2005 Interpolation Based Transmit Beamforming
2005 Interpolation Based Transmit Beamforming
2005 Interpolation Based Transmit Beamforming
Abstract—Transmit beamforming and receive combining are well as additional array gain; thus, it can significantly improve
simple methods for exploiting spatial diversity in multiple-input system performance. This approach, however, requires knowl-
multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing edge of the transmit beamforming vector at the transmitter.
(MIMO-OFDM) system. Optimal beamforming requires channel
state information in the form of the beamforming vectors for When the uplink and downlink channels are not reciprocal (as
each OFDM subcarrier. This paper proposes a limited feedback in a frequency division duplexing system), the receiver informs
architecture that combines beamforming vector quantization and the transmitter about the desired transmit beamforming vector
smart vector interpolation. In the proposed system, the receiver through a feedback control channel.
sends a fraction of information about the optimal beamforming The beamforming techniques proposed for narrowband
vectors to the transmitter and the transmitter computes the beam-
forming vectors for all subcarriers through interpolation. A new channels can be easily extended to frequency selective channels
spherical interpolator is developed that exploits parameters for by employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
phase rotation to satisfy the phase invariance and unit norm prop- (OFDM). The combination of MIMO and OFDM, known as
erties of the transmitted beamforming vectors. The beamforming MIMO-OFDM, converts a broadband MIMO channel into a
vectors and phase parameters are quantized at the receiver and series of parallel narrowband MIMO channels, one for each
the quantized information is provided to the transmitter. The
proposed quantization system provides only a moderate increase OFDM subcarrier [12]–[14]. Transmit beamforming with
in complexity versus over comparable approaches. Numerical receive combining can be performed independently for each
simulations show that the proposed scheme performs better than subcarrier of MIMO-OFDM. In nonreciprocal channels, this
existing diversity techniques with the same feedback data rate. requires that the MIMO-OFDM receiver computes and sends
Index Terms—Antenna diversity, MIMO-OFDM, mutual infor- back to the transmitter the optimal beamforming vector for
mation, spherical interpolation, transmit beamforming. every active subcarrier. Practically, the feedback rate can be
managed by using limited feedback techniques where the
beamforming vectors are quantized using a beamforming
codebook designed for narrowband MIMO channels (see, e.g.,
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Fig. 1. Block diagram of a MIMO-OFDM system with M transmit antennas, M receive antennas, and N subcarriers. The feedback channel conveys a fraction
f g
of information about w (k ); 1 i M ; 1 k N , which is the coefficient of the beamforming vector for subcarrier k on the ith antenna.
[21]–[25]. The nonuniqueness of optimal beamforming vectors for the proposed scheme are analyzed in Section IV. Through
[17], however, compromises the performance of standard spher- numerical simulations, the proposed beamforming method is
ical interpolators. compared with existing diversity techniques in terms of bit error
In this paper, we propose a new spherical interpolator based rate (BER) and mutual information in Section V. Finally, we pro-
on a modification of Watson’s interpolator [23]. To resolve the vide some conclusions in Section VI.
ambiguities in the optimal beamforming vector, our interpolator
employs a parameter for phase rotation, denoted as , which is II. SYSTEM OVERVIEW
chosen by optimizing a cost function based on the channel gain
A MIMO-OFDM system with transmit beamforming and
or the mutual information. Because the optimization is difficult
receive combining, using transmit antennas and receive
to solve in closed form, we solve for the phase rotation by per-
antennas, and subcarriers is illustrated in Fig. 1. At the trans-
forming either a numerical grid search or by solving a closed
mitter, the subcarrier modulates the symbol using
form solution with an approximate cost function.
the beamforming vector
To enable practical implementation with limited feedback,
and launches the resulting signal into the propagation envi-
we combine our new spherical interpolator with beamforming
ronment. Assuming that the sampled impulse response of the
vector quantization as proposed in [15]–[18]. With our ap-
channel is shorter than the CP, the channel for the th subcarrier
proach, the receiver quantizes the beamforming vectors for a
after the DFT can be described by a -by- channel matrix
fraction of the subcarriers by selecting the best element from
whose entries represent the complex channel gains expe-
the codebook. Using the quantized vectors, the receiver then
rienced by subcarrier . After processing with the combining
selects a near-optimal quantized phase for each quantized
vector , the combined
vector based on the phase cost function. After being informed
signal at subcarrier can be expressed as
about the quantized beamforming vectors and phases, the trans-
mitter uses the proposed spherical interpolator to reconstruct
the beamforming vectors for all the subcarriers. We analyze the
computational complexity and feedback requirements for the where is the -dimensional noise vector whose entries
proposed method and compare with several related diversity have the independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex
techniques. Computer simulations show that the proposed Gaussian distribution with zero mean and variance . We as-
scheme outperforms existing diversity techniques with compa- sume that the power is allocated equally across all subcarriers;
rable complexity and feedback bits and performs close to the thus, is a constant, and , where
ideal beamforming with full feedback information. Compared means the 2-norm of to maintain the overall power
with prior work that deals with unquantized partial channel constraint.
