astronomical observatories all over India.
3.5 The Sayana and Nirayana Systems
The system of Astronomy which recognises the Moveable Zodiac, belongs to Sayana school while that
which considers the fixed zodiac is termed as the Nirayana system. The Sayana system is used by the
western astrologers where as the Hindu Astrologers use the Nirayana system. There are different names
prevalent for the two types of Zodiacs which are as follows:
(a) Moveable Zodiac is also known as Tropical Zodiac, Sayana Zodiac and the Zodiac of Signs.
(b) Fixed Zodiac is also known as Sidereal Zodiac, Nirayana Zodiac and the Zodiac of
Example: Ayanamsha for the year 2002 can be worked out as follows :
2002 - 285 = 1717
Multiply by 50 1/3" = 1717 x 50 1/3” = or 86422.33"
Approximate Ayanamsha = 24°-0'-22".33
3.7 Sign
The zodiac consists of 360 degrees. This is divided into 12 equal sectors each of 3 0° and each
sector is called a 'Sign' or a 'Rashi'. The twelve signs/rashis of the zodiac their Names, Lords, etc.
are as follows:
No. Sign Rashi Extent Lord of sign
1. ARIES MESHA 0° to 30° MARS
4. CANCER KARKA 90° to 120° MOON
5. LEO SIMHA 120° to 150° SUN
6. VIRGO KANYA 150° to 180° MERCURY
7. LIBRA TULA 180° to 210° VENUS
12. PISCES MEENA 330° to 360° JUPITER
Time Measurement
4.1 The time is measured in hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of second in the western system which
is now commonly used in India and other countries of the world. However the division of time is peculiar
to 'Hindus'. It begins with a Tatpara and ends in a kalpa. A kalpa is equal to 4,320,000,000 sidereal years.
The Hindu day (an apparent solar day) begins from Sunrise and ends with the next sunrise when the next
day begins.
4.8 Months
There are two types of months in vogue in Hindus which are as follows :
(a) Lunar Month or Chandra Maan : It has 30 lunar days or Tithis and is measured from New Moon to
next new Moon. At some other places it is measured from Full Moon to next Full Moon.
(h) Solar Month or Saur Maan : It is the time the Sun takes to move in one sign and is measured from one
Sankranti to the next Sankranti.
4.9 Years
In Hindus there are three types of different years in vogue which are as follows.
(a) The Savana year: It has 360 mean solar days
. (h) The Lunar year : It has 354 mean solar days
(c) The Nakshatra year: It has 324 mean solar days
Year Length
5.1 Students are aware that the Sun is the creator of time, day and night and the seasons. A Hindu day
commences from the sunrise and remains in force till the next sunrise, when the next day commences.
When the sun is exactly overhead it is called Mid day or Local noon. At the moment of sunrise for any
place, the local time for that place is Zero hour (or Ghati) as per traditional Hindu system of reckoning the
time. However as the earth is not a flat body but spherical and also rotating on its axis, the Sun rises at
different times at different places. As the rotation of the earth on its own axis is from west to east, it is
evident that the eastern part of the earth will see the Sun first, and due to the rotation of the earth, further
western parts of the earth moves towards east gradually and see the Sun. This process goes on and on. In
other words, as we live on this planet earth we do not see or feel the rotation of the earth from west to
east, but we see that the Sun rises in the east and gradually comes over head and then sets in the west.
We have seen above that the eastern parts of the earth will see the Sun first and subsequently as more and
more western parts move to east due to rotation of earth, those parts will also gradually see the Sun. In
other words it means that the Sun will rise later at a particular place as compared to a place towards east
of the earlier place. It therefore implies that Zero hour of the day will commence earlier at a place which
is in the east of another place where the Zero hour of the day will commence later. Similarly the Noon
time or the Mid day will occur earlier in the eastern part Of the earth as compared to any place towards
west of the earlier place. We know that earth complete one full rotation (360°) on, its axis in about 24
hours or 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes. It simply means that Earth will take about 1440/360 = 4 min. to rotate
by 1 ° on its axis. We can therefore conclude that Zero hour at a place' B' which is 1 ° towards west of
place 'A’ will commence later by 4 minutes as compared to place 'A’. So the local time differs from place
to place ‘A”. Strictly speaking as neither the earth is a perfect sphere nor its orbit around the Sun is a
perfect circle and as also the axis of earth is inclined by about 231/2 ° to the perpendicular to the plane of
earth's orbit, even the duration of time or the rate of elapsing of local time is not uniform for the same
place. In order to have a uniform rate of time lapse' and also to avoid complex mathematical
computations, a more convenient term has been adopted for Astrological purposes which is known as
'Local Mean Time' (or a particular place. The local time or more accurately the local meantime (LMT)
which is created by the gradual rising of the Sun and the roundness and rotation of the earth is the real or
natural time of a place. This differs from place to place and is dependent on the longitude and latitude of
the place. In Astrology we reduce every given time into Local Mean Time first and then proceed further.
