Gmsys 46 PDF
Gmsys 46 PDF
Gmsys 46 PDF
Users Guide
For Version 4.6
Associates, Inc.
1600 SW Western Boulevard, Suite 200 · Corvallis, OR 97333 USA
(541) 757-7231 · fax (541) 757-7331 · ·
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The Users Guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may only be used or copied in accordance with
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assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this booklet.
GM-SYS is a trademark of Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc., which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Geosoft and OASIS montaj are registered trademarks or trademarks of Geosoft, Inc. GeosoftX is a trademark of GeosoftX, Inc.
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2. SCOPE OF LICENSE. If you acquired a Single-User License, you may install the SOFTWARE on different computers at your
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3. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE. NGA and its Licensors retain the copyright, trademarks, titles, and ownership of the SOFTWARE
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6. LIMITED WARRANTY. With respect to the distribution media and physical documentation enclosed herein, NGA warrants the same
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Box 1063, Corvallis, OR 97339-1063, USA.
GM-SYS is a program for calculating the gravity and 1.1.1 Professional Edition
magnetic response from a geologic model. GM-SYS
provides an easy-to-use interface for interactively The Professional Edition is our standard offering to
creating and manipulating models to fit observed commercial and academic geophysicists. With appro-
gravity and/or magnetic data. Rapid calculation of priate options, model sizes can have up to 16,000
the gravity and magnetic response from 2-D models points and 300 blocks.
speed the interpretation process and allows you to 1.1.2 Engineering Edition
quickly test alternative solutions.
The economical Engineering Edition is used for less
sophisticated modeling applications.
1.1.3 LAB Edition
Northwest Geophysical Associates offers three edi-
tions of GM-SYS to modelers and interpreters of Po- The LAB Edition is exclusively licensed to academic
tential-Field data. institutions. The LAB Edition is configured for stu-
dents who are learning Potential-Field theory.
The table below shows the number of model elements
allowed for each edition as of this release. These If more gravity or magnetic points are needed call
values may change with later versions. NGA for a custom GM-SYS configuration.
GM-SYS clients have the ability to enhance and cus- CVTGMS is a file conversion program that is built
tomize their software configuration with several op- in to every GM-SYS configuration. By default,
tions. CVTGMS will read and write GM-SYS model files,
allowing you to shift or decimate your models. As
1.2.1 2¾-D Modeling an option, CVTGMS can perform file conversion on
Enhanced Forward Modeling capability is attained the following digitized geologic models:
with the 2¾-D modeling option. This option allows
blocks to be truncated in the ± Y direction and asym- · .DIG file format - Generic ASCII digitized file,
metrically-positioned about the line of the profile. · .DXF file format - AutoCAD® DXF format,
See Section 3.4 and 3.5. · .MMD file format -Geophysical Micro Computer
Applications, Ltd.,
1.2.2 Joint Inversion/Optimization · 2-Mod file format - Fugro-LCT, Inc. ,
· GAMMA file format - Chevron, and
The GM-SYS Inversion/Optimization option permits · SAKI file format - USGS.
inverse modeling of gravity and/or magnetic data to
obtain the optimal fit of the geologic model to your
data. See Section 3.6. 1.3 SUPPORTED PLATFORMS
1.2.3 Gravity/Magnetic Gradients GM-SYS is available for x86-compatible systems
Calculate any or all of the six gradient tensor com- running Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows NT®,
ponents of the gravity field and the vertical gradient Windows® 98 operating systems and LINUX® 2.x;
of the total magnetic field. See Section 3.12. Sparc®, UltraSparc®, and 100% compatible systems
running Solaris® ³ 2.5.1; Silicon Graphics® systems
1.2.4 Extended Model Size running IRIX® ³ 5.3 except 6.3; HP® systems run-
ning HP-UX®³ 10.20; and PowerPC® and
Licensors of the Professional Edition can extend RS/6000® systems running AIX® ³ 4.3.
their modeling capability by up to 750 surfaces and
300 blocks with the Extended Model Size option.
1.2.5 High Resolution Modeling
Licensors of the Professional Edition can extend
the number of gravity and magnetic points to 16,000.
1.2.6 Seismic Bitmap
The Seismic Bitmap option permits integration of
seismic data or other depth-scaled information (e.g.
scanned cross-sections) into the modeling process.
This option is available for all three editions. See
Section 3.13 and 4.4.
If you're new to GM-SYS, first install the software model-building utility XYZGMS (described in Sec-
as described in the instructions below. We recom- tion 9) is also required.
mend that you then use one of the sample models to
practice using the GM-SYS interface and familiar- A basic version of CVTGMS is shipped with all
ize yourself with the capabilities of the software as GM-SYS distributions, allowing the user to shift
you browse through the following sections. When models laterally or vertically, and/or to decimate
you feel fairly comfortable with the interface, work model surfaces. See Section 8 for a detailed descrip-
through the tutorial included in Section 11. tion of the capabilities of CVTGMS.
If you are already familiar with GM-SYS, install the The ImageMagick convert program is used by
software as instructed below and then read 4.6 Re- GM-SYS to import many common raster image for-
lease Notes document, paying particular attention to mats for use in the Seismic Bitmap option.
the Whats New... section.
The NGRF Geomagnetic Reference Field utility is
2.1 INSTALLATION included in all Windows distributions. NGRF, de-
GM-SYS distributions are shipped on CD-ROM. The scribed in Section 9, provides an easy way to deter-
basic installation includes: mine the Inclination, Declination, and Total Field
GM-SYS modeling program; strength anywhere on earth, at any elevation, at any
GMS, GMSMARK, GMSPROF GXs and time between 1945 and the present. This informa-
GMSYS.OMN for integration with Geosofts OA- tion is necessary for GM-SYS to correctly calculate
SIS montaj (requires XYZGMS); the magnetic response of a properly oriented model
CVTGMS model conversion program; profile.
