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In this appendix, we provide a quick tutorial for
SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA). It is not our objective to
present a comprehensive overview of SVA. Our goal is to
provide you with enough information so that you can
understand the examples presented in this book. For a
complete overview and reference of the SVA language, we
recommend the following sources: [Cohen 2005], [Haque et
al., 2006], and [Vijayaraghavan and Ramanathan 2005].

A.1 SVA fundamentals

SVA, an assertion sublanguage of the IEEE Std 1800-2005
SystemVerilog standard [IEEE 1800-2005], is a linear-time
temporal logic that is intended to be used to specify
assertions and functional coverage properties for the
validation and verification of concurrent systems.

Using SVA, we are able to specify the design intent (that is,
expected behavior) in terms of properties. Once defined, we
can check our properties as assertions or use them as
verification constraints (assumptions), or they can describe

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 253

behavior that must be observed during the course of
simulation (that is, coverage properties).

SVA contains two types of assertions: immediate and

concurrent. Immediate assertions follow simulation event
semantics for their execution and are executed like a
statement in a procedural block. Immediate assertions are
primarily intended to be used with simulation. In contrast,
concurrent assertions are based on clock semantics and use
sampled values of variables (that is, they exist outside the
context of procedural code).

A.1.1 Immediate assertions

In many respects, an immediate assertion is similar to an if
statement. They check to see if a conditional expression
holds, and if not, then the simulator generates an error

For instance, Example A-1 demonstrates a portion of some

procedural code associated with an arbiter design where a
procedural if statement checks that two of the arbiter’s
grant signals are never active at the same time.

Example A-1 Immediate check for mutually exclusive grants

module my_arb (. . . )
always @* begin // arbiter code
. . .
if (grant[0] & grant[1]))
$display (“Mutex violation for grant[0] and grant[1]”);
. . .

A key observation is that the Boolean condition for the if

statement is immediately checked within the procedural
context of the code (that is, when the if statement is visited
during the procedural code execution).

254 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example A-2 demonstrates the same check, except in this
case, a SystemVerilog immediate assertion is used.

Example A-2 Immediate check for mutually exclusive grants

module my_arb (. . . )
always @* begin // arbiter code
. . .
assert (!(grant[0] & grant[1]));
. . .

For this example, the Boolean condition

!(grant[0] & grant[1])

is immediately checked only when the assert statement is

visited within the procedural context of the SystemVerilog
always block. If the Boolean condition does not evaluate
true during the procedural execution of the assertion, then
an error message is automatically generated.

Immediate assertions may be used within SystemVerilog

initialand always blocks or as a task or function.

A.1.2 Concurrent assertions

There are properties of a design that must evaluate true
globally, and not just during a particular instance in which a
line of procedural code executes. Hence, SVA provides
support for concurrent assertions, which may be checked
outside the execution of a procedural block. That is, the
checks are performed concurrently with all other procedural
blocks in the verification environment.

Concurrent assertions are easily identified by observing the

presence of the SVA property keyword combined with the
assert directive. Example A-3 situates a concurrent
assertion for our arbiter example. In this case, the concurrent

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 255

assertion exists outside the context of a procedural always

Example A-3 Immediate check for mutually exclusive grants

module my_arb (. . . )
always @* begin // arbiter code
. . .
assert property (@(posedge clk) !(grant[0] & grant[1]));


Concurrent assertions are based on clock semantics, use

sampled values of variables, and can be specified in always
blocks, initial blocks, or stand alone outside a procedural

All of the assertion-based IP examples we present in this

book consist of a set of concurrent assertions with a specific
sample clock associated with them to prevent false firings
due to race conditions. One of the challenges associated
with immediate (unclocked) assertions contained within
procedural code is that they can suffer the same race
condition problems as other design code, which can result in
false firings during simulation. Hence, you must be careful
when using them in this context.

A.1.3 Resets
SystemVerilog provides a mechanism to asynchronously
disable an assertion during a reset using the SVA disable
iff clause. In Example A-4, we demonstrate the same
assertion expressed in Example A-3, except we have added
a reset signal. Even though our concurrent assertion is
clocked (@(posedge clk)) the assertion is asynchronously
disabled when the disable iff clause expression evaluates

256 Creating Assertion-Based IP


Example A-4 Asynchronously disabling an assertion with a reset

module my_arb (. . . )
always @* begin // arbiter code
. . .
assert property (@(posedge clk) disable iff (reset)
!(grant[0] & grant[1]));


A.1.4 Action blocks

An SVA action block specifies the actions that are taken
upon success or failure of the assertion (see the BNF
fragment in Example A-5). The statement associated with
the success of the assert statement is the first statement of an
action block. It is called the pass statement and is executed
if the expression evaluates to true. The pass statement can,
for example, record the number of successes for a coverage
log but can be omitted altogether. If the pass statement is
omitted, then no user-specified action is taken when the
assert expression holds. The statement associated with the
assertion’s else clause is called a fail statement and is
executed if the expression evaluates to false. The fail
statement can also be omitted. The action block, if specified,
is executed immediately after the evaluation of the assert

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 257


Example A-5 SystemVerilog concurrent assertion syntax

concurrent_assertion_statement ::=
assert property ( property_spec ) action_block

property_spec ::=
[ clocking_event ] [ disable iff ( expression_or_dist ) ]

action_block ::=
| [ pass_statement ] else fail_statement

Example A-6 demonstrates an assertion where the action

block’s pass statement has been omitted, yet the fail
statement exists and is used to pass failure information out
of the assertion-based IP’s analysis port.

Example A-6 SystemVerilog concurrent assertion syntax

assert property
( @(posedge clk) disable iff (reset) !(grant[0] & grant[1]) )
else begin // action block fail statement
// See Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” for OVM
status = new();

A.2 SystemVerilog sequences

In the previous section, we demonstrated simple assertions
based on the evaluation of a single Boolean expression that
must hold true at every sample point in time. In this section,
we introduce SVA sequences, which are Boolean
expressions that are evaluated in a linear order of increasing

The temporal delay operator “##” constructs sequences by

combining Boolean expressions (or smaller sequences). For

258 Creating Assertion-Based IP

instance, Example A-7 demonstrates a set of simple
sequences using the temporal delay operator.

Example A-7 Construction of sequences with temporal delay

start ##1 transfer // a sequence in which the Boolean variable

// transfer holds on the clock after start

start ##2 transfer // a sequence in which the Boolean variable

// transfer holds two clocks after start

start ##[0:2] transfer // a sequence in which the Boolean variable

// transfer holds between zero to two clocks
// after start

Figure A-1 illustrates a sequence in which the Boolean

variable transfer holds exactly one clock after start holds.

Figure A-1. Trace on which the sequence (start ##1 transfer) holds

| | | |



Similarly, Figure A-2 illustrates a sequence in which the

Boolean variable transfer holds exactly two clocks after
start holds.

Figure A-2. Trace on which the sequence (start ##2 transfer) holds

| | | |



Finally, Figure A-3 illustrates a sequence in which the

Boolean variable transfer holds between zero and two
clocks after start holds. In fact, Figure A-1 and Figure A-2
also hold on the sequence defined by (start ##[0:2]

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 259

Figure A-3. Trace on which sequence (start ##[0:2] transfer) holds

| | | |



A temporal delay may begin a sequence. The range may be

a single constant amount or a range of time. All times may
be used to match the following sequence. The range is
interpreted as follows:

Example A-8 Construction of sequences with temporal delay

s##0 a - same as (a)

##1 a - same as (1’b1 ##1 a)

##[0:1] a - same as a or (1’b1 ##1 a)

When the symbol $ is used, the range is infinite. For

example, req ##[1:$] gnt specifies a sequence in which a
gnt signal occurs at some point after a req.

