Perforce Users Guide
Perforce Users Guide
Perforce Users Guide
2 Users Guide
December 2003
This manual copyright 1997-2003 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. Perforce software and documentation is available from You may download and use Perforce programs, but you may not sell or redistribute them. You may download, print, copy, edit, and redistribute the documentation, but you may not sell it, or sell any documentation derived from it. You may not modify or attempt to reverse engineer the programs. Perforce programs and documents are available from our Web site as is. No warranty or support is provided. Warranties and support, along with higher capacity servers, are sold by Perforce Software. Perforce Software assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book. By downloading and using our programs and documents you agree to these terms. Perforce and Inter-File Branching are trademarks of Perforce Software. Perforce software includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. All other brands or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Product Overview....................................................... 13
Perforce Server and Perforce Client Programs.............................................14 Moving les between the clients and the server......................................14 File conicts...................................................................................................15 Labeling groups of les ...............................................................................15 Branching les ..............................................................................................15 Job tracking ...................................................................................................16 Change notication ......................................................................................16 Protections .....................................................................................................17 Other Perforce Clients......................................................................................17 P4Win .............................................................................................................17 P4Web.............................................................................................................17 Merge Tools .......................................................................................................17 P4 resolve.......................................................................................................18 P4WinMerge..................................................................................................18 Other merge utilities ....................................................................................18 Defect Tracking Systems ..................................................................................18 Perforce jobs ..................................................................................................18 P4DTI integrations with third-party defect trackers...............................19 Plug-Ins, reporting and tool integrations......................................................19 IDE Plug-ins ..................................................................................................19 P4Report and P4SQL ...................................................................................20 P4OFC ............................................................................................................20
Chapter 2
Table of Contents
Telling Perforce clients where the server is.............................................. 22 Verifying the connection to the Perforce server ...................................... 23
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Table of Contents
Perforce syntax..............................................................................................48 Providing les as arguments to commands .............................................49 Wildcards and Perforce syntax...................................................................50 Name and String Limitations..........................................................................50 Illegal characters in lenames and Perforce objects ................................50 Name and description lengths ...................................................................51 Specifying Older File Revisions......................................................................51 Using revision specications without lenames .....................................54 Revision Ranges................................................................................................54 File Types ...........................................................................................................55 Base le types................................................................................................56 Forms and Perforce Commands .....................................................................60 Reading forms from standard input; Writing forms to standard output..............................................................61 General Reporting Commands.......................................................................61
Chapter 5
Table of Contents
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Changelists ................................................................... 85
Working with the Default Changelist ........................................................... 86 Creating Numbered Changelists Manually ................................................. 87 Working With Numbered Changelists ......................................................... 87 Automatic Creation and Renumbering of Changelists .............................. 88 When submit of the default changelist fails, the changelist is assigned a number ......................................................... 88 Perforce May Renumber a Changelist upon Submission .......................... 89 Deleting Changelists........................................................................................ 89 Changelist Reporting....................................................................................... 90
Chapter 8
Labels ............................................................................ 91
Why not just use changelist numbers? ......................................................... 91 Using labels....................................................................................................... 91 Creating a new label.................................................................................... 92 Labeling all revisions in your workspace ................................................ 92 Tagging specic les and revisions with p4 labelsync........................... 93 Untagging les with p4 labelsync............................................................. 93 Previewing labelsyncs results................................................................... 93 Preventing inadvertent tagging and untagging of les ......................... 93 Listing les tagged by a label .................................................................... 94 Using label views......................................................................................... 94 Referring to les using a label ................................................................... 95
Table of Contents
Chapter 9
Branching ..................................................................... 99
What is Branching?...........................................................................................99 When to Create a Branch .................................................................................99 Perforces Branching Mechanisms: Introduction .......................................100 Branching and Merging, Method 1: Branching with File Specications ...........................................................101 Creating branched les..............................................................................101 Propagating changes between branched les ........................................102 Propagating changes from branched les to the original les ............103 Branching and Merging, Method 2: Branching with Branch Specications......................................................103 Branch Specication Usage Notes................................................................105 Integration Usage Notes ................................................................................106 Deleting Branches ...........................................................................................107 Advanced Integration Functions..................................................................107 Integrating specic le revisions .............................................................107 Re-integrating and re-resolving les .......................................................108 How Integrate Works .....................................................................................108 The yours, theirs, and base les ...............................................................108 The integration algorithm .........................................................................108 Integrates actions.......................................................................................109 Integration Reporting.....................................................................................110 For More Information ....................................................................................110
Chapter 10
Table of Contents
Using dates in jobviews.............................................................................116 Comparison operators and eld types ....................................................116 Linking Jobs to Changelists...........................................................................117 Linking jobs to changelists with the JobView: eld...............................117 Linking jobs to changelists with p4 x ....................................................118 Linking jobs to changelists from within the submit form ....................118 Automatic update of job status ................................................................119 What if theres no status eld? ................................................................ 120 Deleting Jobs................................................................................................... 120 Integrating with External Defect Tracking Systems ................................. 120 Job Reporting Commands ............................................................................ 120
Chapter 11
Appendix A
Table of Contents
Starting the Perforce server.......................................................................140 Stopping the Perforce server.....................................................................141 Telling Perforce clients which port to talk to..........................................141 Installing Perforce on Windows ...................................................................141 Terminology note: Windows services and servers ................................142 Starting and stopping Perforce on Windows .........................................142
Appendix B
Appendix C
Table of Contents
This is the Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide. It teaches the use of Perforces Command-Line Client. Other Perforce clients such as P4Win (the Perforce Windows Client) are not discussed here. If youd like documentation on other Perforce client programs, please see our documentation pages, available from our web site at Although you can use this guide as a reference manual, we intend it primarily as a guide/tutorial on using Perforce. The full syntax of most of the Perforce commands is explicitly not provided here; in particular, only a subset of the available flags are mentioned. For a complete guide to Perforce, please see the Perforce Command Reference, or the on-line help system. If you will be using Perforce on any operating system other than UNIX, please consult the Perforce platform notes for that OS. Chapters 2 through 4 of this manual comprise our Getting Started guide. Newcomers to Perforce should start there, and move to subsequent chapters as needed.
Administering Perforce?
If youre administering a Perforce server, youll need the Perforce System Administrators Guide, which contains all the system administration material formerly found in this manual. If youre installing Perforce, the Perforce System Administrators Guide is also the place to start.
Chapter 1
Product Overview
Perforce facilitates the sharing of files among multiple users. It is a software configuration management tool, but software configuration management (SCM) has been defined in many different ways, depending on whos giving the definition. SCM has been described as providing version control, file sharing, release management, defect tracking, build management, and a few other things. Its worth looking at exactly what Perforce does and doesnt do: Perforce offers version control: multiple revisions of the same le are stored and older revisions are always accessible. Perforce provides facilities for concurrent development; multiple users can edit their own copies of the same le. Perforce supports distributed development; users can work with les stored on a central server or with les replicated on a proxy server. Some release management facilities are offered; Perforce can track the le revisions that are part of a particular release. Bugs and system improvement requests can be tracked from entry to x; this capability is known as defect tracking or change management. Perforce supplies some lifecycle management functionality; les can be kept in release branches, development branches, or in any sort of needed le set. Change review functionality is provided by Perforce; this functionality allows users to be notied by email when particular les are changed. Although a build management tool is not built into Perforce, we do offer a companion open source product called Jam. The Jam tool and Perforce meet at the le system; source les managed by Perforce are easily built by Jam. Although Perforce was built to manage source files, it can manage any sort of on-line documents. Perforce can be used to store revisions of a manual, to manage Web pages, or to store old versions of operating system administration files.
Each client workspace has its own client view, which determines which files in the depot can be accessed by that client workspace. One client workspace might be able to access all the files in the depot, while another client workspace might access only a single file. The Perforce Server is responsible for tracking the state of the client workspace; Perforce knows which files a client workspace has, where they are, and which files have write permission turned on. For basic information about using Perforce, see Chapter 3, Perforce Basics: Quick Start and Chapter 4, Perforce Basics: The Details.
File conicts
When two users edit the same file, their changes can conflict. For example, suppose two users copy the same file from the depot into their workspaces, and each edits his copy of the file in different ways. The first user sends his version of the file back to the depot, and then the second user tries to do the same thing. If Perforce were to unquestioningly accept the second users file into the depot, the first users changes would not be included in the latest revision of the file (known as the head revision). When a file conflict is detected, Perforce allows the user experiencing the conflict to perform a resolve of the conflicting files. The resolve process allows the user to decide what needs to be done: should his file overwrite the other users? Should his own file be thrown away? Or should the two conflicting files be merged into one? At the users request, Perforce will perform a three-way merge between the two conflicting files and the single file that both were based on. This process generates a merge file from the conflicting files, which contains all the changes from both conflicting versions. This file can be edited and then submitted to the depot. To learn how to resolve file conflicts, see Chapter 5, Perforce Basics: Resolving File Conflicts.
Branching les
Thus far, it has been assumed that all changes to files happen linearly, but this is not always the case. Suppose that one source file needs to evolve in two separate directions; perhaps one set of upcoming changes will allow the program to run under VMS, and Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide 15
another set will make it a Mac program. Clearly, two separately-evolving copies of the same files are necessary. Perforces Inter-File Branching mechanism allows any set of files to be copied within the depot. By default, the new file set, or codeline, evolves separately from the original files, but changes in either codeline can be propagated to the other. For details about branching, see Chapter 9, Branching.
Job tracking
A Job is a generic term for a plain-text description of some change that needs to be made to the source code. A job might be a bug description, like the system crashes when I press return, or it might be a system improvement request, like please make the program run faster. Whereas a job represents work that is intended to be performed, a changelist represents work actually done. Perforces job tracking mechanism allows jobs to be linked to the changelists that implement the work requested by the job. A job can later be looked up to determine if and when it was fixed, what files were modified to implement the fix, who fixed it, and whether the fix has been propagated to other codelines. The fields contained in your systems jobs can be defined by the Perforce system administrator. Perforces job tracking mechanism does not implement all the functionality that is normally supplied by full-scale defect tracking systems. Its simple functionality can be used as is, or it can be integrated with third-party job tracking systems through P4DTI Perforce Defect Tracking and Integration. To read more about jobs, please see Chapter 10, Job Tracking.
Change notication
Perforces change review mechanism allows users to receive email notifying them when particular files have been updated in the depot. The files for which a particular user receives notification are determined by that user. Change review is implemented by an external program, or daemon, which can be customized. Perforce can be made to run external scripts whenever changelists are submitted. These scripts, called triggers, allow changelists to be validated before theyre submitted to the depot. To learn how to set up the change review daemon, integrate Perforce with third-party defect tracking systems, or write your own daemons, consult the Perforce System Administrators Guide.
Perforce provides a protection scheme to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent access to the depot. The protection mechanism determines exactly which Perforce commands are allowed to be run by any particular client. Permissions can be granted or denied based on users usernames and IP addresses, or can be granted or denied to entire groups of users. Because Perforce usernames are easily changed, protections at the user level provide safety, not security. Protections at the IP address level are as secure as the host itself. We discuss protections in the Perforce System Administrators Guide.
The Perforce Windows Client provides a native Microsoft Windows user interface for all SCM tasks. Using the familiar Windows Explorer look and feel, it shows you your work in progress at a glance and lets you point, click, drag, and drop your way through Perforce tasks. For more about P4Win, see the product page at:
The Perforce web client turns most any Web browser into a complete SCM tool. P4Web will work with a Perforce Server at Release 99.2 or newer, and runs on Unix, Macintosh, and Windows. For more about P4Web, see the product page at:
Merge Tools
Interactive merge tools allow you to display the differences between file versions, simplifying the process of resolving conflicts that result from parallel or concurrent development efforts. Merge tools often use color-coding to highlight differences and some even include the option to automatically merge non-conflicting changes.
Perforce offers full support for both parallel and concurrent development environments. In situations where concurrent file check-out is not desirable, Perforce can be configured to restrict this capability to specific file types or file locations (for instance, management of digital assets in environments where concurrent development is not encouraged).
P4 resolve
Perforces p4 resolve command includes built-in merge capability for the console environment.
P4WinMerge is Perforces graphical three-way merge and conflict resolution tool for Windows. P4WinMerge uses the 3-pane approach to display and edit files during the merge process. P4WinMerge is a stand-alone Windows application; it does not require a Perforce Server when used by itself. However, when invoked from within a Perforce client program like the Perforce Command-Line Client, P4Win, or P4Web, a Perforce Server is necessary. For more about P4WinMerge, see:
Perforce jobs
Perforces built-in defect tracking and reporting features are available to all Perforce users.
to find out why a change was made, find the work that was done to resolve an issue, or generate reports relating issues to files or codelines. Activity in your Perforce depot - enhancements, bug fixes, propagation of changes into release branches, and so forth - can be automatically entered into your defect tracking system by P4DTI. Conversely, issues and status entered into your defect tracking system bug reports, change orders, work assignments, and so on, can be converted automatically to Perforce metadata for access by Perforce users. With P4DTI, you can integrate Perforce with any third-party defect tracking or process management software.
P4DTI uses Perforces built-in jobs feature to mirror data in defect tracking systems.
While Perforce jobs can be used without additional software for straightforward issue tracking, P4DTI lets you take advantage of third-party user interfaces, reporting tools, databases, and workflow rules to manage complex processes.
P4DTI runs on Unix and Windows. It can be used with a Perforce Server on any platform
at Release 2000.2 or newer. For more about using third-party defect tracking systems with Perforce, including a list of defect tracking systems for which P4DTI integrations have already been built, see:
The Perforce Plug-in for Microsoft Office (P4OFC) adds a Perforce menu to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Powerpoint. This menu provide easy access to common Perforce SCM commands, so that users never have to leave familiar office applications to work with documents under Perforce control. For more about P4OFC, see:
Chapter 2
Perforce uses a client/server architecture. Files are created and edited by users on their own client hosts; these files are transferred to and from a shared file repository located on a Perforce server. Every running Perforce system uses a single server and can have many clients. As mentioned earlier, two programs do the bulk of Perforces work: The p4d program runs on the Perforce server. It manages the shared le repository, and keeps track of users, clients, protections, and other Perforce metadata. The p4 program runs on each Perforce client. It sends the users requests to the p4d server program for processing, and communicates with p4d via TCP/IP. Each Perforce client program needs to know the address and port of the Perforce server with which it communicates. This address is stored in the P4PORT environment variable.
information about how to set environment variables for most operating systems and shells. If your site is already using Perforce, its possible that your system administrator has already set P4PORT for you; if not, youll need to set it yourself. Either way, after setting P4PORT to point to your server, you should verify your clients connection to the Perforce server with the p4 info command.
The definition of P4PORT can be shortened if the Perforce client is running on the same host as the server. In this case, only the port number need be provided to p4. If p4d is running on a host named or aliased perforce, listening on port 1666, the definition of P4PORT for the p4 client can be dispensed with altogether. For example:
If the server is running on... <same host as the p4 client> perforce and is listening to port... 1543 1666 set P4PORT to: 1543 <no value needed>
When P4PORT has been set, you should re-verify the connection with p4 info, as described below. Once this has been done, Perforce is ready to use.
The Server address: field shows which Perforce server to which the client has connected; it displays the host and port number on which p4d is listening. In the above example, everything is fine. If, however, you receive a variant of this message:
Perforce client error: Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT. TCP connect to perforce:1666 failed. perforce: host unknown.
then P4PORT has not been correctly set. If the value you see in the third line of the error message is perforce:1666 (as above), then P4PORT has not been set at all; if the value is anything else, P4PORT has been incorrectly set. In either case, youll need to set the value of P4PORT.
Windows On Windows platforms, registry variables are preferred over environment variables, and you can set these with command p4 set.
Chapter 3
This chapter teaches basic Perforce usage. Youll learn how to set up a workspace, populate it with files from the common file repository (the depot), edit these files and submit the changes back to the repository, back out of any unwanted changes, and the basic Perforce reporting commands. This chapter gives a broad overview of these concepts and commands; for details, see Chapter 4, Perforce Basics: The Details.
Underlying concepts
The basic ideas behind Perforce are quite simple: files are created, edited, and deleted in the users own directories, which are called client workspaces. Perforce commands are used to move files to and from a shared file repository known as the depot. Perforce users can retrieve files from the depot into their own client workspaces, where they can be read, edited, and resubmitted to the depot for other users to access. When a new revision of a file is stored in the depot, the old revisions are kept and remain accessible. Perforce was written to be as unobtrusive as possible, so that very few changes to your normal work habits are required. Files are still created in your own directories with your tool of choice; Perforce commands supplement your normal work actions instead of replacing them. Perforce commands are always entered in the form p4 command [arguments].
Ed Lisa
Ed is working on the code for Elm. He wants to refer to the collection of les hes working on by the name eds_elm. In the Korn or Bourne shells, hed type:
$ P4CLIENT=eds_elm ; export P4CLIENT
Each operating system or shell has its own method of defining environment variables. See the Environment Variables section of the Perforce Command Reference for details.
standard text editor. You can dene the editor your client uses through the P4EDITOR environment variable. In the text forms used by Perforce, eld names always start in the leftmost column of text, and eld values are indented with tabs or spaces. Perforce requires that there be at least one space or a tab prior to the contents of a form eld.
The p4 client form has a number of fields; the two most important are the Root and View. The meanings of these fields are as follows:
Field Root: Meaning
Identies the top subdirectory of the client workspace. This should be the lowest-level directory that includes all the les and directories that youll be working with. Describes which les and directories in the depot are available to the client workspace, and where the les in the depot will be located within the client workspace.
Ed is working with his Elm les in a setting as described above. Hes set the environment variable P4CLIENT to eds_elm. Now he types p4 client from his home directory, and sees the following form:
Client: eds_elm Owner: ed Description: Created by ed. Root: /usr/edk Options: nomodtime noclobber View: //depot/... //eds_elm/...
With these default settings, all les in Eds home directory of /usr/edk (including les unrelated to Eds work) would be mapped to the depot, and all les in the depot would be mapped to Eds home directory, likely cluttering it with les Ed has no interest in working with. Ed would like to keep all Elm-related material in a subdirectory in his home directory;
/usr/edk/elm, and he would like this directory to contain only les in the elm_proj portion of the depot. He therefore changes the values in the Root: and View: elds as
Client: eds_elm Owner: ed Description: Created by ed. Root: /usr/edk/elm Options: nomodtime noclobber View: //depot/elm_proj/... //eds_elm/...
This species that /usr/edk/elm is the top level directory of Eds client workspace, and that the les under this workspace directory are to be mapped to the depots elm_proj subtree. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide 27
When Ed is done, he exits from the editor, and the p4 client command saves his changes.
Warning! To use Perforce properly, it is crucial to understand how views work. Views
client view. See the general platform notes on the Perforce web site for further details. The read-only Client: field contains the string stored in the P4CLIENT environment variable. The Description: can be filled with anything at all; its a place where you can enter text that describes the contents of this client workspace. The View: describes the relationship between files in the depot and files in the client workspace. Creating a client specification has no immediate visible effect; no files are created when a client specification is created or edited. The client specification simply indicates where files will be located when subsequent Perforce commands are used. Youll also use p4 client to change existing client specifications. This is described in Perforce Basics: The Details on page 37.
there are no les in the depot to copy to the client workspace yet. If this is the case, start by copying les from your client workspace to the depot with p4 add, as described in Adding les to the depot on page 30.
Example: Copying les from the depot to a client workspace.