Example 1 : The geographical longitude of the standard meridian for India for IST =.82°30' East
Multiplying this by 4 we get (as 1° is equal to 4 minutes, 1' will be equal to 4 sec.)
= 82° x 4 min : 30' x 4 sec
=328 min : 120 secs
= 330 min. =5 hrs 30 minutes
Since India is towards east of Greenwich the time zone for India will be = (+) 5h 30m which means that
IST will always be ahead of GMT by 5 h30m So if the GMT is 6:00 AM, the Equivalent IST will be 6 h:00m
+ 5h:30m = 11 h 30m AM.
5.8 Similarly, if the time zone of a country is known, we can work out the longitude of the Standard
Meridian for that country.
Example 2 : Find out the longitude of the Standard Meridian for Mexico if it falls in Time Zone (-) 6 hrs.
(a) Since the Time Zone is (-) hence the longitude of the place will be towards "west" of Greenwich
(b) Time Zone = 6 hours or 6 x 60
6 x 60 = 360 mins (As 4 mins = 1 ° )
So 360 mm= 360/4 = 90°
Therefore, longitude of Standard Meridian for Mexico = 90 oW
Step 2: Note down the longitude of the place. for which the L.M. T. or L.M. T. correction is desired.
Step 3: Also note whether the longitude of the place is towards east or west of the Standard Meridian.
Step 4: Find out the difference in degrees (or the angular difference between the two long).
Step 5: Multiply the difference (in step 4 above) by 4'. The product will give you the L.M.T. correction.
(Apply correction at the rate of 4' per degree to find out LMT).
Step 6: Prefix the sign (+) or (-) to the L.M. T. correction depending whether the place is towards 'E' or
‘W’ of the Standard meridian.
Step 7 : Apply the L.M.T. correction to the ST (Standard Time) given to get the L.M.T.
5.9 If the L.M.T. is given and it is desired to find the Standard Time, then reverse the sign (+ or -)
prefixed to the L.M.T. correction worked out in step 5 and 6 above and then apply the correction. The
Examples given below will clarify the above steps.
Example 3 : If the time of birth of a native born at Delhi is 11:30 AM (IST) find out the Local Mean
Time of birth of native.
Step 1: Long. of standard meridian of India
For IST = 82°30' E
Step 2: Long. of place of Birth
i. e. Delhi = 77° 13' E
Step 3: By persual of the two long. it is clear that Delhi is towards west of the standard meridian of India.
Step 4: Difference in the two long. = 82°30'-77°13' = 5°17'
Step 5: Multiplying by 4 we get = (5x4)+ (17x4) = 20min 68sec
Example 2:
Long. of standard meridian = 900W
Long. of Mexico (from the tables)= 99°01'W
5.10 However we have given the above examples so that the students can practice and understand the
principle thoroughly. At times the students may come across a city or place which does not find a place in
the aforesaid lists given by N. C.Lahiri. In such cases though the geographical longitude and latitude can
be known from any standard Atlas, unless the students are well conversant with the underlying principles,
they may find it difficult to work out the L.M.T. corrections.
Example 5 : If a child is born at 11:30 AM (LMT) at New Delhi, what will be the:
(a) ZST of Birth
(b) GMT of Birth
(c) IST of Birth
Solution (a) ZST of Birth
Step 1: Time Zone of New Delhi = (+) 5 hrs 30 min.
or = 5 x 60+30 = 330min
Divide by 4 we get = 82030'
Since it is(+), so the Standard Meridian has to be towards ‘E' of Greenwich. Therefore Long. of Standard
Meridian = 82030' E
Step 2: Long. of New Delhi (from the tables) = 77°13' E
Step 3: Hence New Delhi is towards west of its Standard Meridian. So the LMT correction will be (-).
