The World After World War II: Learning Objectives
The World After World War II: Learning Objectives
The World After World War II: Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
15.2 Cold War
On 16 April 1947 Bernard Baruch, the US
Presidential adviser, in a speech at the State House
Churchill at Fulton
in Columbia, used the term "Cold War," (earlier
The Berlin Blockade and coined by George Orwell, the great English
Formation of East Germany and writer and author of Animal Farm and 1984), to
describe the relations between the United States
West Germany
and the Soviet Union after the Second World
By the Yalta and Potsdam Conference War. A war without weapons, the Cold War was
agreements, Germany, with its capital city Berlin, a war of ideologies.
was divided into four zones, viz., U.S zone, U.K.
Between 1945 and 1991, the Cold War
zone, French zone and USSR zone. By early
defined the foreign policy of the super powers.
1948 all the three western zones were merged
During this period both the powers were in a
together and with the Marshall Plan these zones constant state of military preparedness. The US
registered rapid growth and development. wanted to promote open market for its goods and
USSR’s response was to put pressure on wanted to stop the spread of communism. On the
communications between West Berlin and West other hand USSR wanted to spread communism
Germany. In June 1948 the Russians stopped all and desired to have friendly governments on its
road and rail traffic between West Berlin and borders who shared the same value systems. The
West Germany. The western powers decided to powers adopted six major strategies to achieve
maintain contact with Berlin by air. For nearly their ends: Economic Aid, Military Pacts,
eleven months West Berlin was supplied by air, Propaganda, Espionage, Brinkmanship, and
and vast quantities of supplies were flown in at Surrogate Wars.
immense cost. In May 1949 USSR ended its ban
Cold War Strategies
on land traffic and the crisis ended. The western
powers now went ahead and set up the Federal (a) Economic Aid
Republic of Germany in August 1949 (FRG, Truman Plan
popularly known as West Germany) and USSR In 1945 a civil war broke out in Greece.
set up the German Democratic Republic (GDR, Britain which had supported Greece for
popularly known as East Germany) in October years, now decided to withdraw given its own
1949. If the division of Germany marked the real economic problems. Sometime later trouble
beginnings of the Cold War, the reunification of started in Turkey also, with the communists
Germany in 1990 signalled the end of Cold War. trying to take control. In 1947, Britain told the
The World after World War II 134
(d) Espionage
(c) Propaganda
During the Cold War both the US and
the USSR used propaganda as effective tools
to glorify their ideology, while criticising the
opponents values and ideals. Pro-American
values were promoted in film, television, KGB Office
137 The World after World War II
UNO Headquarters
The birth of UNO coincided with the
beginning of the Cold War. During this period
Yalta Conference the UNO played an important role in preventing
wars. But in disputes involving the permanent
On 24 October 1945 the UNO came into members of the Security Council the UNO
existence with 51 members. The main organs of was a mute spectator. UN has an army known
the UN are the General Assembly, the Security as the UN Peace-keeping Force. Member states
Council, the Economic contribute soldiers to this force. The UN soldiers
and Social Council, the are referred to as Blue Helmets, because of their
Trusteeship Council, light blue helmets.
the International Court
of Justice, and the Problem of Palestine
UN Secretariat. The
Norwegian Foreign After the Second World War the Jews
Minister, Trygve Lie, demanded a homeland in Palestine. Arabs
was elected the first UN Trygve Lie opposed the demand and the matter was
Hungarian Revolution
The Hungarian leader Rakosi, appointed
as premier during the regime of Stalin was
Suez Canal dismissed in 1953. It resulted in the election
Suez Canal connects the Red sea with of Imre Nagy as premier. But Nagy enjoyed
the Mediterranean Sea. It was constructed support neither from his government nor from
by Ferdinand de Lesseps, a Frenchman, after the Russians. Rakosi continued to control the
obtaining permission from the Egyptian Pasha. Communist Party. Writers and intellectuals
Soon the ownership passed on to the British. It led the protest, demanding the resignation
was the main link between Asia and Europe. In of Rakosi. Though Rakosi was removed from
July 1956, the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel power in July 1956, the opposition continued.
Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal, which was A rebellion organised by a few intellectuals
until then privately owned by the Anglo-French broke out in Budapest on 23 October. Though
Suez Canal Corporation. On 29 October, the it began as a peaceful demonstration it soon
Israeli army invaded the Sinai Peninsula. The developed into a national rising against Soviet
following day, French and British aircrafts Russia and its puppet regime in Hungary. On 26
bombed Egyptian air bases. On 5 November October the Russians agreed to Nagy becoming
1956, British and French troops landed at the premier again. On his assumption of office he
Egyptian town of Port Said. The issue was started introducing a multiparty system and
taken up by the Security Council but Britain set up a coalition government. Enraged by
and France vetoed the resolution. The General the development, Soviet Russia sent its army
Assembly, at the initiative of the US, which into Hungary on 4 November and crushed the
became apprehensive of Soviet invasion, called rebellion.