Lisa has been assigned to x bugs in Eds code. She creates a directory called elm_ws within her own directory, and sets up a client workspace; now she wants to copy all the existing elm les from the depot into her workspace.
$ cd ~/elm_ws $ p4 sync //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.0#2 - added as /usr/lisag/elm_ws/doc/elmdoc.0 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.1#2 - added as /usr/lisag/elm_ws/doc/elmdoc.1 <etc.>
Once the command completes, the most recent revisions of all the les in the depot that are mapped through her client workspace view will be available in her workspace. The p4 sync command maps depot files through the client view, compares the result against the current client contents, and then adds, updates, or deletes files in the client workspace as needed to bring the client contents in sync with the depot. p4 sync can take filenames as parameters, with or without wildcards, to limit the files it retrieves. If a file exists within a particular subdirectory in the depot, but that directory does not yet exist in the client workspace, the directory is created within the client workspace at sync time. The job of p4 sync is to match the state of the client workspace to that of the depot; thus, if a file has been deleted from the depot, p4 sync deletes it from the client workspace.
maintained by Perforce. Changelists can also be created by the user; for a full discussion, see Chapter 7, Changelists. The commands p4 add, p4 edit, and p4 delete do not immediately add, edit, or delete files in the depot. Instead, the affected file and the corresponding operation are listed in the default changelist, and the files in the depot are affected only when this changelist is submitted to the depot with p4 submit. This allows a set of files to be updated in the depot all at once: when the changelist is submitted, either all of the files in the changelist are affected, or none of them are. When a file has been opened with p4 add, p4 edit, or p4 delete, but the corresponding changelist has not yet been submitted in the depot, the file is said to be open in the client workspace.
Ed is writing a help manual for Elm. The les are named elmdoc.0 through elmdoc.3, and theyre sitting in the doc subdirectory of his client workspace root. He wants to add these les to the depot.
$ cd ~/elm/doc $ p4 add elmdoc.* //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.0#1 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.1#1 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.2#1 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.3#1
At this point, the files he wants to add to the depot have been added to his default changelist. However, the files are not actually stored in the depot until the p4 submit command is given.
Example: Submitting a changelist to the depot.
Ed is ready to submit his added les to the depot. He types p4 submit and sees the following form in a standard text editor:
Change: new Client: edk User: edk Status: new Description: <enter description here> Files: //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.0 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.1 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.2 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.3
# # # #
Ed changes the contents of the Description: eld to describe what these le updates do. When hes done, he quits from the editor, and the new les are added to the depot. The Description: field contents must be changed, or the depot update wont be accepted. Lines can be deleted from the Files: field; any files deleted from this list will carry over to the next default changelist, and will appear again the next time p4 submit is performed.
Adding more than one le at once Multiple file arguments can be provided on the command line.
Example: Using multiple le arguments on a single command line.
Ed wants to add all of his Elm library, documentation, and header les to the depot.
$ cd ~ $ p4 add elm/lib/* elm/hdrs/* elm/doc/* //depot/elm_proj/lib/Makefile.SH#1 - opened for add //depot/elm_proj/lib/add_site.c#1 - opened for add //depot/elm_proj/lib/addrmchusr.c#1 - opened for add <etc.>
After p4 add is nished, Ed then does a p4 submit. If the directory containing a new file does not exist in the depot, it is automatically created within the depot at submit time. The operating systems write permission on submitted files is turned off in the client workspace when p4 submit is performed. This helps ensure that file editing is done with Perforces knowledge. The write permissions are turned back on by p4 edit, which is described below. You might have noticed in the example above that the filenames are displayed as filename#1. Perforce always displays filenames with a #N suffix; the #N indicates that this is the Nth revision of this file. Revision numbers are always assigned sequentially.
Warning! If a submit fails, the default changelist will be assigned a number, and
youll need to submit that changelist in a slightly different way. Please see Chapter 5, Perforce Basics: Resolving File Conicts for instructions on resolving le conicts. Populating empty depots In Perforce, theres no difference between adding files to an empty depot and adding files to a depot that already contains other files. For this reason, populate new, empty depots by adding files from a client workspace with p4 add, as described above.
Since the files must have their write permission turned back on before they can be edited, you must give the p4 edit command before attempting to edit the file. To save the new file revision in the depot, use p4 submit, as described above.
Note Before a le can be opened for edit, it must already have been added to the depot with p4 add, or copied into the client workspace from the depot with p4 sync. Example: Opening a le for edit:
Ed wants to make changes to his elmdoc.3 le. He opens the le for edit.
$ cd ~/elm $ p4 edit doc/elmdoc.3 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.3#1 - opened for edit
He then edits the le with any text editor. When hes nished, he submits the le to the depot with p4 submit, as described above.
Eds le doc/elmdoc.3 is no longer needed. He deletes it from both his client workspace and from the depot as follows:
$ cd ~/elm/doc $ p4 delete elmdoc.3 //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.3#1 - opened for delete
The le is deleted from the client workspace immediately, but it is not deleted from the depot until he gives the p4 submit command. Once the changelist is submitted, it appears as if the file has been deleted from the depot; however, old file revisions are never actually removed. This makes it possible to read older revisions of deleted files back into the client workspace.
Ed is writing the portion of Elm that is responsible for multiple folders (multiple mailboxes). He has a new source le src/newmbox.c, and he needs to edit the header le hdrs/s_elm.h and the doc/elmdoc les. He adds the new le and prepares to edit the existing les:
$ cd ~ $ p4 add elm/src/newmbox.c //depot/elm_proj/src/newmbox.c#1 - opened for add <etc.> $ p4 edit elm/hdrs/s_elm.h doc/elmdoc.* //depot/elm_proj/hdrs/s_elm.h#1 - opened for edit //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.0#1 - opened for edit //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.1#1 - opened for edit //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.2#2 - opened for edit
He edits the existing les and then performs a p4 submit of the default changelist:
Change: new Client: eds_elm User: edk Status: new Description: Changes to Elms mult. mailbox Files: //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.0 # //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.1 # //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.2 # //depot/elm_proj/hdrs/s_elm.h //depot/elm_proj/src/newmbox.c
All of his changes supporting multiple mailboxes are grouped together in a single changelist; when Ed quits from the editor, either all of these les are updated in the depot, or, if the submission fails for any reason, none of them are. Files can be deleted from the Files: field; these files are moved into the next default changelist, and appear again the next time p4 submit is performed.
Ed wants to edit a set of les in his src directory: leavembox.c, limit.c, and signals.c. He opens the les for edit:
$ cd ~elm/src $ p4 edit leavembox.c limit.c signals.c //depot/elm_proj/src/leavembox.c#2 - opened for edit //depot/elm_proj/src/limit.c#2 - opened for edit //depot/elm_proj/src/signals.c#1 - opened for edit
and then realizes that signals.c is not one of the les he will be working on, and that he didnt mean to open it. He can revert signals.c to its unopened state with p4 revert:
$ p4 revert signals.c //depot/elm_proj/src/signals.c#1 - was edit, reverted
If p4 revert is used on a file that had been opened with p4 delete, it will appear back in the client workspace immediately. If p4 add was used to open the file, p4 revert removes it from the changelist, but leaves the client workspace file intact. If the reverted file was originally opened with p4 edit, the last synced version will be written back to the client workspace, overwriting the newly-edited version of the file. To reduce the risk of overwriting changes by accident, you may want to preview a revert by using p4 revert -n before running p4 revert. The -n option reports what files would be reverted by p4 revert without actually reverting the files.
Lists all Perforce commands with a brief description of each. For any command provided, gives detailed help about that command. For example, p4 help sync provides detailed information about the p4 sync command. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
Describes command-line ags common to all Perforce commands. Gives a discussion of Perforce view syntax Describes all the arguments that can be given to p4 help. Reports information about the current Perforce system: the server address, client root directory, client name, user name, Perforce version, and a few other tidbits.
Lists all le revisions that the Perforce server knows you have in the client workspace. Reports what les would be updated in the client workspace by p4 sync without actually performing the sync operation.
Chapter 4
This chapter covers the Perforce rules in detail. The topics discussed include views, mapping depots to client workspaces, Perforce wildcards, rules for referring to older file revisions, file types, and form syntax. For a brief overview of Perforce, refer to Chapter 3, Perforce Basics: Quick Start.
Files not managed by Perforce may also be under a clients root, but are ignored by Perforce. For example, Perforce may manage the source files in a client workspace, while the workspace also holds compiled objects, libraries, and executables, as well as a developers temporary files. In addition to accessing the client files, the p4 client program sometimes creates temporary files on the client host. Otherwise, Perforce neither creates nor uses any files on the client host.
Perforce uses three wildcards for pattern matching. Any number and combination of these can be used in a single string:
Wildcard * ... %d Meaning
Matches anything except slashes; matches only within a single directory. Matches anything including slashes; matches across multiple directories. Used for parametric substitution in views. See Changing the order of lename substrings on page 43 for a full explanation.
The ... wildcard is passed by the p4 client program to the Perforce server, where it is expanded to match the corresponding files known to p4d. The * wildcard is expanded locally by the OS shell before the p4 command is sent to the server, and the files that match the wildcard are passed as multiple arguments to the p4 command. To have Perforce match the * wildcard against the contents of the depot, it must be escaped, usually with quotes or a backslash. Most command shells dont interfere with the other two wildcards.
When you type p4 client, Perforce displays a variation of the following form:
Client: eds_elm Owner: edk Description: Created by ed. Root: /usr/edk/elm Options: nomodtime noclobber View: //depot/... //eds_elm/...
The contents of the View: field determine where client files get stored in the depot, and where depot files are copied to in the client.
Note The p4 client form has more elds than are described here. For a full
Multiple depots
By default, there is a single depot in each Perforce server, and the name of the depot is depot. The Perforce system administrator can create multiple depots on the same Perforce server. If your system administrator has created multiple depots on your server, the default client view will look something like this:
View: //depot/... //eds_elm/depot/... //user_depot/... //eds_elm/user_depot/... //projects/... //eds_elm/projects/...
The Perforce System Administrators Guide explains how to create multiple depots.
Using views
Views consist of multiple lines, or mappings, and each mapping has two parts. The lefthand side specifies one or more files within the depot, and has the form:
The right-hand side of each mapping describes one or more files within the client workspace, and has the form:
The left-hand side of a client view mapping is called the depot side, and the right-hand side is the client side.
The default view in the example above is quite simple: it maps the entire depot to the entire client workspace. Views can contain multiple mappings, and can be much more complex, but all client views, no matter how elaborate, perform the same two functions: Determine which les in the depot can be seen by a client workspace. This is determined by the sum of the depot sides of the mappings within a view. A view might allow the client workspace to retrieve every le in the depot, or only those les within two directories, or only a single le. Construct a one-to-one mapping between les in the depot and les in the client workspace. Each mapping within a view describes a subset of the complete mapping. The one-toone mapping might be straightforward; for example, the client workspace le tree might be identical to a portion of the depots le tree. Or it can be oblique; for example, a le might have one name in the depot and another in the client workspace, or be moved to an entirely different directory in the client workspace. No matter how the les are named, there is always a one-to-one mapping. To determine the exact location of any client file on the host machine, substitute the value of the p4 client forms Root: field for the client name on the client side of the mapping. For example, if the p4 client forms Root: field for the client eds_elm is set to /usr/edk/elm, then the file //eds_elm/doc/elmdoc.1 will be found on the client host in /usr/edk/elm/doc/elmdoc.1. Windows workspaces spanning multiple drives To specify a Perforce client workspace that spans multiple Windows drives, use a Root: of null, and specify the drive letters in the client workspace view. Use uppercase drive letters when specifying workspaces across multiple drives. For example:
Client: eds_win Owner: edk Description: Eds Windows Workspace Root: null Options: nomodtime noclobber View: //depot/main/... "//eds_win/C:/Current Release/..." //depot/rel1.0/... //eds_win/D:/old/rel1.0/... //depot/rel2.0/... //eds_win/D:/old/rel2.0/...
Wildcards in views
Any wildcard used on the depot side of a mapping must be matched with an identical wildcard in the mappings client side. Any string matched by the wildcard is identical on both sides. In the client view
//depot/elm_proj/... //eds_elm/...
the single mapping contains Perforces ... wildcard, which matches everything including slashes. The result is that any file in the eds_elm client workspace will be mapped to the same location within the depots elm_proj file tree. For example, the file //depot/elm_proj/nls/gencat/README is mapped to the client workspace file //eds_elm/nls/gencat/README. To properly specify file trees, use the ... wildcard after a trailing slash. (If you specify only //depot/elm_proj..., then the resulting view also includes files and directories such as //depot/elm_project_coredumps, which is probably not what you intended.)
Types of mappings
By changing the View: field, it is possible to map only part of a depot to a client workspace. It is even possible to map files within the same depot directory to different client workspace directories, or to have files named differently in the depot and the client workspace. This section discusses Perforces mapping methods. Direct client-to-depot views The default view in the form presented by p4 client maps the entire client workspace tree into an identical directory tree in the depot. For example, the default view
//depot/... //eds_elm/...
indicates that any file in the directory tree under the client eds_elm will be stored in the identical subdirectory in the depot. This view is usually considered to be overkill, as most users only need to see a subset of the files in the depot. Mapping the full client to only part of the depot Usually, youll only want to see part of the depot. Change the left-hand side of the View: field to point to only the relevant portion of the depot.
Example: Mapping part of the depot to the client workspace.
Bettie is rewriting the documentation for Elm, which is found in the depot within its doc subdirectory. Her client is named elm_docs, and her client root is /usr/bes/docs; she types p4 client and sets the View: eld as follows:
//depot/elm_proj/doc/... //elm_docs/...
The les in //depot/elm_proj/doc are mapped to /usr/bes/docs. Files not beneath the //depot/elm_proj/doc directory no longer appear in Betties workspace. Mapping les in the depot to different parts of the client Views can consist of multiple mappings, which are used to map portions of the depot file tree to different parts of the client file tree. If there is a conflict in the mappings, later mappings have precedence over the earlier ones.
Example: Multiple mappings in a single client view.
The elm_proj subdirectory of the depot contains a directory called doc, which has all of the Elm documents. Included in this directory are four les named elmdoc.0 through elmdoc.3. Mike wants to separate these four les from the other documentation les in his client workspace, which is called mike_elm. To do this, he creates a new directory in his client workspace called help, which is located at the same level as his doc directory. The four elmdoc les will go here, so he lls in the View: eld of the p4 client form as follows:
View: //depot/... //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.* //mike_elm/... //mike_elm/help/elmdoc.*
Any le whose name starts with elmdoc within the depots doc subdirectory is caught by the later mapping and appears in Mikes workspaces help directory; all other les are caught by the rst mapping and appear in their normal location. Conversely, any les beginning with elmdoc within Mikes client workspace help subdirectory are mapped to the doc subdirectory of the depot.
Note Whenever you map two sections of the depot to different parts of the client
workspace, some depot and client les will remain unmapped. See Two mappings can conict and fail on page 44 for details. Excluding les and directories from the view Exclusionary mappings allow files and directories to be excluded from a client workspace. This is accomplished by prefacing the mapping with a minus sign ( - ). Whitespace is not allowed between the minus sign and the mapping.
Chapter 4: Perforce Basics: The Details Example: Using views to exclude les from a client workspace.
Bill, whose client is named billm, wants to view only source code; hes not interested in the documentation les. His client view would look like this:
View: //depot/elm_proj/... -//depot/elm_proj/doc/... //billm/... //billm/doc/...
Since later mappings have precedence over earlier ones, no les from the depots doc subdirectory will ever be copied to Bills client. Conversely, if Bill does have a doc subdirectory in his client, no les from that subdirectory will ever be copied to the depot. Allowing lenames in the client to differ from depot lenames Mappings can be used to make the filenames in the client workspace differ from those in the depot.
Example: Files with different names in the depot and client workspace.
Mike wants to store the les as above, but he wants to take the elmdoc.X les in the depot and call them helpfile.X in his client workspace. He uses the following mappings:
View: //depot/elm_proj... //depot/elm_proj/doc/elmdoc.* //mike_elm/... //mike_elm/help/helpfile.*
Each wildcard on the depot side of a mapping must have a corresponding wildcard on the client side of the same mapping. The wildcards are replaced in the copied-to direction by the substring that the wildcard represents in the copied-from direction. There can be multiple wildcards; the nth wildcard in the depot specification corresponds to the nth wildcard in the client description. Changing the order of lename substrings The %d wildcard matches strings similarly to the * wildcard, but %d can be used to rearrange the order of the matched substrings.
Example: Changing string order in client workspace names.
Mike wants to change the names of any les with a dot in them within his doc subdirectory in such a way that the les sufxes and prexes are reversed in his client workspace. For example, hed like to rename the Elm.cover le in the depot cover.Elm in his client workspace. (Mike can be a bit difcult to work with). He uses the following mappings:
View: //depot/elm_proj/... //depot/elm_proj/doc/%1.%2 //mike_elm/... //mike_elm/doc/%2.%1
Two mappings can conict and fail When you use multiple mappings in a single view, some files may map to two separate places in the depot or on the client. When a file doesnt map to the same place in both directions, Perforce ignores that file.
Example: Mappings that conict and fail.
The le //depot/proj1/file.c maps to //joe/proj1/newfile.c, but that same client le //joe/proj1/newfile.c maps back to the depot via the higher-precedence second line to //depot/proj1/file.c. Because the le would be written back to a different location in the depot than where it was read from, Perforce doesnt map this name at all, and the le is ignored. In older versions of Perforce, this was often used as a trick to exclude particular files from the client workspace. Because Perforce now has exclusionary mappings, this type of mapping is no longer useful, and should be avoided.
perform the p4 sync #none before changing the client view, you can always remove the les from their client workspace locations manually).
Warning! Its not a good idea to change both the client Root: and the client View: at the same time. Change either the Root: or the View: according to the
instructions above, make sure that the les are in place in the client workspace, and then change the other.
Should unopened les be left writable on the client? Should p4 sync overwrite (clobber) writable but unopened les in the client with the same name as the newly synced les? Should the data sent between the client and the server be compressed? Both client and server must be version 99.1 or higher, or this setting will be ignored. Note: 2000.2 or earlier only! Should CR/LF translation be performed automatically when copying les between the depot and the client workspace? (On UNIX, this setting is ignored).
Option [un]locked
Default unlocked
Do other users have permission to edit the client specication? (To make a locked client specication truly effective, be sure to set a password for the clients owner with p4 passwd.) If locked, only the owner is able to use, edit, or delete the client spec. Note that a Perforce administrator is still able to override the lock with the -f (force) ag.
For Perforce clients at the 99.2 level or earlier, if modtime is set, the modication date (on the local lesystem) of a newly synced le is the date Ignored for les with the +m le and time at the server when the le was submittype modier. ted to the depot. For Perforce clients at the 2000.1 level or higher, if modtime is set, the modication date (on the local lesystem) of a newly synced le is the datestamp on the le when the le was submitted to the depot. If nomodtime is set, the modication date is the date and time of sync, regardless of Perforce client version. For les with the +m (modtime) le type modier: For Perforce clients at the 99.2 level or earlier, the +m modier is ignored, and the behavior of modtime and nomodtime is as documented above. For Perforce clients at the 2000.1 level or higher, the modication date (on the local lesystem) of a newly synced le is the datestamp on the le when the le was submitted to the depot, regardless of the setting of modtime or nomodtime on the client.
Should p4 sync delete empty directories in a client if all les in the directory have been removed?
If edks current working directory is under /usr/edk/elm, then Perforce uses the UNIX path as his client workspace root, rather than e:\porting\edk\elm. This allows edk to use the same client workspace specification for both UNIX and Windows development.