ImageMagick* image conversion program and li-
braries 2.1.2 Microsoft® Windows® Operating Systems
On-line Help (HTML)
On-line Users Guide (PDF) To install GM-SYS, select Run from the Start Menu
Release Notes (PDF) and enter <CD_Drive>:\setup.exe. The instal-
Sample model files lation shell will guide you through the simple instal-
Installation script lation process and create the program folder and nec-
*only installed if Seismic Bitmap option is licensed. essary icons in the Start Menu. The installation will
generate "Data," "Image," "Backup," and Html
2.1.1 Supporting Software subdirectories for sample model files, backdrop im-
NGA developed the GMS, GMSMARK, and ages, automated backup files, and html-help, respec-
GMSPROF GXs and the GM-SYS menu for OASIS tively. You may to elect use other directories for these
montaj to allow users to extract data profiles and purposes by editing the Preferences for Files after
horizons from within OASIS montaj and generate you start GM-SYS for the first time.
starting models for interpretation with GM-SYS. The
OASIS montaj users: In order for OASIS GM-SYS Resource files will be placed in the user's
montaj and GM-SYS to work correctly together, home directory. If multiple users are licensed to run
you must: GM-SYS, it may be advantageous to run the instal-
1) Copy the GXs and GMSYS.OMN to the Geosoft lation script as root, install GM-SYS in /usr/local/
installation directory. These files may also be gm46 (for example), and to place the X-resource file,
included in your OASIS montaj distribution. XGmxwin, in the app-defaults directory. Each user
2) Put the GM-SYS installation directory on your should have his/her own copies of XGmxwin and
path. To do this, users of the Windows® 95 or .gmsysrc in their home directories.
Windows® 98 operating system must edit the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Users of Windows NT® OASIS montaj users: In order for GM-SYS and
should select the System option in the Control OASIS montaj to work together correctly, several
Panel and open the Environment Variables tab files must be copied from the geosoft directory on
to set the PATH environment variable. the distribution CD-ROM into the Geosoft installa-
tion. On most systems, this requires root privileges.
You may choose to associate model files with Copy GXs to $GEOSOFTHOME/share/lib/gx/, html
GM-SYS, so that double-clicking on a GM-SYS files to $GEOSOFTHOME/share/doc/html/, and
model file will start GM-SYS with the selected model gmsys.omn to $GEOSOFTHOME/share/lib/omn/.
open. To create this association, double-click on a
GM-SYS .sur file. Windows will then ask you to If you have licensed the Seismic Bitmap option, you
specify which application should be used to open .sur need to have convert, identify, and libMagick
files. Be sure to select the box that says "Always use library files from the ImageMagick package installed
this program to open this file." on your system. You may elect to 1) install a com-
plete ImageMagick distribution (included on the
2.1.3 UNIX® Operating Systems GM-SYS distribution CD-ROM; this may require
To install GM-SYS on UNIX and Linux systems, root permission), 2) use an already-installed
run the installation script,, as the user. ImageMagick distribution, or 3) have the installa-
tion script include a minimal ImageMagick distribu-
/cdrom/gmsys> sh ./ tion with GM-SYS.
The script will ask you to select an installation direc- 2.2 COPY PROTECTION
tory (you must have write permission for that direc-
tory). A small directory tree will be built, containing Many copies of GM-SYS are delivered with some
sample "data" and "image" directories, as well as type of license protection. Generally, GM-SYS is
".gmbackup," and html subdirectories for auto- licensed for a single user. GM-SYS may be copied
mated backup files and html-help, respectively. You to the hard disk of several computers, but the license
may elect to change these default directories by edit- protection must be present for GM-SYS to execute.
ing the Preferences for Files after you start GM-SYS If you are operating in an environment where you
for the first time. feel GM-SYS may be subject to theft or unautho-
rized copying, please contact NGA and we will sup-
The installation script will query for the location(s) ply you with a protected copy at no charge.
of supporting software and use this information to
generate a wrapper script called GMX in the users
home directory. Executing GMX sets the GM-SYS
environment and starts the program.
Copies of GM-SYS running in a Geosoft environ- Users who are installing this update over previous
ment under Windows 95 or NT are protected by the versions of GM-SYS do not need to repeat these
standard Geosoft "Red Disk" license protection pro- steps.
cedure. See the Geosoft Manual for details. 1) Deterrmine whether you have an Activator or
SentinelPro keylock. New distributions of
2.2.2 Keylock or dongle Protection (Windows) GM-SYS are shipped with SentinelPro keylocks.
GM-SYS installed on Windows systems may be con- 2) Attach the keylock to LPT1;
figured to use either an ACTIVATOR" or 2) Double click on the "Install SentinelPro" or In-
SentinelPro hardware keylock, commonly called stall Activator icon in Install Keylock Drivers
a "dongle". The keylock must be present on the par- subfolder of the GM-SYS for Windows program
allel (printer) port (e.g., LPT1) of the computer for group. It will execute a small batch file to install the
GM-SYS to execute or continue running. Keylocks driver. Windows 95/NT users will need to reboot
are transparent to printer operations, so they may be before attempting to run GM-SYS.
left on the computer while you are printing or run-
ning other software. These keylocks may also be
attached in series with most other keylocks.
Select the New Model
option from the File Menu Setting these options orients your new model in space.
or click the New Model button on the Menu Tool This is necessary only for modeling magnetic re-
Bar to activate the New Model Creation dialog box, sponse, but is good practice, regardless. The profile
shown on the following page. The new model cre- azimuth is relative to geographic North. The relative
ation process allows you to specify the initial param- strike angle is relative to the profile azimuth. See
eters of your model, or you may accept the default Section 3.5 for a thorough discussion of these top-
settings. All of these parameters may be changed at ics. If you are unsure of the appropriate values, you
a later time. may accept the defaults and make changes later.
