Contesta Las Preguntas Acerca de Tu Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Ilustra Cada Sección Con Una Fotografía o Imagen Que Represente Esa Etapa de Tu Vida.
Contesta Las Preguntas Acerca de Tu Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Ilustra Cada Sección Con Una Fotografía o Imagen Que Represente Esa Etapa de Tu Vida.
Contesta Las Preguntas Acerca de Tu Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Ilustra Cada Sección Con Una Fotografía o Imagen Que Represente Esa Etapa de Tu Vida.
Semana 4
Semana de integración
a) Answer the questions about your past, present and future. Illustrate each section with a
photograph or image representing that stage of your life.
(Contesta las preguntas acerca de tu pasado, presente y futuro. Ilustra cada sección con una
fotografía o imagen que represente esa etapa de tu vida.)
My past
Where did you live? I live in the state of morelos in the municipality of
What were you doing before starting I currently work, my position as Operations
Prepa en Línea-SEP? Manager requires me to be culturally prepared.)
My achievements
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración
Proyecto integrador:
What were the three most First. Achieve growth in an executive management
important achievements in your position.
life? Second, have a united family
Third, have some properties for the future of my
Write about an experience in One of the difficulties that I had or had a bad
which you have overcome some experience was to get ahead and be healthy after the
difficulty. earthquake that our country had in 2017, move
forward since our department was damaged by the
earthquake, but only material damage.
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración
Describe your school and In the part of the school I take 1 hour on a daily basis to
work routine. review and carry out activities, in my work every day I
enter at 8 am to work, I must visit stores in the state of
Morelos, I check that they are stocked with
merchandise, that the staff is operating well each of the
branches and perform administrative activities.
What do you do in your free In my free time I like to go for a walk, to eat with my
time? family, to play video games with my children, to go to
the movies or just to spend time with the family.
Write about any difficulties My greatest difficulty at this moment is not to stop
in this moment of your life. studying due to lack of time.
What are you doing to To overcome these difficulties I have stopped doing
overcome those difficulties? some other activities that may not be a priority at this
time, such as checking social networks or going out
with friends.
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración
Would you like to study for a If I would like to obtain a degree from the UVM or TEC
degree? Which one? Which of Monterrey.
What would you like to work on? I would like to have my own company or be a director
of a company with a presence in several countries.
What challenges will you have to The challenges that I will have to face is to finish my
face to achieve your goal? studies, to have to compete with someone maybe more
prepared than me for some position that I want.
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración
What has been learned in these two modules is that another language such as
English is very important since it is a language that is spoken worldwide and
therefore it is therefore universal to say that we must know how to speak, read
and write in order to communicate, as well as by labor issues since some
companies ask for it as a requirement since, because of the dealings or people
with whom you surround yourself, they are foreign and do not speak our
language. As well as culturally it is good to know another language different from
the one you use.
c) Record the questions and answers of your biography (point a), as well as the reflection (point
b). Save your audio in a cloud and share the link in this space. Remember do not exceed over
than 2 minutes.
(Graba las preguntas y respuestas de tu biografía (inciso a), así como la reflexión (inciso b).
Guarda tu audio en una nube y comparte la liga en este espacio. Recuerda no exceder más de
2 minutos.)
My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)