Assertion 6-1, “A requesting client will eventually be

served” on page 115 demonstrates the use of a delay

A.2.1 Consecutive repetition

SystemVerilog provides syntactic sugar to simplify
expressing the repetition for Boolean expressions or a
sequence expression. For example, the sequence (a ##1 a)
can be expressed as sequence a[*2].

The [*n] construct is used to represent a repetition, where n

is a constant. A repetition range can be expressed using
[*m:n], where both m and n are constants.

260 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Sequence repetition examples include:

Example A-9 Construction of sequences with temporal delay

a [*0] ##1 b same as (b), a is not repeated

a [*2] ##1 b same as (a ##1 a ##1 b)

a [*1:2] ##1 b same as (a ##1 b) or (a ##1 a ##1 b)

(a ##1 b) [*2] same as (a ##1 b ##1 a ##1 b)

The first example demonstrates that a repetition of zero is

equivalent to the following:

a[*0] ##n b is equivalent to ##(n-1) b

where n is any constant greater than zero.

Assertion 5-4, “Valid transfer size property” on page 74

demonstrates a consecutive repetition.

A.2.2 Goto repetition

The goto repetition is syntactic sugar that allows for space
(absence of the term) between the repetition of the terms.
For example, a[->2] is a shortcut for the following

~a[*0:$] ##1 a ##1 ~a[*0:$] ##1 a

Assertion 6-2, “Two-client fair arbitration assertion for

client 0” on page 116 demonstrate an SVA goto repetition.

A.2.3 Nonconsecutive repetition

The nonconsectutive repetition operator is syntactic sugar
that allows for space (absence of a term) between the
repetition of the terms. For example, a[=2] is a shortcut for
the following sequence:

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 261

~a[*0:$] ##1 a ##1 ~a[*0:$] ##1 a ##1 ~a[*0:$]

Note the difference in the goto repetition and

nonconsecutive repetition operators. The nonconsecutive
operators do not require the repeating term to be true at the
end of the sequence. A nonconsecutive repetition is often
followed by another element in the sequence. For example:

a[=2] ##1 b

This expression describes a sequence of two nonconsecutive

occurrences of a, followed eventually by an occurrence of b.

Assertion 5-11, “Bus wdata properties” on page 104

demonstrates a nonconsecutive repetition.

A.2.4 Declared named sequences

To facilitate reuse, sequences can be declared and then
referenced by name. A sequence can be declared in the

• a module
• an interface
• a program
• a clocking block
• a package
• a compilation-unit scope
Sequences can be declared with or without parameters, as
demonstrated in Example A-10.

262 Creating Assertion-Based IP


Example A-10 Declared sequences

sequence op_retry;
(req ##1 retry);

sequence cache_fill(req, done, fill);

(req ##1 done [=1] ##1 fill);

A.3 Property declarations

SystemVerilog allows for declarations of properties to
facilitate reuse. A property differs from a sequence in that it
contains a clock specification for the entire property and an
optional asynchronous term to disable the property

Named properties can be used to construct more complex

properties, or they can be directly used during verification
as an assertion, assumption, or coverage item. Properties
can be declared with or without parameters, as demonstrated
in Example A-11.

Example A-11 Declared properties

property req_t1_start;
@(posedge clk) req && req_tag == t1;

property illegal_op;
@(posedge clk) ~(req && cmd == 4);

property en_mutex(en[0], en[1], reset_n);

@(posedge clk) disable iff (~reset_n) // asynch reset
~(en[0] & en[1]);

Properties may reference other properties in their definition.

They may even reference themselves recursively. Properties

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 263

may also be written using multiple clocks to define a
sequence that transitions from one clock to another as it
matches the elements of the sequence.

A.4 Sequence and property operators

The sequence operators defined for SystemVerilog allow us
to compose expressions into temporal sequences. These
sequences are the building blocks of properties and
concurrent assertions. The first four allow us to construct
sequences, while the remaining operators allow us to
perform operations on a sequence as well as compose a
complex sequence from simpler sequences.

A.4.1 AND
Both SVA properties and sequences can be operands of the
and operator. The operation on two sequences produces a
match when both sequences produce a match (the end point
may not match). A match occurs until the endpoint of the
longer sequence (provided the shorter sequence produces
one match).

Examples of sequence and are:


Example A-12 Sequence AND

(a ##1 b) and () same as (), which is a no match

(a ##1 b) and (c ##1 d) same as (a & c ##1 b & d)
(a ##[1:2] b) and (c ##3 d)
same as (a & c ##1 b ##1 1 ##1 d)
or (a & c ##1 1 ##1 b ##1 d)

264 Creating Assertion-Based IP

A.4.2 Sequence intersection
An intersection of two sequences is like an and of two
sequences (both sequences produce a match). This operator
also requires the length of the sequences to match. That is,
the match point of both sequences must be the same time.
With multiple matches of each sequence, a match occurs
each time both sequences produce a match.

Example A-13 demonstrates the SVA sequence intersect


Example A-13 Sequence intersect

(1) intersect () same as (), which is a no match

##1 a intersect ##2 b same as (), which is a no match

##2 a intersect ##2 b match if ##2 (a & b))

##[1:2] a intersect ##[2:3] b match if (1 ##1 a&b )

or (1 ##1 a&b ##1 b)

##[1:3] a intersect ## [1:3] b match if (##1 a&b)

or (##2 a&b)
or (##3 a&b)

A.4.3 OR
SVA provides a means to or sequences. For or-ed
sequences, a match on either sequence results in a match for
the operation

Example A-14 demonstrates the SVA sequence or operator.


Example A-14 Sequence OR

() or () same as (), which is a no match

(## 2 a or ## [1:2] b) match if (b)

or (##1 b) or (## 2 a) or ( ##2 b)

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 265

A.4.4 Boolean throughout
This operator is used to specify a Boolean value throughout
a sequence. The operator produces a match if the sequence
matches and the Boolean expression holds until the end of
the sequence.

Example A-15 demonstrates the SVA sequence throughout


Example A-15 Sequence throughout

0 throughout (1) same as (), which is a no match

1 throughout ##1 a same as ##1 a

a throughout ##2 b same as (a ##1 a & b)

a throughout (b ##[1:3] c) same as (a&b ##1 a ##1 a &c)

or (a&b ##1 a ##1 a ##1 a&c)
or (a&b ##1 a ##1 a ##1 a ##1 a&c)

A.4.5 Sequence within

The within operator determines if one sequence matches within
the length of another sequence.

Example A-16 demonstrates the SVA sequence within


Example A-16 Sequence within

() within (1) same as (), which is a no match

(1) within () same as (), which is a no match

(a) within ## [1:2] b same as (a&b) or (a ##1 b) or (##1 a&b)

266 Creating Assertion-Based IP

A.4.6 Sequence ended
The method ended returns true at the end of the sequence.
This is in contrast to matching a sequence from the
beginning time point, which is obtained when we use only
the sequence name.