2.3.1 Overview of New Model Creation 2.3.4 Topography and Gravity & Magnetics
A starting GM-SYS model consists of two blocks
("air" and "crustal rock"), topography, and gravity You may choose to have no topography, evenly-
and/or magnetics stations. All GM-SYS models ex- spaced topography at a constant elevation, or you may
tend to "infinity" in the -X and +X directions (±30,000 import topographic data points from a file. Select-
kilometers) to eliminate edge-effects. Within the
"crustal rock" block you will later create the struc-
tural and stratigraphic boundaries (using Split Block,
Move Point, and other actions) which make up your
completed model.
Forward modeling involves creating a hypothetical GM-SYS allows you to apply a DC Shift in one of
geologic model and calculating the geophysical re- three ways:
sponse to that earth model. GM-SYS is a modeling 1) GM-SYS can automatically calculate the DC
program which allows intuitive, interactive manipu- Shift to minimize the RMS error, or
lation of the geologic model and real-time calcula- 2) you may select a point at which the calculated
tion of the gravity or magnetic response. The and observed curves will be forced to match, or
GM-SYS Inversion option allows you to automati- 3) you may enter the DC Shift explicitly. GM-SYS
cally optimize your model. defaults to option 1, the automatic shift.
3.1 UNIQUENESS These options are available in the Profile Menu and
Gravity and magnetic models are not unique; i.e. sev- the anomaly pane pop-up menus (See Section 5.1.5).
eral earth models can produce the same gravity and/ 3.3 2-D MODELING
or magnetic response. Furthermore many solutions
may not be geologically realistic. It is the task of the Two-Dimensional (2-D) models assume the earth is
interpreter to evaluate the "geologic reasonableness" two dimensional; i.e. it changes with depth (the Z
of any model. direction) and in the direction of the profile (X di-
rection; perpendicular to strike). 2-D models do not
3.2 DC SHIFT change in the strike direction (Y direction). 2-D
A constant or DC shift usually must be subtracted blocks and surfaces are presumed to extend to infin-
from the calculated gravity and/or magnetic data to ity in the strike direction.
match the observed data. For gravity, this is neces- 3.4 2¾-D MODELING
sary because the calculated value is an absolute grav-
ity calculation for the model extending to 30,000 km A 2-D model can be visualized as a number of tabu-
in the ±X directions, and to some arbitrary depth (50 lar prisms, with their axes in the strike direction. 2¾-
km by default). Observed data is generally corrected D modeling, as implemented in GM-SYS, allows
for the reference geoid, or referenced to some local these prisms to be truncated at some distance in the
datum. For magnetics, the calculated value is the plus and minus strike directions (± Y). It also allows
deviation from the ambient earth field value, whereas the profile to be skewed relative to the strike direc-
another datum may have been used for the observed tion. Beyond the ends of the prisms are new prisms
data. of the same cross section, but with different densi-
ties and magnetic properties. GM-SYS 2¾-D mod-
In GM-SYS, a DC shift can be applied to the calcu- els allow independent specification of the locations
lated curve to force the calculated curve and the ob- of the two ends of the prisms (blocks). They may be
served curve to match. asymmetrically-positioned about the line of the pro-
file or, if desired, both may be on the same side of
the plane of the profile (Y=0).
Forward modeling involves creating a hypothetical
geologic model and calculating the geophysical re-
sponse to that earth model. GM-SYS, without the
Inversion/Optimization option, is a forward model-
ing program allowing interactive manipulation of the
earth model and real-time calculation of the gravity
or magnetic response.
Geophysical literature is currently in a state of tran- Note that B, H, J and M are vector quantities in the
sition between cgs units and SI units. Many geo- definitions above.
physicists continue to use cgs or µcgs units although
SI units do appear in the literature. Conversion be- In GM-SYS, the vector direction for Mr (or Jr) is
tween cgs and SI units is, at best, confusing. input by the user as the remanent inclination (MI)
Five fundamental terms need to be defined for this and declination (MD) in Block Parameters. The vec-
discussion. These terms are (from Blakely, 1995, tor direction for H is input by the user as the inclina-
Grauch, et al.,1993, and Shive, 1986): tion (FI) and declination (FD) of the Earth's mag-
netic field. The calculated and observed anomalies
B magnetic induction or magnetic field; in GM-SYS are defined as the magnitude of the
H magnetic field intensity; anomalous component of B in the direction of the
J magnetic polarization; Earth's field direction. This is often referred to as
M magnetization; the total-field anomaly (DB).
c magnetic susceptibility.
GM-SYS uses the following cgs and SI units (see
Table 3.1):
A GM-SYS model has
three main compo-
nents; the structural To GM-SYS, the
(geologic) model (in- model is actually
cluding well informa- composed of lines
tion), gravity stations, that define the sur-
and magnetic stations. faces between areas
These features are illus- of differing density
trated in the simple or magnetic proper-
model at left. You may ties. You are able to
change the default sym- change the surfaces by moving, deleting, and adding
bol and line colors, points that define these boundaries. The top of a
sizes, and weights, and model is a surface which defines the topography of
fonts in the Preferences dialog accessed from the File the cross section. The default colors are green for
Menu. 2-D surfaces and dark green for 2¾-D surfaces.
The GM-SYS graphical user interface takes advan- The GM-SYS interface consists of a menu system,
tage of the many productivity-enhancing features of Menu Tool Bar, the Action Tool-Box, the Model
windowing environments, including: multiple open Space, and the Status Bar. The Model Space may
models, scalable windows, on-line help, balloon help, contain one or more models in separate Model Win-
floating toolbars, and context-sensitive pop-up dows.
menus. These features are described in the follow-
ing sections.
