Superpowers 1
Superpowers 1
Superpowers 1
Causes of the Cold War/why relations deteriorated: use any of the key events below to help in the answer
Most significant event 1943 to 1947
Overall impact question
Russian leaders felt threatened and insecure because they know the west was more advanced.
Communism had made things worse and now the USSR perceived itself at perpetual war with capitalism.
USSR policy could not be altered in the short or medium term
The USSR would use controllable Marxists in the capitalist world as allies and would create a sphere of influence by
creating Buffer Zones.
The USSR was building up its military power.
However, importantly, Kennan argued that the USSR would back down if faced with strong resistance.
Longer-term this led to the Truman Doctrine and eventually the Marshall Plan (see details below)
Churchill was invited to Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri where he gave this speech.
Churchill warned against the expansionistic policies of the Soviet Union. The USSR was a threat to freedom and
world peace. Compromise with the USSR had to end. A stronger Anglo-American alliance was needed.
In addition to the “iron curtain” that had descended across Eastern Europe, Churchill spoke of “communist fifth
columns” that were operating throughout western and southern Europe.
Drawing parallels with the disastrous appeasement of Hitler prior to World War II, Churchill advised that in dealing
with the Soviets there was “nothing which they admire so much as strength, and there is nothing for which they
have less respect than for military weakness.”
Confirmed containment
Truman and many other US officials warmly received the speech and it seemed to confirm their views about how to
deal with the Soviets.
Note that the presence of Truman on the platform probably means that it had been cleared by Truman beforehand;
already the US had decided that the Soviet Union was bent on expansion and only a tough stance would deter the
Russians. Churchill’s “iron curtain” phrase immediately entered the official vocabulary of the Cold War. It moved the
policy of containment further forward.
Upset the USSR
It split the USA and USSR even further apart. Use examples of the content of the speech to demonstrate why this
would have been the case
Stalin denounced the speech as “war mongering,” and referred to Churchill’s comments about the “English-speaking
world” as imperialist “racism.” USSR withdrew from the IMF. It increased anti-western propaganda.
USSR ambassador to the USA
Following the death of FDR, the USA was no longer interested in cooperation with the USSR.
It said the US wanted to use their military power to dominate the world.
The US public were being prepared for war with the USSR.
The USSR withdrew even further away from the USSR – remember that the USA did not know about this document.
Added to previous communications, both countries were now convinced that there was a greater possibility of war.
The USSR believed that war was inevitable whereas the Americans had labelled Stalin as the new Hitler. The Grand
Alliance was over.
16 mark question
Was the Soviet Union’s behaviour in eastern Europe after 1944 the key reason for the Cold War starting?
Remember this question will give you a couple of bullet points to reflect upon. You must discuss the title factor.
Look back at your notes and think of the different points you could be ask about and then plan an answer using
two or three of them.
Set out your argument and establish the criteria by which you will make your judgement
Alternative view (see bullet point): Alternative view (your own knowledge):
Weighing up this view/how far do you agree: Weighing up this view/how far do you agree:
Conclusion: how far do you agree that the view in the title is the one most responsible for change?
The development of the Cold War in the early years
Potential 16 mark question:
Causes of the Cold War/why relations worsened: use any of the key events above and below to help in the answer
Most significant event either 1943-49 or 1945-9 ie worsening the situation
Truman knew the USSR did not have to go to war to spread its views – it could exploit poverty in Europe.
1946-7 severe weather conditions including floods and droughts in Europe. The 1947 winter was very harsh
and people in eastern Europe were close to starvation. Communist parties were on the rise.
The ‘Doctrine’:
12th March 1947 Truman appealed to Congress to find the money to strengthen non-communist govs
vulnerable to Soviet pressure. $400m was to go to Greece and Turkey).
It set out the differences between democratic and communist govs: majority rule and freedom from political
oppression versus the will of the minority being forced on the will of the majority.
Choosing democracy over communism was like choosing good over evil.
It established that the priority of the USA was to support people who resisted communism, outside pressure
and armed minorities.
The USA would help free people to work out their destiny in their own way.
Truman established that the United States would provide military assistance to all democratic nations under
threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.
Economic divide
As the USSR would not let its states join, western nations grew richer and eastern ones poorer, which increased the
divide. Western nations were also more dependent on the USA. Stalin accused the US of ‘dollar diplomacy’ and using
the plan to boost the US economy and extend its influence in Europe.
The US spent $17bn by 1953 ($12.7bn in Marshall Aid plus additional aid).
Western Europe began to recover: Total European GNP increased by 32%; Agricultural production rose 11%
compared to pre-war levels; Industrial output exceeded 1938 by 40%.
