A New Framework To Revive Industries With The Help of Advanced Technology Used As Marketing Tool
A New Framework To Revive Industries With The Help of Advanced Technology Used As Marketing Tool
A New Framework To Revive Industries With The Help of Advanced Technology Used As Marketing Tool
Abstract— Entire world is facing a huge competition in the it is not made for every type of consumer base. As the world
market. Companies are spending tremendously over marketing of population has been increasing at a tremendous rate and
products and services. These costs are taking a toll on profit as well. everybody wants to take a slice of a pie. I propose an
Many industrial units are facing loses and banks are getting cash "engineering used as marketing" framework which will help
deficit. In order to revive market, it is necessary to understand new
various companies to re-establish their market position and
consumer approaches and behaviour to identify their buying pattern.
Clearly lesser profits and increasing marketing cost are signs of down
enhance industrial growth even after the product has reached
trend. There are many types of consumer behaviour theories. They the decline phase of product life cycle curve. This study will
have their own advantages but they also contain serious flaws. These involve various market penetration strategies, consumer
flaws make them vulnerable. This paper proposes to discover a new behaviour and technological aspect.
consumer behaviour or perspective of millennials. This will help in Technological enthusiasts have been increasing at a
increase of profits and decrease marketing costs. The framework will tremendous rate. Technology is now a part of premium factor
also help in reducing operational cost, human resource costs and added to a product or service. Even after the decline phase
distribution cost all together. company can divest some of its resources and can re-invest
that money in research and development of various Hi-Tech
Keywords— upcoming consumer behaviour trend, digital
features added to their products. This will not only create a
sophisticates, digital enthusiasts, marketing for millennials
huge public attention of digital enthusiasts and digital
sophisticates but also increase premium factor to the product.
This premium factor will increase the revenues and aid in
Chapter 1. Introduction gathering return of investment which was initially used for
research and development. Not many companies have been
For years companies have been using various methods for practicing this strategy but as the number of digital enthusiasts
promoting their products and services. Marketing is a tool that and sophisticated have been increasing at a tremendous rate
bridge the gap between an uninformed consumer and a with a CAGR of 16.4%, it is very obvious that the same
product manufacturer. From past many years, there has been strategy will be very useful for upcoming generation.
several industrial sectors which have grown and then declined There are many products and services which were initially
due to various reasons. Traditionally a product life cycle and designed for X and Y generations however they became too
industry life cycle has been designed which is comprised of old for generation Z. In order to revive those industries, we
four stages. All these four stages have their different have to combine the unique features of this age with the
marketing strategies, pricing strategies, market penetration features of the older ages and create a new product. Because
strategies, product diversification strategies, market industries are combining equipment and software with their
diversification strategy, etc. However, there has been very products, this will be very much profitable with respect to
little research being done on what a company should do after porter's five model. As according to Porter’s five force model
the decline phase. an industry should have a smaller number of competitors and
Rise of technology and digital world has given many sectors a restrict the entry of new entrants. This will surely help them in
new opportunity to increase their revenues and once again this way.
restore consumers attention and needs. Due to cutting edge From thousands of years, economy of country is entirely
technologies and advanced algorithms it is now very easy to dependent upon manufacturing and service providing
target niche market and increase companies’ revenue using companies. There are many different types of products and
artificial intelligence, robotics and drone systems. It is obvious services available in the market however not every product
that not every company is capable of using high tech and also and service are capable of creating a unique mark on the basis
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
of revenues. The simple reason behind this problem is lack of gathered greater market share as compared to the print
marketing. Marketing is a bridge between company and the media(hardcover books).
consumers. It attempts to create an awareness for education It is now estimated that in 5 years every member of generation
among the customer and emphasize them to adopt a particular Z will have an Amazon Kindle instead of actual printed
product or service that will enhance their way of living. material. Amazon with their intelligent marketing strategies
Naturally marketing trend keeps on changing at a very faster and PR created a scenario in which holding a Kindle is a
rate because of problem-solving or need fulfilling capacity a significance of knowledge. Furthermore, They pushed their
product or service holds. It is very important to do market consumers to buy more Kindle devices at lower rates. It’s a
segmentation and identify consumer psychology. This study is loss leader pricing strategy in which they are offering device
known as consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour is based at lower cost but they will earn from selling books, newspaper
on principle of 'need'. It States that need drives a consumer to and novels.
buy a certain product or service.