When GM-SYS is started without specifying an ini- The Save Model and Save as
options overwrite
tial model, only three menus with limited options are the previous version of the model or allow you to
available: the File Menu, Window Menu and the Help choose a new or different model name, respectively.
Menu. The menu system expands to include addi- For the Save as
option, if a model name is already
tional options when a model is loaded. Many of the in use, GM-SYS prompts you with a message asking
menu options may also be found in the context-sen- whether you wish to overwrite the existing model.
sitive pop-up menus described in Section 5.3.8. Models are saved in a group of eight to ten files with
the same name and various extensions (See Section
7). Hence, it is not recommended that you save mod-
5.1.1 File Menu els with an extension other than .sur.
The File Menu controls file access, printing and plot- Close
ting functions. The New Model
, Open Model
and Save Model options are also accessible from the The Close option closes the active model, prompting
Menu Tool Bar. you to save any changes that have occurred since the
last Save Model command. Models may also be New Model and Open Model closed using the controls embedded in the window-
dressing of the Model Window.
The New Model
option activates the New Model
Creation dialog (discussed in Section 2.3), which Preferences
guides you through the creation of a starting model.
The Open Model
option allows you to open any The Preferences... option allows you to personalize
GM-SYS model (default extension .sur). your GM-SYS environment. Preferences can be set
for files, the model window, and miscellaneous items.
GM-SYS version 4.6 introduces some extensions and GM-SYS maintains a list of previously-opened model
changes to the .BLK, .SUR, and .GMS file formats. files at the bottom of the File Menu. You may open
By default, GM-SYS uses the new formats when sav- any of the listed models by selecting the model name
ing a model. If backward compatibility is an issue, from the list. The number of saved file names may
you must deselect the USE V4.6 FILE FORMATS box. Ear- be configured in the Preferences.
lier versions of GM-SYS will read these models, but
will lose block color/pattern information and may fail
to load large models.
The Previous View option allows you step back This option allows you to save the current view at
through a stack of saved or unsaved views generated the bottom of the View List, without having to specify
during the current editing session. Separate view a name. The view name will default to "New View
stacks are constructed for each model opened during #?" where "?" is the position of the view in the list.
an editing session. A view is placed on the stack You may change the name or any other parameters
whenever the zoom functions are used or the range of the view using the Edit Views option.
of any pane in the Model Window is changed. The Edit Views
number of views remaining in the stack is displayed
as part of the Previous View option. By default, The Edit Views option activates the View List dia-
GM-SYS will hold up to 20 views in the stack. The log. The View List dialog allows you add, delete, or
depth of the stack can be changed in change views in the list that appears at the bottom of
File|Preferences...|Miscellaneous. The Previous View the View Menu.
stack for a model is cleared when you close the model
or exit GM-SYS. The Up and Dn buttons allow you to reorder your
view list; e.g. you could move the "Salt Dome" view Mark Current View to the top (default) position. When an existing view
When the range of the display is changed by utiliz- is highlighted, the Edit button activates the View dia-
ing a scroll bar, GM-SYS does not automatically save log (following page). This dialog allows you to
the view on the Previous View stack. Selecting Mark change the name and/or the limits of each pane in the
Current View will explicitly place the current view Model Window for that view. Use the Repl. W/
on the stack. CView button to replace the highlighted view with
the current screen configuration.
The first view in the list, named "Start up" by de- The Enable Back-
fault, is the initial view displayed when you open the drop selection
model. The "Infinity" view, listed second by default, toggles on/off the
shows you the entire model, extending from -30,000 display of the back-
km to +30,000 km along the profile axis. drop image. This
selection must be set
on to display a back-
drop image. You
may also set this
toggle in the Back-
drop Image Setup
described below.
When the Split Block option is selected, the If the cursor is over a surface, but no point is within
initial button press on an existing point will the search radius, the Examine Surface command will
define the start of a new surface dividing a be initiated.
block into two parts. Subsequent button presses and Examine Surface
releases will define segments in the surface, until a
different, preexisting surface point (bounding the tar- Clicking the left mouse button on a surface between
geted block) is chosen. After each button press, a points activates the Surface spreadsheet. From within
"rubber band" line will appear from the last vertex to the spreadsheet, you may edit the coordinates of the
the new cursor position. The cursor position at but- points on the surface, add points, delete any or all
ton press becomes the next vertex. The end of the points except the endpoints, export the surface to an
new surface must be an existing surface point on a ASCII file, or import a new version of the surface
surface bounding the targeted block. After the split from an ASCII file. Please note that the data will be
exported as a space delimited file and no header in-
formation will be sent with data.
The Magnetic Anomaly pane displays the observed 5.3.6 Resizing Panes: Sashes
and calculated magnetic anomalies for the portion of The border area between each of the panes in a Model
the model displayed in the Cross Section pane. The Window are sashes, which may be moved to resize
vertical axis units are gammas (cgs) or nanotesla (SI). the panes. To move a sash, position the mouse over
The observed and calculated magnetic gradient are a sash so that the double-arrow cursor appears, press
The GM-SYS Print option, found in the File Menu 6.1 THE PRINT DIALOG
and the Menu Tool Bar, allows you to print precisely-
scaled models to several common vector-graphics The Print dialog box displays the current configura-
formats or to one of the installed printers. GM-SYS' tion of the model as it will appear on paper. The
internal drivers generate the following graphic for- dialog is partitioned into three sections. The left half
mats for printing or importing into external graphics of the dialog displays a preview of the model layout,
or image-processing applications: Encapsulated showing the positions and sizes of the model panes,
Postscript, Binary and Clear Text CGM (Computer titles, and axis labels on the printed page. The up-
Graphics Metafile), Geosoft Plot (.plt), and DXF per-right section of the dialog shows the currently
(R12). active printer driver and allows you to select a differ-
ent driver from a pop-up menu. The active driver
GM-SYS provides five internal drivers that produce Output from this option will be a "Clear Text" Com-
precisely-scaled, high-quality graphics files from puter Graphics Metafile (CGM) which may be sent
your models, for printing or importing into other directly to a CGM print-queue or imported into an-
graphics and image-processing applications. Win- other document or graphics viewing program. This
dows users may also use all of the installed print driv- driver supports patterns, color fill, and backdrop im-
ers on the system. ages.