Now since LMT of Birth is given and we have to find the ZST of Birth, so in accordance with Para 5.9
above, we have to reverse the sign and then apply the correction. Hence,
(b) GMT of Birth : As the time zone for Los Angels is (+) 5 hrs 30 min , hence the ZST will be more
(advance) by 5 hrs 30 min from GMT .
(c) IST of Birth: As the Time Zone of India is (+) 5 Hours 30 Min. the IST will be ahead (more) of GMT
by 5 Hrs. 30 Min. the IST of Birth will ahead (more) of GMT by 5 Hrs. 30 Min.
So IST of Birth = GMT by (+) 5h 30m
= 6h:21m:08sec (+) 5h:30m
= 11 h:51m:08sec (AM)
6.1 We have seen in the previous lesson the three different systems of measuring time viz Local Time or
Local Mean Time (LMT), Standard Time for any country or Zone (i.e. 1St, ZST etc.,) and the Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT). There is yet another system/measure of time which is called 'Sidereal Time'. The
Sidereal Time system is derived from the earth's rotation with respect to the stars. The students will
recall that while discussing the Time Measures vide Lesson 4, we defined the Sidereal day as the time
taken by the earth to rotate once on its axis with reference to any fixed star. The duration of this
sidereal day is equal to 23 hrs 56 min (approximately) or 23 hrs 56 min 4.091 sec. more precisely, of
mean solar day. In astronomical terminology, the sidereal time at any instant is defined to be the west
hour angle of the Vernal Equinoctial (VE) point or the first point of Sayana Aries (Mesha) from the
upper meridian of the place. However for the purpose of its application to mathematical astrology, it
will suffice to define the Sidereal Time as the Local Time reckoned according to the apparent rotation of
the celestial sphere. In other words, whenever the time is reckoned with reference to the sidereal day, it is
called Sidereal Time. The Sidereal Time is 'Zero' hour when the first ponit of Aries or Mesha (in sayana
system) i.e. vernal or the spring equinox crosses the observer's meridian (which is the great circle on the
celestial sphere, passing through the zenith and both the celestial poles).
Step 1: Note down the sidereal time at 12h noon local mean time for 82°30'E longitude for 1900 AD for
the day and month of the given moment from Table I at page 2.
Step 2: Note the correction for the given year from Table II given on pages 3 and 4 o~ the book and apply
to sidereal time in step 1.
Step 3 Note the correction for the different localities from Table III given on page 5. A detailed list of
principal cities of India has been given on pages 100 to 107. The last column of the table indicates the
correction to the 'Indian Sidereal Time'. Similarly the table for the foreign cities has been given on page
109 to 111 of the book and the last column of the table again indicates the correction to the Indian
Sidereal Time.
Step 4: The correction for the year (step 2) and the correction for the place (step 3) should be applied to
the sidereal time noted in step 1 according to the sign (+) or (-) prefixed to the correction as shown in the
respective table. Having applied these corrections, the result obtained (let us call it' A') will represent the
Sidereal time for the given date, year and place but will be for the local noon i.e. 12 hrs, as we have not
yet applied the correction for the hour and minutes before or after the local noon, as the case may be, for
the give moment.
Step 5 Convert the given time of epoch into LMT by applying the LMT correction. This has been
discussed elaborately in great detail and explained with the help of examples also vide para 5.8 of the
preceding chapter. However the quantum and the sign (+, -) of the correction to be applied to the 1ST or
ZST, as the case may be, has also been indicated in the tables at pages 100 to 107 for principal cities of
India under column LMT from 1ST and, at pages 109 to 111 for foreign cities under column LMT from
Step 6: As the Sidereal time noted in the step 1 pertains to the local noon, we have to find out as to how
many hours before or after the local noon, is the given time of the moment or Epoch. In other words we
have to find out the "Time Interval" between the Local Mean Noon (LMN) and the LMT of the given
moment. So, in case the LMT of the given moment is before noon, subtract it from 12:00 hours. In case
the LMT of the given moment is in the afternoon, the LMT itself becomes the Time Interval (T.I.) also
because after 12 noon our watches show 1:00 PM and not 13 :00 which means that 12 hours have already
been deducted.
Step 7: The Time Interval (T.I.) worked out in step 6 above is to be increased by applying the correction
given in table IV which gives the correction for hours and minutes of the T.I. By applying this correction
we get the Increased T.I. Let us call it (B).