Consumer behaviour keeps on changing and in the current
world this is rate of change has gone even at a faster rate. Chapter 1.2 VR Product testing
India with 1.3 billion consumers, have different types of needs
and it is essential for a marketer to anticipate those needs and When dot com bubble bursts there are many E-Commerce
create a product/service that will fulfil their needs. It is industries. However, they grab a very little share of the
essential to predict consumer behaviour in advance so that market. Many E-Commerce platforms do not sell
companies could gather insight from that research and can technologically high-end products but they managed to create
make better product/ service. This project attempt to analyse a a new VR experience on their website and apps. This VR and
new consumer behaviour in which advanced technological augmented reality created a huge buzz and went viral in no
system creates an intent to buy. Till now very less research has time.
been conducted in this field. I attempt to prove that investing One of the good examples for this argument is lenskart.com.
in new technology will surely be a game changer for Lens kart is a multi-million industry in India whose business is
manufacturing as well as marketing aspect of a business. selling spectacles and sunglasses in Indian market. They have
Higher technological advancements create an opportunity to introduced a concept of virtual reality on their website which
reduce manufacturing cost and it also creates a desire in allows consumer to see how they look when they will be
consumers to buy. This is a very common psychology of wearing that particular frame or sunglass. This technological
digital enthusiast. With limited amount of natural advancement was heavily marketed and company even hired
resources(such as coal, petrol and diesel), it is becoming one of the topmost Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif to promote
difficult for companies to serve their consumers with high their virtual reality program. I would like to emphasize on the
quality product but with the help of advanced technology and point that marketing on virtual reality does not imply that their
cutting-edge algorithms this problem can be solved easily. frames and sunglasses are high end and they will last longer.
However, it drives or creates a desire to explore (in the minds
Chapter 1.1 Printing Press and Kindle of consumer). Certainly, this virtual reality enhances leads
which eventually create more revenue for the company. We
To understand this concept, Let us consider a very unique can also agree on the fact that alone VR is not responsible for
product known as Kindle. It was manufactured by the revenues. The companies even focused on their price
Amazon.inc. Amazon is an American based company which points, promotional offers and loyalty programs to retain
provides an E-Commerce platform to buy products and consumer base. Even now many apparels and FMCG
services. It is a billion-dollar company which invested in industries have been using virtual reality in their shopping
Kindle. Kindle is an E-Commerce platform for books, novels, malls and retail outlets to increase the amount of foot fall
educational journals, newspapers and magazines.
With the help of cloud computing and advanced technology
they managed to create a Kindle device which has a same Chapter 1.3 Artificial Intelligence
resemblance as if someone is holding a paper. Naturally
printing cost and distributions of books and novels creates a Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest innovations in the
huge impact on their pricing strategies. Contrary on the other history of computers as it has ability to think and make
hand, Kindle offers same products at a very less price because decisions just like a human being with certain constraints and
all the books are synchronised in their cloud services. It is just available parameters. This was no surprise that this technology
a matter of time when a consumer pays money books are had created a huge impact on industries in many aspects. Now
synced on their Kindle home page. Delivery time and cost are artificial intelligence is being used in manufacturing plants,
nearly zero and it is a Win-Win game for Amazon company, human resources, resource and development departments and
consumers and writers. It was just a matter of time that Kindle even in marketing. Many social networking sites such as
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
Facebook, Google and Yahoo have deployed artificial Domino's managed to increase their profit margin and also
intelligence to enhance interaction. In this report, we are not self-driving cars and robots went viral in digital age. In not
considering any of the technical or IT industries because it is less than 10 years dominos beat pizza hut and became the
obvious for them to create high end products with new highest grossing fast food chain in the world. Now, it's a
features and advancement to retain their consumer rather we popular saying that Domino's is a tech company which
are selecting those industries which have nothing to do with happens to deliver pizza.
artificial intelligence, robots or virtual reality whatsoever but
they have managed to enhance their brand image with the help I. Chapter 1.4 Smart watches
of emerging technologies.