The Postscript driver produces generic encapsulated The Geosoft .PLT output option will generate a
postscript (EPS) files designed to be compatible with Geosoft PLT file and the associated attribute file. This
most printers, plotters, and graphic applications, such file is compatible with Geosoft's DOS-based soft-
ware and may be imported into MAP files in Geosoft's
Oasis montaj. Importing Geosoft PLT files is not
supported by GeosoftX's OASIS montaj (UNIX) soft-
ware. Solid color fill is supported in this driver. Pat-
terns are converted to solid colors. Backdrop im-
ages are not supported.
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A GM-SYS standard model consists of eight files the .GRV file. The magnetic gradient option also
with the model name as the root and eight different creates an additional ASCII file type, the .MDO file,
extensions: which is analogous to the .MAG file.
<modelname>.sur Surface file
<modelname>.blk Block file If the .GRV, .MAG, .VEW, .GMS, .GDO, .MDO and/
<modelname>.grv Gravity file or the .WEL files are not present, GM-SYS will build
<modelname>.mag Magnetics file default versions of those files when the model is
<modelname>.vew View file loaded. Thus only the two files, .SUR and .BLK, are
<modelname>.wel Well file required when building a model external to GM-SYS.
<modelname>.gms Workspace file .ECS files are generated when GM-SYS models are
<modelname>.ecs External Coordinate Sys- generated by CVTGMS or XYZGMS from external
tem file model formats or XYZ data, respectively.
Other files which may be present are:
<modelname>.gdo Gravity gradient file GM-SYS reads all ASCII values in a general format.
<modelname>.mdo Magnetic gradient file. The number of entries per line must match the ex-
amples and each entry should be separated by at least
The first six model files are ASCII text files that de- one space. The format of numbers given in the ex-
scribe the model. They may be edited or altered if amples need not be strictly followed. The forms
care is taken to preserve the integrity of the model. 123.4, 1.234E2, and 0.1234000E+003 will all be read
The .GMS file describes model-specific workspace equivalently. .GSR, .MSR, .GDR, and .MDR binary
parameters. The .ECS file contains information for files generated by earlier versions of GM-SYS are
converting "Profile" coordinates (x,z) into "real- no longer used and may be discarded.
world" coordinates (x,y,z).
Note: All distances in the files are in kilometers,
GM-SYS version 4.6 introduces extensions and with z (depth) positive down.
changes to the .BLK, .SUR, and .GMS file for-
mats. By default, GM-SYS uses the new formats 7.1 SURFACE (.SUR) FILE FORMAT
when saving a model. If backward compatibility
is an issue, you must deselect the USE V4.6 FILE The surface and block files describe the geologic
FORMATS box. Earlier versions of GM-SYS will
model. The surface file defines the surfaces in the
read these models, but will lose block color/pat- model.
tern information and may fail to load large mod- Line 1: The first line of this file should contain:
els. 1) the azimuth of the profile in degrees,
2) a flag value (128),
The gravity gradient option creates one additional 3) the model strike angle (degrees from north),
ASCII file type, a .GDO file, which is analogous to 4) GM-SYS model-format version number
The flag values for the units are: 1) gravity model changed flag,
1 = Km 2) magnetic model changed flag,
2 = meters 3) surface deleted flag, and
3 = feet 4) reserved for future use.
4 = Kilofeet
5 = miles The model changed flags indicate that surface has
been changed since the last calculation, and its sur-
Note: distances are always stored in the file as kilo- face response must be recalculated.
meters. Unit flags control only the display.
For models constructed external to GM-SYS, these
Surface groups: Beginning on the third line and con- four flags should all be set to 0.
tinuing to the end of the surface file are the data for
the individual surfaces. A single surface is repre- Line 6: This line is not used or updated by GM-SYS
sented by a group of 7 to 22 lines of data. There can versions 4.0, but is maintained for backward com-
be a maximum of 300 surfaces in the Professional patibility. It contains four real numbers representing
Edition and 750 surfaces with the Extended Model X and Z limits of the surface:
1) the minimum value of X,
Line 3: The first line of each group consists of a 2) the maximum value of X,
single integer, the surface number (Allowable range: 3) the maximum value of Z, and
1-750). 4) the minimum value of Z.
Note that z is positive downward.
1) surface index number
Line 7: A single integer then occurs on the next
Line 4: The second line of each group consists of line of the group which is the number of points in
two integers, the index of the left and right blocks the surface. (Allowable range: >1)
sharing this surface, respectively. (Allowable range
for block index numbers: 1-300.) 1) number of points in surface
1) index number of left block, Line 8: The remaining lines of the group contain
2) index number of right block. coordinates for each point in the surface.
If you start at the first point on the surface and travel 1) X coordinate (kilometers),
through the succeeding points to the last point, the 2) Z coordinate (kilometers positive down).
block on your right is the right block and the block
on the left is the left block. Thus, if a vertical sur- Since a surface must have at least two points, this is
face went from bottom to top, then the left block how the minimum of seven lines per surface is ar-
would be on the left-hand side of the model; whereas rived at: two lines will represent the two points.
if the vertical surface went from top to bottom, then
Line 1, 5, : The first line of a block is the block The PP characters specify one of 40 possible pat-
index number. This number is referenced in line 4 terns; subsequent RRGGBB defines the block fore-
of the surface file. ground color. The TT characters are set to 01 if
the block is transparent, 00 otherwise. The sec-
1) block index number. ond RRGGBB triplet describes the block background
color. Note that a block may have a background color
Line 2, 6, : The second line is the name of the defined, but have transparency enabled.
block. This is a character string which may contain
spaces. It should not be in quotes. Last line: As with the surface file, the end of the
block file is denoted by the line containing the inte-
1) block name. ger -999.