Example A-17 demonstrates the SVA sequence ended


Example A-17 Sequence ended

sequence a1;
@(posedge clk) (c ##1 b ##1 d);

(a ##1 a1.ended) same as (c ##1 b & a ##1 d)

(a ##2 a1.ended) same as (c & a ## b ##1 d)

A.4.7 Sequence first_match

The first_match operator returns true only for the first
occurrence of a multiple occurrence match for a sequence.

Example A-18 demonstrates the SVA sequence first_match


Example A-18 Sequence ended

first_match (1 [*1:5]) same as (1)

first_match (##[0:4] 1) same as (1)

first_match (##[0:1] a) same as (a) or (!a ##1 a)

first_match (b throughout s1) same as

(b throughout first_match(s1))

first_match(s1 within s2) same as

(s1 within first_match (s2))

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 267

A.4.8 Implication
SystemVerilog supports implication of properties and
sequences. The left-hand operand of the implication is
called the antecedent and the right-hand operand is called
the consequent. Evaluation of an implication starts through
repeated attempts to evaluate the antecedent. When the
antecedent succeeds, the consequent is required to succeed
for the property to hold.

As a convenience, there are two forms of implication,

overlapping (|->) and non-overlapping (|=>). The overlap
occurs between the final cycle of the left-hand side (the
antecedent) and the starting cycle of the right-hand side (the
consequent) operands. For the overlapping form, the
consequent starts on the current cycle (that the antecedent
matched). The non-overlapping form has the consequent
start the subsequent cycle. Implication is similar in concept
to an if statement.

Example A-19 demonstrates the SVA implication operators.


Example A-19 Implication operators

a |-> b same as a ? b : 1’b1

(a ##1 b) |-> (c) conceptually same as (a ##1 b) ? c : 1’b1

(a ##1 b) |=> (c ##1 d) same as (a ##1 b) |-> ##1 c ##1 d)

A.5 SVA system functions and task

SVA provides various system functions to facilitate
specifying common functionality. This section describes a
few of SVA’s more commonly used system functions.

268 Creating Assertion-Based IP

A.5.1 Sampled value functions
Sampled value functions include the capability to access the
current or past sampled value, or detect changes in the
sampled value of an expression. The following functions are

$sampled(expression [, clocking_event])

$rose( expression [, clocking_event])

$fell( expression [, clocking_event])

$stable( expression [, clocking_event])

$past( expression1 [, number_of_ticks]

[, expression2] [, clocking_event])

Using these functions is not limited to assertion features;

they can be used as expressions in procedural code as well.
The clocking event, although optional as an explicit
argument to the functions, is required for semantics. The
clocking event is used to sample the value of the argument

The clocking event must be explicitly specified as an

argument or inferred from the code where it is used. The
following rules are used to infer the clocking event:

• If used in an assertion, the appropriate clocking event

from the assertion is used.
• If used in an action block of a singly clocked assertion,
the clock of the assertion is used.
• If used in a procedural block, the inferred clock, if any,
for the procedural code is used.
Otherwise, default clocking is used.

In addition to accessing value changes, the past values can

be accessed with the $past function. The following three
optional arguments are provided:

• expression2 is used as a gating expression for the

clocking event

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 269

• number_of_ticks specifies the number of clock ticks in
the past
• clocking_event specifies the clocking event for
sampling expression1
The expression1 and expression2 can be any expression
allowed in assertions.

Assertion 5-12, “Bus slave ready assertions” on page 105

demonstrates both a $rose and $fell. Assertion 5-5, “Bus
must reset to INACTIVE state property” on page 86
demonstrates $past.

A.5.2 Useful functions

Assertions are commonly used to evaluate certain specific
characteristics of a design implementation, such as whether
a particular signal is “one-hot.” The following system
functions are included to facilitate such common assertion

• $onehot (<expression>) returns true if only one bit of

the expression is high.
• $onehot0 (<expression>) returns true if at most one bit
of the expression is high.
• $isunknown (<expression>) returns true if any bit of
the expression is X or Z. This is equivalent to
^<expression> === ’bx.
All of the above system functions have a return type of bit.
A return value of 1’b1 indicates true, and a return value of
1’b0 indicates false.

Another useful function provided for the Boolean

expression is $countones, to count the number of ones in a
bit vector expression.

• $countones ( expression)

270 Creating Assertion-Based IP

An X and Z value of a bit is not counted towards the number
of ones.

Assertion 6-6, “Built-in function to check mutually

exclusive grants” on page 119 demonstrates a $onehot
system function.

A.5.3 System tasks

SystemVerilog has defined several severity system tasks for
use in reporting messages. These system tasks are defined as

$fatal(finish_num [, message {, message_argument } ] );

This system task reports the error message provided and

terminates the simulation with the finish_num error code.
This system task is best used to report fatal errors related to
testbench/OS system failures (for example, can’t open, read,
or write to files) The message and argument format are the
same as the $display() system task.

$error( message {, message_argument } );

This system task reports the error message as a run-time

error in a tool-specific manner. However, it provides the
following information:

• severity of the message

• file and line number of the system task call
• hierarchical name of the scope or assertion or property
• simulation time of the failure
$warning(message {, message_argument } );

This system task reports the warning message as a run-time

warning in a format similar to $error and with similar

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 271

$info(message {, message_argument } );

This system task reports the informational message in a

format similar to $error and with similar information.

$asserton(levels, [ list_of_modules_or_assertions])

This system task will reenable assertion and coverage

statements. This allows sequences and properties to match
elements. If a level of 0 is given, all statements in the
design are affected. If a list of modules is given, then that
module and modules instantiated to a depth of the level
parameter are affected. If specifically named assertion
statements are listed, then they are affected.

$assertkill(levels, [ list_of_modules_or_assertions])

This system task stops the execution of all assertion and

cover statements. These statements will not begin matching
until re-enabled with $asserton(). Use the arguments in the
same way as $asserton uses them.

$assertoff(levels, [ list_of_modules_or_assertions])

This system task prevents matching of assertion and cover

statements. Sequences and properties in the process of
matching sequences will continue. Assertion and cover
statements will not begin matching again until re-enabled
with $asserton(). Use the arguments in the same way as
$asserton uses them.

A.6 Dynamic data within sequences

SVA includes the ability to call a routine or sample data
within the sequence for later analysis. The ability to call a
routine (tasks, void functions, methods, and system tasks)
allows you to record data for analysis or debugging.

Example A-20 demonstrates the SVA sequences with

system task calls.

272 Creating Assertion-Based IP


Example A-20 Calling system task within a sequence

sequence track_it;
(req[->1], $display(“Found the request at cycle %0d\n”,
##1 (sent[->1], $display(“Sent occurred at cycle %0d\n”,
##3 done;
assert property (start |=> track_it);

SVA sequences allow you to declare local variables that can

be used to sample data at a specific point within a sequence.
Example 5-12, “Encapsulate coverage properties inside a
module” on page 111 demonstrates an SVA sequence with a
local variable. Long et. al [2007] provide an excellent
overview and set of guidelines for coding local variables.

A.7 SVA directives

SVA directives specify how properties are to be used.
Example A-21 describes the syntax for SVA directives.