Many premium and luxury car manufacturers such as MG, Smartwatch is a wearable computer form of a traditional wrist
BMW, Audi and Rolls-Royce have included artificial watch. the provide touch screen interface for daily uses and it
intelligence in their cars. it is obvious that the price point for also contains different apps such as calculator, media player,
these cars are very high and till now it is considered as luxury. radio, Bluetooth headset, game playing and other fitness
In Indian market, MG launched HECTOR with an artificial related applications. smart watches were initially launched by
technology enabled under the name of “HELLO MG”. This AI company called Fitbit, however it gained momentum and now
has also video and audio streaming features. Consumer have it is made almost by every IT company. now they are powered
access to music library of millions of songs. by rechargeable lithium ion battery e and their screens are
This created a huge impact on the market and in less than no made up of OLED displays. Nowadays smartwatches contain
time it became a real competitor of Tata motors and Jeep. Tata GPS tracking unit coma LTE connections and they are
motors and Jeep have their flagship variants under the name of powered by various operating system such as IOS and
HARRIER and COMPASS but they lack in artificial enabled Android. There are extremely marketed in fitness industry as
system and auto-driving assistance. MG hectare with the same they are capable of tracking blood pressures, stress levels and
price. Managed to sell more cars as compared to Tata harrier calorie burnt in a day. gradually new angular designs and with
and Jeep compass. the mobile interface advancements smartwatches appears
Many companies such as policy Bazzar and Zomato same as that of traditional watches and they can even change
incorporated AI enabled chat bots. These chat bots reduce their design off dial.
reaction time and increases customer satisfaction. Earlier A craze for smartwatch is gradually increasing among
companies have to manage huge customer support staff. This teenagers because they look exactly same as some other high
staff also does not work for 24 hours and 365 days. On the and traditional wrist watch and on the plus side they can do
other hand, chat bots can operate seamlessly and it is also terms of different activities for the user. Good high and
cheap to install them. traditional wrist watch comes with a minimum price tag of
In 2010 dominos launched DXP where advanced technologies rupees 15000 and high-end apples or Samsung gear S2 comes
were introduced for delivering pizza such as self-driving car. with a price tag of 20,000-30,000 depending upon its features.
In 2008, dominos even introduced a pizza tracker technology Smartwatch market is now nearly worth of 5 billion dollars
which enables consumer to track their pizza. This let people to and it's kept on increasing at a CAGR of 12%. Every year
follow the progress and it also shows an approximate time at major IT companies comes up with a new advanced and
which pizza will be delivered. Domino's was also the first upgraded model of their watch and slowly smartwatch
company which rolled out voice ordering systems in their app industry is above traditional wrist watch industry. even though
which will directly order your favourite pizza and deliver it in many companies in wrist watches market themselves as a
less than 30 minutes. In 2016 Domino's even launched zero luxury product and their price points are at higher scale still
click ordering system in which all you have to do is to click a smart watch industry is making way for itself at a very fast
button and your favourite pizza will be delivered in less than pace
30 minutes. This single click feature was revolutionary in
those days when Uber eats and Zomato were struggling in the CHAPTER 2: RELATED WORK DONE
market. In New Zealand, dominos was the first company
among its competitors that were using remote controlled
The rapid advancements in automation and artificial
aircraft for delivery systems. In 2019 Domino's incorporated
intelligence is creating a huge impact on businesses. This
artificial intelligence in their customer loyalty program and
industry uncovers the fact that advanced AI is disrupting the
they are committed to provide high tech feature in their pizza
labour markets at a significant level. The study accepts the fact
delivery systems.