1) number of stations in the file. Following lines: Following these lines is a line for
each station.
Following lines: Following the number of stations
is a line for each station. Line 4: For each gravity station there is a line with
fourteen entries (all distances are in kilometers, with
Line 3: For each gravity station there is a line with z positive down):
four entries (all distances are in kilometers, with z
positive down): 1) X-coordinate (in km)
2) Z-coordinate (in km)
1) the X coordinate of the station, in km, 3) Gzx observed (in Eotvos units)
2) the Z coordinate of the station, in km, 4) Gzx calculated (in Eotvos units)
3) the observed value of gravity at the station, in 5) Gzy observed (in Eotvos units)
mGals, and, 6) Gzy calculated (in Eotvos units)
4) the calculated value of gravity due to the model 7) Gzz observed (in Eotvos units)
(which initially should be zero). 8) Gzz calculated (in Eotvos units)
9) Gxx observed (in Eotvos units)
Last line: End of File marker. 10) Gxx calculated (in Eotvos units)
1) -999 11) Gyy observed (in Eotvos units)
12) Gyy calculated (in Eotvos units)
7.4 GRAVITY GRADIENT (.GDO) 13) Gxy observed (in Eotvos units)
FILE FORMAT 14) Gxy calculated (in Eotvos units).
The gravity gradient file is analogous to the gravity GDO files written by GM-SYS contain additional
file described above but may contain comment lines information at the end of the file, regarding the num-
that begin with *. ber of surfaces and the (re)calculation status of each
surface. If this information is not present, GM-SYS
Line 1: The first non-comment line consists of a assumes all surfaces require recalculation.
single integer representing the number of stations in
the file. (Allowable range: 1-1000) 7.5 MAGNETICS (.MAG) FILE
1) number of stations in file.
The magnetics file is similar to the gravity file but
Line 2: The second non-comment line consists of contains an extra line with the Earth's magnetic field
six Boolean flags (0 or 1). These flags should be set parameters.
to 1 for models constructed external to GM-SYS.
Line 1: The first line of the magnetics file contains
1) Boolean flag. four integers that determine the method used to cal-
culate the DC Shift when displaying calculated mag-
Line 3: The third non-comment line consists of six netic data.
additional Boolean flags (0 or 1). These flags should
be set to 1 for models constructed external to 1) station number for offset calculation; zero if
CVTGMS is a file conversion utility designed to input file from the pull-down menu. Simply typing
generate GM-SYS model files from digitized geo- the new extension will cause CVTGMS to attempt
logic models, DXF files, and GMA, LCT, and SAKI to read the file with the wrong filter and the
model files. By default, CVTGMS will read and write operation will abort with an error.
GM-SYS model files, allowing you to shift or deci-
mate your models. Depending upon which optional 8.2.1 Modifying the model
modules have been licensed, CVTGMS may import After reading the input file, CVTGMS displays a plot
and export DIG, DXF, GMA, LCT, SAKI, and of the model in the upper pane of the window with a
GM-SYS model files. dashed red line showing the model "limits" read or
calculated from the file. The model limits are either
The CVTGMS main window consists of a menu bar explicitly supplied, as in a DIG file, generated from
and two scrollable panes: an upper model pane which the "Full" view, as in a GM-SYS model, or calcu-
graphically displays the input model, and a lower lated by CVTGMS from the input model extents. One
progress pane which provides a log of operations or more green lines within the limits define the sur-
performed on the model. faces of the model. The lower pane will display a
log of operations performed on the model.
CVTGMS will be installed automatically with If the plot appears "upside down," choose Flip over
GM-SYS. A CVTGMS icon will be placed in the Z from the Execute menu to change the sense of the
GM-SYS for Windows Program Group in the Start Z-axis. At this time, you should also check that the
Menu. Unless you have licensed other conversion units are appropriate for each axis (Execute Menu |
options, CVTGMS will only read and write GM-SYS Alter Unit). You may also specify a lateral- (along-
model files. profile) or depth-shift and/or reverse the direction of
the profile at this time. If the input file is of type
8.2 GETTING STARTED DIG or DXF, you may also set the default block pa-
rameters at this time. DIG and DXF input files must
To execute CVTGMS on Windows® operating sys- also be "Snapped" prior to output (see Section
tems, double-click on the CVTGMS icon. for a description of this function).
On UNIX and Linux systems, simply type CVTGMS will also Decimate files prior to output.
nga%> cvtgms &
This function is particularly useful when the input
Following the appearance of the registration screen, file is either a seismic model (e.g. GMA) or a digi-
an empty window will appear on the screen. Use the tized model which contains many points along nearly
File Menu to open the file-selection dialog. You may straight surfaces. The Decimate function may dra-
now select the file-type and file you wish to convert. matically reduce the number of points in the model
The default file-type is GM-SYS (*.sur). without sacrificing the quality of the model, which
Note: You must choose the correct file type for the will increase the calculation speed of GM-SYS.
The Open... command activates the file-selection dia- Set Block
log. Here the user may select the file and file-type to
When creating a GM-SYS model from DIG or DXF
be used as input. Allowable file-types are displayed
formats, the Set Block dialog allows you to set the
when the List Files of Type pull-down menu is se-
default block parameters for the "Air" block or other
lected. The default file-type is GM-SYS with the
blocks. These parameters include density, magnetic
default extension ".sur". Other files types which may
susceptibility and remanent magnetization, and the
be available include:
±Y-extent of the block(s).