Example A-21 Directives

immediate_assert_statement ::=
assert ( expression ) action_block

concurrent_assert_statement ::=
assert property ‘(‘ property_spec ‘)’ action_block

concurrent_assume_statement ::=
assume property ‘(‘ property_spec ‘)’ ‘;’

concurrent_cover_statement ::=
cover property ‘(‘ property_spec ‘)’ statement_or_null

action_block ::=
statement [ else statement_or_null ]
| [statement_or_null] else statement_or_null

statement_or_null ::=
statement | ‘;’

Appendix A, “Quick Tutorial For SVA” 273

A.8 Useful named property examples
This section defines a set of useful, named property
declarations we have created with the intent to be shared by
an assertion-based IP design team. Our goal is to create a set
of named properties that is similar to a some of the
expressive IEEE 1850 Std. Property Specification Language
(PSL) [IEEE 1850-2005] linear-time temporal operators.
This allows us to express complex properties with minimum
code through reuse.

Example A-22 Named property declarations

// file property_declarations.h


// P -> next (Q until R)

property P_impl_Q_weak_until_R(ck,rst,P,Q,R);
@(posedge ck) disable iff (rst)
$rose(P) ##1 (~R)[*1:$] |-> Q;

// P -> next (Q until! R)

property P_impl_Q_strong_until_R(ck,rst,P,Q,R);
@(posedge ck) disable iff (rst)
$rose(P) |=> (~R throughout (Q[*0:$])) ##1 R;

// P -> next (Q before R)

property P_impl_Q_weak_before_R(ck,rst,P,Q,R);
@(posedge ck) disable iff (rst)
$rose(P) ##1 (~(Q & ~R))[*1:$] |-> ~R;

// P -> next ( Q before! R)

property P_impl_Q_strong_before_R(ck,rst,P,Q,R);
@(posedge ck) disable iff (rst)
$rose(P) |=> (~R throughout Q[=1:$]) ##1 (R & ~Q);


274 Creating Assertion-Based IP



In this appendix, we provide a complete OVM/AVM
example to illustrate how to integrate assertion-based IP into
a transaction-level testbench. We have divided this
appendix into two parts. The first part provides the source
code for our simple nonpipelined bus interface example
(previously discussed in Section 5.2 on page 75). The
second part provides a high-level reference for many of the
potentially less obvious OVM/AVM classes used on our
testbench example.

The Open Verification Methodology (or OVM) is an open-

source and class-based library that is freely available under
an Apache License, Version 2.0 open-source license. OVM
is a superset of the Cadence Design System’s Unified Reuse
Methodology (URM) and Mentor Graphic's Advanced
Verification Methodology (AVM) [Glasser et al., 2007],
with some additional features. We chose the Open
Verification Methodology as the basis for our testbench
example because the source code for the OVM library is
openly available and can be downloaded at http://
www.mentor.com/go/cookbook. Assuredly, there are other
testbench base-class libraries available. The general ideas,
processes, and techniques we present in this appendix to

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 275

demonstrate our assertion-based IP within a transaction-
level testbench can be extended to the specific
implementation details of other verification environment
methodologies, such as the VMM [Bergeron et al., 2006].

B.1 OVM/AVM Example Source Code

Figure B-1 illustrates our testbench example for the simple
nonpipelined bus interface example (previously discussed in
Section 5.2 on page 75).

Figure B-1 Simple nonpipelined bus testbench example

Driver Responder




You might note that our example testbench is lacking a

DUV. For our example, we are emulating the bus behavior
using a responder verification transactor. For this case, the
responder could be replaced with an actual DUV at a point
in the design cycle when the RTL is available. However, the
current testbench environment allows us to debug our

276 Creating Assertion-Based IP

assertion-based IP module prior to completion of the DUV.
The source code for the various verification components is
defined in the following sections.

Example B-1 Testbench top module

interface clk_rst_if;
bit clk , rst;

module top;

import avm_pkg::*;
import tb_tr_pkg::*;
import tb_env_pkg::*;

clk_rst_if clk_rst_bus();

tb_clock_reset clock_reset_gen( clk_rst_bus );

pins_if #(.DATA_SIZE(8),.ADDR_SIZE(8))
nonpiped_bus (
.clk( clk_rst_bus.clk ),
.rst( clk_rst_bus.rst)

// assertion-based IP module

tb_monitor_mod tb_monitor(
.bus_if( nonpiped_bus )

// class-based components instantiated within the environment class

tb_env env;

initial begin
env = new( nonpiped_bus,
tb_monitor.status_ap );


Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 277

B.1.1 top module
The top module shown in Example B-1 (see page 277)
instantiates all SystemVerilog interfaces, modules, and
class-based components.

B.1.2 tb_clock_reset module

The SystemVerilog tb_clock_reset module is responsible
for generating all testbench clock and reset activity.
. Module-based reference of an interface

Example B-2 Clock and reset generator

module tb_clock_reset( interface i );

parameter bit ACTIVE_RESET = 1;

bit stop;

initial begin
stop = 0;

task run( int reset_hold = 2 ,

int half_period = 10 ,
int count = 0 );

i.clk = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < reset_hold;i++ ) begin

tick( half_period );
tick( half_period );

i.rst = !i.rst;

for( int i = 0; (i < count || count == 0) && !stop; i++ ) begin

tick( half_period );

task tick( int half_period );

# half_period;
i.clk = !i.clk;

278 Creating Assertion-Based IP

B.1.3 pins_if interface
The SystemVerilog pins_if interface defines the testbench
interconnect for the various components that connect to our
simple nonpipelined bus.
. Module-based reference of an interface

Example B-3 SystemVerilog interface definition for pins_if

import avm_pkg::*;
import tb_tr_pkg::*;

interface pins_if( input clk , input rst );

parameter int DATA_SIZE = 8;

parameter int ADDR_SIZE = 8;

bit sel;
bit en;
bit write;
bit [DATA_SIZE-1:0] wdata;
bit [DATA_SIZE-1:0] rdata;
bit [ADDR_SIZE-1:0] addr;

modport driver_mp (
input clk , rst ,
output sel , en , write , addr ,
output wdata ,
input rdata

modport responder_mp (
input clk , rst ,
input sel , en , write , addr ,
input wdata ,
output rdata

modport monitor_mp (
input clk , rst ,
input sel , en , write , addr ,
input wdata ,
input rdata


Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 279

B.1.4 tb_monitor module
The tb_monitor module, which is illustrated as the
Assertion-Based Monitor in Figure B-1, is our assertion-
based IP for the nonpipelined bus.

