Relevance of Statistics in My Career
Relevance of Statistics in My Career
Relevance of Statistics in My Career
Every single area of discipline has its unique and special importance in any profession.
Just like Statistics’ contributions to us many teachers. To begin with, let me define first
‘statistics’. Statistics is the science concerned with developing and studying methods for
collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data. This field is very helpful in any
number of situations as it makes us possible to analyze and make conclusions about the data. In
that case, statistics is relevant to my career as a teacher for several reasons and not just the
obvious one of keeping tabs on students and their progress in school. The First and most
important reason why statistics is relevant to all educators is that we can monitor students’
progress throughout the school year. Measurement and evaluation are essential part of teaching-
learning process. In this process we can obtain scores and interpret these scores in order to take
decisions. It makes the teaching and learning process more efficient for it enables us to study the
scores of students objectively. Though we give small unofficial tests (formative evaluations), as
well as big exams (summative evaluations), teacher would be able to monitor the students if they
are coping well. By this, we will know what are the students’ need to improve and already
improved. On the other hand, aside from monitoring students’ progress, this will also monitor the
progress and success of teachers in facilitating the teaching and learning process. A teacher can
monitor his or her effectiveness as a teacher not only to the scores obtained by the students in a
test but also to the changed behavior observed by the teacher. Yes, a negative distribution of the
can makes you overwhelm as a teacher. But a change in behavior is more satisfying than that.
Lastly, it makes the teacher become definite and exact in procedures and thinking. In some
moment, due to lack of technical skills, teachers become vague in describing students’
performance. But statistics will help to make the interpretation definite and exact which enables
to use proper language and symbols. In addition, it will provide an order to the data that help the
teacher to make it more precise and meaningful to express it in an understandable and
interpretable manner.