Client: eds_elm Owner: edk Description: Created by ed. Root: e:\porting\edk\elm AltRoots: /usr/edk/elm Options: nomodtime noclobber View: //depot/src/... //eds_elm/src/...
If you are using multiple client workspace roots, you can always find out which workspace root is in effect by examining the Client root: as reported by p4 info.
Macintosh-style: CR only Windows-style: CR, LF Shared mode: Line endings are LF with any CR/LF pairs translated to LFonly style before storage or syncing with the depot. When you sync your client workspace, line endings will be LF. If you edit the le on a Windows machine, and your editor inserts CRs before each LF, the extra CRs will not appear in the archive le. The most common use of the share option is for users of Windows workstations who mount their UNIX home directories mounted as network drives; if you sync les from UNIX, but edit the les on a Windows machine, the share option eliminates problems caused by Windows-based editors insertion of carriage returns in text les.
Local syntax
Local syntax is simply a files name as specified by the local shell or OS. This name may be an absolute path, or may be specified relative to the current directory, although it can only contain relative components at the beginning of the file name (that is, it doesnt allow sub/dir/./here/file.c). On UNIX, Ed could refer to the README file at Elms top level as /usr/edk/elm/README, or in a number of other ways.
Perforce syntax
Perforce provides its own filename syntax which remains the same across operating systems. Filenames specified in this way begin with two slashes and the client or depot name, followed by the path name of the file relative to the client or depot root directory. The components of the path are separated by slashes.
Examples of Perforce syntax //depot/... //elm_client/docs/help.1
Perforce syntax is sometimes called depot syntax or client syntax, depending on whether the file specifier refers to a file in the depot or on the client, but both forms of file specification work the same way.
Ed wants to delete the src/lock.c le. He can give the p4 delete command in a number of ways: While in his client root directory, he could type
p4 delete src/lock.c
or, while in any directory on the client host, he could type any of the following commands:
p4 delete //eds_elm/src/lock.c p4 delete //depot/elm_proj/src/lock.c p4 delete /usr/edk/elm/src/lock.c
Client names and depot names in a single Perforce server share the same namespace, so Perforce will never confuse a client name with a depot name. Client workspace names and depot names can never be the same.
Note The point of this section is worth repeating: any le can be specied within
any Perforce command in client syntax, depot syntax, or local syntax. The examples in this manual will use these syntaxes interchangeably.
Files in the current directory starting with J All les called help in current subdirectories All les under the current directory and its subdirectories All such les ending in .c All les under /usr/edk All les on client (or depot) weasel All les in the depot named depot All les in all depots (when used to specify les on the command line)
Perforce revision specier for date, label name, or changelist number. Perforce revision specier for revision numbers. Perforce wildcard: matches anything, works within a single directory Perforce wildcard: matches anything, works at the current directory level and includes les in all directory levels below the current level. Perforce wildcard: %0 through %9 are used for positional substitutions. Perforce separator for pathname components.
Observe that most of these characters tend to be difficult to use in filenames in crossplatform environments: UNIX separates path components with /, while many DOS commands interpret / as a command line switch. Most UNIX shells interpret # as the beginning of a comment. Both DOS and UNIX shells automatically expand * to match multiple files, and the DOS command line uses % to refer to variables.
Caveats on non-ASCII lenames Although non-ASCII characters are allowed in filenames and Perforce identifiers, entering them from the command line may require platform-specific solutions. Users of GUI-based file managers can manipulate such files with drag-and-drop operations. For internationalization purposes, there are some limitations on how filenames with nonASCII character sets are displayed. For Release 2001.1, all users should use a common code page setting (under Windows, use the Regional Settings applet in the Control Panel; under UNIX, set the LOCALE environment variable) in order to ensure that all filenames are displayed consistently across all machines in your organization. If you are using Perforce in internationalized mode, all users must have P4CHARSET set properly. For details, see the Command Reference. Using spaces in le and path names Use quotation marks to enclose depot-side or client side mappings of files or directories that contain spaces. For instance, the mapping:
"//depot/release 1.2/doc/..." "//eds_ws/1.2 documentation/..."
maps all files in //depot/main/release 1.2/doc into the 1.2 documentation subdirectory of client workspace eds_ws. Other Perforce objects, such as branch names, client names, label names, and so on, may be specified with spaces, but these spaces are automatically converted to underscores by the Perforce server.
Refers to the version of lock.c when changelist 126 was submitted, even if it was not part of the change.
p4 sync //depot/...@126
Refers to the state of the entire depot at changelist 126 (numbered changelists are explained in Chapter 7, Changelists).
A label name
p4 sync lock.c@beta
The revision of lock.c in the label called beta (labels are explained in Chapter 8, Labels).
A client name. The revision of le last taken into client workspace clientname.
p4 sync lock.c@lisag_ws
p4 sync lock.c#none
Says that there should be no version of lock.c in the client workspace, even if one exists in the depot.
The head revision, p4 sync lock.c#head or latest version, Except for explicitly noted exceptions, this is of the le. identical to referring to the le with no revision specier. The revision on the current client. This is synonymous to @client where client is the current client name.
p4 sync lock.c#have
The head revision of the le at 00:00:00 on the morning of that date. Dates are specied as YYYY/MM/DD. The head revision of the le in the depot on the given date at the given time. The date is specied as above; the time is specied as HH:MM:SS.
file@"date time"
The head revision of lock.c as of May 18, 1998, at 3:21:34 pm. Both forms shown above are equivalent. The date and the time must be separated by a single space or a colon, and the entire string should be quoted. The time is specied on the 24-hour clock. Warning! Perforce allows you to search on dates with two-digit years, but these years are assumed to fall in the twentieth century. For safetys sake, use four-digit years.
In all cases, if a file doesnt exist at the given revision number, it appears as if the file doesnt exist at all. Thus, using a label to refer to a file that isnt in the label is indistinguishable from referring to a file that doesnt exist at all. Date and time specifications are always interpreted with respect to the local time zone of the Perforce server. Note that because the server stores times internally in terms of number of seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 GMT Jan. 1, 1970), if you move your server across time zones, the times recorded on the server will automatically be reported in the new timezone. The date, time, offset from GMT, and time zone in effect at your Perforce server are displayed in the Server date: line in the output of p4 info.
Ed wants to retrieve all the doc les into his Elm doc subdirectory, but he wants to see only those revisions that existed at change number 30. He types
p4 sync //eds_elm/doc/*@30
Later, he creates another client for a different user. The new client should have all of the le revisions that Ed last synced. Ed sets up the new client specication and types
p4 sync //depot/elm_proj/...@eds_elm
Another client needs all its les removed, but these les shouldnt be deleted from the depot. Ed sets P4CLIENT to the correct clientname, and types
p4 sync #none
The les are removed from his workspace (synced to the nonexistent revision), but not from the depot.
Revision Ranges
A few Perforce client commands can limit their actions to a range of revision numbers, rather than just a single revision. A revision range is two revision specifications, separated by a comma. If only a single revision is given where a revision range is expected, the named revision specifies the end of the range, and the start of the range is assumed to be 1. If no revision number or range is given where a revision range is expected, the default is all revisions. The commands that accept revision range specifications are:
p4 changes p4 print p4 file p4 sync p4 integrate p4 verify p4 jobs
Chapter 4: Perforce Basics: The Details Example: Listing changes with revision ranges.
A release manager needs to see a list of all changes to the Elm project in July. He types:
p4 changes //depot/elm_proj/...@2000/7/1,2000/8/1
He can then use p4 describe change# against any desired change for a full description.
File Types
Perforce supports six base file types: text files, binary files, unicode files, native apple files on the Macintosh, Mac resource forks, and UNIX symlinks. File type modifiers can be applied to the base types to enable preservation of timestamps, support for RCS keyword expansion, file compression on the server, and more. When you add a file, Perforce attempts to determine the type of the file automatically: when a file is opened with p4 add, Perforce first determines if the file is a regular file or a symbolic link, and then examines the first part of the file to determine whether its text or binary. If any non-text characters are found, the file is assumed to be binary; otherwise, the file is assumed to be text. (Files of type unicode are detected only when the server is running in unicode mode; for details, see your system administrator.) Once set, a files type is inherited from one revision to the next, but can be overridden or changed by opening the file with the -t filetype flag: p4 add -t filetype filespec adds the les as the type youve specied. p4 edit -t filetype filespec opens the le for edit; when the les are submitted, their type will be changed. p4 reopen -t filetype filespec changes the type of a le thats already open for add or edit. The filetype argument is specified as basetype+modifiers. File type modifiers may be combined; for instance, to change the file type of your Perl script to executable text with RCS keyword expansion, use p4 edit -t text+kx You can determine the type of an existing file by using p4 opened or p4 files. File revisions of binary files are normally stored in full within the depot, but only changes made to text files since the previous revision are normally stored. This is called delta storage, and Perforce uses RCS format to store its deltas. The files type determines whether full le or delta storage is used. When delta storage is used, file merges and file
compares can be performed. Files that are stored in their full form cannot be merged or compared. Some file types are compressed to gzip format when stored in the depot. The compression occurs during the submission process, and decompression happens while syncing. The client workspace always contains the file as it was submitted.
Warning! Do not try to fool Perforce into storing binary les in delta storage by changing the le type to text! If you add a le that contains a ^Z as text from a Windows client, only the part of the le up to the ^Z will be stored in
the depot.
Base le types
The base Perforce file types are:
Keyword text Description Comments Server Storage Type
Text le
Treated as text on the client. Line-ending delta translations are performed automatically on Windows and Macintosh clients. Accessed as binary les on the client. Stored compressed within the depot.
UNIX clients (and the BeOS client) access these as symbolic links. Non-UNIX
binary symlink
Multi-forked AppleSingle storage of Mac data fork, Macintosh le resource fork, le type and le creator. New to Perforce 99.2. For full details, please see the Mac platform notes at technical.html
The only le type for Mac resource forks in Perforce 99.1 and before. This is still supported, but we recommend using the new apple le type instead. For full details, please see the Mac platform notes at technical.html
Keyword unicode
Unicode le
Perforce servers operating in internationalized mode support a Unicode le type. These les are translated into the local character set. For details, see the System Administrators Guide.
Stored as UTF-8
Execute bit set on client File is always writable on client Old-style keyword expansion
Expands only the $Id$ and $Header$ keywords: This pair of modiers exists primarily for backwards compatibility with versions of Perforce prior to 2000.1, and corresponds to the +k (ktext) modier in earlier versions of Perforce.
Expands RCS (Revision Control System) keywords. RCS keywords are casesensitive. When using keywords in les, a colon after the keyword (e.g., $Id:$) is optional. Supported keywords are:
$Id$ $Header$ $Date$ $DateTime$ $Change$ $File$ $Revision$ $Author$
Modier +l
If set, only one user at a time will be able to open a le for editing. Useful for binary le types (e.g., graphics) where merging of changes from multiple authors is meaningless.
Server stores the full compressed version of each le revision Server stores deltas in RCS format Server stores full le per revision Only the head revision is stored on the server Preserve original modtime
Default server storage mechanism for binary les. Default server storage mechanism for text les. Useful for long ASCII les that arent read by users as text, such as PostScript les. Older revisions are purged from the depot upon submission of new revisions. Useful for executable or .obj les. The les timestamp on the local lesystem is preserved upon submission and restored upon sync. Useful for third-party DLLs in Windows environments.
+D +F +S
File type keywords Versions of Perforce prior to 99.1 used a set of keywords to specify file types. The following table lists the older keywords and their current base file types and modifiers:
Old Keyword text xtext ktext kxtext binary xbinary ctext cxtext symlink resource Description Base Filetype text text text text binary binary text text symlink resource Modiers
Text le Executable text le Text le with RCS keyword expansion Executable text le with RCS keyword expansion Non-text le Executable binary le Compressed text le Compressed executable text le Symbolic link Macintosh resource fork
+x +k +kx
+x +C +Cx
none none
Old Keyword uresource ltext xltext ubinary uxbinary tempobj ctempobj xtempobj xunicode
Base Filetype resource text text binary binary ubinary cbinary ubinary unicode
Uncompressed Macintosh resource fork Long text le Executable long text le Uncompressed binary le Uncompressed executable binary le Temporary object Temporary object (compressed) Temporary executable object Executable unicode
Overriding le types with the typemap table Some file formats (for example, Adobe PDF files, and Rich Text Format files) are actually binary files, but can sometimes be mistakenly detected by Perforce as being of type text. Your system administrator can use the p4 typemap command to set up a table matching Perforce file types to file name specifications. When you open a new file for add, Perforce checks the typemap table. If the file matches an entry in the table, Perforce uses the file type specified in the table, rather than the file type it would have otherwise used. You can override the file type specified in the typemap table by specifying it on the command line with the -t filetype modifier. Preserving timestamps with the modtime (+m) modier The modtime (+m) modifier is a special case: It is intended for use by developers who need to preserve a files original timestamp. (Normally, Perforce updates the timestamp when a file is synced.) It allows a user to ensure that the timestamp of a file in a client workspace after a p4 sync will be the original timestamp existing on the file at the time of submission (that is, not the time at the Perforce server at time of submission, and not the time on the client at the time of sync). The +m modifier is useful when developing using the third-party DLLs often encountered in Windows environments. Because the timestamps on such files are often used as proxies for versioning information (both within the development environment and also by the operating system), it is sometimes necessary to preserve the files original timestamps regardless of a Perforce users client settings. If you use the +m modifier on a file, Perforce ignores the modtime (files timestamp at time of submission) or nomodtime (date and time on the client at time of sync) options on the p4 client form when syncing the file, and always restore the files original timestamp at the time of submit.
Expanding RCS keywords with the +k modier If you use the +k modifier to activate RCS keyword expansion for a file, RCS keywords are expanded as follows:
Keyword $Id$ $Header$ $Date$ $DateTime$ Expands To Example $Id: //depot/path/file.txt#3 $ $Header: //depot/path/file.txt#3 $ $Date: 2000/08/18 $ $DateTime: 2000/08/18 23:17:02 $
File name and revision number in depot syntax Synonymous with $Id$ Date of last submission in format YYYY/MM/DD Date and time of last submission in format
YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
Date and time are as of the local time on the Perforce server at time of submission.
Perforce changelist number under which le was submitted File name only, in depot syntax (without revision number) Perforce revision number Perforce user submitting the le
$Change: 439 $
$File: //depot/path/file.txt $
$Revision$ $Author$
single value; other fields, such as Description:, take a block of text; and others, like View:, take a list of lines. Certain fields, like Client: in p4 client, cant have their values changed; others, like Description: in p4 submit, must have their values changed. If you dont change a field that needs to be changed, or vice versa, the worst that will happen is that youll get an error. When in doubt about what fields can be modified, see the Command Reference or use p4 help command.
The following Perforce reporting commands generate information on depot files, not files within the client workspace. When files are specified in local or client syntax on the command line, Perforce uses the client workspace view to map the specified files to their locations in the depot.
Command p4 filelog p4 files p4 sync -n p4 have Meaning
Generates a report on each revision of the le(s), in reverse chronological order. Lists le name, latest revision number, le type, and other information about the named le(s). Tells you what p4 sync would do, without doing it. Lists all the revisions of the named les within the client that were last gotten from the depot. Without any les specier, it lists all the les in the depot that the client has. Reports on all les in the depot that are currently open for edit, add, delete, branch, or integrate within the client workspace. Lists the contents of the named le(s) to standard output. Given a le argument, displays the mapping of that le within the depot, the client workspace, and the local OS.
Revision specifiers can be used with all of these reporting commands, for example p4 files @clientname can be used to report on all the files in the depot that are currently found in client workspace clientname. See Chapter 11, Reporting and Data Mining, for a more detailed discussion of each of these commands.
Chapter 5
File conflicts can occur when two users edit and submit two versions of the same file. Conflicts can occur in a number of ways, but the situation is usually a variant of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ed opens le file.c for edit. Lisa opens the same le in her client for edit. Ed and Lisa both edit their client workspace versions of file.c. Ed submits a changelist containing file.c, and the submit succeeds. Lisa submits a changelist with her version of file.c; and her submit fails.
If Perforce were to accept Lisas version into the depot, the head revision would contain none of Eds changes. Instead, the changelist is rejected and a resolve must be performed. The resolve process allows a choice to be made: Lisas version can be submitted in place of Eds, Lisas version can be dumped in favor of Eds, a Perforce-generated merged version of both revisions can be submitted, or the Perforce-generated merged file can be edited and then submitted. Resolving a file conflict is a two-step process: first the resolve is scheduled, then the resolve is performed. A resolve is automatically scheduled when a submit of a changelist fails because of a file conflict; the same resolve can be scheduled manually, without submitting, by syncing the head revision of a file over an opened revision within the client workspace. Resolves are always performed with p4 resolve. Perforce also provides facilities for locking files when they are edited. This can eliminate file conflicts entirely.
save only the latest revision of each file, and then store the differences between each file revision and the one previous. As an example, suppose that a Perforce depot has three revisions of file file. The head revision (file#3) looks like this:
file#3: This is a test of the emergency broadcast system
From these partial file descriptions, any file revision can be reconstructed. The reconstructed file#1 would read
Reconstructed file#1: This is a test of the urgent system
The RCS (Revision Control System) algorithm, developed by Walter Tichy, uses a notation for implementing this system that requires very little storage space and is quite fast. In RCS terminology, it is said that the full text of the head revisions are stored, along with the reverse deltas of each previous revision. It is interesting to note that the full text of the first revision could be stored, with the deltas leading forward through the revision history of the file, but RCS has chosen the other path: the full text of the head revision of each file is stored, with the deltas leading backwards to the first revision. This is because the head revision is accessed much more frequently than previous file revisions; if the head revision of a file had to be calculated from the deltas each time it was accessed, any SCM utilizing RCS format would run much more slowly.
the same file; p4d contains its own diff routine which is used by Perforce servers to determine file differences when storing deltas. Because Perforces diff always determines file deltas by comparing chunks of text between newline characters, it is by default only used with text files. If a file is binary, each revision is stored in full.
Ed is making a series of changes to the *.guide les in the elm doc subdirectory. He has retrieved the //depot/elm_proj/doc/*.guide les into his client and has opened the les with p4 edit. He edits the les, but before he has a chance to submit them, Lisa submits new Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide 65
versions of some of the same les to the depot. The versions Ed has been editing are no longer the head revisions, and resolves must be scheduled and performed for each of the conicting les before Eds edits can be accepted. Ed schedules the resolves with p4 sync //edk/doc/*.guide. Since these les are already open in the client, Perforce doesnt replace the client les. Instead, Perforce schedules resolves between the client les and the head revisions in the depot. Alternatively, Ed could have submitted the //depot/elm_proj/doc/*.guide les in a changelist; the le conicts would cause the p4 submit to fail, and the resolves would be scheduled as part of the submission failure.
to be resolved, and the error message includes the names of the files that need resolution. If the changelist provided to p4 submit was the default changelist, it is assigned a number, and this number must be used in all future references to the changelist. (Numbered changelists are discussed in Chapter 7, Changelists) Another way of determining whether a resolve is needed is to run p4 sync -n filenames before performing the submit, using the files in the changelist as arguments to the command. If file conflict resolutions are necessary, p4 sync -n reports them. The advantage of this approach is that the files in the default changelist remain in the default changelist (that is, the default changelist will not be reassigned to a numbered changelist).
The remainder of this section explains what this means, and how to use this dialog.