Example B-4 Assertion-based IP tb_monitor module

import avm_pkg::*;
import tb_tr_pkg::*;
module tb_monitor_mod(
interface bus_if
avm_analysis_port #(tb_transaction)
cov_ap = new(“cov_ap”, null);
avm_analysis_port #(tb_status)
status_ap = new(“status_ap”, null);
parameter DATA_SIZE = 8;
parameter ADDR_SIZE = 8;
tb_status status; // See Section B.1.7 (see page 287) for details
// Used to decode bus control signals
bit [ADDR_SIZE-1:0] bus_addr;
bit [DATA_SIZE-1:0] bus_wdata;
bit [DATA_SIZE-1:0] bus_rdata;
bit bus_write;
bit bus_sel;
bit bus_en;
bit bus_reset;
bit bus_inactive;
bit bus_start;
bit bus_active;
bit bus_error;
// Identify conceptual states from bus control signals
always @(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk) begin
bus_addr = bus_if.monitor_mp.addr;
bus_wdata = bus_if.monitor_mp.wdata;
bus_rdata = bus_if.monitor_mp.rdata;
bus_write = bus_if.monitor_mp.write;
bus_sel = bus_if.monitor_mp.sel;
bus_en = bus_if.monitor_mp.en;
// Continued on next page

280 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-4 Assertion-based IP tb_monitor module

if (bus_if.monitor_mp.rst) begin
bus_reset = 1;
bus_inactive = 1;
bus_start = 0;
bus_active = 0;
bus_error = 0;
else begin
bus_reset = 0;

bus_inactive = ~bus_if.monitor_mp.sel &

bus_start = bus_if.monitor_mp.sel &
bus_active = bus_if.monitor_mp.sel &
bus_error = ~bus_if.monitor_mp.sel &


// ---------------------------------------------
// REQUIREMENT: Bus legal states
// ---------------------------------------------

property p_reset_inactive;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
$past(bus_reset) |-> (bus_inactive);
assert property (p_reset_inactive) else begin
status = new();

property p_valid_inact_trans;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
( bus_inactive) |=>
(( bus_inactive) || (bus_start));
assert property (p_valid_inact_trans) else begin
status = new();

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 281

Example B-4 Assertion-based IP tb_monitor module

property p_valid_start_trans;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
(bus_start) |=> (bus_active);
assert property (p_valid_start_trans) else begin
status = new();
property p_valid_active_trans;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
(bus_active) |=>
(( bus_inactive | bus_start));
assert property (p_valid_active_trans) else begin
status = new();

property p_valid_error_trans;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
assert property (p_valid_error_trans) else begin
status = new();

// ---------------------------------------------
// REQUIREMENT: Bus must remain stable
// ---------------------------------------------

property p_bsel_stable;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
(bus_start) |=> ($stable(bus_sel));
assert property (p_bsel_stable) else begin
status = new();

// Continued on next page

282 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-4 Assertion-based IP tb_monitor module

property p_baddr_stable;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
(bus_start) |=> $stable(bus_addr);
assert property (p_baddr_stable) else begin
status = new();

property p_bwrite_stable;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
(bus_start) |=> $stable(bus_write);
assert property (p_bwrite_stable) else begin
status = new();

property p_bwdata_stable;
@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
disable iff (bus_reset)
(bus_start) && (bus_write) |=>
assert property (p_bwdata_stable) else begin
status = new();

property p_burst_size;
int psize;

@(posedge bus_if.monitor_mp.clk)
((bus_inactive), psize=0)
##1 ((bus_start, psize++, build_tr(psize))
##1 (bus_active))[*1:$]
##1 (bus_inactive);

cover property (p_burst_size);

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 283

Example B-4 Assertion-based IP tb_monitor module

function void build_tr(int psize);

tb_transaction tr;

tr = new();
if (bus_write) begin
tr.data = bus_wdata;
else begin
tr.data = bus_rdata;
tr.burst_count = psize;
tr.addr = bus_addr;

initial begin
bus_reset = 0;
bus_inactive = 0;
bus_start = 0;
bus_active = 0;


B.1.5 tb_env class

The environment class is the topmost container of an AVM
testbench. It contains all the class-based components that
comprise the testbench and orchestrate test execution of the

284 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-5 Testbench environment class

package tb_env_pkg;

import avm_pkg::*;
import tb_tr_pkg::*;
import tb_transactor_pkg::*;

class tb_env extends avm_env;

protected tb_stimulus p_stimulus;

protected tb_driver p_driver;
protected tb_responder p_responder;
protected tb_coverage p_coverage;

analysis_fifo #( tb_status ) p_status_af;

avm_analysis_port #( tb_status ) p_status_ap;
avm_analysis_port #( tb_transaction ) p_cov_ap;

local process p_stimulus_process;

virtual pins_if #( .DATA_SIZE(8), .ADDR_SIZE(8) )


// Environment class constructor

function new(
virtual pins_if #(.DATA_SIZE(8),.ADDR_SIZE(8))
avm_analysis_port #( tb_transaction ) cov_ap,
avm_analysis_port #( tb_status ) status_ap

p_nonpiped_bus = nonpiped_bus;
p_cov_ap = cov_ap;
p_status_ap = status_ap;

p_driver = new(“driver ”, this);

p_responder = new(“responder”, this);
p_coverage = new(“coverage “, this);
p_stimulus = new(“stimulus “, this);

p_status_af = new(“status_fifo”);

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 285

Example B-5 Testbench environment class

function void connect;

p_stimulus.blocking_put_port.connect (

p_driver.m_bus_if = p_nonpiped_bus;
p_responder.p_bus_if = p_nonpiped_bus;



// Test Controller

task run;
p_stimulus_process = process::self;

task terminate_when_timedout;
avm_report_message(“terminate_when_timedout” , “” );

task terminate_on_error;
string s;
tb_status status;

p_status_af.get( status );
$sformat (s, “%s”, status.convert2string);
avm_report_error(“terminate_on_error” , s );
// Continued on next page

286 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-5 Testbench environment class

task terminate_when_covered;
wait( p_coverage.p_is_covered );
avm_report_warning(“terminate_when_covered” , “” );



B.1.6 tb_tr_pkg package

The tb_tr_pkg contains the class definitions for coverage
transactions and error status, which is referenced in
Example B-5.
. Module-based reference of an interface

Example B-6 tb_tr_pkg package

package tb_tr_pkg;

import avm_pkg::*;
‘include “tb_transaction.svh”
‘include “tb_status.svh”


B.1.7 tb_transaction class

The tb_transaction class defines the nonpipelined bus
address and data for both stimulus generation and coverage

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 287

Example B-7 tb_transaction class
class tb_transaction extends avm_transaction;

typedef enum {IDLE, WRITE, READ} bus_trans_t;

rand bus_trans_t bus_trans_type;

rand bit[4:0] burst_count;
rand bit[7:0] data;
rand bit[7:0] addr;

function avm_transaction clone();

tb_transaction t = new;
t.copy( this );
return t;

function void copy( input tb_transaction t );

data = t.data;
addr = t.addr;
burst_count = t.burst_count;
bus_trans_type = t.bus_trans_type;

function bit comp( input tb_transaction t );

avm_report_message( t.convert2string , convert2string );
return ((t.data == data) & (t.addr == addr) &
(t.burst_count == burst_count) &
(t.bus_trans_type == bus_trans_type));

function string bus_transaction_type;

if (bus_trans_type == IDLE)
return (“IDLE “);
else if (bus_trans_type == WRITE)
return (“WRITE”);
return (“READ “);

function string convert2string;

string s;
$sformat( s , “Bus type = %s , data = %d , addr = %d” ,
bus_transaction_type(), data , addr);
return s;

function bit is_idle;

return (bus_trans_type == IDLE);

// Continued on next page

288 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-7 tb_transaction class

function bit is_write;

return (bus_trans_type == WRITE);

function bit is_read;

return (bus_trans_type == READ);

function bit is_done;

return (burst_count == 1);

function void set_idle();

bus_trans_type = IDLE;
return ;

function void set_write();

bus_trans_type = WRITE;
return ;

function void set_read();

bus_trans_type = READ;
return ;

function void set_data( bit [7:0] D );

data = D;
return ;

function void set_addr( bit [7:0] A );

addr = A;
return ;

function bit[7:0] get_data;

return data ;

function bit[7:0] get_addr;

return addr ;

function bit[4:0] get_burst_count;

return burst_count ;