information [26]–[29], our approach focuses on methods for Since the signal model in (1) is identical to that of a narrow-
reducing feedback requirements by subsampling in frequency band MIMO system, and can be chosen to maximize
and quantizing separately the optimal beamforming vectors the signal to noise ratio (SNR) using the results on beamforming
computed from the instantaneous channel state (versus the first and combining for narrowband MIMO systems [4], [6]. Without
or second order statistics of the channel) at each subcarrier. loss of generality we can fix . Then, the SNR for
This paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews MIMO- subcarrier can be written as
OFDM communication with beamforming and combining. The
proposed interpolation based beamforming scheme is presented
in Section III, while the complexity and feedback requirements (2)
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where is the effective channel Section III that the beamforming vectors are correlated; thus,
gain. The SNR maximizing solution chooses the transmit the amount of feedback data is proportional to only
beamforming vector and receive combining vector (where is normally much less than ) by sending back only
based on to maximize the SNR of the subcarrier in (2). a fraction of vectors combined with intelligent interpolation
For any , under the unit norm constraint on , it is at the transmitter. We combine this result with beamforming
possible to show that the SNR maximizing solution uses max- vector quantization [15]–[17] to reduce the feedback required
imum ratio combining (MRC) with and provide a specific recipe that can be followed for practical
implementation in MIMO-OFDM systems.
Since the combining is performed digitally, it is reasonable FOR MIMO-OFDM
to use optimum MRC processing instead of a suboptimum In this section, we present the motivation and detailed de-
technique such as antenna selection. Choosing , however, scription of our approach for interpolation based beamforming
depends in part on how much CSI is available at the transmitter. in MIMO-OFDM systems. First, we show that the correlation
For example, selection diversity transmission chooses between the beamforming vectors is similar to the subchannel
from the set of the columns of the -by- identity matrix correlation with one receive antenna. Next, we use these results
thus requiring only bits of information of the CSI to motivate subsampling the beamforming vectors in frequency
per subcarrier at the transmitter. Maximum ration transmission followed by beamformer interpolation across subcarriers. We
(MRT), on the other hand, chooses as the right singular introduce a beamforming vector interpolator based on spherical
vector of corresponding to the largest singular vector linear interpolator with additional parameters for phase rotation,
of [6], [8] for every . In Rayleigh fading channels, which takes the invariance of the optimal beamforming vectors
both approaches achieve full diversity but MRT also obtains into account. We optimize the phase rotation parameters in the
the maximum amount of array gain. Unfortunately, MRTs sense of maximizing the minimum effective channel gain or mu-
improved performance comes at the expense of more extensive tual information. Finally, the proposed beamforming method is
CSI at the transmitter in the form of the complete channel combined with quantization of beamforming vectors for prac-
impulse responses or equivalently the optimum beamforming tical implementation.
vectors .
In this paper, we consider a burst-mode communication A. Correlation Between Beamforming Vectors
system where data is transmitted in frames that consist of
For notational convenience, we define the -dimen-
multiple MIMO-OFDM symbols from the system described
sional vector representing the channel gains for subcarrier as
in Fig. 1. We assume that the channel is fixed in a frame
but varies randomly between frames (commonly known as vec (4)
the block fading model). Further, we assume that full CSI is
not available to the transmitter, but there exists a low-rate, where vec is the vector obtained by stacking the columns of
error-free, zero-delay feedback link from the receiver back to one on top of another, and . Generally, the corre-
the transmitter. To accommodate the low-rate requirement, we lation between subchannel and subchannel (assuming
assume that the number of feedback bits per frame is limited modulo addition) is defined as
to a constant. The receiver uses CSI (assumed perfect in this
paper) obtained from a training phase at the beginning of the (5)
frame to determine the feedback bits corresponding to the set of
beamforming vectors for all OFDM
symbols in the frame. Similarly, the correlation between and can be
To respect the feedback constraints, in this paper we de- expressed as
velop a quantization strategy for transmit beamforming in
MIMO-OFDM communication systems. A conventional vector
quantization approach would be to quantize the impulse re- The definition in (6), however, is not a good correlation indi-
sponse of the channel in the time domain. The amount of cator for beamforming vectors due to the nonuniqueness of the
feedback, though, can be substantial since for a MIMO impulse optimal beamformers, which we discuss more in Section III-B.