that AI and automation has profound impact on economies and
Dominos rather focusing much on their products and
increasing profit margins for businesses. Different
increasing retail outlets they shifted their revenue stream in
perspectives related with automation is mentioned in (Frank et
R&D of robots and self-driving cars for delivering pizza. They
al., 2019) [1]
were among the first companies which chose this trajectory to
enhance their revenue. With the advanced technology in place
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
A study conducted by KPMG showed that mass if niches are level of satisfaction. It also identified that many respondents
increasing at very tremendous rates. Digital enthusiasts and between 25-30 age have income nearly 20,000 rupeesError:
sophisticates will be nearly more than 600 million by the year Reference source not found
2030. They will have a yearly house hold income of more than (Kumar, 2017) identified a consumer perception towards
$10,000. This study will be very useful for our research paper smartwatches in to the part of a market. From a structured
and framework we are going to propose.(KPMG, 2019)[2] questionnaire they identified that nearly 48% people want a
(Jin & Li, 2012) with the help of Nash equilibrium covers smartwatch as opposed to only 20% people who need it.[7]
many scenarios and different aspects of business handling (Carlos Martins Rodrigues Pinho & Soares, 2011) have
with respect to technology. It analyses the entire fact with the examined technology acceptance model which is a very good
help of equations. In the conclusion they presented 8 extension of TRA. They analysed on social networking
corollaries with covers impact of major aspects of adoption of websites. In (Bröhl & Nelles & Mertens & Schlick, 2016),
technology.[3] (Kim & Shin, 2015) and (Manis & Choi, 2019) they did
(Balasubramanian, 1998) elaborates major differences technology acceptance model on VR, AI and Smart watches.
between direct marketing and conventional retail marketing. All results are positive.[12][13][14][15]
In a recent study that shows that 68% millennials are shopping In [16] CAGR of digital content market has been exponential
online. However, there are many fields where online shopping has been proven in the paper. The paper throws light on
is not possible. It compares different marketing models. [4] incredible push on technology in media market. The paper
(Delloite, 2013) beautifully describes the steps taken by Red also explains that compared to other(traditional sources)
Chillies Entertainment group to create a 300 Cr film. The digital content is growing at tremendous rate.
movie titles as “Chennai Express” is considered to be biggest The forecast of price-water-house-coopers for the year of
blockbuster in the history of Indian cinema and this report 2010-2014 predicts that there will be CAGR of 5.0% as
explains the role of population analysis in mass media predicted in paper [17] (Shapiro & Varian, 1999) A
marketing. The report describes that online channel have very framework for strategic business decisions is much needed for
high impact on revenues.[5] policy makers and other business executive. The paper [18] is
(Bower & Christensen, 1995) explores that fact that an attempt to solve the paper. This paper argues on the fact
technology is changing at a very fast rate. It emphasizes on the that although technology changes but rules of economics does
fact that even though a technology does not serve the purpose not change.