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 289

Example B-7 tb_transaction class

function void decrement_burst_count;

burst_count = burst_count - 1 ;

B.1.8 tb_status class

The tb_status class is broadcast through an
avm_analysis_port to identify a specific nonpipelined bus

Example B-8 tb_status class

class tb_status extends avm_transaction;

typedef enum { ERR_TRANS_RESET ,

ERR_STABLE_WDATA } bus_status_t;

bus_status_t bus_status;

function void set_err_trans_reset;

bus_status = ERR_TRANS_RESET;

function void set_err_trans_inactive;

bus_status = ERR_TRANS_INACTIVE;

function void set_err_trans_start;

bus_status = ERR_TRANS_START;

// Continued on next page

290 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-8 tb_status class

function void set_err_trans_active;

bus_status = ERR_TRANS_ACTIVE;

function void set_err_trans_error;

bus_status = ERR_TRANS_ERROR;

function void set_err_stable_sel;

bus_status = ERR_STABLE_SEL;

function void set_err_stable_addr;

bus_status = ERR_STABLE_ADDR;

function void set_err_stable_write;

bus_status = ERR_STABLE_WRITE;

function void set_err_stable_wdata;

bus_status = ERR_STABLE_WDATA;

function avm_transaction clone();

tb_status t = new;
t.copy( this );
return t;

function void copy( input tb_status t );

bus_status = t.bus_status;

function bit comp( input tb_status t );

avm_report_message( t.convert2string , convert2string );
return (t.bus_status == bus_status);

function string convert2string;

string s;
$sformat( s , “Assertion error %s” , bus_status_type());
return s;

function string bus_status_type;

return bus_status.name();


Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 291

B.1.9 tb_transactor package
The tb_transactor package, which is referenced in
Example B-5, includes all the SystemVerilog class-based

Example B-9 tb_transactor package

package tb_transactor_pkg;
import avm_pkg::*;
import tb_tr_pkg::*;
‘include “tb_stimulus.svh”
‘include “tb_driver.svh”
‘include “tb_responder.svh”
‘include “tb_coverage.svh”

B.1.10 tb_stimulus class

The tb_stimulus class is responsible for generating random
stimulus in our example testbench.

Example B-10 tb_stimulus class

class tb_stimulus extends avm_random_stimulus #( tb_transaction );

function new( string name = ““ ,
avm_named_component parent = null );
super.new( name , parent );
task generate_stimulus( tb_transaction t = null ,
input int max_count = 0 );
tb_transaction m_temp;
int burst_count = 0;

if (t == null) t = new;
for( int i = 0;
(max_count == 0 || i < max_count);
i++ ) begin

// Continued on next page

292 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-10 tb_stimulus class

// Get new random transaction type and burst count

assert( t.randomize() );

burst_count = t.get_burst_count();

for ( int j = 1; j<=burst_count; j++) begin

// Keep same transaction type and burst count

// but randomize data and address within burst count loop

t.data = $random % 256 ;

t.addr = $random % 256 ;

$cast( m_temp , t.clone() );

blocking_put_port.put( m_temp );



B.1.11 tb_driver class

The tb_driver class is responsible for converting an
untimed transaction into the appropriate timed pin activity
defined by the nonpipelined bus protocol.

Example B-11 tb_driver class

class tb_driver extends avm_threaded_component;

typedef enum {
} tb_driver_state_e;

virtual pins_if #( .DATA_SIZE( 8 ),

.ADDR_SIZE ( 8 ) ) m_bus_if;

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 293

Example B-11 tb_driver class

avm_blocking_put_export #( tb_transaction )

local tlm_fifo #( tb_transaction ) p_fifo;

local tb_driver_state_e m_state;
local tb_transaction m_transaction;

// Generate cycle accurate bus controls for protocol

function new( string name ,

avm_named_component parent );

super.new( name , parent );

p_fifo = new(“fifo” , this );

m_state = INACTIVE;
blocking_put_export =
new(“blocking_put_export”, this);

set_report_verbosity_level( 400 );


function void export_connections;

( p_fifo.blocking_put_export );

task run;

string m_trans_str;

m_bus_if.driver_mp.en = 0;
m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel = 0;

forever begin
@( posedge m_bus_if.driver_mp.clk );

if( m_bus_if.driver_mp.rst == 1 ) begin

m_bus_if.driver_mp.en <= 0;
m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel <= 0;
m_state = INACTIVE;

else begin

// Continued on next page

294 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-11 tb_driver class

// Conceptual state-machine to
// emulate bus protocol activity

case( m_state )
INACTIVE : begin

// Get stimulus generator output

if( p_fifo.try_get ( m_transaction ) ) begin

// If not idle, set bus controls to transition to a START state

m_bus_if.driver_mp.write <= 0;
m_bus_if.driver_mp.en <= 0;

if ( ~m_transaction.is_idle() ) begin
m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel <= 1;
m_state = START;
else begin
m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel <= 0;
m_state = INACTIVE;

m_bus_if.driver_mp.addr <= m_transaction.get_addr() ;

// Set bus controls for write

if ( m_transaction.is_write() ) begin
m_bus_if.driver_mp.write <= 1;
m_bus_if.driver_mp.wdata <= m_transaction.get_data()
else begin
avm_report_error (“DRIVER reqest_fifo.try_get failed” ,

START : begin

// Set bus controls to transition to an ACTIVE state

m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel <= 1;
m_bus_if.driver_mp.en <= 1;

m_state = ACTIVE;

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 295

Example B-11 tb_driver class

if (m_bus_if.driver_mp.write) begin
avm_report_message(“DRIVER sending “ ,
m_transaction.convert2string );
end // START

ACTIVE : begin

if (~m_bus_if.driver_mp.write) begin
$sformat( m_trans_str ,
“Bus type = READ , data = %d , addr = %d” ,
m_bus_if.driver_mp.rdata ,
m_bus_if.driver_mp.addr );

avm_report_message(“DRIVER receiving ” ,
m_trans_str );

// Determine if burst is done

m_bus_if.driver_mp.en <= 0;

if( m_transaction.is_done() ) begin

// Set bus controls to transition to an INACTIVE state

m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel <= 0;
m_state = INACTIVE;

else begin

// Set bus controls to transition to a START state for burst

m_bus_if.driver_mp.sel <= 1;
m_state = START;

// Get next transaction

if( p_fifo.try_get( m_transaction ) ) begin

m_bus_if.driver_mp.addr <= m_transaction.get_addr()


// Set bus controls for write

// Continued on next page

296 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-11 tb_driver class

if ( m_transaction.is_write() ) begin
m_bus_if.driver_mp.write <= 1;
m_bus_if.driver_mp.wdata <=
else begin
m_bus_if.driver_mp.write <= 0;

else begin
avm_report_error(“DRIVER reqest_fifo.try_get failed”,
end // ACTIVE


B.1.12 tb_responder class

The tb_responder class emulates the DUV and responds to
bus activity initiated from the tb_driver, as illustrated in
Figure B-1.