Step 8: The 'Increased T.I.' (B) is added to the corrected Sidereal Time (A) in step 4 above in the case of
PM (afternoon) births or epoch and, subtracted from the (A) in the case of AM (before noon) births or
epoch, as the case may be. The result thus obtained is the Sidereal Time of the birth or epoch or the given
moment. The above mentioned eight steps can be explained with the help of a practical example or
Example 1 : Find out the Sidereal Time of birth of a native born at Delhi on Saturday the 01st Nov. 2008
at 09:30 AM (IST)
Solution: Use Tables of Ascendants by N.C. Lahiri
6.4 Caution
We hope that by now the students would have understood the methodology to work out the Sidereal Time
very clearly. However before we end this topic, we will like to caution our students to note carefully the
few points mentioned below :
6.4.1 Unlike the civil time (LMT or GMT or 1ST or 2ST) the Sidereal Time is never expressed in terms
of AM or PM. It is always starting at 'O' hour and goes upto 24 hour after which it again starts as 0 hour .
6.4.2 WAR TIME: From 1st Sept. 1942 to 14th Oct. 1945, the Indian Standard Time (1ST) was
advanced by one hour all over India including modern BangIa Desh and Pakistan for purposes of
daylight saving during the war period and was thus ahead of GMT by 6 H 30 min. Therefore any recorded
time during this period (Both days inclusive) must be reduced by 1 hour to get the corrected IST before
LMT correction is applied to obtain the LMT of birth. (Provided the same correction is not made while
noting down the time on the record.)
6.4.3 SUMMER TIME : Students are advised to refer to page 112 of their Tables of Ascendants and read
carefully each and every word thereof in order to acquaint themselves with the summer timings being
observed in Britain, USA, Canada, Mexico, USSR and other European countries mentioned therein. The
recorded time falling on the dates/ period of summer timings indicated in page 112, must therefore be
corrected first as applicable, before it is converted to local Mean time of epoch.
7.2 Sunrise
The exact moment at which the sun first appears at the eastern horizon of a place is time of sunrise. As
the Sun has a definite diameter, the solar disc takes some time i. e. about 5 to 6 minutes to rise. Therefore,
from the first visibility cif the upper limb of the solar disc to the time when the bottom limb of the solar
disc is just above the horizon of the place, there will be a time diference of about 5 to 6 minutes. It has,
therefore, been acknowledged that for astrological purpose we may take the moment at which the centre
or the middle of the solar disc is at the eastern horizon of the place as the sunrise time for that place.
7.3 Sunset
Similarly the sunset for a particular place is the exact moment at which the centre or the middle of the
solar disc is at the western horizon of the place.
7.4 Apparent Noon
This is marked when the centre of the sun or the middle of the Solar Disc is exactly on the meridian of the
place. The apparent noon is almost the same for all places.
Step l: As the time of sunrise or sunset differs from latitude to latitude we must first of all note the
latitude for the place where the time of sunrise etc., is desired.
Step 2: Refer to page 93 and 94 of Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris for the year 2002 and select two such
consecutive dates that the date for which the sunrise time is desired falls in between the two selected
dates. Similarly select two such consecutive latitudes from the table at page 78 so that the latitude of our
desired place falls in between the two latitudes so selected.
Step 3 : Note down the timings of sunrise or the sunset as the case may be, for the above selected dates
and latitudes as given in the table.
Step 4 : Find the time of sunrise and/or sunset by interpolation (simple ratio and proportion method). The
time so obtained will be the Local mean Time (LMT)· of the time of visibility of the upper limb of the
solar Disc. Add 3 minutes to the time of sunrise and deduct 3 minutes from the time of sunset to get the
LMT of coincidence of the centre of the solar disc with the horizon.
Step 5 : In case the time is required in terms of IST or ZST, apply LMT correction as applicable by
reversing the (+) or (-) sign prefixed to the LMT correction as given in the list of table of Ascendants
from Page 100 to 111.
7.8 The above method has also been indicated at page 99 of Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris for the year 2008
and students are advised to follow the same with advantage. However we also give below the illustration
to explain the steps mentioned above more clearly to our students.
Step 5 : Students may now compare this with the Time of sunrise and sunset (upper Limb) for Delhi given
on page 91 of Ephemeris which is as follows for 27 Oct.