of mainstream market and consumer now but can be useful in (Asatiani, 2016) it is been long argued that size of
future. This paper gave example of many companies such technologically push market can be measured with the help of
IBM and Nakia which underwent similar situation. It stresses tangible assets such as CD, VR, etc. however after the
on the fact that companies should keep one eye on current emergence of cloud computing its impact is humongous. This
trends and another eye on future technology. [6] paper attempts to prove the same relationship. [19]
(Jensen R, 1982) Business is all about uncertainty. It is not (Gotz, 2000), (Han , Kim & Kim, 2001), (Hoppe, 2000) and
possible that every technology will excel in future. However, (Huisman & Kort, 2004) Adoption of emerging technology is
cost of building a technology is huge and so is uncertainty. a very complex decision because it evolves huge money
This paper attempts to make decision-making tree which has outflow, change in human resources, change in advertising
high probability of being successful. This entire research is media, change in project and machinery financing. This
based on the fact that adoption of technology by a firm is not decision is taken under huge uncertainties and confusions. It is
obstructed by its beliefsError: Reference source not found also true that adoption of technology involve large outflow
(IFPI, 2019) a global community which represents entire and little to no inflow of money during its commissioning, in
recording industry worldwide. This report states that in music paper [20][21][22][23][24]
business grew by 46% in online streaming channel. This Technology has huge impact on people life and it not only
includes both paid and unpaid channels. However, physical changes the way of operations but it also changes the thinking
streaming got decreased by 10.1% in last fiscal year. The and management style of various companies. It also involves
report also showed data analysis. Error: Reference source not changing the mind set and operational way of promoters and
found board of directors. [25]
In paper (Keisidou & Sarigiannidis & Maditinos, 2009) AI is not a new technology; it is present more than a decade
discusses various characteristics of consumer when buying now and it is crucial to identify the next destination of
online with respect to various products. The paper gives useful Artificial Intelligence. In [26] it identifies that all the three-
insights about various products such as books, subscription, technology linked to artificial intelligence are machine
TV sets, etc and they proved their concept with help of factor learning, neural network and reinforcement learning are
analysisError: Reference source not found slowing coming to an end. These technologies have reached to
In (Vidya & Selvamani, 2018) consumer behaviour is their maximum level and will slowly come to end.
identified in shopping(online). The results showed that out of One of the greatest fields of mankind which is very essential
all correspondents there was no link between earnings and for an economy is tax collection and law. Both the fields
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
require tremendous amount of man hours and tons of brain buyer behaviour the face of imperfect information about
storming sessions. If artificial intelligence could replace the so product quality can give long-lived advantages to pioneering
much of man hours and could do work in seconds then it will brands. In the basic model, brands enter sequentially, and
be the biggest victory of artificial intelligence. Use of artificial consumers are initially skeptical about their quality.[38]
intelligence in the fields of automated tax calculations and tax When consumers become convinced that the first brand in any
collection is discussed in this paper. [27] product class performs satisfactorily, that brand becomes the
In [28] KPMG identified that robotic process automation and standard against which subsequent entrants are rationally
block chain has been in demand. It clear for the fact that judged.
artificial intelligence, automation and Virtual reality has soon M. Holbrook (1992) in paper 'Product Quality, Attributes, and
come to an end. Even VFX has failing to create at impact on Brand image as Determinants of Price: The Case of Consumer
market because almost everybody is using it. Block chain and Electronics' proposes and illustrates an approach to measuring
robotic process automation are still in its inception phase. one aspect of brand equity, viewed as a price premium and
Our report requires newest tech trends to create a good defined as the increment that a brand name contributes to the
understanding of these emerging trends. Delloite has created a price of a product above and beyond that justified by its
new list of emerging trends in 2019 and it is available in [29]. quality (where quality is determined by assessment of the
Every generation has its own characteristics and it is obvious relevant attributes, features, or characteristics).[39]
that their shopping preferences and perception differs from Oliver (1999) Customer satisfaction has been one of the top
others. These trends should keep up with all generations and a tools for a successful business. Customer satisfaction is
good CRM software in place will surely help a lot [30]. defined as an overall evaluation based on the total purchase
Millennials are what we are totally focussing upon and in [31] and consumption experience with the good or service over
they attempt to understand that how technology is important to time[40]
millennials. It is what which reflects their class and what not. M. Delong (2004), can be stimulated by the knowledge about
Also, in [32] impact of eco-friendly on consumer behaviour is brand and customers tend to rely on the brand image they
mentioned. It is clear from the fact that technological products know already. Thus, marketers have an initial goal to construct
are environmentally friendly or for an instance it can be said the brand image that would entice consumers to purchase that
that they are perceived as environmentally friendly. That is the particular brand. [41]
reason for their tremendous boom [33][34]. Robotic process automation is all-new technology. It is still
What does a culture think right and wrong, products are under inception phase and has huge upside potential in
generally accepted in that country in the same way? This fact industrial point of view. In simple words, Robotic process
is true and also contradicts its very core. It is been proved automation uses artificial intelligence to do simultaneous jobs.
