Introduction To Indifferent Curve
Introduction To Indifferent Curve
Introduction To Indifferent Curve
The indifference curve is a geometrical device that has been used to replace
the neo-classical cardinal utility concept. Prof. Hicks presented its comprehensive
version in his Value and Capital in 1939 and its major revision in his A Revision of
Demand Theory in 1956.
The indifference curve analysis retains some of the assumptions of the cardinal
theory, rejects others and formulates its own. The assumptions of the ordinal theory
are the following:
3) The consumer possesses complete information about the prices of the goods in
the market.
5)The consumer's tastes, habits and income remain the same throughout the analysis
(10) The consumer arranges the two goods in a scale of preference which
means that he has both `preference' and `indifference' for the goods.
12) The consumer is in a position to order all possible combinations of the two
to have more of good X. To prove this property, let us t ake indifference curves
contrary to this assumption.
(5) Indifference curves can neither touch nor intersect each other so that
one indifference curve passes through only one point on an indifference
What absurdity follows from such a situation can be shown with the help of
Figure 15.5(A) where the two curves I 1 and I 2 cut each other. Point A on the I 1
curve indicates a higher level of satisfaction than point Bon the I 2 , curve, as it
lies farther away from the origin But point C which lies on both the curves yields
the same level of satisfaction as point A and B. Thus
On the curve I 1 : A = C ,and
on the curve I 2 : B = C So A= B
The convexity rule implies that as the consumer substitutes X' for Y, the
marginal rate of substitution diminishes. To prove this, let us take a concave
curve where the marginal rate of Substitution of X for Y increases instead of
diminishing i.e., more of Y is given up to have additional units of X. As in Figure
15.7 (A), the consumer is giving up ab< cd<ef units of Y for bc= de=fg units of x.
But an indifference curve cannot be concave to the origin.
Figure 15.7(C) shows the indifference curve as convex to the origin. Here
the consumer is giving up less and less units of Y in order to have equal
additional units of X i.e., ab> cd> ef of Y for bc= de=fg= of X. Thus an indifference
curve is always convex to the origin because the marginal rate of substitution
between the goods declines.
Though they are falling negatively inclined to the right, yet the rate of fall
will not be the same for all indifference curves. In other words, the diminishing
marginal rate of substitution between the two goods is essentially not the same in
the case of all indifference schedules. T h e two curves I 1 ,and I 2 ,shown in figure
15.8 are not parallel to each other.
(9) In reality, indifference curves are like bangles. But as a matter of principle,
their effective region in the form of segments is shown in figure 15.9. This is so
because indifference curves are assumed to be negatively sloping and convex to
the origin.