Countries were given targeted help eg Norwegian fishing nets, mules for Greek farmers and food.
Political divide
The Grand Alliance was now officially over. It clearly demonstrated how divided the east and west were. The US had
put itself in direct opposition to the USSR and Stalin’s suspicions that the USA was trying to destroy it were
It also accused it of undermining the international role of the UN by suggesting it was the US’ job to protect the
world. Stalin said it was the first step in creating a military alliance that would wage war on the USSR
Longer-term led to Comecon 1949 and Cominform 1947 (see later notes for details).
Cominform coordinated policies and tactics of communist parties in both satellite states and in western Europe.
There were 9 initial members, reduced to 8 in 1948 when Yugoslavia left: USSR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, France and Italy. Its HQ was in Romania.
This co-ordinated industries and trade of Eastern Europe and involved a series of bilateral trade agreements with
eastern Europe and the USSR.
The idea of it was to trade with each other and not the West.
The USSR, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, East Germany and Albania joined by 1950.
In the longer-term
Trade with each other increased hugely eg Bulgarian trade with Comecon countries increased from 10% to 90%
1930s to 1951.
The forceful economic ties to the USSR may well have contributed in some ways to longer-term issues in Hungary
and Czechoslovakia, which resisted rule in the 1950s and 1960s. Partly they resented the lack of economic
As a result of Comecon and Marshall Aid, Europe was now politically and economically divided into two camps.
Jan 1947 British and US zones USSR saw Bizonia as the US creating a capitalist Germany; they
Bizonia were merged thought it was just a delay of reparations and that it and France
economically. should have been consulted.
The USSR also thought that the US and Britain would attempt to
establish a separate German state in the west, and Bizonia was the
first step.
March 1948 France joined Bizonia. The USSR walked out of the Allied Control Commission which
Trizonia administered Germany, complaining that western attitudes made it
They thought Trizonia would force the eastern zone into poverty.
Soviet troops began to hold up and search road and rail traffic
entering West Berlin.
20th June 1948 20th June 1948 without Stalin thought the new currency was another example of the west
Currency consulting the USSR, ganging up on the USSR.
reform western allies It created a separate economic unit from the East and it more or less
introduced a new confirmed there were now two Germany’s – east and west. Stalin
currency, the accused the west of interfering in the Soviet Zone. He cut off road,
Deutschmark into rail, and canal traffic to starve out Berlin. Stalin knew it would be a
Trizonia. huge propaganda success if he could run a successful blockade.
Encouraged the establishment of NATO.
This is because the British felt the need for more security/help in Europe from the USA. See later notes for some
details of this and what NATO was/membership etc.
This was then followed up in 1955 by the Warsaw Pact which meant there were now two security pacts in Europe,
both heavily armed.
Berlin Wall
Following the lifting of the blockade political relations became more and more divided. The western sector
continued to prosper as a result of 'Marshall Aid' and the economic gap between East and West was very evident in
Berlin. Every day large numbers of skilled workers and professionals commuted from East to West Berlin. As a result
of seeing what was on offer in the West in terms of employment, wages and the standard of living many decided to
move to West Berlin. By the middle of 1961 as many as 30,000 East Germans a month were moving to the West. The
East German government had to act to stem this flow as these were the very people they couldn't afford to lose.
These were the people on whom they were relying to help build a revitalised East Germany. It was perceived that
the survival of East Germany was threatened and so the government solution to this problem was to build the
Arms race
It intensifed the arms race because the USSR felt threatened by the increase in military activity in Western Europe
and the bigger US presence. Both countries built more nuclear weapons nad conventional forces were increased.
US eventually established missile bases in Western Europe. Look at later notes on the arms race to develop the point
with some facts about arms.
It played an important role in the Czech crisis of 1968.
It encouraged further militarisation. Look at the notes on the arms race to add to this point.
However, note that Article 11 contained a clause that said if any general European treaty on collective security was
signed, the Warsaw Pact would be dissolved. This was part of Khrushchev’s policy of peaceful co-existence.
West Germany – the Federal Republic of Germany East Germany – the German Democratic Republic, Oct
May 1949 1949
Formed three days after the end of the airlift. Stalin resisted this as long as possible.
In August a new government was elected and in Sept
Konrad Adenauer became its first Chancellor. He made FRG contained the wealth and industry and so he tried
Bonn its capital. to get the SED to write a constitution and look as
It was not fully independent as an Occupation Statute democratic as possible in the eastern sector.
came into force in Sept which gave the three powers a However, the Aug elections in the FRG gave the KPD
lot of control over foreign policy and so on. only 5.7% which convinced Stalin unity was not
West Berlin was not technically a part of the new possible.
country though it was allowed to send representatives Only recognised as a country by the Soviet bloc.
to the new parliament. East Berlin became the capital.