Example B-12 tb_responder class

class tb_responder extends avm_threaded_component;

virtual pins_if #( .DATA_SIZE( 8 ), .ADDR_SIZE( 8 ) ) p_bus_if;

function new( string name ,
avm_named_component parent = null );

super.new( name , parent );

set_report_verbosity_level( 400 );
// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 297

Example B-12 tb_responder class

task run;

// Used to decode bus control signals

localparam INACTIVE = 2’b00;

localparam START = 2’b10;
localparam ACTIVE = 2’b11;
localparam ERROR = 2’b01;

string s_trans_str;

// Evaluate cycle accurate bus controls for protocol

forever begin
@( posedge p_bus_if.responder_mp.clk );

if (p_bus_if.responder_mp.rst) continue;

// Conceptual state-machine to decode bus protocol transitions

case( {p_bus_if.responder_mp.sel,p_bus_if.responder_mp.en} )
INACTIVE : begin

START : begin

// If read transaction, get generator output for transaction

if (~p_bus_if.responder_mp.write) begin

// Get stimulus generator output for read transaction

p_bus_if.responder_mp.rdata = $random % 256;

$sformat( s_trans_str ,
“Bus type = READ , data = %d , addr = %d” ,

avm_report_message(“RESPONDER sending “ ,
s_trans_str );
end // START

ACTIVE : begin

// If write transaction, print data and addr sent from driver

// Continued on next page

298 Creating Assertion-Based IP

Example B-12 tb_responder class

if (p_bus_if.responder_mp.write) begin
$sformat( s_trans_str ,
“Bus type = WRITE , data = %d , addr = %d” ,
avm_report_message(“RESPONDER receiving “ , s_trans_str
end // ACTIVE

B.1.13 tb_coverage class

The tb_coverage class is the coverage collector, which
receives transactions detected by our assertion-based
monitor as illustrated in Figure B-1, and uses a
SystemVerilog covergroup construct to measure various bus
burst lengths.

Example B-13 tb_coverage class

class tb_coverage extends avm_threaded_component;

bit p_is_covered;

local bit [4:0] tsize;

local bit ttype;
local tb_transaction t;

covergroup p_size_cov;
csize : coverpoint tsize;
ctype : coverpoint ttype;

analysis_fifo #(tb_transaction) af;

analysis_if #(tb_transaction) analysis_export;

// Continued on next page

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 299

Example B-13 tb_coverage class

function new( string name ,

avm_named_component parent = null );
super.new( name , parent );

p_size_cov = new;
tsize = 0;
p_is_covered = 0;
set_report_verbosity_level( 4 );
af = new(“trans_fifo”,this);

function void export_connections;

analysis_export = af.analysis_export;

task run;

forever begin

this.avm_report_message (“COLLECTOR receiving “,


ttype = t.is_write();

// If done bursting (burst_count == 1),

// sample final burst size and type
if (t.get_burst_count() == 1) begin
if( p_size_cov.get_inst_coverage > 75 ) begin
p_is_covered = 1;
tsize = 0;

function void report;

string report_str;
$sformat( report_str , “%d percent covered” ,
p_size_cov.get_inst_coverage );

this.avm_report_message( “coverage report” , report_str );


300 Creating Assertion-Based IP

B.2 OVM/AVM high-level reference guide
This section contains a high-level reference guide, which
provides an overview description for many of the potentially
less obvious OVM/AVM classes used in our complete
testbench example. For a comprehensive list of all OVM/
AVM classes, we suggest you reference the OVM/AVM
Encyclopedia appendix in [Glasser et al., 2007], which
documents all of the classes in the OVM/AVM library. For
each class, the OVM/AVM Encyclopedia provides a
description of the class and what it is used for along with a
listing of all the members and methods.1

avm_env extends avm_named_component

A subclass of avm_env is the top-level class in any class-
based AVM verification environment. All the
components of the testbench are children of this top-
level class.

avm_named_component extends avm_report_client

This is the fundamental building block of the AVM. All
structural classes (for example, avm_env,
avm_threaded_component, avm_random_stimulus,
and so forth) inherit from avm_named_component.

avm_random_stimulus #(type
extends avm_named_component
This is a general purpose unidirectional random
stimulus generator. It is a useful component in its own
right, but can also be used as a template to define other
stimulus generators or extended to add stimulus
generation methods to simplify test writing.
The avm_random_stimulus class generates streams of
trans_type transactions. These streams may be
generated by the randomize() method of trans_type,

1. The OVM is a superset of the 3.0 version of the AVM. The names in this
appendix are discussed in terms of avm_* prefix, which are backwards
compatible, versus the ovm_* names that are being proposed at the time of this

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 301

or the randomize() method of one of its subclasses,
depending on the type of the argument passed into the
generate_stimulus() method. The stream may go
indefinitely until terminated by a call to
stop_stimulus_generation(), or you may specify the
maximum number of transactions to be generated.

avm_threaded_component extends
A threaded component inherits from
avm_named_component and adds the ability to spawn a
run() task at the beginning of the simulation.

avm_*_export #(type T=int) extends avm_port_base

#(tlm_*_if #(T))
An avm_*_export is a connector that provides
interfaces to other components. It gets these interfaces
by connecting to an avm_*_export or avm_*_imp in a
child component.

avm_*_port #(type T=int) extends avm_port_base

#(tlm_*_if #(T))

An avm_*_port is a connector that requires interfaces be

supplied to it. It may get these interfaces by connecting to a
parent’s avm_*_port or an avm_*_export or avm_*_imp in a

avm_analysis_port #(type T=int)

extends avm_port_base #(analysis_if #(T))
avm_analysis_port is used by a component such as a
monitor to publish a transaction to zero, one, or more
subscribers. Typically, it will be used inside a monitor to
publish a transaction observed on a bus to scoreboards
and coverage objects.

avm_port_base#(type IF=avm_virtual_class) extends

avm_port_base is the base class for all ports, exports,
and implementations (avm_*_port, avm_*_export, and
avm_*_imp). avm_port_base extends IF, which is the
type of the interface required or provided by the port,
export, or implementation.

302 Creating Assertion-Based IP

analysis_fifo #(type T=int) extends tlm_fifo #(T)
An analysis_fifo is a tlm_fifo with an unbounded
size and a write() interface. It can be used any place an
avm_subscriber is used. Typical usage is as a buffer
between an analysis_port in a monitor and an
analysis component (that is, a component derived from

tlm_fifo #(type T=int) extends avm_named_component

tlm_fifo is a FIFO that implements all the
unidirectional TLM interfaces.

analysis_if #(type T=int)

The analysis interface is a nonblocking, non-negotiable,
unidirectional interface. It is typically used to transfer a
transaction from a monitor, which cannot block, to a
scoreboard or coverage object.

This is the base class for all AVM transactions.

