Adaptive Feedback Channel Change
Adaptive Feedback Channel Change
Adaptive Feedback Channel Change
Changyoun Kim, Jaeki Lee, Changhyun Nam, Jangho Yoon, and Hwang Soo Lee
Division of Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KAIST
Daejeon, Korea
{cykim83, ljk, chang, icespy},
Abstract— The band adaptive modulation and coding (band candidate technologies that can substitute for the wireless local
AMC) scheme is used in orthogonal frequency division multiple area network (WLAN) for indoor environment.
access (OFDMA) systems to increase mobile communication
system throughput, however, an amount of feedback overhead In OFDMA system, the overall system throughput can be
degrades uplink system performance. In this paper, we propose increased by the band adaptive modulation and coding (band
an adaptive feedback method that can significantly reduce the AMC) [1]. However, the channel quality information (CQI)
amount of channel feedback information when a femto base feedback from each mobile station (MS) is required to employ
station (BS) and mobile stations (MS) communicate in the band band AMC. Due to the feedback overhead, the uplink system
AMC mode. Since the channel variation of the MS in the femto performance is degraded. Especially, since the number of BS
cell is relatively small, instead of informing the femto BS of the antennas and MS antennas increase in MIMO-OFDMA
channel quality information (CQI) periodically, MSs only send system, CQI feedback is required for each stream when MIMO
CQI feedback to the femto BS when channel condition changes is used as spatial multiplexing; thus, feedback overhead
above a threshold. Simulation results show that the proposed increases.
scheme can reduce feedback overhead up to 70 % without
resulting in system throughput degradation compared to the To reduce feedback overhead, a lot of research has been
conventional best-M feedback scheme. conducted. Ref. [2] proposed a scheme, which varies feedback
period based on MS’s velocity. According to [3], the MS’s
Keywords-band AMC; channel change indication; feedback; velocity can be measured, but it is difficult to adopt velocity
femto cell; indoor; OFMDA; pico cell; small cell measuring algorithm in real wireless communication systems
due to complexity and accuracy problem. In [4], MSs feedback
I. INTRODUCTION average value of CQI to the BS, and the BS allocates resources
for sub-band CQI to some MSs which have high average value.
Nowadays, users of wireless communication systems want When many MSs operate in the band AMC mode, the method
high data rate services to download and upload high-capacity presented in [4] is well-performed. However, it did not show
data. Also, they want to get service whenever or wherever they tremendous enhancement, when few MSs operate in the band
are. To support these users’ needs, wireless transmission AMC mode like femto cell.
technologies such as orthogonal frequency division multiple
access (OFDMA) and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) In [5]-[7], opportunistic feedback has been researched to
have been researched widely. reduce feedback overhead. Only MS, which has higher CQI
than threshold value, feedbacks CQI to the BS. Since
Recently, a femto cell has also been researched to extend opportunistic feedback is a contention-based feedback, it is
indoor cell coverage and meet users’ needs. The femto cell is a possible that two or more MSs feedback CQI through the same
small base station (BS) which will be installed at home or in an resource. Since channel of each MS is not predictable, it is
office to increase cell coverage for indoor environment. The difficult to determine how many CQI feedback channels are
femto cell can provide high-capacity data services to users in required.
indoor environment with low price by using the licensed band.
The cell coverage of the femto cell is around 10m. The femto In [8], analog feedback, which just uses one OFDMA
cell was approved as a work item of 3rd Generation Partnership symbol for CQI, was researched. Analog feedback can reduce
Project 2 (3GPP2). Also, 3GPP names the femto cell as Home feedback overhead, but the dynamic range is larger than that of
Node B or Home eNodeB, and it is standardizing the femto quantized feedback such as best-M feedback and opportunistic
cell. There is mention about the femto cell in IEEE 802.16m feedback, so it requires a nice RF transmitter.
system requirement document, and it has been discussed for
Especially, since ongoing standardization activities for
standardization. Also, in ongoing standardization activities
IMT-Advanced system are considering contiguous or non-
such as 3GPP long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) and
contiguous bandwidth with 20 MHz or more or less, a simple
3GPP2 ultra mobile broadband evolution (UMB evolution) for
and cost-efficient channel feedback scheme for indoor
IMT-Advanced system, the femto cell is one of the major
environment is required. In this paper, we propose a simple
This work was supported in part by the IT R&D program of MKE/IITA adaptive feedback method for band AMC in the femto cell
under Contract number 2005-S-609-04 in Korea and by Samsung Electronics.
Feedback Overhead(bits/s)
Number of MSs
Figure 6. Feedback overhead comparison between conventional best-M
and the proposed scheme
Figure 5. CQI feedback message 3.0
Conventional best-M
bands when the MS lastly sent best-M feedback, and
CINRl,current is CINR of lth sub-band of best-M sub-bands of
current frame. If at least CINR variation of one sub-band is 2.0