several times that perception has been changed by marketing. It has more complex and robust programming than any other
For example, 20 years ago water purifier is not acceptable by machine learning algorithm. It is only meant for industries and
societies. It is often perceived as an instrument that weakens is a completely new framework that is capable of doing
body structure and immune power. Similarly nestle Maggi was several tasks all at once. A decentralised basis of bank also
a product of west and there are small chances of east accepting known as blockchain is also a very popular immerging
it as a part of diet. Now Maggi is unbeatable king in FMCG technology in the world. Its inception took place in 2008, it
industry in India. [35]. instantly took off when a new privacy controls and complete
It is clear from the facts that movie making industry has security is talked about. It was design and created by set
already achieved its peak in product life cycle curve. It is now unknown people who became overnight sensation. Bitcoin
very difficult for various movie industry to keep up with transactions were off the charts and people became instant
trends. They have focussed on stories, screenplay, actors, millionaires with this new technology in place.
sponsors, VFX and what not. Many movie industries such as
Indian cinema also includes songs and dancing to increase
consumer attention. However, in these papers movie strategies CHAPTER 3: DATA COLLECTION
and promotions techniques are discussed. In my view point
Primary data for the purpose of research will be collected in
these points are not exhaustive in nature because movie the form of a structured questionnaire from the regular
represent the identity of a society and society as a whole is computers and mobile phones users in various institutions and
immensely diverse. Often movies come under controversies companies and also those who are using computers and mobile
for creating a misinterpreting meaning from situation. This led phones at their homes. Secondary data will get source from the
to decline in consumer attention and often brand image of literature reviews, companies’ database, companies’ websites
director, actors and crew is tampered which is very difficult to and annual reports, journals and other publications.
recover. [36][37]
Richard Schmalensee (1982), in research paper 'Product In order to prove the fact that emerging technology has huge
impact on consumer behaviour we have to collect data and
Differentiation Advantages of Pioneering Brands', presents
analyse consumer sentiments online. For creating a
and explores a relatively simple market model which rational
framework, we need to collect data from various sources and
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
identify them collectively so that we can easily establish the such as likes and retweets it is found that
fact. For that we gathered data from three different sources: - MG hectare is above all.
1. Designing a survey e. In a comparison between Kindle and
hardbound books, hardbound books are
2. Sentimental analysis of tweets of selected products
clear cut winner because they have more
and companies
mean sentiment.
3. Analysing trends using google trends. f. This analysis can be argued on the ground
that there are many eBooks distributors and
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS summing up all their sentiments will make
them a clear winner
1. Survey - Exploratory g. Printing of fresh hardbound book and its
a. Among all the 154 responses from the distribution is a costly. However, on the
students it was been found that 83.1% other hand eBooks has zero manufacturing
consider themselves as digital enthusiast cost and it is delivered in no time. As
b. 68.8% of them consider themselves as tech compared to margins still eBooks have
enthusiast greater advantage over hardbound books.
c. We asked to rate their excitement with the h. However, in a decision between Kindle and
technology and digital world and it was hardbound books. Qualitative analysis will
found that more than 50% people work also be considered.
above 7 point i. Clean technology and products promoting
d. There was a mixed response related to green Revolution always have a high
online order of foods, groceries and other sentiment and green technology won by 0.77
FMCG products however again nearly 50% j. In the pizza sector, pizza hut has more
people were above 7 point sentiments as compared to dominos but
e. In Preferences between retail outlets and Domino's flagship programme DXP has
online ordering, there was a major trend sentiment equivalent to 0.54 which is very
towards online ordering. high.
