So Depending On Your View and Your Research About The Company, You Can Use Historical Data As A Starting Point and Adjust It Accordingly

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Income Statement

(P Mil)

Net Sales
Royalty and franchise fees
Trend - Horizontal Analysis

Cost of Sales
As a % of Revenue - Vertical Analysis

Steps - Forecasting Revenue using Historical Data

1. Set up the historical figures.
2. Do a horizontal analysis to see trend.
3. Based on your judgement, you can forecast revenue using historical data from horizontal analysis.
If you don’t have a view on how revenues will grow, you can just use Compound Annual Growth Rate (Rounded)
However if you have researched the company and you think that their strategy can allow them to sustain
revenue growth rate in 2017, then you can use that growth rate to forecast 2018. (Rounded)

So depending on your view and your research about the company, you can use historical data as a starting point
and adjust it accordingly

Steps - Forecasting Cost of Good Sold Using Historical Data

1. Set up the historical figures.

2. Do a vertical analysis to see trend. Vertical analysis is used because cost of sales is a function of Revenue.
Hence to study the trend you can study how Cost of sales as % of revenue changes during the year.
If you don’t have a view you can just use averages (rounded)

Or if you can see, it seems like there has been an improvement in cost of sales % for 2016 and 2017 compared
to 2013-2015. If based on your research you have deemed that the improvements are permanent, (perhaps it
is brought about by new technology) then you can opt to use average cost of sales % for 2016 and 2017 only.
2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017A 2018 Forecast
Using CAGR

4,037.73 4,553.50 5,075.99 5,738.98 6,750.95 7,493.55

116.56 142.99 168.35 206.63 252.86 280.68
4,154.29 4,696.49 5,244.34 5,945.61 7,003.81 7,774.23
13.05% 11.67% 13.37% 17.80% 11.00%

3,240.79 3,638.50 4,048.38 4,158.59 4,937.72

80.26% 79.91% 79.76% 72.46% 73.14%

Formula/Actual Rounded
11.01% 11%

17.80% 18%


Revenue Cost of Sales
2018 Forecast 2018 Forecast 2018 Forecast
Using Prior Year Average of 5 years Average of recent 2 years

298.38 Assumed Revenue: Assumed Revenue:
8,264.50 7,774.23 7,774.23

5,986.16 5,675.19
77.00% 73.00%

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