for an emergency session and condemned The Hungarian Uprising occurred
the invasion. Israel, Great Britain and France simultaneously with the Anglo-French-Israeli
stopped fighting and decided to withdraw their attack on Egypt in the Suez affair. The matter
forces from Egypt. The General Assembly voted was taken up at the Security Council which
to create a United Nations Emergency Force, decided to demand the immediate withdrawal of
The World after World War II 142
Arab–Israeli War
As the United Nations voted to partition
Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab Arab-Israeli War
state in November 1947, conflict broke out
almost immediately between Jews and Arabs At the end of the Six Day War Israel
in Palestine. On the eve of the British forces’ occupied the remaining parts of Palestine,
withdrawal (May 15, 1948), Israel declared the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East
independence. The war came to an end with Jerusalem, plus the Syrian Golan Heights and
the intervention of the UN General Assembly the Egyptian Sinai. Two hundred fifty thousand
passing a resolution affirming the right more Palestinians were forced into exile, and
of Palestinian refugees from the 1947–48 a million more remain under Israeli military
war to return to their homes and to receive occupation even now. While referring to the
compensation for their losses. Israel joined the Palestinians only in the context of refugees,
UN the following year. From the start, when rather than reaffirming their national rights, the
Israel was created, there was little involvement resolution of the UN unequivocally called for
of the UN in making political decisions. UN the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from the
peacekeepers were stationed on the Israeli– occupied territories. The resolution was drafted
Egyptian border, and the UN Refugee Works largely by the four powers of the Security
Agency (UNRWA) was established to provide Council – the limited reference to Palestinian
help for the refugees until such time as they rights was a reflection of US influence on the
returned home. proceedings.
By 1966 the U.S. providing began to Israel
with advanced planes and missiles. The Cold For years following the 1967 war, the UN
War had come to the Middle East, and the voted repeatedly in favour of an international
UN was out of the scene. Over the next few peace conference, under its own auspices, with
months, tensions increased between Israel and all parties to the conflict (including the Palestine
the surrounding Arab states. In April 1967 Liberation Organisation led by Yasser Arafat) to
there were artillery exchanges between Israel resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict once and for
and Syria. The U.S. Sixth Fleet remained off all. But the U.S. always vetoed it. In the Cold
the Syrian coast. Egyptian President Nasser War context, Moscow and Washington played
symbolically asked the UN to move its troops an increasingly larger role either in escalating or
and observers, then inside Egyptian territory, to containing tension in the region.
143 The World after World War II
(Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development) in 1961, adding the USA and
European countries. Japan joined in 1964.
Not to Scale
2. Write about the different stages in the final Dan Stone (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of
adoption of UN Charter. Post-War European History, 2012.
3. Trace the background of the formation of Norman Lowe, Mastering Modern World
NATO. History, Palgrave Master Series, 2013.
4. G
ive a brief account of Suez Canal Crisis. Peter Calvocoressi, World Politics Since
5. W
hy SEATO was not so popular as NATO? 1945, Longman, 2008.
ஒற்றறிதல், வேவுபார்த்தல்,
surveillance; the practice of using ஒற்றர்களைக் க�ொண்டு
espionage spies for close observation of an எதிரியைய�ோ அல்லது எதிரி
enemy or enemy country. நாட்டைய�ோ நெருக்கமாய்
the practice of trying to achieve an
advantageous outcome by pushing
a dangerous event to the brink of ப�ோரில் ஈடுபடா ராஜதந்திரம்
active conflict.
substitute; represent on behalf of
others மாற்றாக, பதிலாள்
violent struggle of a group of
insurgency people who refuse to accept their கிளர்ச்சி, ஆட்சியை எதிர்த்து
government’s power
chaos complete disorder and confusion பெருங்குழப்பம், ஒழுங்கற்ற நிலை
detonate explode வெடி
involving three parties or consisting
of three parts முத்தரப்பு
tactic or trick, action intended for சூழ்ச்சி, நிலைமையைச்
ploy turning a situation to one’s own சாதகமாக்கிக் க�ொள்ள எடுக்கும்
advantage நடவடிக்கை
a person who engages in population
studies. மக்கள்தொகை ஆய்வாளர்
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Step - 2 Change language in top side menu and enter “cold war” into search box
Step - 3 Track the timeline scale in bottom side to see the historical events of
Cold war
M. Murugesan, B.T,
Authors Content Readers
PUMS. Pethavelankottagam,
Prof. Kanakalatha Mukund Dr. T.S. Saravanan Muttupettai, Thiruvarur.
Former Professor Deputy Director
Centre for Economic and Social Studies TNTBESC Layout
Hyderabad. Chennai.
Kamatchi Balan Arumugam
Dr. S. B. Darsana S. Gomathi Manickam Ashok Kumar
Asst. Professor B.T. Asst. in History Selvakumar Manickam
Central University of Tamil Nadu GHSS, Old Perungalathur
Tiruvarur. Kanchipuram District. Artist
Mathan Raj R
Dr. Venkat Ramanujam P. Balamurugan
Arun Kamaraj Palanisamy
Dept. of History P.G. Asst. in History
Madras Christian College, Tambaram, GBHSS, Thammampatti
Madras. Salem District. Wrapper Design
Kathir Arumugam
Prof. K.A. Manikumar V. Velmurugan
Dept. of History B.T. Asst. in History In-House QC
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University GHSS, Vellalagundam
Tirunelveli. Salem District. Kamatchi Balan Arumugam
Rajesh Thangappan
Dr. K. Ashok Dr. K. Suresh
Asst. Professor, Dept. of History B.T. Asst in History Co-ordinator
Madras Christian College, Tambaram, Kumara Rajah Muthiah HSS Ramesh Munisamy
Chennai. Chennai.