The newly-edited revision of the le in the client workspace. This le is overwritten by result once the resolve process is complete. The revision in the depot that the client revision conicts with. Usually, this is the head revision, but p4 sync can be used to schedule a resolve with any revision between the head revision and base. The le revision in the depot that yours was edited from. Note that base and theirs are different revisions; if they were the same, there would be no reason to perform a resolve. File variation generated by Perforce from theirs, yours, and base. The le resulting from the resolve process. result is written to the client workspace, overwriting yours, and must subsequently be submitted by the user. The instructions given by the user during the resolve process determine exactly what is contained in this le. The user can simply accept theirs, yours, or merge as the result, or can edit merge to have more control over the result.
merge result
The remainder of this chapter will use the terms theirs, yours, base, merge, and result to refer to the corresponding file revisions. The definitions given above are somewhat different when resolve is used to integrate branched files.
Is this line set the same in yours and base, but different in theirs? Is this line set the same in yours and theirs, but different in base? Is this line set different in all three les? Any line sets that are the same in all three files dont need to be resolved. The number of line sets that answer the other four questions are reported by p4 resolve in this form:
2 yours + 3 theirs + 1 both + 5 conflicting
In this case, two line sets are identical in theirs and base but are different in yours; three line sets are identical in yours and base but are different in theirs; one line set was changed identically in yours and theirs; and five line sets are different in yours, theirs, and base.
Thus, editing the Perforce-generated merge file is often as simple as opening the merge file, searching for the difference marker >>>>, and editing that portion of the text. This isnt always the case, as it is often necessary to examine the changes made to theirs to make sure theyre compatible with other changes that you made. This can be facilitated by calling p4 resolve with the -v flag; p4 resolve -v tells Perforce to generate difference markers for all changes made in either file being resolved, instead of only for changes that are in conflict between the yours and theirs files.
Edit the preliminary merge le generated by Perforce Edit the revision of the le currently in the client
Option et
Short Meaning
What it Does
edit theirs
Edit the revision in the depot that the client revision conicts with (usually the head revision). This edit is read-only. Diff line sets from yours that conict with base Diff line sets from theirs that conict with base Diff line sets from merge that conict with base Diff line sets from merge that conict with yours Invoke the command P4MERGE base theirs yours merge. To use this option, you must set the environment variable P4MERGE to the name of a thirdparty program that merges the rst three les and writes the fourth as a result. Display help for p4 resolve Dont perform the resolve right now. Accept yours into the client workspace as the resolved revision, ignoring changes that may have been made in theirs. Accept theirs into the client workspace as the resolved revision. The revision that was in the client workspace is overwritten. Accept merge into the client workspace as the resolved revision. The version originally in the client workspace is overwritten. If you edited the merge le (by selecting e from the p4 resolve dialog), accept the edited version into the client workspace. The version originally in the client workspace is overwritten. If theirs is identical to base, accept yours, if yours is identical to base, accept theirs, if yours and theirs are different from base, and there are no conicts between yours and theirs; accept merge, otherwise, there are conicts between yours and
theirs, so skip this le
dy dt dm d m
? s ay
accept theirs
accept merge
accept edit
Only a few of these options are visible on the command line, but all options are always accessible and can be viewed by choosing help. The merge file is generated by p4ds internal diff routine. But the differences displayed by dy, dt, dm, and d are generated by a diff internal to the Perforce client program, and this diff can be overridden by specifying an external diff in the P4DIFF environment variable. The command line has the following format:
Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) [am]:
Perforces recommended choice is displayed in brackets at the end of the command line. Pressing Return or choosing Accept will perform the recommended choice. The recommended command is chosen by Perforce by the following algorithm: if there were no changes to yours, accept theirs. If there were no changes to theirs, accept yours. Otherwise, accept merge.
Example: Resolving File Conicts
In the last example, Ed scheduled the doc/*.guide les for resolve. This was necessary because both he and Lisa had been editing the same les; Lisa had already submitted versions, and Ed needs to reconcile his changes with Lisas. To perform the resolves, he types p4 resolve //depot/elm_proj/doc/*.guide, and sees the following:
/usr/edk/elm/doc/ - merging //depot/elm_proj/doc/ Diff chunks: 4 yours + 2 theirs + 1 both + 1 conflicting Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) [e]:
This is the resolve dialog for doc/, the rst of the four doc/*.guide les. Ed sees that hes made four changes to the base le that dont conict with any of Lisas changes. He also notes that Lisa has made two changes that hes unaware of. He types dt (for display theirs) to view Lisas changes; he looks them over and sees that theyre ne. Of most concern to him, of course, is the one conicting change. He types e to edit the Perforcegenerated merge le and searches for the difference marker >>>>. The following text is displayed:
Acme Technology Mountain View, California >>>> ORIGINAL VERSION ==== THEIR VERSION 94041 ==== YOUR VERSION 98041 <<<<
He and Lisa have both tried to add a zip code to an address in the le, but Ed had typed it wrong. He edits this portion of the merge le so it reads as follows:
Acme Technology Mountain View, California 94041
The merge le is now acceptable to him: hes viewed Lisas changes, seen that theyre compatible with his own, and the only line conict has been resolved. He quits from the editor and types am; the edited merge le is written to the client, and the resolve process continues on the next doc/*.guide le. When a version of the file is accepted onto the client, the previous client file is overwritten, and the new client file must still be submitted to the depot. Note that it is possible for another user to have submitted yet another revision of the same file to the depot between the time p4 resolve completes and the time p4 submit is performed; in this case, it would be necessary to perform another resolve. This can be prevented by performing a p4 lock on the file before performing the resolve.
Automatically accept yours. Automatically accept theirs. Use this option with caution, as the le revision in the client workspace will be overwritten with no chance of recovery. Automatically accept the Perforce-recommended le revision: If theirs is identical to base, accept yours, if yours is identical to base, accept theirs, if yours and theirs are different from base, and there are no conicts between yours and theirs, accept merge, otherwise, there are conicts between yours and theirs, so skip this le.
Accept the Perforce-recommended le revision, no matter what. If this option is used, the resulting le in the client should be edited to remove any difference markers. If theirs is identical to base, accept yours; if yours is identical to base, accept theirs; otherwise skip this le.
Ed has been editing the les in doc/*.guide, and knows that some of them will require resolving. He types p4 sync doc/*.guide, and all of these les that conict with les in the depot are scheduled for resolve. He then types p4 resolve -am, and the merge les for all scheduled resolves are generated, and those merge les that contain no line set conicts are written to his client workspace. Hell still need to manually resolve all the other conicting les, but the amount of work he needs to do is substantially reduced.
The difference between p4 lock and +l is that p4 lock allows anyone to open a file for edit, but only the person who locked the file may submit it. By contrast, a file of type +l allows only one person to open the file for edit in the first place.
As long as the locked file is open, new versions cant be submitted by other users until the resolved file is either submitted or unlocked. Locked files appear in the output of p4 opened with an indication of *locked*. On UNIX, you can find all locked files you have open with the following command:
p4 opened | grep "*locked*"
This lists all open files you have locked with p4 lock.
You can change a files type to exclusive-open by reopening it with the +l modifier. For instance:
p4 reopen -t binary+l file.gif
Although this prevents concurrent development, for some file types (usually binary files), merging and resolving may not be meaningful, and you may decide that you prefer to allow only one user to check these files out at a time. If you find this style of work to be useful, you may want to ask your Perforce administrator to use the p4 typemap command (documented in the Perforce Command Reference) to ensure that all files matching a file specification (for instance, //depot/.../*.gif for all .gif files) are assigned type +l by default.
Resolve Reporting
Four reporting commands are related to file conflict resolution: p4 diff, p4 diff2, p4
sync -n, and p4 resolved. Command p4 diff [filenames] Meaning
Runs a diff program between the le revision currently in the client and the revision that was last gotten from the depot. If the le is not open for edit in the client, the two le revisions should be identical, so p4 diff fails. Comparison of the revisions can be forced with p4 diff -f, even when the le in the client is not open for edit Although p4 diff runs a diff routine internal to Perforce, this routine can be overridden by specifying an external diff in the P4DIFF environment variable.
Runs p4ds diff subroutine on any two Perforce depot les. The specied les can be any two le revisions, even revisions of entirely different les. The diff routine used by p4d cannot be overridden.
p4 sync -n [filenames] Reports what the result of running p4 sync would be,
without actually performing the sync. This is useful to see which les have conicts and need to be resolved.
p4 resolved
Reports which les have been resolved but not yet submitted. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
The reporting chapter (Chapter 11, Reporting and Data Mining) has a longer description of each of these commands. p4 help provides a complete listing of the many flags for these reporting commands.
Chapter 6
The manual thus far has provided an introduction to the basic functionality provided by Perforce, and subsequent chapters cover the more advanced features. In between are a host of other, smaller facilities; this chapter covers these topics. Included here is information on the following: Changing your Perforce environment with the P4CONFIG environment variable, Using passwords to prevent impersonation by other users, Command-line ags common to all Perforce commands, How to work on les while not connected to a Perforce server, Refreshing the client workspace, Renaming les, and Recommendations for organization of les within the depot.
Whenever a Perforce command is executed, the current working directory and its parent directories are searched for a file with the name stored in P4CONFIG. If a file with that name is found, the values of P4PORT, P4CLIENT, and so on, are read from that file. If no file of the given name is found, the current values of the Perforce environment variables are used. Each variable setting in the file stands alone on a line and must be in the form:
Ed often switches between two workspaces on the same machine. The rst workspace is elmproj. It has a client root of /usr/edk/elm, and connects to the Perforce server at ida:1818. The second workspace is called graphicwork. Its client root is /usr/edk/other/graphics, and it uses the Perforce server at warhol:1666. Ed sets the P4CONFIG environment variable to .p4settings. He creates a le called .p4settings in /usr/edk/elm containing the following text:
P4CLIENT=elmproj P4PORT=ida:1818
He always works within the directories where his les are located. Whenever Ed is anywhere beneath /usr/edk/other/graphics, his Perforce client is graphicwork, and when hes in /usr/edk/elmproj, his client is elmproj. The values found in the file specified by P4CONFIG override any environment or registry variables that have been set. Command-line flags (discussed in the next section) override the values found in the P4CONFIG file.
P4CONFIG automates the process of changing the Perforce environment variables, as new
settings take effect whenever you switch your current working directory from one client workspace directory to another. If you use multiple client workspaces, this is a very useful feature.
Perforce Passwords
By default, any user can assume the identity of any other Perforce user by setting the value of P4USER to a different username, by using the -u flag with the p4 command, or by setting the value of P4USER configuration within the file described by P4CONFIG. Although this makes it easy to perform tasks for other users when necessary, it can also lead to security problems. To prevent another user from impersonating you within Perforce, use the p4 passwd command. No one, including the user who set the password, will be able to use any p4 command without providing the password to Perforce. You can provide this password to Perforce in one of three ways: 78 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
1. 2. 3.
Set the value of the environment or registry variable P4PASSWD to the correct password. Use the -P password ag between p4 and the actual command when giving a Perforce command (for instance, p4 -P eds_password submit). Set the value of P4PASSWD within the le described by P4CONFIG.
For securitys sake, the password should always be set while logged onto the server. Be careful when setting passwords. Once you have set your Perforce password with p4 user, there is no way for you to use Perforce if you forget their password and the value of P4PASSWD has not been properly set. If this happens, the Perforce superuser will have to reset or remove your password.
Note Passwords can also be created, changed, and deleted within the p4 user
form. If you need to have your password reset, contact your Perforce administrator. If you are a Perforce administrator, consult the Perforce System Administrators Guide for information on resetting passwords and other common user-related tasks.
Runs the command on the specied client. Overrides the P4CLIENT environment variable. For servers in unicode mode, override the P4CHARSET variable. Species the current directory, overriding the environment variable PWD.
-C charset
-d directory
Opens les one and two for edit; these les are found relative to ~elm/src.
Flag -G
Example p4 -G info
Cause all output (and batch input for form commands using the -i option) to be formatted as marshalled Python dictionary objects Specify the host name, overriding the environment variable P4HOST. For servers with non-English error messages, override the P4LANGUAGE variable. Gives the Perforce servers listening address, overriding P4PORT. Supplies a Perforce password, overriding the value of P4PASSWD. Usually used in combination with the -u user ag. Prepend a tag to each line of output so as to make output more amenable to scripting. Species a Perforce user, overriding the P4USER environment variable. The user may run only those commands to which he or she has access.
-H host
-L language
-p server
p4 -p mama:1818 clients
-P password
p4 -s info
-u username
p4 -u bill user
Presents the p4 user form to edit the specication for user bill. The command works without the -P ag only if bill has not set a Perforce password. See Working Detached on page 81.
-x filename
Instructs p4 to read arguments, one per line, from the named le. Displays the version of the p4 executable.
p4 -V
All Perforce commands can take these flags, even commands for which these flag usages are useless (for instance, p4 -u bill -d /usr/joe help). Other flags are available as well; these additional flags are command dependent. See the Perforce Command Reference or use p4 help commandname to see the flags for each command. 80 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
Working Detached
Under normal circumstances, you work in your client workspace with a functioning network connection to a Perforce server. As you edit files, you announce your intentions to the server with p4 edit, and the server responds by noting the edit in the depots metadata, and by unlocking the file in your client workspace. However, it is not always possible you to have a network connection to be present, and you may need a method for working entirely detached from the server. The scheme is as follows: Work on les without giving Perforce commands. Instead, you use native OS commands to manually change the permissions on les, and then edit or delete the les. If you did not edit the les within the client workspace, copy them to the client workspace when the network connection is reestablished. Use p4 diff to nd all les in your workspace that have changed or been added without Perforces knowledge. Use the output from this command to bring the depot in sync with the client workspace.
Tells the names of unopened les that are present on the client, but whose contents are different than the les last taken by the client with p4 sync. These les are candidates for p4 edit. Reports the names of unopened les missing from the client. These les are candidates for p4 delete.
p4 diff -sd
Note You can use p4 edit on any le, even les you dont want to edit; this
command gives the local le write permissions, but does not otherwise alter it.
To delete files from the depot that were removed from the client workspace, use:
p4 diff -sd > DEL_FILES p4 -x DEL_FILES delete
As always, your edit and delete requests are stored in changelists, which Perforce does not process until you type p4 submit.
Refreshing les
The process of syncing a depot with a formerly detached client workspace has a converse: Perforce can get confused about the contents of a client workspace if you accidentally use the local OS file deletion command. For example, suppose that you accidentally delete a client workspace file via the UNIX rm command, and that the file is one that you wanted to keep. Even after a submit, p4 have will still list the file as being present in the workspace. In such a situation, you can use p4 sync -f files to bring the client workspace in sync with the files the depot thinks you have. This command is mostly a recovery tool for bringing the client workspace back into sync with the depot after accidentally removing or damaging files managed by Perforce.
This is the easiest mapping, and can be used for the most simple Perforce depots, but mapping the entire depot to the workspace can lead to problems later on. Suppose your server currently stores files for only one project, but another project is added later: everyone who has a client workspace mapped as above will wind up receiving all the files from both projects into their workspaces. Additionally, the default workspace view does not facilitate branch creation. The safest way to organize the depot, even from the start, is to create one subdirectory per project within the depot. For example, if your company is working on three projects named zeus, athena, and apollo, three subtrees might be created within the depot:
Chapter 6: Perforce Basics: Miscellaneous Topics //depot/zeus, //depot/athena, and //depot/apollo. If Joe is working on the zeus
And Sarah, whos working on the athena and apollo projects, might set up her client workspace as:
//depot/athena/... //depot/apollo/... //sarah/athena/... //sarah/apollo/...
This sort of organization can be easily extended to as many projects and branches as are needed. Another way of solving the same problem is to have the Perforce system administrator create one depot for each project or branch. See the Perforce System Administrators Guide for details about setting up multiple depots.
Renaming Files
Although Perforce doesnt have a rename command, you can rename files by using p4 integrate to copy the file from one location in the depot to another, deleting the file from the original location, and then submitting the changelist that includes the integrate and the delete. The process is as follows:
p4 integrate from_files to_files p4 delete from_files p4 submit
The from_file is moved to the directory and renamed according to the to_file specifier. For example, if from_file is d1/one and to_file is d2/two, then one is moved to the d2 directory, and is renamed two. The from_file and to_file specifiers may include wildcards, as long as they are matched on both sides. Perforce write access (explained in the Perforce System Administrators Guide) is needed on all the specified files.
As a result, if you run p4 changes newfile, youll see only changes to newfile. Only changes that have taken place after the renaming will be listed:
$ p4 changes newfile.c Change 4 on 2000/10/24 by user@client Latest bugfix Change 3 on 2000/10/23 by user@client Renamed file
In order to see the full history of changes to the file (including changes made before the file was renamed or moved), you must specify the -i (include changes from integrations) flag to p4 changes, as follows:
$ p4 changes -i newfile.c Change 4 on 2000/10/24 by Change 3 on 2000/10/23 by Change 2 on 2000/10/21 by change 1 on 2000/10/20 by user@client user@client user@client user@client Latest bugfix Renamed file second version initial check-in
Specifying the -i flag tells p4 changes to trace back through the integration records and retrieve all change information, regardless of how many times the file (or the directory in which it lives) has been renamed or moved.
Chapter 7
A Perforce changelist is a list of files, their revision numbers, and operations to be performed on these files. Commands such as p4 add filenames and p4 edit filenames include the affected files in a changelist; the depot is not actually altered until the changelist is submitted with p4 submit. When a changelist is submitted to the depot, the depot is updated atomically: either all of the files in the changelist are updated in the depot, or none of them are. This grouping of files as a single unit guarantees that code alterations spanning multiple files are updated in the depot simultaneously. To reflect the atomic nature of changelist submissions, submission of a changelist is sometimes called an atomic change transaction. Perforce attempts to make changelist usage as transparent as possible: in the normal case, Perforce commands such as p4 edit add the affected files to the default changelist, and p4 submit sends the default changelist to the server for processing. However, there are two sets of circumstances that would require the user to understand and manipulate nondefault changelists: Sometimes a user wants to split les into separate groups for submission. For example, suppose a user is xing two bugs, each of which spans a separate set of les. Rather than submit the xes to both bugs in a single changelist, the user might elect to create one changelist for the les that x the rst bug, and another changelist for the les that x the second bug. Each changelist would be submitted to the depot via separate p4 submit operations. Under certain circumstances, the p4 submit command can fail. For example, if one user has a le locked and another user submits a changelist that contains that le, the submit fails. When a submit of the default changelist fails, the changelist is assigned a number, is no longer the default changelist, and must be referred to by its number. In the above circumstances, the user must understand how to work with numbered changelists.