16 mark question
The founding of NATO was the key reason why relations between the USSR and USA worsened, 1947-49?
Remember this question will give you a couple of bullet points to reflect upon. You must discuss the title factor.
Look back at your notes and think of the different points you could be ask about and then plan an answer using
two or three of them.
Set out your argument and establish the criteria by which you will make your judgement
Alternative view (see bullet point): Alternative view (your own knowledge):
Weighing up this view/how far do you agree: Weighing up this view/how far do you agree:
Conclusion: how far do you agree that the view in the title is the one most responsible for change?
Arms race
The impact of Sputnik 1957
The first rocket in space. It could be fitted with a nuclear warhead and missiles could fly thousand of miles
The launch of Sputnik 1 surprised the American public and shattered the perception, furthered by American
propaganda, of the United States as the technological superpower and the Soviet Union as a backward
Public reaction led to the creation of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Sputnik also contributed directly to a new emphasis on science and technology in American schools. With a
sense of urgency; the1958 National Defense Education Act provided low-interest loans for college tuition to
students majoring in maths and science.
The US increased the number of B52 bombers and equipped more submarines with nuclear weapons and
placed missile bases in Europe.
Idea of ‘deterrent’:
A single bomb could destroy an entire city. By the mid-1950s B-52 bombers equipped with H bombs could wipe out
Moscow. One argument is that the USSR did not invade western Germany because it was scared of nuclear
retaliation. The idea of deterrence persuaded both sides they needed more weapons so they could threaten
‘Mutually Assured Destruction’; this meant new thinking about the idea of war – each side trying to ensure they had
so many weapons that the other side wouldn’t dare risk war
New leaders
Eisenhower and the ‘New Look’ 1953
Strongly anti-communist but he hoped for a new start in the cold war and wanted a solution to the arms race.
His ‘New Look’ foreign policy appeared to be a change from that followed by Truman. It was symbolised by the
appointment of John Foster Dulles as secretary of state.
Dulles talked of brinkmanship and massive retaliation. The policy was meant to take a tougher line towards the
USSR, but in many ways this was in order to begin negotiations. He meant that the USA should adopt a more
confrontational and aggressive stance towards the USSR, including the use of nuclear weapons. He thought US
weapons’ superiority would force concessions.
Dulles attacked containment as an immoral policy that had abandoned those living in the Soviet bloc and called for
the rolling back of communism and liberation of people living in Eastern Europe.
The nuclear policy of Dulles was linked to the Republican’s desire to reduce taxation – nuclear weapons were
cheaper ‘a bigger bang for the buck’.
16 mark question
Korea was the most significant event to worsen relations between the USSR and USA between 1950 and
Remember this question will give you a couple of bullet points to reflect upon. You must discuss the title factor.
Look back at your notes and think of the different points you could be ask about and then plan an answer using
two or three of them.
Set out your argument and establish the criteria by which you will make your judgement
Alternative view (see bullet point): Alternative view (your own knowledge):
Weighing up this view/how far do you agree: Weighing up this view/how far do you agree:
Conclusion: how far do you agree that the view in the title is the one most responsible for change?
Hungary 1956
Potential 16 mark question
Causes of Hungary
Impact of Hungary
As part of most significant events to 1961
June 1956 – protests after publication of secret speech; Moscow replace the gov of Rakosi with Gero
23rd October – the new leader was also unpopular and students took to the streets and were supported by the workers and the
Hungarian army.
25th Oct – USSR tanks sent in and 12 people killed
26th Nov – Nagy appointed. Some moderate reforms and the religious leader Cardinal Mindszenty is let out of prison is let out of
27th November – Dulles of the USA seems to offer support
28th Nov – tanks withdrew.
1st Nov – Nagy announces he will leave Warsaw Pact and hold free elections. Some members of his gov withdraw in disgust.
4th Nov – tanks return
Because Hungary On October 23rd October some 20,000 The USSR did react quite violently:
had had an protesters, mostly students, gathered near the Khrushchev sent 30,000 troops plus
uprising in October statue of Jozsef Bem and started the protests. artillery and tanks troops to Budapest and
The Poles had won reforms a few days earlier secured the Parliament building and
in what was described as Polish October. The important bridges.
Hungarians aimed to do the same and laid On 25th October they opened fire and
down a set of 16 demands. killed twelve and wounded more than a
They also wanted a different gov under Imre hundred people.
Nagy who advocated reforms similar to those Gero was forced to resign and briefly Janos
carried out in Yugoslavia and had been briefly Kadar took over.