response with length , the number of coefficients to be quan- Briefly, when is the optimal beamforming vector for the
tized is . Additionally, a high-resolution quantization subcarrier , is also optimal from (2). In practice, the
is required because we have to take the DFT and then the arbitrary phase is determined by the algorithm that computes
eigendecomposition of the quantized channel. In our case, we the beamforming vector. The phase ambiguity means that
are primarily interested in the dominant singular vector of each can take a different value for the same channel because the ex-
; thus, we do not need to inform the transmitter about pectation of (6) is dependent on the arbitrary phase . For this
the complete channel. Consequently, we develop a method that reason, we measure correlation using a different definition of
allows us to inform the transmitter about the desired transmit the beamformer correlation which is independent of :
beamforming vectors , within the
constraints of the limited feedback channel. We argue in (7)
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B. Proposed Interpolation Based Beamforming Method where and are weights values such that each
A simple method for exploiting the correlation of neighboring and . When , the interpolated vector
beamforming vectors is to combine adjacent subcarriers into a is a point on the spherical line between points and .
cluster and use the beamforming vector corresponding to the Unfortunately, the algorithm in (9) (and, generally, the
center subcarrier in the cluster. This method will be referred to class of spherical interpolation algorithms) cannot be applied
as clustering.1 If we combine subcarriers into one cluster, to our approach due to the lack of uniqueness of the op-
the amount of feedback is reduced by . As the cluster size timal beamforming vector as we discussed in Section III-A.
increases, however, the performance of beamforming de- To emphasize this point, recall the effective channel gain
grades because of the distortion experienced by subcarriers near in (2). When is the optimal
the cluster boundary. This limits the cluster size and the beamforming vector maximizing the effective channel gain,
consequent reduction of feedback information is restricted. As also maximizes the effective channel gain. In other
an alternative, we consider an interpolation-based beamforming words, the optimal beamforming vector is not a unique point
method where we send back a subsampling of the beamforming but represents a complex line. As a consequence, algorithms
vectors and use a smart interpolation at the transmitter to fill in that are used to compute the optimal beamforming vector, e.g.,
the gaps. the singular value decomposition (SVD), typically choose the
Suppose that is divided by the subsampling rate . The phase to force the first coefficient of each to be real. The
receiver evaluates the optimal beamforming vectors for the se- phase, however, has a dramatic impact on the resulting inter-
lected subcarriers and sends the subsampled beamforming vec- polated vectors as calculated through (9) as well as by other
tors to the transmitter. The spherical interpolators in [21]–[23]. This makes it difficult to
transmitter reconstructs the beamforming vectors for all subcar- directly apply spherical interpolation to perform beamformer
riers by interpolating for interpolation.
To solve this problem, we propose a new algorithm through
1We derive this terminology based on work in [31] where clustering was used modification of the interpolater in (9). For notational conve-
to reduce the required feedback for an OFDM system with adaptive modulation. nience, let us define . Given
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, the proposed interpolator computes for subcarrier minimum channel gain can happen at any subcarrier in the in-
terpolation interval. Yet we assume that the subcarrier
has the worst effective channel gain to simplify the
(10) cost function in (11). From this assumption (11) is approximated
where is the linear weight value, ,
, and is a parameter for phase rotation. Note
that are obtained
by and (equivalently ). (13)
While the spherical interpolator in (9) with only utilizes
and , the proposed interpolator evaluates the beam-
where . Note that this
forming vector from and . Essentially, the role of
cost function does not guarantee that we maximize the minimum
is to remove the distortion caused by the arbitrary phase rotation
channel gain over all subcarriers and, thus, is suboptimal relative
of the optimal beamforming vectors. Notice that the parameters
to (11). Our simulations, though, show that the cost function in
are conveyed to the transmitter along
(13) performs comparably to the grid search in (12).
with the selected beamforming vectors .
By differentiating the cost function in (13) with respect to ,
C. Phase Optimization for the Proposed Interpolator the optimal solution satisfies
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difficulties, we assume that the transmit power is equally as- IV. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY AND
signed to all subcarriers. When the grid search is used, (18) is FEEDBACK REQUIREMENTS
simplified to This section compares the complexities and feedback require-
ments for implementing selection diversity for each subcarrier,
clustering, the proposed grid search with beamformer quantiza-
tion, and ideal beamforming with full feedback of the quantized
(19) beamforming vectors.