Chapter 7: Changelists
different form in earlier chapters. It is presented again here to provide a complete discussion of changelists. A changelist is a list of files, revision numbers of those files, and operations to be performed on those files. For example, a single changelist might contain the following:
/doc/elm-help.1 /utils/elmalias.c revision 3 revision 2 edit delete
Each of the files in the changelist is said to be open within the client workspace: the first of the files above was opened for edit with p4 edit, and the second was opened for deletion with p4 delete. The files in the changelist are updated within the depot with p4 submit, which sends the changelist to the server; the server processes the files contained in the changelist and alters the depot accordingly. The commands that add or remove files from changelists are:
p4 add p4 integrate p4 delete p4 reopen p4 edit p4 revert
By default, these commands, and p4 submit, act on the default changelist. For example, if you type p4 add filename, this file is added to the default changelist. When you type p4 submit, the default changelist is submitted. When you type p4 submit, a change form is displayed, containing the files in the default changelist. Any file can be deleted from this list; when a file is deleted, it is moved to the next default changelist, and will appear again the next time you type p4 submit. A changelist must contain a user-entered description, which describes the nature of the changes being made.
p4 submit can take an optional, single file pattern as an argument. In this case, only those
files in the default changelist that match the file pattern are included in the submitted changelist. Since the p4d server program must receive this file pattern as a single argument, make sure to escape the * wildcard if it is used. When the user quits from the p4 submit editor, the changelist is submitted to the server and the server attempts to update the files in the depot. If there are no problems, the changelist is assigned a sequential number, and its status changes from new or pending to submitted. Once a changelist has been submitted, it becomes a permanent part of the depots metadata, and is unchangeable except by Perforce administrators. 86 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
Chapter 7: Changelists
Ed is working on two bug xes simultaneously. One of the bugs involves mail ltering and requires updates of les in the filter subdirectory; the other problem is in the aliasing system, and requires an update of utils/elmalias.c. Ed wants to update each bug separately in the depot; this will allow him to refer to one bug x by one change number and the other bug x by another change number. Hes already started xing both bugs, and has opened some of the affected les for edit. He types p4 change, and sees
Change: new Client: eds_elm User: edk Status: new Description: <enter description here> Files: //depot/elm_proj/filter/filter.c //depot/elm_proj/filter/lock.c //depot/elm_proj/utils/elmalias.c
Chapter 7: Changelists
Ed wants to use this changelist to submit only the x to the lter problems. He changes the form, deleting the last le revision from the le list. When hes done, the form looks like this:
Change: new Client: eds_elm User: edk Status: new Description: Fixes filtering problems Files: //depot/elm_proj/filter/filter.c //depot/elm_proj/filter/lock.c
# edit # edit
The le that he removed from the list, utils/elmalias.c, is now found in the default changelist. He could include that le in another numbered changelist, but decides to leave it where it is. He xes both bugs at his leisure. He realizes that the lter problem requires updates to another le: filter/lock.c. He opens this le for edit with p4 edit -c 29 filter/lock.c; opening the le with the -c 29 ag puts the le in changelist 29, which he created above. (If the le had already been open for edit in the default changelist, he could have moved it to changelist 29 with p4 reopen -c 29 filter/lock.c). Ed nishes xing the aliasing bug, and, since the affected les are in the default changelist, he submits the changelist with a straightforward p4 submit. Hell nish xing the ltering bug later.
Chapter 7: Changelists
User B submits her default changelist, and User A submits his default changelist. User As submit is rejected, since the le revision of file1.c that he edited is no longer the head revision of that le. If any file in a changelist is rejected for any reason, the entire changelist is backed out, and none of the files in the changelist are updated in the depot. If the submitted changelist was the default changelist, Perforce assigns the changelist the next change number in sequence, and this change number must be used from this point on to refer to the changelist. Perforce also locks the files to prevent others from changing them while the user resolves the reason for the failed submit. If the submit failed because the client-owned revision of the file is not the head revision, a merge must be performed before the changelist will be accepted. (File merging is described in Chapter 5, Perforce Basics: Resolving File Conflicts).
Ed has nished xing the ltering bug that hes been using changelist 29 for. Since he created that changelist, hes submitted another changelist (change 30), and two other users have submitted changelists. Ed submits change 29 with p4 submit -c 29, and is told:
Change 29 renamed change 33 and submitted.
Deleting Changelists
To remove a pending changelist that has no files or jobs associated with it, use p4 change -d changenum. Pending changelists that contain open files or jobs must have the files and jobs removed from them before they can be deleted: use p4 reopen to move files to another changelist, p4 revert to remove files from the changelist (and revert them back to their old versions), or p4 fix -d to remove jobs from the changelist. Changelists that have already been submitted can be deleted by a Perforce administrator only under very specific circumstances. Please see the Perforce System Administrators Guide for more information.
Chapter 7: Changelists
Changelist Reporting
The two reporting commands associated with changelists are p4 changes and p4 describe. The former is used to view lists of changelists with short descriptions, while the latter prints verbose information for a single changelist.
Command p4 changes p4 changes -m count p4 changes -s status Meaning
Displays a list of all pending and submitted changelists, one line per changelist, and an abbreviated description. Limits the number of changelists reported on to the last count changelists. Limits the list to those changelists with a particular status; for example, p4 changes -s submitted will list only already submitted changelists. Limits the list to those changelists submitted by a particular user. Limits the list to those changelists submitted from a particular client workspace. Displays full information about a single changelist. If the changelist has already been submitted, the report includes a list of affected les and the diffs of these les. (You can use the -s ag to exclude the le diffs.)
Chapter 8
A Perforce label is a set of tagged file revisions. You can use labels to reproduce the state of these files within a client workspace. Labels provide a method of naming important sets of file revisions for future reference. For example, you might want to tag the file revisions that compose a particular release with the label release2.0.1. At a later time, you can retrieve all the tagged revisions into a client workspace by syncing the workspace to the label. Create a label when you want to: keep track of all the le revisions contained in a particular release of software, distribute a particular set of le revisions to other users, or branch from a known set of le revisions.
Using labels
Labeling files is a two-step process. 1. 2. Create the label. Tag the le revisions with the label.
Chapter 8: Labels
(The View: field denotes a label view; this field can be used to limit which files can be tagged with the label. You do not normally need to change the View: field; the only thing you need to do is update the labels description.) After you have created the label, you can use it to tag any revision of any file under Perforce control. Only one revision of a given file can be tagged with a given label, but the same file revision may be tagged with multiple labels. Files are tagged with labels using the p4 labelsync command.
All revisions in your client workspace are tagged with my_label, and any revisions previously tagged by my_label which are not present in your client workspace, are untagged.
Note Anyone can use p4 labelsync with your label to tag or untag les.
To prevent others (or yourself) from inadvertently changing which les are tagged by a label, lock the label. See Preventing inadvertent tagging and untagging of les on page 93 for details.
Chapter 8: Labels
The revisions of files under //depot/proj/rel1.0/hdrs/.. that also reside in your client workspace are tagged with the name my_label. (This operation can also be thought of as adding the label to the files; hence the use of the -a flag with p4 labelsync.)
If you omit the filepattern, an implicit //... is assumed; all files formerly tagged by the label are untagged. To untag a subset of tagged files, supply a file specification. For example, if you have previously tagged all revisions under //depot/proj/rel1.0/... with my_label, you can untag only the header files with:
p4 labelsync -d -l my_label //depot/proj/rel1.0/hdrs/*.h
Revisions of the *.h header files are no longer tagged with my_label. (Just as you can add a label to files with p4 labelsync -a, you can delete the label from files with p4 labelsync -d.)
Chapter 8: Labels
All revisions tagged with labelname are listed with their file type, change action, and changelist number. (This command is equivalent to p4 files //...@labelname)
Ed is working in a large client workspace, and wishes to tag a recently built set of binaries in this workspace with the label build1.0. He wants to ensure that he doesnt inadvertently tag the rest of his workspace by calling p4 labelsync without specifying a le argument. He types p4 label build1.0 and uses the labels View: eld to restrict the scope of the label as follows:
Label: build1.0 Owner: edk Description: Created by edk. Options: unlocked View: //depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/...
After he saves from the editor, a new empty label build1.0 is created. This label can tag only les in the /rel1.0/bin directory. With the default View: of //depot/..., he must type:
p4 labelsync -a //depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/... -l labelname
With the new View:, Ed can use p4 labelsync -l build1.0 to tag the desired les. The locked / unlocked option in the Options: eld can be used to prevent others from inadvertently retagging les with p4 labelsync. See Preventing inadvertent tagging and untagging of les on page 93).
Chapter 8: Labels
Lisa wants to retrieve some of the binaries tagged by Eds build1.0 label into her client workspace. To get all les tagged by build1.0, she could type:
p4 sync //depot/...@build1.0
or even:
p4 sync @build1.0
Instead, shes interested in seeing only one platforms build from that label, so she types:
p4 sync //depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/osx/*@build1.0
and sees:
//depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/osx/server#6 - added as /usr/lisa/osx/server#6 //depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/osx/logger#12 - added as /usr/lisa/osx/logger#12 //depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/osx/install#2 - added as /usr/lisa/osx/install#2 <etc>
All les under //depot/proj/rel1.0/bin/osx that are tagged with Eds build1.0 label and are also in Lisas client workspace view are retrieved into her workspace.
Deleting labels
To delete a label, use the following command:
p4 label -d labelname
Chapter 8: Labels
The rules followed by labelsync to tag files with a label are as follows: 1. You must be the owner of the label to use p4 labelsync on it, and the label must be unlocked. If you are not the owner of a label, you may (assuming you have sufcient permissions) make yourself the owner by running:
p4 label labelname
and changing the Owner: eld to your Perforce user name in the p4 label form. If you are the owner of a label, you may unlock the label by setting the Options: eld (also in the p4 label form) to unlocked. 2. 3. All les tagged with a label must be in the label view specied in the p4 label form. Any les or directories not included in a label view are ignored by p4 labelsync. When p4 labelsync is used to tag a le revision with a label, the revision is tagged with the label if it is not already tagged with the label. If a different revision of the le is already tagged with the label, it is untagged and the newly specied revision is tagged. Any given le revision may be tagged by one or more labels, but only one revision of any le can be tagged with a given label at any one time. If labelsync is called with no lename arguments, as in:
p4 labelsync -l labelname
then all the les in both the label view and the client workspace view are tagged with the label. The revisions tagged by the label are those last synced into the client workspace; these revisions (the #have revisions) can be seen in the p4 have list. Calling p4 labelsync this way removes the label from revisions it previously tagged unless those revisions are in your workspace. 5. 6. When you call p4 labelsync with le pattern arguments, but the arguments contain no revision specications, the #have revision is tagged with the label. If you call p4 labelsync with le pattern arguments and those arguments contain revision specications, the specied le revisions are tagged with the label. Specifying a revision in this manner overrides all other ways of specifying a revision with a label; whether the client workspace contains a different revision than the one specied, (or doesnt contain the le at all), the revision specied on the command line is tagged with the label.
Chapter 8: Labels
The following table lists variations of p4 labelsync as typed on the command line, their implicit arguments as parsed by the Perforce Server, and the sets of files from which p4 labelsync selects the intersection for tagging.
Call p4 labelsync with -l label Implicit Arguments -l label //myworkspace/...#have
Tags every le in your client workspace at the revision currently in your client workspace.
-l label [cwd]/files#have
Tags only the les in your client workspace that you specify, at the revision currently in your client workspace.
-l label [cwd]/files#rev
Tags only the les in your client workspace that you specify, at the revision you specify. Files must be in your client workspace view. You can use numeric revision speciers here, or #none to untag les, or #head to tag the latest revision of a le, even if you havent synced that revision to your workspace.
-l label //files#have
-l label //files
Tags only the les in the depot that you specify, at the revision currently in your client workspace, whether the les are in your client workspace view or not.
-l label //files#rev
-l label //files#rev
Tags only the les in the depot that you specify, at the revision at the revision you specify, whether the les are in your client workspace view or not.
Label Reporting
The commands that list information about labels are:
Command p4 labels p4 labels file#revrange Description
List the names, dates, and descriptions of all labels known to the server List the names, dates, and descriptions of all labels that tag the specied revision(s) of file.
Chapter 8: Labels
Lists all les and revisions tagged by labelname. Lists the revisions tagged by the label that would be brought into your client workspace, (as well as les under Perforce control that would be deleted from your client workspace because they are not tagged by the label), without updating your client workspace.
Chapter 9
Perforces Inter-File Branching mechanism allows any set of files to be copied within the depot, and allows changes made to one set of files to be copied, or integrated, into another. By default, the new file set (or codeline) evolves separately from the original files, but changes in either codeline can be propagated to the other with the p4 integrate command.
What is Branching?
Branching is a method of keeping two or more sets of similar (but not identical) files synchronized. Most software configuration management systems have some form of branching; we believe that Perforces mechanism is unique because it mimics the style in which users create their own file copies when no branching mechanism is available. Suppose for a moment that youre writing a program and are not using an SCM system. Youre ready to release your program: what would you do with your code? Chances are that youd copy all your files to a new location. One of your file sets would become your release codeline, and bug fixes to the release would be made to that file set; your other files would be your development file set, and new functionality to the code would be added to these files. What would you do when you find a bug thats shared by both file sets? Youd fix it in one file set, and then copy the edits that you made into the other file set. The only difference between this homegrown method of branching and Perforces branching methodology is that Perforce manages the file copying and edit propagation for you. In Perforces terminology, copying the files is called making a branch. Each file set is known as a codeline, and copying an edit from one file set to the other is called integration. The entire process is called branching.
Chapter 9: Branching
They would branch the release codeline from the development codeline. When the development codeline is ready, it is integrated into the release codeline. Afterwards, patches and bug xes are made in the release code, and at some point in the future, integrated back into the development code. A company is writing a driver for a new multi-platform printer. It has written a UNIX device driver, and is now going to begin work on a Macintosh driver using the UNIX code as their starting point. The developers create a branch from the existing UNIX code, and now have two copies of the same code. These two codelines can then evolve separately. If bugs are found in either codeline, bug xes can be propagated from one codeline to the other with the Perforce p4 integrate command. One basic strategy is to develop code in //depot/main/ and create branches for releases (for example, //depot/rel1.1/). Make bug fixes that affect both codelines in //depot/main/ and integrate them into the release codelines. Make release-specific bug fixes in the release branch and, if required, integrate them back into the //depot/main/ codeline.
In the second method, Perforce stores a mapping that describes which set of files get branched to other files, and this mapping, or branch specification, is given a name. The command the user runs to copy changes from one set of files to the other looks like this:
p4 integrate -b branchname [tofiles]
Chapter 9: Branching
2. 3.
Version 2.0 of Elm has just been released, and work on version 3.0 is about to commence. Work on the current development release always proceeds in //depot/elm_proj/..., and it is determined that maintenance of version 2.0 will take place in //depot/elm_r2.0/... The les in //depot/elm_proj/... need to be branched into //depot/elm_r2.0/..., so Ed does the following: He decides that hell want to work on the new //depot/elm_r2.0/... les within his client workspace at /usr/edk/elm_proj/r2.0. He uses p4 client to add the following mapping to his client view:
//depot/elm_r2.0/... //eds_elm/r2.0/...
He runs
p4 integrate //depot/elm_proj/... //depot/elm_r2.0/...
which copies all the les under //depot/elm_proj/... to //eds_elm/v2.0 in his client workspace. Finally, he runs p4 submit, which adds the new branched les to the depot.
Chapter 9: Branching
Why not just copy the les? Although it is possible to accomplish everything that has been done thus far by copying the files within the client workspace and using p4 add to add the files to the depot, when you use p4 integrate, Perforce is able to track the connections between related files in an integration record, allowing easy propagation of changes between one set of files and another. Branching not only enables you to more easily track changes, it creates less overhead on the server. When you copy files with p4 add, you create two copies of the same file on the server. When you use branching, Perforce performs a lazy copy of the file, so that the depot holds only one copy of the original file and a record that a branch was created.
Ed has created a release 2.0 branch of the Elm source les as above, and has xed a bug in the original codelines src/elm.c le. He wants to merge the same bug x to the release 2.0 codeline. From his home directory, Ed types
p4 integrate elm_proj/src/elm.c //depot/elm_r2.0/src/elm.c
and sees
//depot/elm_r2.0/src/elm.c#1 - integrate from //depot/elm_proj/src/elm.c#9
The le has been scheduled for resolve. He types p4 resolve, and the standard merge dialog appears on his screen.
/usr/edk/elm_r2.0/src/elm.c - merging //depot/elm_proj/src/elm.c#2 Diff chunks: 0 yours + 1 theirs + 0 both + 0 conflicting Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) [at]:
Chapter 9: Branching
He resolves the conict with the standard use of p4 resolve. When hes done, the result le overwrites the le in his branched client, and it still must be submitted to the depot. There is one fundamental difference between resolving conflicts in two revisions of the same file, and resolving conflicts between the same file in two different codelines. The difference is that Perforce will detect conflicts between two revisions of the same file and then schedule a resolve, but there are always differences between two versions of the same file in two different codelines, and these differences usually dont need to be resolved manually. (In these cases, a p4 resolve -as or p4 resolve -am to accept the Perforcerecommended revision is usually sufficient. See Using Flags with Resolve to Automatically Accept Particular Revisions on page 71 for details.) In their day-to-day use, there is no difference between branched files and non-branched files. The standard Perforce commands like sync, edit, delete, submit, and so on. are used with all files, and evolution of both codelines proceeds separately. When changes to one codeline need to be propagated to another, you must tell Perforce to do this with p4 integrate, but if the codelines evolve separately, and changes never need to be propagated, youll never need to integrate or resolve the files in the two codelines.
Ed wants to integrate some changes in //depot/elm_r2.0/src/screen.c le to the original version of the same le. He types
p4 integrate //depot/elm_r2.0/src/screen.c //depot/elm_proj/src/screen.c
and then runs p4 resolve. The changes in the branched le can now be merged into his source le.
Chapter 9: Branching
3. 4.
Use p4 integrate -b branchname to create the new les. To propagate changes from source les to target les, use p4 integrate -b branchname [tofiles]. Perforce uses the branch specication to determine which les the merged changes come from Use p4 submit to submit the changes to the target les to the depot.
The following example demonstrates the same branching that was performed in the example above, this time using a branch specification.
Example: Creating a branch.
Version 2.0 of Elm has just been released, and work on version 3.0 is about to commence. Work on the current development release always proceeds in //depot/elm_proj/..., and it is determined that maintenance of version 2.0 will take place in //depot/elm_r2.0/... The les in //depot/elm_proj/... need to be branched into //depot/elm_r2.0/..., so Ed does the following: Ed creates a branch specication called elm2.0 by typing p4 branch elm2.0. The following form is displayed:
Branch: elm2.0 Date: 1997/05/25 17:43:28 Owner: edk Description: Created by edk. View: //depot/... //depot/...
The view maps the original codelines les (on the left) to branched les (on the right). Ed changes the View: and Description: elds as follows:
Branch: elm2.0 Date: 1997/05/25 17:43:28 Owner: edk Description: Elm release 2.0 maintenance codeline View: //depot/elm_proj/... //depot/elm_r2.0/...
Ed wants to work on the new //depot/elm_r2.0/... les within his client workspace at /usr/edk/elm_proj/r2.0. He uses p4 client to add the following mapping to his client view: //depot/elm_r2.0/... //eds_elm/r2.0/... He runs p4 integrate -b elm2.0, which copies all the les under //depot/elm_proj/... to //eds_elm/r2.0/... in his client workspace; then he runs p4 submit, which adds the newly branched les to the depot.
Chapter 9: Branching
Once the branch has been created and the files have been copied into the branched codeline, changes can be propagated from the source files to the target files with p4 integrate -b branchname.
Example: Propagating changes to les with p4 integrate.
A bug has been xed in the original codelines src/elm.c le. Ed wants to propagate the same bug x to the branched codeline hes been working on. He types
p4 integrate -b elm2.0 ~edk/elm_r2.0/src/elm.c
and sees:
//depot/elm_r2.0/src/elm.c#1 - integrate from //depot/elm_proj/src/elm.c#9
The le has been scheduled for resolve. He types p4 resolve, and the standard merge dialog appears on his screen.