f. Also, nearly 40% people stated that deep k. The major reason behind domino’s success
space missions are exciting was DXP program as it can be seen in
g. 65.6% people choose Amazon Kindle over sentimental analysis
hardback books and novels l. Also, in a comparison between smart
h. 66.2% people said that it is exciting to have watches and wrist watches smart watches
pizza delivered in drones or in self-driving are clear cut winner with a mean sentiment
cars of 0.5
i. 83.1% people preferred to have car with m. As compared to the deep space missions
artificial intelligence, automation and such as basics, NASA and ISRO although
guiding systems excitement is high among media and citizens
j. 82.5% people preferred car using clean but their sentiments are less and is equal to
energy 0.14. this is maybe because of the fact that
k. Nearly 68% people prefer to have products space missions are very costly and
tested using VR and Augmented reality controversial as many economists argue that
2. Sentimental Analysis- Qualitative Analysis search missions are not beneficial for
a. For analysing two different car segments mankind.
MG hectare has a mean sentiment of 0.27 3. Google Trends Analysis- Qualitative Analysis
b. Tata harrier has the same score of 0.27 a. In the qualitative analysis MG hectare is a
however MG hectare is slightly greater clear-cut winner as we have seen from the
considering rest of the decimal places quantitative that all the three are nearly same
c. In the same segment Jeep compass has less so the one with more searches is a winner in
sentiment, equal to 0.24 this field.
d. In the qualitative analysis, all the SUVs b. In a comparison between Amazon Kindle
cannot be compared as there are only slight and hardcover books Amazon Kindle is
differences. Considering other parameters
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
winner as hardcover books are searched It is very clear from the industries which we have taken as an
nearly zero times. example. Lens Kart created its awareness program under the
c. In a comparison between dominos and pizza name of "try in 3D". In this program, it enables consumers to
hut, Domino's is superior in both qualitative try their favorite frames and sunglasses online just by taking
and quantitative analysis. few pictures of their faces at different angles. To promoted
d. In a comparison between smart watches and this technology, they teamed with one of the most famous
wrist watches, smartwatches surpass wrist Bollywood celebrity Madam Katrina Kaif. I want to reiterate
on the point that hiring a celebrity for this program and giving
watch in both qualitative and quantitative
more attention to augmented product testing does not imply
that the quality of the frames and sales will improve.
However, this program was very successful in building up the
From all the three types of test each and every aspect of a empire which Lens Kart have.
consumer behavior is verified and the first conclusion is that Amazon with its prime delivery services includes robots,
there is a huge impact of technology and inventions on the drones and aircrafts for home delivery in various countries. It
consumer behavior. This behavior is prominent in decision not only increases the margin on the products but it also went
making process and drive consumers to purchase particular viral on internet which eventually enable them to have free
goods and services. In order to understand its impact on marketing for prime services.
various aspects of a business we need tone big deeper and With the same principle, Dominos launched its DMX
understand its impact on sales and revenue. program. It not only increases its margins but also increases
The entire project brings several conclusions which support consumers interest and attention on the type of deliveries they
the overall feasibility of the study. These conclusions also are doing. Eventually this interest leads to enormous increase
have impact on sales revenues. Initially it is clear from the in sales revenue. It is only the DMX program that helped
data we have collected that advanced technologies (artificial Domino's to become world's biggest fast food company and it
intelligence, drones, robots and many more) have clear impact also beat its immediate rival pizza hut after 30 years.
on customer’s behavior in a positive way. It is very obvious
that these technologies impact several parts of
businesses(finance, operations, Human Resource and
Marketing) but they have capacity to revive old loss-making
industrial sectors. The entire conclusion is divided into 6
aspects which are capable of performing and overall study on
the businesses.
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
Website: ijetms.in Issue:4, Volume No.4, July-2020 DOI: 10.46647/ijetms.2020.v04i04.001
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