PM in 1953-5 after the death of Stalin. However, on 26th October Imre Nagy was
Soon the protests swelled into 200,000. appointed. This suggests that the USSR
People tore out the communist insignia from was prepared to negotiate and
the centre of the national flag. They also tore compromise with Hungary.
down a statue of Stalin. This became the
symbol of the revolution.
They reburied a former PM, Laszlo Rajik, who
had been executed by the Soviets in 1949 with
a state funeral.
They attacked the state radio station.
Because Hungary Nagy’s October reform proposals had been: Khrushchev could not have been too upset
was too liberal and An impartial legal system with fair with these reforms because he did agree
this would send trials to withdraw troops from the country on
the wrong Hungary should become a democracy 28th October. He only sent them back again
message to other with elections and many political when Nagy went too far and announced
nations parties free elections and leaving the Warsaw Pact
USSR troops should withdraw from on 1st Nov.
Hungary should develop trade links
with the west
Freedom of press, speech, worship
Free trade unions
This would have serious implications for the
USSR and other satellite states, though Poland
had already been allowed some measures of
reform in 1956.
Threats to the The interim Hungarian government led by This is very serious. If states left the
Warsaw Pact in Imre Nagy decided to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact then the strategy of securing
particular Warsaw Pact on 1st Nov. Nagy stated to protection for the USSR by surrounding it
Soviet representatives Anastas Mikhoyan and with pro-Communist govs would be under
Mikhail Suslov that neutrality in the Cold War threat.
was the main long-term goal of Hungary.
The fear that this would result in similar
movements in other parts of Eastern Europe,
especially in East Germany and Poland.
Because of the When Nagy had proposed leaving the Warsaw It is likely give the Suez crisis and that
USA Pact he and his fellow rebels expected that containment never included countries
the USA would help. Dulles of the USA said which were already communist that this
‘You can count on us’. wouldn’t happen. The USA wouldn’t risk a
Radio Free Europe had regularly broadcast confrontation either.
supportive messages to Eastern Europe and
the US had previously offered financial aid via
the Marshall Plan.
Khrushchev might expect that the USA would
offer support therefore given the policy of
containment and the bolder line taken by Ike
and Dulles after 1953.
Imre Nagy was ousted and replaced with Janos Kadar, a Soviet puppet.
Nagy sought protection in the Yugoslav embassy.
The Yugoslavian ambassador agreed with the USSR that Nagy was free to leave Hungary but as soon as he left the
embassy he was arrested.
He was accused of treason and hanged in June 1958.
His body was buried face down in an unmarked grave in a municipal grave outside Budapest. The body was exhumed
and reburied with honours after the collapse of communism in the 90s.
It discouraged other communist nations from rebelling.
The most significant crisis in superpower relations between 1948 and 1956 was the
Hungarian Uprising. How far do you agree? Use your own knowledge.
Remember that key to this will be to look at how you are going to define ‘significant’ and therefore make your
judgement. This will come down to the way you judge the factors. You could think of:
Korean War Hot war in the region against UN, China and North Given that both were involved and
1950-53 Korea. 38,00 US died, more than 400,000 Chinese the USSR sent jets and pilots, this
deaths and 1.43m North Koreans was perhaps the most dangerous.
Militarisation of NATO and more members such as At one point there was even talk of
Greece and Turkey, US troops in West Germany and using the nuclear bomb over China.
the country be re-armed and joined NATO; led to
Warsaw Pact in 1955 – two armed camps. Huge implications in long term over
Contributed to the development of an arms race arms race and North Korea
because of the US build up of weapons during the war. remained communist.
Development of H bomb on both sides, satellites and
Sputnik as well as ICBMs which both have by 1957.
Expansion of US into areas like far east eg SEATO in
1954 with Britain, France, Australia, Philippines,
Thailand and Pakistan and CENTO in 1955 which
involved the Middle East.
Hungarian It led to around 3,000 deaths and 20,000 wounded, Since it demonstrated that the USA
Uprising 1956 and the killing of Nagy. Control was reasserted over would not intervene in a country
Hungary. that was already communist then
It strengthened the USSR and the Warsaw Pact – perhaps it was less significant. The
Eastern Europe settled down and there were no more outrage in Europe was hardly
uprisings until 1968 (Czechs). Khrushchev said they significant as it changed nothing.
had been taught a lesson.
It weakened the USA because they did nothing, It did not stop Eastern European
despite Sec of State Dulles claiming they had US countries being angry and the
support. Czechs will try and rise up in 1968
European nations were outraged – Hungary was despite what happened here. Thus
named Time ‘Man of the Year’. The blood in the water the victory for Khrushchev was not
match at the Olympics was an international event. long lived.