/usr/edk/elm_r2.0/src/elm.c - merging //depot/elm_proj/src/elm.c#9 Diff chunks: 0 yours + 1 theirs + 0 both + 0 conflicting Accept(a) Edit(e) Diff(d) Merge (m) Skip(s) Help(?) [at]:
He resolves the conict with the standard use of p4 resolve. When hes done, the result le overwrites the le in his branched client, and it still must be submitted to the depot.
Exclusionary mappings can be used within branch specications. To reverse the direction of an integration that uses a branch specication, use the -r ag.
Chapter 9: Branching
If you omit the tofiles argument, all the les in the branch are affected. The direction of integration through a branch specication may be reversed with the -r ag. For example, to integrate changes from a branched le to the original source le, use p4 integrate -b branchname -r [tofiles] The p4 integrate command, like p4 add, p4 edit, and p4 delete, does not actually affect the depot immediately; instead, it adds the affected les to a changelist, which must be submitted with p4 submit. This keeps the integrate operation atomic: either all the named les are affected at once, or none of them are. The actual action performed by p4 integrate is determined by particular properties of the source les and the target les: If the target le doesnt exist, the source le is copied to target, target is opened for branch, and Perforce begins tracking the integration history between the two les. The next integration of the two les will treat this revision of source as base. If the target le exists, and was originally branched from the source le with p4 integrate, then a three-way merge is scheduled between target and source. The base revision is the previously integrated revision of source. If the target le exists, but was not branched from the source, then these two le revisions did not begin their lives at a common, older le revision, so there can be no base le, and p4 integrate rejects the integration. This is referred to as a baseless merge. To force the integration, use the -i ag; p4 integrate will use the rst revision of source as base. (Actually, p4 integrate uses the most recent revision of source that was added to the depot as base. Since most les are only opened for add once, this will almost always be the rst revision of source.)
Note In previous versions of Perforce (99.1 and earlier), integration of a target
that was not originally branched from the source would schedule a twoway merge, in which the only resolve choices were accept yours and accept theirs. As of Perforce 99.2, it is no longer possible to perform a two-way merge of a text le (even when possible, it was never desirable).
Chapter 9: Branching
By default, a le that has been newly created in a client workspace by p4 integrate cannot be edited before its rst submission. To make a newly-branched le available for editing before submission, perform a p4 edit of the le after the resolve process is complete. To run the p4 integrate command, you need Perforce write access on the target les, and read access on the source les. (See the Perforce System Administrators Guide for information on Perforce protections).
Deleting Branches
To delete a branch, use
p4 branch -d branchname
Deleting a branch deletes only the branch specification, making the branch specification inaccessible from any subsequent p4 integrate commands. The files themselves can still be integrated with p4 integrate fromfiles tofiles, and the branch specification can always be redefined. If the files in the branched codeline are to be removed, they must be deleted with p4 delete.
Ed has made two bug xes to his le src/init.c, and Kurt wants to integrate the change into his branched version, which is called newinit.c. Unfortunately, init.c has gone through 20 revisions, and Kurt doesnt want to have to delete all the extra code from all 20 revisions while resolving.
Chapter 9: Branching
Kurt knows that the bug xes he wants were made to le revisions submitted in changelist 30. From the directory containing his newinit.c le in his branched workspace, he types
p4 integrate -b elm_r1 newinit.c@30,@30
The target le is given as an argument, but the le revisions are applied to the source. When Kurt runs p4 resolve, only the revision of Eds le that was submitted in changelist 30 is scheduled for resolve. That is, Kurt only sees the changes that Ed made to init.c in changelist 30. The le revision that was present in the depot at changelist 29 is used as base.
The le to which changes are being propagated (also called the target le). This le in the client workspace is overwritten by the result when you resolve. The le from which changes are read (also known as the source le). This le resides in the depot, and is not changed by the resolve process. The last integrated revision of the source le. When you use integrate to create the branched copy of the le in the depot, the newly-branched copy is base.
Apply the branch view to any target les provided on the command line to produce a list of source/target le pairs. If no les are provided on the command line, a list of all source/target le pairs is generated, including each revision of each source le that is to be integrated. Discard any source/target pairs for which the source le revisions have already been integrated. Each revision of each le that has been integrated is recorded, to avoid making you merge changes more than once. Discard any source/target pairs whose source le revisions have integrations pending in les that are already opened in the client. Integrate all remaining source/target pairs. The target le is opened on the client for the appropriate action and merging is scheduled.
3. 4.
Integrates actions
The integrate command will take one of three actions, depending on particular characteristics of the source and target files:
Action branch Meaning
If the target le does not exist, it is opened for branch. The branch action is a variant of add, but Perforce keeps a record of which source le the target le was branched from. This allows three-way merges to be performed between subsequent source and target revisions with the original source le revision as base. If both the source and target les exist, the target is opened for integration, which is a variant of edit. Before a user can submit a le that has been opened for integration, the source and target must be merged with p4 resolve. When the target le exists but no corresponding source le is mapped through the branch view, the target is marked for deletion. This is consistent with integrates semantics: it attempts to make the target tree reect the source tree.
By default, when you integrate using a branch specification, the original codeline contains the source files, and the branched codeline is the target. However, if you reverse the direction of integration by specifying the -r flag, the branched codeline contains the source, and the original files are the targets.
Chapter 9: Branching
Integration Reporting
The branching-related reporting commands are:
Command Function p4 integrate -n [filepatterns] Previews the results of the specied integration,
but does not perform the integration. (To perform the integration, omit the -n ag.)
p4 resolve -n [filepatterns]
Displays les that are scheduled for resolve by p4 integrate, but does not perform the resolve. (To perform the resolve, omit the -n ag.) Displays les that have been resolved but not yet submitted. Displays all branches. Displays the integration history of the specied les. Displays the revision histories of the specied les, including the integration histories of les from which the specied les were branched.
Christopher Seiwald and Laura Wingerds Best SCM Practices paper provides a discussion of many source configuration management issues, including an overview of basic branching techniques. This paper is available at:
Streamed Lines: Branching Patterns for Parallel Software Development is an extremely detailed paper on branching techniques. Youll find it at:
Chapter 10
Job Tracking
A job is a written description of some modification to be made to a source code set. A job might be a bug description, like the system crashes when I press return, or it might be a system improvement request, like please make the program run faster. Whereas a job represents work that is intended, a changelist represents work actually done. Perforces job tracking mechanism allows jobs to be linked to the changelists that implement the work requested by the job. A job can later be looked up to determine if and when it was fixed, which file revisions implemented the fix, and who fixed it. A job linked to a numbered changelist is marked as completed when the changelist is submitted. Jobs perform no functions internally to Perforce; rather, they are provided as a method of keeping track of information such as what changes to the source are needed, which user is responsible for implementing the job, and which file revisions contain the implementation of the job. The type of information tracked by the jobs system can be customized; fields in the job form can be added, changed, and deleted by Perforce administrators.
Sarahs Perforce server uses Perforces default jobs specication. Sarah knows about a job in Elms ltering subsystem, and she knows that Ed is responsible for Elm lters. Sarah creates a new job with p4 job and lls in the resulting form as follows:
Job: new Status: open User: edk Date: 1998/05/18 17:15:40 Description: Filters on the Reply-To: field dont work.
Sarah has lled in a description and has changed User: to edk. Since job fields differ from site to site, the fields in jobs at your site may be very different than what you see above. The default p4 job forms fields are:
Field Name Job Status Description Default new new; changes to open after job
An open job is one that has been created but has not yet been xed. A closed job is one that has been completed. A suspended job is an open job that is not currently being worked on. Jobs with status new exist only while a new job is being created; they change to status open as soon as the form has been completed and the job added to the database.
The user whom the job is assigned to, usually the username of the person assigned to x this particular problem. The date the job was last modied, displayed as
Perforce username of the person creating the job. The date and time at the moment this job was last modied.
Arbitrary text assigned by the user. Usually a written description of the problem that is meant to be xed.
If p4 job is called with no parameters, a new job is created. The name that appears on the form is new, but this can be changed by the user to any desired string. If the Job: field is left as new, Perforce will assign the job the name jobN, where N is a sequentially-assigned six-digit number. Existing jobs can be edited with p4 job jobname. The user and description can be changed arbitrarily; the status can be changed to any of the three valid status values open, closed, or suspended. When you call p4 job jobname with a nonexistent jobname, Perforce creates a new job. (A job, if submitted with a Status: of new, has this status automatically changed to open upon completion of the job form.)
Job: new Status: open User: setme Type: setme Priority: unknown Subsystem: setme Owned_by: edk Description: <enter description here>
Some of the fields have been set by the administrator to allow one of a set of values; for example, Priority: must be one of a, b, c, or unknown. The p4 job fields dont tell you what the valid values of the fields are; your Perforce administrator can tell you this in comments at the top of the job form. If you find the information in the comments for your jobs to be insufficient to enter jobs properly, please tell your Perforce administrator.
Ed wants to nd all jobs that contain the words filter, file, and mailbox. He types:
p4 jobs -e 'filter file mailbox'
Spaces between search terms in jobviews act as boolean ands. You can use ampersands instead of spaces in jobviews, so the jobviews 'joe sue' and 'joe&sue' are identical. To find jobs that contain any of the terms, separate the terms with the '|' character.
Example: Finding jobs that contain any of a set of words in any eld.
Ed wants to nd jobs that contains any of the words filter, file or mailbox. He types:
p4 jobs -e 'filter|file|mailbox'
Ed wants to nd all open jobs related to ltering of which he is the owner. He types:
p4 jobs -e 'status=open user=edk filter.c'
This will nd all jobs with a Status: of open, a User: of edk, and the word filter.c in any non-date eld.
Ed wants to nd all open jobs related to ltering of which he is not the owner. He types:
p4 jobs -e 'status=open ^user=edk filter'
This displays all jobs with a Status: of open, a User: of anyone but edk, and the word filter in any non-date eld. The not operator ^ can be used only directly after an and (space or &). Thus, p4 jobs -e '^user=edk' is not allowed. You can use the * wildcard to get around this: p4 jobs -e 'job=* ^user=edk' returns all jobs with a user field not matching edk.
The behavior of these operators depends upon the type of the field in the jobview.The field types are:
Field Type word text line Explanation Examples
A single word A block of text A single line of text. Differs from text elds only in that line values are entered on the same line as the eld name, and text values are entered on the lines beneath the eld name. One of a set of values A date value
A user name: edk A jobs description An email address A users real name, for example Linda Hopper
A jobs status:
Field types are often obvious from context; a field called mod_date, for example, is most likely a date field. If youre not sure of a fields type, run p4 jobspec -o, which outputs the job specification your local jobspec. The field called Fields: lists the job fields names and datatypes.
The jobview comparison operators behave differently depending upon the type of field theyre used with. The comparison operators match the different field types as follows:
Field Type word Use of Comparison Operators in Jobviews
The equality operator = must match the value in the word eld exactly. The inequality operators perform comparisons in ASCII order. The equality operator = matches the job if the word given as the value is found anywhere in the specied eld. The inequality operators are of limited use here, since theyll match the job if any word in the specied eld matches the provided value. For example, if a job has a text eld ShortDescription: that contains only the phrase gui bug, and the jobview is 'ShortDesc<filter', the job will match the jobview, because bug<filter.
See text, above. The equality operator = matches a job if the value of the named eld is the specied word. Inequality operators perform comparisons in ASCII order. Dates are matched chronologically. If a specic time is not provided, the operators =, <=, and >= will match the whole day.
Chapter 10: Job Tracking Example: Automatically linking jobs to changelists with the p4 user forms JobView eld.
Ed wants to see all open jobs that he owns in all changelists he creates. He types p4 user and adds a JobView: eld:
User: Update: Access: JobView: edk 1998/06/02 13:11:57 1998/06/03 20:11:07 user=edk&status=open
All of Eds jobs that meet these JobView: criteria automatically appear on all changelists he creates. He can, and should, delete jobs that arent xed by the changelist from the changelist form before submission. When a changelist is submitted, the jobs linked to it will have their status: elds value changed to closed.
You can use p4 fix to link a changelist to a job owned by another user. Sarah has submitted a job called options-bug to Ed. Unbeknownst to Sarah, the bug reported by the job was xed in Eds previously submitted changelist 18. Ed links the job to the previously submitted changelist by typing:
p4 fix -c 18 options-bug
Since changelist 18 has already been submitted, the jobs status is changed to closed.
Chapter 10: Job Tracking Example: Including and excluding jobs from changelists.
Ed has set his p4 user s JobView: eld as in the example above. He is unaware of a job that Sarah has made Ed the owner of (when she entered the job, she set the User: eld to edk). He is currently working on an unrelated problem; he types p4 submit and sees the following:
Change: new Client: eds_ws User: edk Status: new Description: Updating "File" I/O files Jobs: job000125 # Filters on "Reply-To" field dont work Files: //depot/src/file.c //depot/src/file_util.c //depot/src/fileio.c # edit # edit # edit
Since this job is unrelated to the work hes been doing, and since it hasnt been xed, he deletes job000125 from the form and then quits from the editor. The changelist is submitted without job000125 being associated with the changelist.
Ed uses the reporting commands to read the details about job job000125. He xes this problem, and a number of other bugs; when he next types p4 submit, he sees:
Change: new Client: eds_ws User: edk Status: new Description: Fixes a number of filter problems Jobs: job000125 # Filters on "Reply-To" field dont work Files: //depot/filter/actions.c # edit //depot/filter/audit.c # edit //depot/filter/filter.c # edit
Since the job is xed in this changelist, Ed leaves the job on the form. When he quits from the editor, the jobs status is changed to closed. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide 119
Deleting Jobs
A job can be unlinked from any changelist with p4 fix -d -c changenum jobname. Jobs can be deleted entirely with p4 job -d jobname.
Available from this page are the TeamShare and Bugzilla implementations, an overview of the P4DTIs capabilities, and a kit (including source code and developer documentation) for building integrations with other products or in-house systems. Even if you dont use the P4DTI kit as a starting point, you can still use Perforces job system as the interface between Perforce and your defect tracker. See the Perforce System Administrators Guide for more information.
...all jobs that match particular criteria ...all the jobs that were xed by changelists that affected particular le(s)
...all changelists and le revisions that xed a particular job p4 fixes -j jobname
...all jobs linked to a particular changelist ...all jobs xed by changelists that contain particular les or le revisions
Other job reporting variations are available. For more examples, please see Job Reporting on page 133, or consult the Perforce Command Reference.
Chapter 11
Perforces reporting commands supply information on all data stored within the depot. There are many reporting commands; in fact, there are almost as many reporting commands as there are action commands. These commands have been discussed throughout this manual; this chapter presents the same commands and provides additional information for each command. Tables in each section contain answers to questions of the form How do I find information about...? Many of the reporting commands have numerous options, but discussion of all options for each command is beyond the scope of this manual. For a full description of any particular command, please consult the Perforce Command Reference, or type p4 help command at the command line. One previously mentioned note on syntax is worth repeating here: any filespec argument in Perforce commands, as in:
p4 files filespec
will match any file pattern that is supplied in local syntax, depot syntax, or client syntax, with any Perforce wildcards. Brackets around [filespec] mean that the file specification is optional. Additionally, many of the reporting commands can take revision specifiers as part of the filespec. Revision specifiers are discussed on Specifying Older File Revisions on page 51.
The commands that report on files fall into two categories: those that give information about file contents, (for instance, p4 print, p4 diff), and those that supply information on file metadata, the data that describe a file with no reference to content (e.g. p4 files, p4 filelog). The first set of reporting commands discussed in this section describe file metadata, while the second set describe file contents.
File metadata
Basic le information To view information about single revisions of one or more files, use p4 files. This command provides the locations of the files within the depot, the actions (add, edit, delete, and so on) on those files at the specified revisions, the changelists the specified file revisions were submitted in, and the files types. The output has this appearance:
//depot/README#5 - edit change 6 (text)
The p4 files command requires one or more filespec arguments. Filespec arguments can, as always, be provided in Perforce or local syntax, but the output always reports on the corresponding files within the depot. If you dont provide a revision number, Perforce uses the head revision. Unlike most other commands, p4 files also describes deleted revisions, rather than suppressing information about deleted files.
To View File Metadata for... Use This Command: p4 files //depot/... p4 files @clientname p4 files //clientname/... p4 files filespec p4 files filespec#revisonNum p4 files @n p4 files filespec@labelname
...all les in the depot, whether or not visible through your client view ...all the les currently in any client workspace ...all the les in the depot that are mapped through your current client workspace view ...a particular set of les in the current working directory ...a particular le at a particular revision number ...all les at change n, whether or not the le was actually included in change n ...a particular le within a particular label File revision history
The revision history of a file is provided by p4 filelog. One or more file arguments must be provided, and since the point of p4 filelog is to list information about each revision of particular files, file arguments to this command may not contain a revision specification. The output of p4 filelog has this form:
... #3 change 23 edit on 1997/09/26 by edk@doc <ktext> Fix help system ... #2 change 9 edit on 1997/09/24 by lisag@src <text> Change file ... #1 change 3 add on 1997/09/24 by edk@doc <text> Added filtering bug
For each file that matches the filespec argument, the complete list of file revisions is presented, along with the number of the changelist that the revision was submitted in, the date of submission, the user who submitted the revision, the files type at that revision, and the first few characters of the changelist description. With the -l flag, the entire description of each changelist is printed:
#3 change 23 edit on 1997/09/26 by edk@doc Updated help files to reflect changes in filtering system & other subsystems ...<etc.>
Opened les To see which files are currently opened within a client workspace, use p4 opened. For each opened file within the client workspace that matches a file pattern argument, p4 opened prints a line like the following:
//depot/elm_proj/README - edit default change (text)
Each opened file is described by its depot name and location, the operation that the file is opened for (add, edit, delete, branch, or integrate), which changelist the file is included in, and the files type.
To See... Use This Command: p4 opened p4 opened -a p4 opened -c changelist# p4 opened -c default p4 opened filespec p4 opened -a filespec
...a listing of all opened les in the current workspace ...a list of all opened les in all client workspaces ...a list of all les in a numbered pending changelist ...a list of all les in the default changelist ...whether or not a specic le is opened by you ...whether or not a specic le is opened by anyone
The first part of the output is the location of the file in depot syntax; the second part is the location of the same file in client syntax, and the third is the location of the file in local OS syntax.
p4 haves output has this form: //depot/doc/Ref.txt#3 - /usr/edk/elm/doc/Ref.txt
...which revisions of which les you have in the client workspace ...which revision of a particular le is in your client workspace ...where a particular le maps to within the depot, the client workspace, and the local OS ...where a particular le in the depot maps to in the workspace ...which les would be synced into your client workspace from the depot when you do the next sync
File contents
Contents of a single revision You can view the contents of any file revision within the depot with p4 print. This command simply prints the contents of the file to standard output, or to the specified output file, along with a one-line banner that describes the file. The banner can be removed by passing the -q flag to p4 print. When printed, the banner has this format:
//depot/elm_proj/README#23 - edit change 50 (text) p4 print takes a mandatory file argument, which can include a revision specification. If a revision is specified, the file is printed at the specified revision; if no revision is specified, the head revision is printed. To See the Contents of Files... Use This Command: p4 print filespec p4 print -q filespec p4 print filespec@changenum the current head revision ...without the one-line le header a particular change number
Annotated le contents Use p4 annotate to find out which file revisions or changelists affected lines in a text file. By default, p4 annotate displays the file, each line of which is prepended by a revision number indicating the revision that made the change. The -a option displays all lines, including lines no longer present at the head revision, and associated revision ranges. The -c option displays changelist numbers, rather than revision numbers.
Example: Using p4 annotate to track changes to a le
The third line is deleted and the second line edited so that file.txt#2 reads:
This is a text file. The second line is new.
