Week 3 Assignment

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Name: Largo, Ebarleen Keith C.

Date: January 23, 2021

Week 3 Assignment
1. Observe the present tasks of your principal on this new normal, how did he/she conduct
instructional supervision in terms of teachers and students’ performances?
- As of today’s new normal. Our principal conducted several ways in instructional
supervision in terms of teachers and students’ performances. Since we used modular
mode of teaching and learning, number one problem is the communication between the
principal to teachers and teachers to students. But, as of 21 st Century, we are all exposed
of technologies. We, together with our principal made a group chat in messenger to be
able to reach out to each other’s concerns. We also have the house to house delivery of
the modules to the students for them not to go out during this pandemic. The principal
with our support is doing her best to be an effective principal to us.
2. Identify the culture that you have in your school in terms of beliefs, values, norms,
symbols, customs, behavior, and artifacts that teachers and students used to foster a sense of
identity and community.
Fish would be the last creatures to discover water, even though water is the most
ever-present and influential aspect of a fish’s existence. The same might be said of those
working within a school’s culture. Just as water surrounds fish, shaping their world view
and influencing where they swim, culture surrounds and envelopes principals, teachers,
students, and parents, shaping their perspectives and influencing their beliefs,
assumptions, decisions, and actions. The term school culture generally refers to the
beliefs, perceptions, relationships, attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that shape
and influence every aspect of how a school functions, but the term also encompasses
more concrete issues such as the physical and emotional safety of students, the
orderliness of classrooms and public spaces, or the degree to which a school embraces
and celebrates racial, ethnic, linguistic, or cultural diversity.
In our school most of the us both teachers and students gain respect with each
other. When an individual gain success either teacher or student, it is being recognized
and celebrated. Our relationships and interactions are characterized by openness, trust,
respect, and appreciation. Students and staff members feel emotionally and physical safe,
and the school’s policies and facilities promote student safety. School leaders, teachers,
and staff members model positive, healthy behaviors for students. The mistakes not
punished as failures, but they are seen as opportunities to learn and grow for both
students and educators. Important leadership decisions are made collaboratively with
input from staff members, students, and parents. Criticism, when voiced, is constructive
and well-intentioned, not antagonistic or self-serving. Educational resources and learning
opportunities are equitably distributed, and all students, including minorities and students
with disabilities. All students have access to the academic support and services they may
need to succeed.
We have also Religious Convocation every first Friday of the month. Aside from
that, every year, we celebrate some important events such as Nutrition Month,
intramurals (KARAGSAKAN), President’s Day, Buwan ng Wika, and others. According
to Martin (2020), through programs/activities, the children can relax and let off steam.
Nowadays, it’s pretty common for children to let off steam by watching TV or playing
online games. Instead, spending some time outside and joining a club can make a huge
difference to the physical and mental wellbeing of children. They get change to play,
make friends and learn something new. He also said that it helps them to develop good
teamwork skills which is very important life skill by improving their confidence and
employability and make it easier to make and keep good friends. Aside from that, they
will also learn new skill and develop social skill.

Martin, H. (2020).Why are after school activities so important for important?. Retrieved at
important-for-children/. Retrieve in January 23, 2021.

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