· AutoCAD DXF (.dxf); Alter Unit
· 2D (.dig) and 3D (.xyz) generic ASCII files;
· LCT, Inc.'s 2-MOD (.lct); The Alter Unit dialog allows the user to independently
· Geophysical Micro Computer Appl., LTD. (.gma); change the X or Z units of the model. Available units
· Chevron's GAMMA (.gam), and include kilometers (km), meters (m), feet (ft), kilofeet
· US Geological Survey's SAKI (.cmd). (kft), and miles (mi). Shift XZ...
File types for conversion modules not purchased will
not be displayed. The Shift XZ... dialog permits the user to shift the
model laterally (along the profile) and/or in depth.
IMPORTANT: Although each file-type has a default The amount of shift to be applied must be entered in
extension (e.g. ".dig"), the user may select a differ- units of kilometers (km).
ent extension for a given file type (e.g. ".txt"). How- Flip over X
ever, changing the default extension does not alter
the expected file format. Therefore, changing the This command reverses the model profile direction.
8.4.6 GAMMA - Chevron CVTGMS writes parm records for all of the param-
eters described in the Input Section, above. The xxx,
CVTGMS reads ASCII model files generated by zzz, ggg, and hhh parms are generated from the se-
Chevron's GAMMA program. GAMMA models lected view (default is "Full" view), if applicable.
must consist of connected polygons; "floating" poly- Note that SAKI does not support skewed models;
gons are not allowed at this time. CVTGMS "snap" relative model strike is assumed to be 90 degrees.
mode ensures that polygon boundaries match exactly.
CVTGMS outputs ASCII GAMMA model files.
Supporting software NGRF and XYZGMS make to change with the left mouse button. Two clicks
working with GM-SYS easier and more efficient. with the right mouse button anywhere on the screen
will cause the program to end and return you to DOS.
Context-sensitive help is available by pressing the Note that XYZGMS converts a multi-segment line
'F1' key. Press <Esc> to exit help. into a single-segment profile as shown on the fol-
lowing page. The black line represents the original
You can use a mouse to pick the parameters you want profile as digitized by the user. The red line is the
location of the model profile in real-world X,Y space magnetics column is required)
with values projected perpendicularly onto the model -zeg= column for gravity elevation values (+ is up)
profile. The model-profile azimuth is based on the -zem= column for magnetics elevation values (+
first and last points in the original profile. The pro- is up)
file location is then shifted to minimize the average -eg= value for constant gravity elevation (+ is up)
mis-fit. -em= value for constant magnetics elevation (+ is
RUNNING XYZGMS: -zt= column for topography values (+ is up)
-t= value for constant topography (+ is up)
XYZGMS is a command line driven program. Typ- -u= unit conversion (default meters). If input is
ing XYZGMS followed by a number of parameters in:
and options runs it. feet -u=3.28
kilofeet -u=0.00328 or -u=3.28E-3
Usage: kilometers - u=0.001 or -u=1E-3
miles -u=6.2121E-4
XYZGMS in out -l= -zg= -zm= -zeg= -zem= -eg= - -d= decimation factor. Take only every d th
em= -zt= -t= -u= -d= -x= -x0= -y= -s= point (Default -d=1)
-x= min,max X limits. The default is to pass
where: entire X range.
-x0= x-coordinate of first point in profile. The
in (required) name of the XYZ file (.XYZ as- default is 0.
sumed) -y= min,max Y limits. The default is to pass
out (required) root name of the output files (six entire Y range.
files) -s= min,max Station limits. The default passes
-l= (required) line type [B, T, or L] and line all stations.
number -h= h1,h2,h3... columns for up to 15 layer hori-
-zg= column for gravity values (a gravity or mag- zons. ( + is down )
netics column is required) -q 'quiet mode' (i.e., suppress version message
-zm= column for magnetics values (a gravity or and other non-error messages)
Barton, C. E., 1996, Revision of International Grant, F. S., and West, G. F., 1965, Interpretation
Geomagnetic Reference Field Released, EOS theory in applied geophysics: McGraw-Hill Book
Transactions 77, #16. Co.
Blakely, R. J., 1995, Potential theory in gravity & Grauch, V. J. S., Phillips, J. D., Hoover, D. B.,
magnetic applications: Cambridge University Pitkin, J. A., Livo, K. E., and McCafferty, A., 1993,
Press, New York, 441p. Materials provided at the workshop "Geophysical
map interpretation on the PC", convened April 21-
Blakely, R. J., and Connard, G. G., 1989, Crustal 22, 1993: USGS OF 93-560, 150p., 14 diskettes.
studies using magnetic data, in Geophysical
framework of the continental United States: Hubbert, M. K., 1948, A line-integral method of
Geological Society of America Memoir 172. computing the gravimetric effects of two-dimen-
sional masses: Geophysics, 13, 215-225.
Campbell, D.L., 1983, BASIC Programs to Calcu-
late Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies for 2-1/2 - Di- Lillie, R. J., 1999, Whole Earth Geophysics: An
mensional Prismatic Bodies, U.S.G.S. Open-File Introductory Textbook for Geologists and Geo-
Report 83-154. physicists: Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 360p.
Carmichael, R. S., ed., 1982, Physical properties of Marqardt, D.W., 1963, An algorithm for least-
rocks and minerals: CRC Press, Inc., 741p. squares estimation of non-linear parameters:
J.SIAM, v.11:431-441.