Finally, a third changelist is submitted, that includes no changes to file.txt. After the third changelist, the output of p4 annotate and p4 annotate -c look like this:
$ p4 annotate file.txt //depot/files/file.txt#3 - edit change 153 (text) 1: This is a text file. 2: The second line is new. $ p4 annotate -c file.txt //depot/files/file.txt#3 - edit change 153 (text) 151: This is a text file. 152: The second line is new.
The rst line of file.txt has been present since file.txt#1, as submitted in changelist 151. The second line has been present since file.txt#2, as submitted in changelist 152. To show all lines (including deleted lines) in the le, use p4 annotate -a as follows:
$ p4 annotate -a file.txt //depot/files/file.txt#3 - edit change 12345 (text) 1-3: This is a text file. 1-1: The second line has not been changed. 1-1: The third line has not been changed. 2-3: The second line is new.
The rst line of output shows that the rst line of the le has been present for revisions 1 through 3. The next two lines of output show lines of file.txt present only in revision 1. The last line of output shows that the line added in revision 2 is still present in revision 3. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide 127
You can combine the -a and -c options to display all lines in the le and the changelist numbers (rather than the revision numbers) at which the lines existed. File content comparisons A client workspace file can be compared to any revision of the same file within in the depot with p4 diff. This command takes a filespec argument; if no revision specification is supplied, the workspace file is compared against the revision last read into the workspace. The p4 diff command has many options available; only a few are described in the table below. For more details, please consult the Perforce Command Reference. Whereas p4 diff compares a client workspace file against depot file revisions, p4 diff2 can be used to compare any two revisions of a file. It can even be used to compare revisions of different files. p4 diff2 takes two file arguments -- wildcards are allowed, but any wildcards in the first file argument must be matched with a corresponding wildcard in the second. This makes it possible to compare entire trees of files. There are many more flags to p4 diff than described below. For a full listing, please type p4 help diff at the command line, or consult the Perforce Command Reference.
To See the Differences between... Use This Command: p4 diff file open le within the client workspace and the revision last taken into the workspace ...any le within the client workspace and the revision last taken into the workspace ...a le within the client workspace and the same les current head revision ...a le within the client workspace and a specic revision of the same le within the depot ...the n-th and head revisions of a particular le ...all les at changelist n and the same les at changelist m
p4 diff -f file
p4 diff file#head
p4 diff file#revnumber
...all les within two branched codelines ...a le within the client workspace and the revision last taken into the workspace, passing the context diff ag to the underlying diff
The last example above bears further explanation; to understand how this works, it is necessary to discuss how Perforce implements and calls underlying diff routines. Perforce uses two separate diffs: one is built into the p4d server, and the other is used by the p4 client. Both diffs contain identical, proprietary code, but are used by separate sets of commands. The client diff is used by p4 diff and p4 resolve, and the server diff is used by p4 describe, p4 diff2, and p4 submit. Perforces built-in diff routine allows three -d<flag> flags: -du, -dc, and -dn. Both p4 diff and p4 diff2 allow any of these flags to be specified. These flags behave identically to the corresponding flags in the standard UNIX diff. Although the server must always use Perforces internal diff routine, the client diff can be set to any external diff program by pointing the P4DIFF environment variable to the full path name of the desired executable. Any flags used by the external diff can be passed to it with p4 diffs -d flag. Flags are passed to the underlying diff according to the following rules: If the character immediately following the -d is not a single quote, then all the characters between the -d and whitespace are prepended with a dash and sent to the underlying diff. If the character immediately following the -d is a single quote, then all the characters between the opening quote and the closing quote are prepended with a dash and sent to the underlying diff. The following examples demonstrate the use of these rules in practice.
If you want to pass the following ag to an external client diff program: -u --brief -C 25 Then call p4 diff this way: p4 diff -du p4 diff -d-brief p4 diff -dC 25
Two separate commands are used to describe changelists. The first, p4 changes, lists changelists that meet particular criteria, without describing the files or jobs that make up the changelist. The second command, p4 describe, lists the files and jobs affected by a single changelist. These commands are described below.
By default, p4 changes displays an aggregate report containing one line for every changelist known to the system, but command line flags and arguments can be used to limit the changelists displayed to those of a particular status, those affecting a particular file, or the last n changelists. Currently, the output cant be restricted to changelists submitted by particular users, although you can write simple shell or Perl scripts to implement this (youll find an example of such a script in the Perforce System Administrators Guide).
To See a List of Changelists... Use This Command: p4 changes p4 changes -l p4 changes -m n p4 changes -s status p4 changes -u user p4 changes -c workspace p4 changes filespec p4 changes -i filespec
...with the rst 31 characters of the changelist descriptions ...with the complete description of each changelist ...including only the last n changelists ...with a particular status (pending or submitted) ...from a particular user ...from a particular client workspace to those that affect particular les to those that affect particular les, but including changelists that affect les which were later integrated with the named les
130 to changelists that affect particular les, including only those changelists between revisions m and n of these les
p4 changes filespec@lab1,@lab2 to those that affect particular les at each les revisions between labels lab1 and lab2 to those between two dates ...between an arbitrary date and the present day
Note For details about Perforce commands that allow you to use revision ranges
This output is quite lengthy, but a shortened form that eliminates the diffs can be generated with p4 describe -s changenum.
To See: Use This Command: p4 opened -c changelist# p4 describe changenum
...a list of les contained in a pending changelist ...a list of all les submitted and jobs xed by a particular changelist, displaying the diffs between the le revisions submitted in that changelist and the previous revisions ...a list of all les submitted and jobs xed by a particular changelist, without the le diffs ...a list of all les and jobs affected by a particular changelist, while passing the context diff ag to the underlying diff program ...the state of particular les at a particular changelist, whether or not these les were affected by the changelist
p4 files filespec@changenum
For more commands that report on jobs, see Job Reporting on page 133.
Reporting on labels is accomplished with a very small set of commands. The only command that reports only on labels, p4 labels, prints its output in the following format:
Label release1.3 1997/5/18 Created by edk Label lisas_temp 1997/10/03 Created by lisag ...<etc.>
The other label reporting commands are variations of commands weve seen earlier.
To See: Use This Command: p4 labels p4 labels file#revrange p4 files @labelname p4 sync -n @labelname
...a list of all labels, the dates they were created, and the name of the user who created them ...a list of all labels containing a specic revision (or range) ...a list of les that have been included in a particular label with p4 labelsync ...what p4 sync would do when retrieving les from a particular label into your client workspace 132
...a list of all branches known to the system ...a list of all les in a particular branched codeline ...what a particular p4 integrate variation would do, without actually doing the integrate ...a list of all the revisions of a particular le
p4 filelog -i filespec
p4 resolve [args] -n [filespec] ...what a particular p4 resolve variation would do, without actually doing the resolve
...a list of les that have been resolved but have not yet been submitted ...a list of integrated, submitted les that match the filespec arguments ...a list of all the revisions of a particular le, including revision of the le(s) it was branched from
Job Reporting
Two commands report on jobs. The first, p4 jobs, reports on all jobs known to the system, while the second command, p4 fixes, reports only on those jobs that have been attached to changelists. Both of these commands have numerous options.
Its output includes the jobs name, date entered, job owner, status, and the first 31 characters of the job description. All jobs known to the system are displayed unless command-line options are supplied. These options are described in the table below.
To See a List of Jobs: Use This Command: p4 jobs p4 jobs -l p4 jobs -e jobview
...including all jobs known to the server ...including the full texts of the job descriptions ...for which certain elds contain particular values (For more about jobviews, see Viewing jobs by content with jobviews on page 114) ...that have been xed by changelists that contain specic les, including changelists that contain les that were later integrated into the specied les
...that have been xed by changelists that contain specic les p4 jobs filespec
p4 jobs -i filespec
A number of options allow the reporting of only those changes that fix a particular job, jobs fixed by a particular changelist, or jobs fixed by changelists that are linked to particular files. A fixed job will not necessarily have a status of closed job, since open jobs can be linked to pending changelists, and pending jobs can be reopened even after the associated changelist has been submitted. To list jobs with a particular status, use p4 jobs.
To See a Listing of... Use This Command: p4 fixes p4 fixes -j jobname p4 fixes -c changenum
...all xes for all jobs ...all changelists linked to a particular job ...all jobs linked to a particular changelist
...all jobs xed by changelists that contain particular les ...all jobs xed by changelists that contain particular les, including changelists that contain les that were later integrated with the specied les
...the names of all counter variables currently used by your Perforce system ...the numbers of all changelists that have not yet been reported by a particular counter variable ...all users who have subscribed to review particular les ...all users who have subscribed to read any les in a particular changelist ...a particular users email address
System Conguration
Three commands report on the Perforce system configuration. One command reports on all Perforce users, another prints data describing all client workspaces, and a third reports on Perforce depots.
p4 users generates its data as follows: edk <edk@eds_ws> (Ed K.) accessed 1997/07/13 lisag <lisa@lisas_ws> (Lisa G.) accessed 1997/07/14
Each line includes a username, an email address, the users real name, and the date that Perforce was last accessed by that user. To report on client workspaces, use p4 clients:
Client eds_elm 1997/09/12 root /usr/edk Eds Elm workspace Client lisa_doc 1997/09/13 root /usr/lisag Created by lisag.
Each line includes the client name, the date the client was last updated, the client root, and the description of the client. Depots can be reported with p4 depots. All depots known to the system are reported on; the described fields include the depots name, its creation date, its type (local or remote), its IP address (if remote), the mapping to the local depot, and the system administrators description of the depot. The use of multiple depots on a single Perforce server is discussed in the Perforce System Administrators Guide.
To view: Use This Command: p4 users p4 users username p4 clients p4 depots
...user information for all Perforce users ...user information for only certain users ...brief descriptions of all client workspaces ...a list of all dened depots
The -n flag prevents commands from doing their job. Instead, the commands simply tell you what they would ordinarily do. You can use the -n flag with the following commands
p4 integrate p4 resolve p4 labelsync p4 sync
You can use this to uncover which changes have been made to r98.4 that havent been integrated back into main.
Appendix A
Installing Perforce
This appendix outlines how to install a Perforce server for the first time. This appendix is mainly intended for people installing an evaluation copy of Perforce for trial use; if youre installing Perforce for production use, or are planning on extensive testing of your evaluation server, we strongly encourage you to read the detailed information in the Perforce System Administrators Guide.
Getting Perforce
Perforce requires at least two executables: the server (p4d), and at least one Perforce client program (such as p4 on UNIX, or p4.exe or p4win.exe on Windows). The server and client executables are available from the Downloads page on the Perforce web site:
Go to the web page, select the files for your platform, and save the files to disk.
Although the example shown is sufficient to run p4d, other flags that control such things as error logging, checkpointing, and journaling, can be provided. These flags (and others) are discussed in the Perforce System Administrators Guide.
to gracefully shut down the Perforce server. Only a Perforce superuser can use p4 admin
If you are running a release of Perforce from prior to 99.2, you must find the process ID of the p4d server and kill the process manually from the UNIX shell. Use kill -15 (SIGTERM) instead of kill -9 (SIGKILL), as p4d might leave the database in an inconsistent state if p4d is in the middle of updating a file when a SIGKILL signal is received.
Uninstall Perforce: remove the Perforce server, service, and client executables, registry keys, and service entries. The Perforce database and the depot les stored under your server root are preserved.
Only a Perforce superuser can use p4 admin stop. For older revisions of Perforce, shut down services manually by using the Services applet in the Control Panel. Shut down servers running in command prompt windows by typing CTRL-C in the window or by clicking on the icon to Close the command prompt window. Although these manual shutdown options work with Release 99.2 and earlier versions of Perforce, they are not necessarily clean, in the sense that the server or service is shut down abruptly. With the availability of the p4 admin stop command in 99.2, the manual shutdown options are obsolete. 142 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
Appendix B
Environment Variables
This table lists all the Perforce environment variables and their definitions. Youll find a full description of each variable in the Perforce Command Reference.
For internationalized installations only, the character set to use for Unicode translations Name of current client workspace File name from which values for current environment variables are to be read The name and location of the diff program used by p4 resolve and p4
The editor invoked by those Perforce commands that use forms Name of host computer to impersonate. Only used if the Host: eld of the current client workspace has been set in the p4 client form. A le that holds the database journal data, or off to disable journaling. This variable is reserved for system integrators. Name and path of the le to which Perforce server error and diagnostic messages are to be logged. A third-party merge program to be used by p4 resolves merge option The program used to page output from p4 resolves diff option Stores the users password as set in the p4 user form For the Perforce server, the port number to listen on; for the p4 client, the name and port number of the Perforce server with which to communicate The directory used to resolve relative lename arguments to p4 commands Directory in which p4d stores its les and subdirectories The users Perforce username The directory to which Perforce writes its temporary les
(See the p4 set section of the Perforce Command Reference or run the command p4 help set to obtain more information about setting Perforces registry variables in Windows). Windows administrators running Perforce as a service can set variables for use by a specic service with p4 set -S svcname var=value. To view a list of the values of all Perforce variables, use p4 set without any arguments. On UNIX, this displays the values of the associated environment variables. On NT, this displays either the MS-DOS environment variable (if set), or the value in the registry and whether it was defined with p4 set (for the current user) or p4 set -s (for the local machine).
Appendix C
A permission assigned to a user to control which Perforce commands the user can execute. See protections. An access level that gives the user permission to run Perforce commands that override metadata, but do not affect the state of the server. Perforce le type assigned to Macintosh les that are stored using AppleSingle format, permitting the data fork and resource fork to be stored as a single le. Grouping operations affecting a number of les in a single transaction. If all operations in the transaction succeed, all the les are updated. If any operation in the transaction fails, none of the les are updated. The le revision on which two newer, conicting le revisions are based. Perforce le type assigned to a non-text le. By default, the contents of each revision are stored in full and the le is stored in compressed format. (noun) A codeline created by copying another codeline, as opposed to a codeline that was created by adding original les. branch is often used as a synonym for branch view. (verb) To create a codeline branch with p4 integrate. The Perforce form you use to modify a branch. Species how a branch is to be created by dening the location of the original codeline and the branch. The branch specication is used by the integration process to create and update branches. Client workspaces, labels, and branch specications cannot share the same name. A specication of the branching relationship between two codelines in the depot. Each branch view has a unique name, and denes how les are mapped from the originating codeline to the target codeline. See branch.
apple le type
branch view
Appendix C: Glossary
An atomic change transaction in Perforce. The changes specied in the changelist are not stored in the depot until the changelist is submitted to the depot. The Perforce form you use to modify a changelist. The unique numeric identier of a changelist. The process of sending email to users who have registered their interest in changes made to specied les in the depot. A copy of the underlying server metadata at a particular moment in time. See metadata. The Perforce form you use to dene a client workspace. A name that uniquely identies the current client workspace. The root directory of a client workspace. If two or more client workspaces are located on one machine, they cannot share a root directory. The right-hand side of a mapping within a client view, specifying where the corresponding depot les are located in the client workspace. A set of mappings that species the correspondence between le locations in the depot and the client workspace. Directories on the client computer where you work on le revisions that are managed by Perforce. By default this name is set to the name of the host machine on which the client workspace is located; to override the default name, set the P4CLIENT environment variable. Client workspaces, labels, and branch specications cannot share the same name. A set of les that evolve collectively. One codeline can be branched from another, allowing each set of les to evolve separately.
changelist form changelist number change review checkpoint client form client name client root
client side
Appendix C: Glossary
One type of conict occurs when two users open a le for edit. One user submits the le; after which the other user cant submit because of a conict. The cause of this type of conict is two users opening the same le. The other type of conict is when users try to merge one le into another. This type of conict occurs when the comparison of two les to a common base yields different results, indicating that the les have been changed in different ways. In this case, the merge cant be done automatically and must be done by hand. The type of conict is caused by non-matching diffs. See le conict.
A numeric variable used by Perforce to track changelist numbers in conjunction with the review feature. The changelist used by Perforce commands, unless a numbered changelist is specied. A default pending changelist is created automatically when a le is opened for edit. The depot name that is assumed when no name is specied. The default depot name is depot. In Perforce, a le with its head revision marked as deleted. Older revisions of the le are still available. The differences between two les. A le repository on the Perforce server. It contains all versions of all les ever submitted to the server. There can be multiple depots on a single server. The root directory for a depot. The left side of any client view mapping, specifying the location of les in a depot. Perforce syntax for specifying the location of les in the depot. A client computer that cannot connect to a Perforce server. A set of lines that dont match when two les are compared. A conict is a pair of unequal diffs between each of two les and a common third le. The le from which changes are taken when propagating changes from one le to another.
donor le
Appendix C: Glossary
A permission that denies access to the specied les. In a three-way le merge, a situation in which two revisions of a le differ from each other and from their base le. Also: an attempt to submit a le that is not an edit of the head revision of the le in the depot; typically occurs when another user opens the le for edit after you have opened the le for edit.
Perforce command line syntax that enables you to specify les using wildcards. The master copy of all les; shared by all users. In Perforce, this is called the depot. A specic version of a le within the depot. Each revision is assigned a number, in sequence. Any revision can be accessed in the depot by its revision number, for example: testfile#3. All the subdirectories and les under a given root directory. An attribute that determines how Perforce stores and diffs a particular le. Examples of le types are text and binary. A job that has been linked to a changelist. Screens displayed by certain Perforce commands. For example, you use the Perforce change form to enter comments about a particular changelist and to verify the affected les. The method by which Perforce stores revisions of binary les in the depot: every le revision is stored in full. Contrast this with reverse delta storage, which Perforce uses for text les. An obsolete Perforce term: replaced by sync. A list of Perforce users. The list of le revisions currently in the client workspace. The most recent revision of a le within the depot. Because le revisions are numbered sequentially, this revision is the highest-numbered revision of that le. To compare two sets of les (for example, two codeline branches) and determine which changes in one set apply to the other, determine if the changes have already been propagated, propagate any outstanding changes.