Following the approach in (13), can be approximately found In the complexity analysis, we roughly calculate the number
by solving (20), shown at the bottom of the page. From the con- of complex multiplications and the number of complex addi-
cavity of the log function, this equation is equivalent to the so- tions. The computation at the transmitter includes the inverse
lution to (13). DFT, transmit beamforming, and beamformer interpolation
for the proposed algorithm. The computation at the receiver
D. Interpolation Combined With Beamformer Quantization includes the DFT, receive combining, quantization of beam-
For practical implementation, we propose to quantize the forming vectors, and determination of the phase rotation
beamforming vectors using the codebooks designed for nar- parameters for the proposed algorithm. For simplicity, the
rowband MIMO systems [16]–[18]. These codebooks are computational load for synchronization and channel estimation
specially designed to take into account the phase invariance of is not considered as it is likely to be comparable for all ap-
the optimal beamforming vector. Given , the quantized proaches. The DFT or inverse DFT can be implemented using
beamforming vectors are determined by selecting the element fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms such as the power
of the codebook that maximizes the effective channel gain as of two decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequency algo-
follows: rithms, which require complex multiplications
and complex additions [34]. The computational
(21) load for MIMO-OFDM is multiplied by and at the
transmitter and the receiver, respectively. When quadrature
where is the codebook including all possible beamforming amplitude modulation (QAM) is used, the complexity for
vectors, and . transmit beamforming is almost negligible. Receive com-
The quantized beamforming vectors are used to find the op- bining needs complex multiplications and additions,
timal and is uniformly quantized on . As an aside, respectively. The beamforming vectors are quantized at the
instead of separately quantizing and , the receiver by (21) performing multiplica-
whole vector can be quantized by spherical tions and additions per subcarrier, where
quantization based on the Euclidean distance [32], [33]. This ap- is the cardinality of the chosen beamforming codebook. In
proach, however, requires almost the same amount of feedback the proposed algorithm, beamformer interpolation requires
as with separate quantization, yet makes it more complicated to complex multiplications and complex additions.
determine the phase . Therefore, we only consider the sepa- The phase rotation parameter is determined by (22), which
rate quantization of and . requires complex
When quantized beamforming vectors are used, the interpo- multiplications and additions.
lated vector is evaluated by replacing The complexity calculations at the transmitter and receiver
with in (10). Since we are quantizing , it is nat- for various diversity techniques are summarized in Table I.
ural to use the grid search to find the best . By modifying (12) Selection diversity necessitates the least operations because it
and (19), we obtain the following equations that optimize for does not require the quantization of beamforming vectors. Ideal
the quantized beamforming vectors in the sense of maximizing beamforming quantizes the beamforming vectors for all subcar-
the minimum effective channel gain riers; thus, it needs extensive computational load. Compared to
clustering, the proposed method requires additional operations
(22) to interpolate beamforming vectors at the transmitter and find
the phase rotation parameters at the receiver: In Table II, the
or maximizing the mutual information number of complex multiplications and the number of additions
are increased by 35.3% and 29.6%, respectively.
Table III compares the required number of feedback bits
per frame for various diversity techniques. The information
(23) required for antenna selection is bits per subcarrier.
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= 4, = 64, = 8, = 4, AND P = 16
A. Unquantized Beamforming
We compare the proposed beamforming scheme with clus-
tering and ideal beamforming with feedback of all beamforming
vectors. The dominant right singular vector was used for the
beamforming vector for MRT/MRC and quantization was not
Fig. 3 compares the uncoded BER performance for various
beamforming methods. In the figure, “grid search” and “closed-
When the transmit antenna with the maximum channel gain is form solution” describe the proposed interpolators using the
selected independently for each subcarrier, the total feedback grid search in (12) and the closed-form solution in (13), respec-
information becomes bits. The beamforming vec- tively. The grid searches with and both per-
tors are quantized by using the codebook , thereby requiring formed comparably to the closed-form solution. The proposed
feedback bits per beamforming vector. The proposed methods outperformed clustering, yet exhibited slight diversity
algorithm needs additional bits of feedback to loss compared to the ideal beamforming.
transfer the information about the phase rotation parameters. Fig. 4 presents the mutual information for the whole OFDM
Note that the proposed grid search requires much less feedback symbol obtained using various beamforming techniques. Be-
than selection diversity and ideal beamforming. For example, in cause we only consider beamforming, the gains in sum rate are
Table III, the proposed method needs only 48 feedback bits per much smaller than if used multiple eigenvectors of the channel.
frame, which is about one third of feedback for selection diver- For comparison, we plotted the ideal beamforming and the pro-
sity and about one fifth of feedback for the ideal beamforming. posed grid search with waterfilling across the subcarriers while
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Fig. 6. Uncoded BER performance with quantization of beamforming vectors Fig. 7. Mutual information with quantization of beamforming vectors when
when E =N = 7 dB, M = 4, M = 2, N = 64, and K = 8. Channel M = 4, M = 2, N = 64, and K = 8. The grid search in (23) was used for
prediction error was considered and the proposed interpolator is the same in the proposed interpolator.
Fig. 5.
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Theorem 1: For any -dimensional complex vectors , ,
, , let us define and as
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