Clark, S. P., 1966, Handbook of physical constants:
Geological Society of America Memoir #97, 587p. Merrill, R. T., and McElhinny, M. W., 1983, The
Earth's magnetic field: Its history, origin and
Dobrin, M. B., and Savit, C. H., 1988, Introduction planetary perspective: Academic Press, Inc., 401p.
to geophysical prospecting: 4th edition: McGraw-
Hill Book Co., 867p. Rasmussen, R., and Pedersen, L. B., 1979, End
corrections in potential field modeling: Geophysi-
Fabiano, 1983a, Magnetic Field of the Earth, 1980, cal Prospecting, 27, 749-760.
Magnetic declination: USGS Investigation I-1457.
Shive, P. N., 1986, Suggestions for the use of SI
Fabiano, 1983b, Magnetic Field of the Earth, 1980, units in magnetism: EOS Transactions of the
Magnetic inclination: USGS Investigation I-1458. American Geophysical Union, 67, 25.
Steps 1 and 2 are performed using the New Model To begin, start GM-SYS and click "OK" on the reg-
Creation dialog. Steps 3 and 4 are carried out using istration screen; an empty Main Window will appear.
the mouse modes available in the Action Tool Box Select New Model
from the File Menu (or click
or Action Menu. We will change views of the model on the New Model icon at the left end of the Menu
to work first at the mega-scale, and finally at a de- Tool Bar) to activate the New Model Creation dia-
tailed scale, looking at smaller portions of the model. log, shown on the following page.
Our exercise will be to input a simple model with a The New Model Creation dialog is partitioned into
basement high and overlying sediments, shown in four sections. We will work with them in order of
Figure 11.1. occurrence.
11.2 CREATE NEW MODEL Cross-Section: Set the horizontal and depth extents
The "Create New Model" procedure will create the for the model. For this exercise, the observed data
single block referred to in Step 1. In this tutorial, we extend from 0 to 45 km along the profile and the
Figure 11.3: Default values for the Figure 11.4: File viewer displaying
Import from File dialog. SIMPLE2.ASC.
Select the View Menu Now we need to enter the two new surfaces using
and choose Infinity. the Split Block command. Note: When "splitting a
Now change the upper block," the intended starting and ending points must
and lower limits of the be visible on the screen before beginning Split Block.
cross-section view so that Thus we must first use the Add Point mode to insert
you are only looking at the starting and ending points for our new surface.
the top 6 km of the model. The points we wish to add are circled in the figure
This may be done in one above.
of two ways:
Select the Add Point mode by clicking on the "+"
1) Click the right mouse button in the vertical axis icon on the Action ToolBar or by selecting it from
area of the cross-section pane (near the "Depth" la- the Action Menu. Move the cursor to the surface
bel) to activate the pop-up menu and select "Change where you want to add a point (approximately X=-
Range". Enter "-1.5 km" for the minimum depth (Z 30,000 km, Z=3.5 km) and click the mouse button to
is positive downward in GM-SYS) and "6.0 km" for insert the point. Insert another point in a similar
the maximum depth, then click "OK". manner on the other side of the model (X=+30,000
Figure 11.7: Examine Block dialog, allowing the user to set the
parameters for the newly-created block.
Figure 11.9: "Anchor points" may be used to limit the area affected
by changes to a surface.
Now, create two new surfaces to truncate the "Lower ToolBar. Move the cursor to the surface you want to
Sediments" against the "Basement", as shown in Fig- delete and click on a point on that surface. The fig-
ure 11.10 on the following page. This will leave a ure below shows one of the two points that would
remnant block with lower sediments above the base- work in this example.
ment high.
A new block has now been formed joining the two
Delete the remnant block of lower sediments. Select blocks on either side of the deleted surface. The
Delete Surface from the Action Menu or Action blocks on either side were the "Upper Sediments"
Index B
.MAG 60
.MDO 61
.MMD 12 B 24
.SUR 57 Backdrop Images 32
.VEW 61 Seismic Bitmap Option 32
.WEL 62 Balloon Help 50
17 Point Surface 59 Barton, C. E. 73
2½-D Modeling. See 2 ¾-D Best Fit. See Inversion
2x Zoom In 46 Modeling Bevis, M. 74
2¾-D Modeling 21, 22 Binary CGM 54
2x Zoom Out 46 2-D Modeling 21 Bitmap Display 29
2X Zoom In 46 Blakely, R. J. 73
2X Zoom Out 46 Block 31
Add Point 45 Asymmetric 21
4p 26
Background Color 40
Box Zoom 46 A Block Data 32
Block Labels 32
A/m 26 Edit Blocks 42
Delete Point 45 Abort. See Undo Foreground Color 40
Absolute Gravity 21 Mark Block 44
Delete Surface 45 Action Menu 44 Split Block 45
Activator 17 Spreadsheet 42
Add Current View 38 Block (.BLK) File Format 59
Examine 45 Add Point 45 Bouguer Values 24
AIX® 12 Box Zoom 46
Invert 46 Alter Unit Bt 28
CVTGMS 64 Btz 28
Move Group 44
Bouguer 24 C
Free-Air 24
Move Label 48 Residual 24 Campbell, D. L. 73
Applying a DC Shift Carmichael, R. S. 73
Tutorial 84 CGS 24
Move Point 44
ASCII 19 Clark, S. P. 73
Aspect Ratio 50 Clear Text CGM 54
Split Block 45 Asymmetric blocks 21 Close 36
Auto DC Level 43, 47 Color Tool 40
Undo Button 44 Autocalc 20, 45 Computational Basis for GM-
Autoscale SYS 23
.BLK 59 Gravity Anomaly Pane 49 Compute Menu 48
.DIG 12 Axes 49, 55 Connard, G.G. 73
.DXF 12 Azimuth 18, 22, 28, 41, 57 Create New Model
.ECS 62 Default Profile 42 Tutorial 76
.GDO 60 Cross Section 37
.GMS 62 Pop-up Menus 50
.GRV 59