Moon Sat
25-10-2002 21 °42'
09: 30 AM
YABc Sun 7°MaI2°g'
15°40' Yen Mer
~Kej 17°41' 24°50'
10.7 Students may please note that the pOSItiOn of Planets in the heavens is dependent on the date &
time only and is independent of the place of Birth. The place of birth is important for calculating the
Rising Sign or Lagna or
Ascendant. Before we close this discussion we will take up another example to work out the
longitude/position of planet.
Example 2 : Calculate the longitude of Planets for a native born at 10:24 PM (IST) on 11 July, 2002.
Solution : As the place of birth has not been given we can not calculate the lagna. As such only the
longitudes of planets are required to be calculated. This has been worked out in the tabular form in the
next page which is self explanatory.
Question 1 : Calculate the Planetary Position
(longitudes of Planets) for following date md time :
(a) 26-1-2003 10:20 AM (1ST)
(b) 25-12-2003 7:30 PM (ZST) London
(c) 15-08-2003 7:30 AM (IST)
(d) 25-04-2003 00:45 AM (ZST) New York
Note : For (b) & (d) students may refer to Para 10.2.
Position at Sun Moon Mere Venus Mars Jup Sat Ra (R)
5.30 12-7-2002 2s25'36'22" 3sW2'16" 2s15'02' 4"7'22' 3s5'03' 3s1'30' 1'28'42' 1'23'40'
5.30 AM 11-7-2002 2524'39'08" 3s1'57'23" 2s13'Ol' 4s6'15' 3s4'25' 3s1"16' 1528'35' 1'23'44'
Motion in 24 Hl's 57'-14" 14'04'53" 2'-01 1'-07' 0'-38' 0'-14' 0'-07' H
Log Motion in 24 Ill's. 1.4025 0.2315 1.0756 1.3323 1.5786 2.0122 2.3133 04'
Log of Time interval*0.1523 0.1523 0.1523 0.1523 0.1523 0.1.523 0.1523 0.1523
Total 1.5548 0.3838 1.2279 1.4846 1.7309 2.1645 2.4656 2.7086
Nearest figure given in1.5563 0.3838 1.2289 1.4863 1.7270 2.1584 2.4594 2.6812
Taking anti-log we get
the motion till time of
birth 0°40' 9°55' J025' 0°47' 0°27' 0°10' 0°5' (-)0°3'
Add reference position 2"24'39'08" 3"1'57'23" 2s13'01' 4s6'15' 354'25' 3s1'16' ls28'35' lS23'44'
Position at birth 2s 25'19'08" 3s 11 °52'23" 2s 14°26' 4s 7°2' 3s4°52' 3s OJ026' 1" 28°40' l'
*Time Interval for all planets from 5 : 30 A.M. to 10 : 24 P.M. = 16 Hrs 54 Min. (R) Means Retrograde 23°41'
i.e. the planet appears to be moving backwards.
Note: Ketu's position would be six signs away from Rahu and hence not calculated separately.
Positio Sun Moon Mer Ven Mars Jup Sat Ra (R)
n S , S , (R) us
S~ , S = , S , S ~, S S ,
5.30 15-2-2001 10 2 30 70 51 9 28 1 11 15 3 7 6 13 1 8 02 1 0 36 2 20 5
5.30 AM 14-2-2001 10 1 29 6 1754 9 29 120 11 14 5 7 5 42 1 7 58 1 0 34 2 20 50
24 hrs motion 11 1257 (-) 1 09 0 41 4 0 31 04 0 2 (-) 0 11
Log 0[24 hrs Motion 1.3730 0.2679 1.319 1.54 1.6670 2.5563 2.8573 3.1584
+Iog of Time interval* 0.2213 0.2213 0.221 0.22 0.2213 0.2213 0.2213 0.2213
3 13
Total 1.5943 0.4892 1.540 1.76 1.8883 2.7776 3.0786 3.3797
Nearest tigure given in 1.5902 0.4890 1.545 1.76 1.8796 2.8573 3.1584 3.1584
Taking anti-log we get
the motion till time of
birth 0°37' 7°47' (-) 0°41' 0°25 0°19' 0°2' 0°01' (-)0°01
'14 '
Add reference position 10 1 29 6 1754 9 29 20 11 7 5 42 1 7 58 1 0 34 2 20 51
s s
10 2° 06' 6 25° 41' 9" 28° 39' 11" 7" 6° 01' 1" 8° 00' IS 0° 35' 2s 20°
15°19' 50'