Appendix B, “Complete OVM/AVM Testbench Example” 303


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306 Creating Assertion-Based IP

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Bibliography 307
Symbols Advanced Verification Methodology
$ 260 (AVM) 20, 35, 41, 47, 51, 57
$assertion 272 assertion-based IP 20
$assertkill 272 AMBA 35, 63, 75, 76, 90
$assertoff 272 analysis port 30, 50, 51, 52, 54, 69, 70, 71,
$asserton 272 72, 83, 86, 99, 109, 138, 142, 162, 258
$countones 270 broadcasting data 30
$display 271 publisher 30
$error 271 subscriber 30, 51
$fatal 271 analysis_fifo class 303
$fell 269 analysis_if class 303
$info 272 arbiter 31, 90, 113
$isunknown 270 credit registers 125
$onehot 270 credits 125
$onehot0 270 grant without pending request 121
$past 269 interleaving request 132
$rose 269 latency 125
$sampled 269 minimum latency 119
$warning 271 mutually exclusive grants 118
[*m:n] 260 natural language properties 136
[*n] 260 round-robin 117, 125
[=n] 262 specific properties 117
[->n] 261 arbitration schemes 114
|=> 268 fair 115, 128
|-> 268 fixed priority 122
variable dynamic priority 128
variable weighted priority 125, 127
A weighted-priority 125
abstraction 31 assertion coverage 31
Accellera Open Verification Library (OVL) assertion-based IP 1, 4, 7, 19, 31, 40
11, 13 academic instructor 14
PSL 11 action 38, 57, 112
SVA 11 ad hoc process 7
Verilog 11 analysis interface 24
Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) analysis port 24, 30, 50, 51, 52, 69, 70,
35, 63, 90 71, 72, 83, 86, 99, 109, 138,
Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) 35, 75 142, 162, 258

Index 309
architect 14 avm_env
architecture 41 definition of 301
clarity xvi, 2, 38 avm_named_component class
coverage 108, 112 definition of 301
designer 14 avm_port_base class 302
detection 38, 57, 112 avm_random_stimulus class 301
development philosophy 14 avm_threaded_component class
engineering manager 14 definition of 302
formal verification 14 avm_transaction class 69, 83, 100, 138,
guidelines and conventions 57 163, 303
interface-based 53
libraries 11
modularity xvi, 2, 38
behavior 31
module versus interface assertions 41
black box 32
module-based 44
bus functional model (BFM) 32, 35
motivation 3, 17
bus-based design 59, 60, 61
novice 14
optimization 14
process 13, 37, 39 C
provider 15 C or C++ model 7
reuse 1, 11, 17 channel class 303
separating detection from action xvi, 2 tlm_fifo 303
simulation 14 class-based component 49
systematic process 7, 9 communication channel 23
systematic set of steps 37 component classes
systematic steps 39 avm_env 301
terminology 31 avm_named_component 301
verification engineer 14 avm_random_stimulus 301
assertion-based monitor 38 avm_threaded_component 302
assertion-based verification (ABV) 1 conceptual state-machine 77, 152, 168, 169
libraries 11 implicit vs. explicit modeling 175
methodology 11 connector classes
ad hoc 11 avm_*_export 302
reuse 38 avm_*_port 302
assertions 31 avm_analysis_port 52, 302
black-box 6, 14 avm_port_base 302
definition 9 consequent 268
design engineer xv, 5 constraint 32
end-to-end 6 controllers 32
implementation-level xv, 4 memory 145
naming convention 57 corner case 32
verification engineer xv, 5 coverage 32, 108
white-box 6, 14 coverage model 32
assumption 31 coverage property 55
avm_*_export class
definition of 302
avm_*_port class
definition of 302 datapath 32
avm_analysis_port class 52, 302 design component 32

310 Creating Assertion-Based IP

design IP 59 assume 273
design refinement process 7 cover 273
blocks 8 disable iff 256
bus cycle-accurate (BCA) 7 ended 267
modules 8 first match 267
RTL model 8 intersect 265
system function model 7 or 265
transaction-level model (TLM) 7 property 255, 263
units 8 sequence 263
DUV 35 throughout 266
dynamic verification 33 within 266
local variable 110
local variables 273
E repetition
EDA xv, 4, 13, 35 nonconsecutive 261
elasticity buffer 199 sequence intersection 265
environment class 49, 56 sequences 258
constructor 48 task and functions
eRM 20, 35 $assertkill 272
$assertoff 272
F $asserton 272
FIFO 35 $countones 270
fixed priority 122 $error 271
formal verification 3, 14 $fatal 271
FSM 35 $fell 269
$info 272
$isunknown 270
H $onehot 270
HDL 35 $onehot0 270
HVL 36 $past 269
$rose 269
I $sampled 269
IEEE Std 1800-2005 SystemVerilog $warning 271
SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) 10, temporal delay 258
36, 253 IEEE Std 1850 Property Specification Lan-
action block 257 guage (PSL) xv, 4, 10, 36, 274
action blocks 13 implication 268
concurrent assertions 254, 255, Intellectual Property (IP) 8, 33, 36
256 industry guidelines 9
consecutive repetition 260 provider 15
goto repetition 261 quality 9
immediate assertions 254 reuse 8
implication 268 interfaces 63
infinite range 260 nonpipelined bus 63, 75
keyword basic read operation 80
## 258 basic write operation 78
and 264 natural language properties 81,
assert 273 203, 218, 228, 242

Index 311
pipelined bus 63, 90 R
serial bus 63, 64 requirement 34
natural language properties. 67 reuse 70, 72
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Bus 36, 64 RTL 36
International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors (ITRS) 8
SDRAM 36, 147, 148, 151, 152, 154, 165,
L 173
libraries DDR 146
encapsulate property set 11 SDR 146
linear-time temporal logic 253 SoC 36, 59, 60, 61, 63
linear-time temporal operators 274 split transaction 90
static verification 34
M SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) xv, 4
memory controller 146 SystemVerilog interface 37, 45, 48, 54, 55,
burst read cycle 148 56, 68, 82
natural language properties 158 class-based reference 47
single read cycle 148 instantiation 46
single write cycle 148 modport 45, 46, 47, 68, 83, 99, 136, 161
model 33 virtual 49
modularity 27 SystemVerilog module-based assertion
module-based transactor 44 monitor 37

Open Core Protocol (OCP) 63 testbench
Open Verification Library (OVL) 36
Open Verification Methodology (OVM) 30,
analysis layer 28
36 control layer 28
environment layer 29
P transactors layer 29
parameterized class 52 TLM 36
platform-based design 33, 63 TLM interface classes
properties 6 analysis_if 303
architecture 6 tlm_fifo class 303
definition 9 transaction 34
micro-architectural 6 transaction-level model (TLM) 7
natural language 7, 8 untimed 8
property 34 transactions policy classes
encapsulation 89 AVM transactions, base class for 69,
property encapsulation 75, 108, 141, 173 83, 100, 138, 163, 303
protocol 34
protocol checker 34
Q stakeholders
queue architect 6
explicit 213 design engineer 6
implicit 213 verification engineer 6

312 Creating Assertion-Based IP

verification components xvi, 2, 10, 19, 20, port 22
34, 38 responder 26
analysis interface 24 reuse 51
analysis port 24, 50 scenario generator 25
channel 23 scoreboard 25, 51
class-based 37 simulation controller 25
class-based versus module-based 42 slave 26
communication channel 19 stimulus generator 25
coverage collector 25, 51, 56 transaction interface 23
driver 26 transaction port 24
export 22 Verification Intellectual Property (VIP) 1,
interconnect 22 10, 35, 36, 40
master 25 declarative forms 4
modularity 27 imperative forms 3
module-based 37 synthesizable 3
monitor 26 VMM 20, 36
organization 26
analysis 29 W
concentric testbench 26
white box 35
hierarchical testbench 27
operational 29

Index 313
Continued from page ii
Leakage in Nanometer CMOS Technologies
Siva G. Narendra and Anantha Chandrakasan
ISBN 978-0-387-25737-2, 2005

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