Appendix C: Glossary
Perforces proprietary branching mechanism. A user-dened unit of work tracked by Perforce. The job template determines what information is tracked. The template can be modied by the Perforce system administrator A specication containing the elds and valid values stored for a Perforce job. A syntax used for searching Perforce jobs. A le containing a record of every change made to the Perforce servers metadata since the time of the last checkpoint. The process of recording changes made to the Perforce servers metadata. A named list of user-specied le revisions. The view that species which le names in the depot can be stored in a particular label. A method used by Perforce to make internal copies of les without duplicating le content in the depot. Lazy copies minimize the consumption of disk space by storing references to the original le instead of copies of the le. Ensures that the number of Perforce users on your site does not exceed the number for which you have paid. A protection level that enables you to run reporting commands but prevents access to the contents of les. Any depot located on the current Perforce server. The operating-system-specic syntax for specifying a le name. A Perforce le lock prevents other clients from submitting the locked le. Files are unlocked with the p4 unlock command or submitting the changelist that contains the locked le. Error output from the Perforce server. By default, error output is written to standard error. To specify a log le, set the P4LOG environment variable, or use the p4d -L ag.
job specication job view journal journaling label label view lazy copy
Appendix C: Glossary
A single line in a view, consisting of a left side and a right side that specify the correspondences between les in the depot and les in a client, label, or branch. The left side species the depot le and the right side species the client les. (See also client view, branch view, label view). The method used by Perforce to verify the integrity of archived les. The process of combining the contents of two conicting le revisions into a single le. A le generated by Perforce from two conicting le revisions. The data stored by the Perforce server that describes the les in the depot, the current state of client workspaces, protections, users, clients, labels, and branches. Metadata includes all the data stored in the server except for the actual contents of the les. The time a le was last changed. A completely empty revision of any le. Syncing to a nonexistent revision of a le removes it from your workspace. An empty le revision created by deleting a le and the #none revision specier are examples of nonexistent le revisions. A pending changelist to which Perforce has assigned a number. A le that you are changing in your client workspace. The Perforce user who created a particular client, branch, or label. The Perforce Command-Line Client program, and the command you issue to execute Perforce commands from the operating system command line. The program on the Perforce server that manages the depot and the metadata. A Perforce application that displays the differences between two les. P4Diff is the default application used to compare les during the le resolution process. The Perforce Windows Client, a Windows Explorer-style application that enables you to perform Perforce operations and view results graphically. A changelist that has not been submitted. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
MD5 checksum
Appendix C: Glossary
The Perforce depot and metadata on a central host. Also the program that manages the depot and metadata. The permissions stored in the Perforce servers protections table. Revision Control System format. Used for storing revisions of text les. RCS format uses reverse delta encoding for le storage. Perforce uses RCS format to store text les. See also reverse delta storage. A protection level that enables you to read the contents of les managed by Perforce. A depot located on a server other than the current Perforce server. The process of resolving a le after the le is resolved and before it is submitted The process you use to reconcile the differences between two revisions of a le. One fork of a Macintosh le. (Macintosh les are composed of a resource fork and a data fork.) You can store resource forks in Perforce depots as part of an AppleSingle le by using Perforces apple le type. The method that Perforce uses to store revisions of text les. Perforce stores the changes between each revision and its previous revision, plus the full text of the head revision. To discard the changes you have made to a le in the client workspace. A special protections level that includes read and list accesses, and grants permission to run the review command. Any daemon process that uses the p4 review command. See also change review. A number indicating which revision of the le is being referred to. A range of revision numbers for a specied le, specied as the low and high end of the range. For example, file#5,7 species revisions 5 through 7 of le file.
reverse delta storage revert review access review daemon revision number revision range
Appendix C: Glossary
revision specication
A sufx to a lename that species a particular revision of that le. Revision speciers can be revision numbers, change numbers, label names, date/time specications, or client names. In Perforce, the program that executes the commands sent by client programs. The Perforce server (p4d) maintains depot les and metadata describing the les, and tracks the state of client workspaces. The directory in which the server program stores its metadata and all the shared les. To specify the server root, set the P4ROOT environment variable. For a changelist, a value that indicates whether the changelist is new, pending, or submitted. For a job, a value that indicates whether the job is open, closed, or suspended. You can customize job statuses. To send a pending changelist and changed les to the Perforce server for processing. To register to receive email whenever changelists that affect particular les are submitted. An access level that gives the user permission to run every Perforce command, including commands that set protections, install triggers, or shut down the server for maintenance. A Perforce le type assigned to UNIX symbolic links. On nonUNIX clients, symlink les are stored as text les. To copy a le revision (or set of le revisions) from the depot to a client workspace. The le that receives the changes from the donor le when you are integrating changes between a branched codeline and the original codeline. Perforce le type assigned to a le that contains only ASCII text. See also binary le type. The revision in the depot with which the client le is merged when you resolve a le conict. When you are working with branched les, theirs is the donor le. The process of combining three le revisions. During a threeway merge, you can identify where conicting changes have occurred and specify how you want to resolve the conicts. Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
server root
three-way merge
Appendix C: Glossary
In Perforce, the head revision. Tip revision is a term used by some other SCM systems. A script automatically invoked by the Perforce server when changelists are submitted. The process of combining two le revisions. In a two-way merge, you can see differences between the les but cannot see conicts. A Perforce table in which you assign Perforce le types to les. The identier that Perforce uses to determine who is performing an operation. A description of the relationship between two sets of les. See client view, label view, branch view. A special character used to match other characters in strings. Perforce wildcards are: * matches anything except a slash ... matches anything including slashes %d used for parameter substitution in views
write access
A protection level that enables you to run commands that alter the contents of les in the depot. Write access includes read and list accesses. The edited version of a le in the client workspace, when you resolve a le. Also, the target le when you integrate a branched le.
Appendix C: Glossary
Symbols #
forbidden in filenames 50
forbidden in filenames 50
%0 .. %n 38, 43 * (wildcard) 38, 115 +k flag
keyword expansion 55
... (wildcard) 38 =
as diff marker 68
accepting files when resolving 70 access level defined 145 adding files to depot 29 administration depot configuration 82 allwrite client option 45 annotate 127 architecture of Perforce 14 atomic change transactions 85 branching and integration 106 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
base defined 145 resolving 67 base file types 55 baseless merge 106 basics of Perforce 25 BeOS symbolic links 56 binary files how files are stored 56 how revisions are stored 55 resolving 72 branch specs branching with 103 creating 103 deleting 107 example 104 exclusionary mappings allowed 105 usage notes 105 using with p4 integrate -b 104 branch views creating 103 defined 145 branches comparing files between 129 defined 145 deleting 107 listing files in 133 propagating changes between files 102,
when to create 99 branching automatic 103 best practices 110 branch command 103 155
branch spec example 104 codelines and 99 copying files vs. 102 defined 99 files without common ancestors 106 introduced 15 manually, with p4 integrate 101 reporting 133 reverse integration and 106 two techniques 100 when to branch 99 white paper 110 bug tracking 13 build management 13
submitting 29 changes conflicting 63, 68 how to propagate between codelines 103 propagating between codelines 102, 103 undoing with p4 revert 34 chunks, diff 67 client files mapping to depot files 125 client programs 14, 21 client root changing 44 defined 37, 146
null 40
carriage return 45 change management 13 change review 13 defined 146 changelist number defined 146 changelists adding and removing files 86 associated jobs 89, 131, 134 atomic change transactions and 85 automatic renumbering of 88 default 30, 85 default (defined) 147 defined 145 deleting 89 files open in 86 introduced 14 jobs 117 jobs vs. 16, 111 moving files between 87 numbered 85, 87, 91 p4 reopen command 89 pending (defined) 150 processed atomically 14 reporting 90, 130 reporting by user 90 scheduling resolves 65 status of 86 156
specifying 27 client side (of mapping) 39 client specification defining 26 deleting 45 editing 44 client syntax 49 client view changing 44 defined 146 exclusionary mappings 42 introduced 15 specifying 27, 38 client workspace changing client root 44 changing view 44 comparing files against depot 74, 129 defined 25, 37, 146 displaying files 62 listing 135 moving files between client and server 14 options 45 p4 have command 35 populating 29, 95 refreshing 82 spanning multiple drives 40 specifying 26 state of 37 switching between 26 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
user directories 14 client/server architecture 14 clobber client option 45 codelines branching and 99 comparing files between 129 defined 146 listing files in 133 propagating changes between 103 resolving differences between 103 when to branch 99 command-line common flags and p4 help usage 35 flags, common to all commands 79 specifying files on 48 commands applying to multiple revisions at once 54 forms and 60 reporting 34, 61, 74, 120, 123 comparing files 128 compress client option 45 concurrent development 13 configuration changing 77 configuration files 77 conflicting changes 63 conflicts file 15, 72 file (defined) 148 counter defined 147 CR/LF translation 45, 47 creating jobs 112 crlf client option 45 cross-platform development line endings 47 customizing job specification 113
default changelist defined 147 introduced 29 using 85 default depot defined 147 default job specification 112 defect tracking interfacing with third-party products 120 jobs and 16 using jobs 111 deleting branch specs 107 client specifications 45 files 29, 32 jobs 120 labels 95 delta defined 147 depot adding files from workspace 29 changelists and 14 comparing against files in workspace 129 compressing files 56 copying files to workspace 28 default (defined) 147 defined 14, 25, 147 listing 135 local (defined) 149 mapping to client files 125 multiple 39 organizing 82 remote (defined) 151 side of mapping 39 syntax 49 syntax (defined) 147 updating after working offline 81 detached defined 147 development concurrent 13 distributed 13 diff 157
chunks 67 differences between revisions 65 excluding 90 markers 68 suppressing display 132 two algorithms used by Perforce 129 diffs annotated 127 directories and spaces 51 client workspace 14 removing empty 46 distributed development 13 donor file defined 147
advanced integration 107 branch spec 104 combining file type modifiers 55 creating a label 92 filling forms with -i and -o 61 linking jobs and changelists 117, 118
p4 job 112
editing client specifications 44 files 29, 31 email notification 146 environment variables
P4CHARSET 143 P4CLIENT 26, 143 P4CONFIG 77, 143 P4DIFF 143 P4EDITOR 26, 143 P4HOST 143 P4JOURNAL 143 P4LOG 143 P4MERGE 143 P4PAGER 143 P4PASSWD 78, 143 P4PORT 22, 143 P4ROOT 143 P4USER 143 PWD 143 setting 144 TMP 143 error messages 23
propagating changes to branches 105 RCS keyword expansion 60 reporting and scripting 137 reporting on jobs 120 resolving file conflicts 70 use of %0 .. %n wildcard 43 exclusionary mappings branch specs and 105 client views and 42 defined 147 exclusive-open locking vs. 72
fields jobviews and 116 file conflict defined 148 introduced 15 resolving 70 file format RCS (defined) 151 file repository defined 148 file revision defined 148 file specifications branching with 101 file type modifiers combining 55 listed 57 file types
+l 72 apple 56 binary 56
example set for this manual 25 examples adding files to depot 30 158
filenames and spaces 51 forbidden characters 50 spaces in 50 files adding to depot 29, 30 annotated 127 binary 55, 72 changelist revision specifier 52 changelists and 14 changing type 55 client workspace 38 client workspace revision specifier 52 command line syntax 48, 49 commands for reporting 123 comparing 74, 128 conflicting 63, 74 copying vs. branching 102 deleting from depot 29, 32 deleting from labels 95 displaying branch contents 133 displaying contents 126 displaying integrated and submitted 133 displaying label contents 98, 132 displaying mappings 62 displaying opened 62, 125 displaying resolved but not submitted 74,
integrating 107 label revision specifier 52 listing with p4 files 62 locked 73 locking 72 managed by Perforce 37 merging 67, 68 merging (defined) 150 modifying a changelist 86 moving between changelists 87 moving between workspace and server
14, 28
multi-forked 56 nonexistent revision 52 opening 29, 86 permissions 45, 57 propagating changes between branches
removing from workspace 52 renaming 83 reopening in other changelist 89 re-resolving 108 resolving 66, 70 result 67 specifying revision 51, 52, 53, 54 specifying type 55, 57 stored in RCS format 63 submitting changes to depot 29 target (defined) 152 text 55 text (defined) 152 theirs (defined) 152 types of 55 undoing changes 34 wildcards 38 working offline 81 yours (defined) 153 fix defined 148 jobs and changelists 134 flags common to all commands 35, 79 -i flag 61 159
displaying revision history 62 displaying workspace contents 62 donor (defined) 147 editing 29, 31 have revision 52 head revision 52 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
previewing 133 reporting commands 110 reverse 106 specific file revisions 107 specifying direction of 106 technical explanation 108 Inter-File Branching defined 16, 149 use of 99
have list defined 148 have revision defined 52 head revision defined 52, 148 resolving conflicts 65 help displaying command help 34 displaying view syntax 35 p4 help command 34 history displaying revision history 124 host Perforce server 21
I -i flag
job specification customizing 113 default 112 defined 149 job tracking 13, 16, 111 jobs 111 * wildcard 115 changelists 117 changelists associated 120, 131, 134 changelists vs. 16, 111 creating 112 defined 111 deleting 120 editing 112 jobviews 114, 116, 117 reporting 120, 133 searching 114, 116 third-party defect trackers and 120
Windows 141 installing on Windows 141 integration advanced functions 107 defined 148 displaying integrated files 133 displaying submitted integrated files 133 files without common ancestors 106 forcing 108 lazy copy (defined) 149 160
label specifier without filenames 54 label view 94 defined 149 labels changelist numbers vs. 91 changing owner of 96 client workspaces and 95 defined 149 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
deleting 95 deleting files from 95 displaying contents 97, 98, 132 introduced 15 locking 93 reporting 97, 132 unlocking 96 labelsync ownership required 96 syntax 96 lazy copy 102 defined 149 lifecycle management 13 limitations description lengths 50 valid filenames 50 line endings 47
LineEnd 47
linefeed convention 45 listing file contents 126 files in a branch 133 files in a label 132 files resolved but not submitted 133 integrated and submitted files 133 jobs in system 133 opened files 125 local syntax defined 48, 149 wildcards and 50 locked client option 46 locked files finding 73 locking files 72 defined 149 p4 lock vs. +l 72
mappings client-side (defined) 146 conflicting 44 defined 150 depot and client sides 39 depot-side (defined) 147 directories with spaces 51 displaying 62, 125 examples 41 exclusionary 105 exclusionary (defined) 147 multiple 105 renaming client files 43 views and 39 markers, difference 68 merge baseless 106 defined 67, 150 three-way 15, 68 three-way (defined) 152 two-way (defined) 153 merging conflicting changes 68 files (defined) 150 metadata 124 defined 150 mode files in workspace 45, 57 modtime client option 46 moving files between changelists 87 multi-forked file 56 multiple depots 39 multiple mappings 105
N -n flag
Macintosh file types 56 line-ending convention 48 linefeed convention 45 resource fork 56 resource fork (defined) 151 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
previewing commands 34, 35, 136 namespace shared for labels, clients, branches, and depots 92 network data compression 45 new changelist 86 161
Index noallwrite client option 45 noclobber client option 45 nocompress client option 45 nocrlf client option 45 nomodtime client option 46 normdir client option 46 edit command 29, 31 filelog command 62, 124, 133 files command 55, 62, 98, 124 fix command 89, 117, 118 fixes command 134 have command 35, 62, 126 help command 34 info command 23, 34 integrate command 83, 101, 103, 105, 106, 108, 133 job command 112 jobs command 133 label command 95 labels command 97, 132 labelsync command 95 lock command 72 opened command 55, 62, 125 passwd command 78 print command 62, 126 rename command 83 reopen command 55, 89 resolve command 66, 68, 72, 103, 133 resolved command 74, 133 revert command 34 review command 135 reviews command 135 submit command 29, 66, 85, 86, 88 sync command 29, 62, 65, 74, 82, 95, 126 typemap command 59 user command 79, 117 users command 135 where command 62, 126 P4CHARSET 143 P4CLIENT 26, 143 P4CONFIG 77, 143 p4d host 21 port 21 purpose of 14, 21 p4d.exe 142 P4DIFF 143 P4DTI 120 P4EDITOR 26, 143
scripting 61, 136 offline working with Perforce 81 older revisions 51 opened files listing 62 operators job queries 116 options client workspace 45 p4 resolve command 68 overriding 59 owner changing label 96
P p4 admin
P4HOST 143 P4JOURNAL 143 P4LOG 143 P4MERGE 143 P4PAGER 143 P4PASSWD 78, 143 P4PORT 22, 143 and server 140 P4ROOT 140, 143 p4s.exe 142 P4USER 143
resolve results 133 revert results 34 sync results 35, 62, 74 propagating changes branches 105 proxy 13
PWD 143 R RCS format
parametric substitution 38, 43 passwords 78, 79 pending changelist defined 150 deleting 89 submitting 86 Perforce client programs connecting to server 21 purpose 14, 21 Perforce server and P4PORT 140 connecting to 21 defined 151 host 21 port 21 purpose of 14, 21 tracks state of client workspace 37 vs. service 142 working when disconnected from 81 Perforce service vs. server 142 Perforce syntax defined 48 wildcards 50
perforce.exe 141
permissions files in workspace 45, 57 user (defined) 145 port for server 140 Perforce server 21 pre-submit trigger Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
defined 151 files 63 RCS keyword expansion 57 +k modifier 55 examples 60 recent changelists p4 changes command 90 release management 13 remote depot defined 151 removing files from depot 32 from workspace 52 renaming files 83 renumbering changelists, automatic 88 reporting basic commands 34, 61 branches 133 changelists 90, 130, 131 daemons and 135 file metadata 124 files 123 integration 110, 133 jobs 120, 133 labels 97, 132 overview 123 resolves 74 scripting 136 163
repository file (defined) 148 resolve between codelines 103 branching and 74 conflicting changes 63 default 70 defined 15, 151 detecting 66 diff chunks 67 displaying files before submission 133 multiple 108 performing 66 preventing multiple 73 previewing 133 reporting 74 scheduling 65 resource fork 56 defined 151 result resolving 67 reverse delta storage defined 151 reverse integration 106 revert defined 151 example 34 revision base (defined) 145 diffs and 65 file (defined) 148 have 52 head 52 head (defined) 148 history 62, 124 number (defined) 151 range 54 range (defined) 151 specification 51, 54 specification (defined) 152 tip (defined) 153 rmdir client option 46 root 164
client 37
S SCM 13
scripting examples 61 -o flag 136 reporting 136 searching jobs 114 server connecting to 21 Perforce 14, 21 Perforce (defined) 151 port 140 stopping with p4 admin 141 verifying connection 23 vs. service 142 Windows 142 server root and P4ROOT 140 creating 140 defined 140 setting environment variables 144 setting up client workspaces 26 environment 21
p4 info 23
shell parsing wildcards 38 software configuration management 13 spaces filenames 50 within filenames 51 special characters filenames 50 specification revision (defined) 152 standard input filling forms with 61 standard output generating forms with 61 p4 print command 62 stopping server Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
with p4 admin 141 storage full-file vs. delta (defined) 148 reverse delta (defined) 151 submit defined 152 submitted changelist 86 submitting multiple changes at once 33 subscribe defined 152 symbolic links 56 file types and 55 non-UNIX systems 56 sync forcing 82 preview 62, 74 syntax client 49 depot 49 depot (defined) 147 local 48 local (defined) 149 Perforce syntax 48 specifying files 49 system administration checkpoint (defined) 146 groups (defined) 148 journal (defined) 149 reporting 135
when scheduled 106 time zones 53 timestamps preserving DLLs 59 tip revision defined 153
TMP 143
trigger defined 153 two-way merge defined 153 typemap file types 59
U umask(1) 140 unicode 57 UNIX
line-ending convention 47 linefeed convention 45 unlocked client option 46 usage notes integration 106 users email addresses 135 listing submitted changelists 90 passwords 78 reporting on 135
V -v flag
defined 152 three-way merge binary files and 72 defined 152 merge file generation 68 Perforce 2003.2 Users Guide
diff markers 68 variables environment, how to set 144 version control 13 views branch (defined) 145 branch, creating 103 client 15, 27, 38 client (defined) 146 165
conflicting mappings 44 defined 153 examples of mappings 41 exclusionary mappings 42 help on 35 jobviews 114 label 94 label (defined) 149 mappings and 39 multiple mapping lines 42 renaming client files using mappings 43 wildcards 41
working detached 81 working detached (defined) 147 workspace client 14, 37, 95 client (defined) 146 comparing files against depot 129 copying files from depot 29 displaying files 62 refreshing 82 spanning multiple drives 40
Y yours 67
defined 153
warnings # and local shells 51 binary files and delta storage 56 changing client root 44 white paper best practices 110 branching 110 Streamed Lines 110 wildcards
%0 .. %n 38, 43 * 38 ... 38 defined 38
escaping on command line 86 jobviews 115 local shell considerations 38 local syntax 50 Perforce syntax 50 views 41 Windows and p4 admin 142 installer 141 installing on 141 line-ending convention 48 linefeed convention 45 multiple drives 40 server 142 setting variables on a Windows service