Student Log Book

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Student log book for work placement

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Taunton School
[Course title]
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Final Preparations for the Work Placement – Student Agreement

Your work experience placement is extremely important as it will provide you with the chance to
experience typical working conditions where you can meet and talk with adults who are earning
their living and you can ask them about their job.

It will also help you to see links between the subjects you are studying and the skills you need in
working life.

You will be on your own and it will give you responsibility to ensure that you are punctual,
independent and helpful to others.

The work placement is also an essential element of your course in BTEC Business and you need to
ensure that you meet the required expectations by signing the student agreement below:

Student Agreement
I ………………………………………………………………………. agree to:

1) Ensure I attend my work experience placement on time,

appropriately dressed and ready for a full days work with all ID and
paperwork requested

2) Agree to behave appropriately at all times, in line with the Taunton

School behaviour policy and I understand that and issues may result
in disciplinary procedure

3) Agree that mobile phones and any devices are my responsibility and
will be stored in a safe place whilst on placement

4) Complete a full evaluation post-placement and send my employer a

thank you letter.

Signed: …………………………………………………………………….
Date: …………………………………………………………………….

Things to Remember:

 I will avoid making routine doctor’s/dental appointments during my placement.

 If I am ill - I should ring my employer and my college and let them know.
 If I know I am going to be late - I will ring the employer and let them know.
 If I am unexpectedly late - I will apologise when I arrive and give a reason.
 If I do not understand something - I can ask my supervisor or line manager.
 If I have difficulties - I will speak calmly to my supervisor about them and try not to lose my temper.

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Pre-work experience skills audit:

Complete the skills audit to help you identify your current strengths and areas for development.

1 = not confident/not good at this skill 5 = very confident/very good at this skill

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. talking to work colleagues

2. talking to supervisors/managers

3. talking to customers/clients

4. filling in forms or record sheets

5. writing letters

6. writing reports

7. using images e.g. diagrams, pictures which help

to explain any written material
8. using images e.g. drawings or models to explain
things to people to help support what you have done
9. understanding images e.g. pictures, photographs

10extracting information from written material

11.summarising information obtained e.g. writing

things in their own words, making notes, taking

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. using a word processing package to write things


2. using a graphics package to produce a picture

3. using a spreadsheet to work with numbers (e.g.

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. awareness of own strengths and weaknesses

Working with Others

2. agreeing targets with supervisor

3. completing tasks to meet targets

4. asking for and getting help when needed

5. working independently, without direct supervision or

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. carrying out a survey

Application of Number

2. using appropriate measuring instruments (e.g. scales,

3. doing calculations

4. using common units of measurement (e.g. centimetres,

5. understanding information involving numerical facts

6. using data to produce tables, bar charts and graphs

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. planning and agreeing joint activities with others

Improving Own learning

2. identifying what you have to do when working in a

3. organising self to complete group activities e.g. what
will you need to get the job done?
4. following given working methods and procedures e.g.
following work plans or job instructions
5. co-operating with others in the group you are working

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. understanding the nature of problems e.g. what do


2. solving problems - coping with the job you are


Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5
I can take the lead in a group
Enterprise Skills

I can work better on my own than in a team

I can make decisions easily
I am good at putting across my ideas

I can come up with new ideas easily

I can deal well with situations where I am not sure what is ex-
pected of me

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5
Good at time keeping and attendance
Enterprise Qualities

Well organised for the day at work

Following instructions properly and carefully
Work well as part of a team
Get on well with other workers and the public
Know when to ask for help and advice
Work safely and follow Health & Safety instructions
Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5
Use your initiative to make your own decisions
Enterprise Attitudes

Be positive and enthusiastic about the things you have to do

Be hard working and trustworthy
Willing to listen to others points of view and accept them
Take pride in your work and doing a good job
I am willing to do new things with enthusiasm

Final Preparations for the Work Placement – Action Plan

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Based upon your skills audit and your prior learning. Please complete the action plan for
your work placement.
The Skills I need to improve How I can improve this skill

My work experience placement

Complete the checklist below to ensure that you are fully prepared for your first day.

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

The name of the organisation is …

The address of the organisation is …

The telephone number of the

organisation is …
The contact name of the person at the
organisation is …
On my first day I must arrive by …

My working hours are ….

My lunch times are …

What I will do for my lunch …

To get in to work for a good time I

need to leave my house at …
I will travel by …

The cost of my travel is …

I need to wear …

I need to take …

What I know about the organisation

already …

What else I want to know about the

organisation is …

The skills and qualities that are

important to the organisation are …

My 5 SMART objectives for my placement are:

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 4

Objective 5

Work Place induction

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Welcome to the company

Contact name and number exchanged

Hours of work

Lunch and break arrangements

Sickness and notification procedure

Location of services – toilet, canteen/kitchen, cloakroom, parking

First Aid

Fire Evacuation Procedures

Information on organisation procedures and policies e.g. health and
safety, accidents and emergencies confidentiality, use of resources, use
of mobile phone etc
Expectations on work placement

Skills and qualities required on work placement

Responsibilities on work placement

Welcome to team and supervisor whilst on placement

Tour of building

Induction Carried out on ( )


Induction Carried out by


Signature of Employer


Signature of Student


Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Following your completed induction ensure that you complete the following – if you don’t
know the answer you need to find out to ensure you are fully inducted into your

Describe what the

organisation does

How long has the

organisation been

How many people work

in your organisation

How many people work

in the department/area
you are working in?

Has the number of

employees changed over
the past 2 years? - If yes,
why has this changed?
Who are the
organisations main

What jobs are carried

out in the
department/area you are
working in?
What jobs/tasks will you
need to carry out on
your work placement?

What are the procedures

for first aid and

Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What have you learnt

about health and safety
in the organisation?

What is the
organisations policy on
equal opportunities in
the work place?

Work Placement – Day 1

Using the spaces below to record your feelings and activities from your first day.
What did I expect
from the first

Did the first day

live up to my

What it was like

when I first

Do I feel fully
inducted into the
organisation and
my work

What do I know
about health and
safety in the

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Is there anything
else I need to

What were the

people like?

What tasks did I

have to do on my
first day?

What tasks do I
have to do

What skills and

qualities did I
need today?

What did I do
today that I am
really proud of?

On reflection
what would I
have done
differently today?

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

How do I feel at
the end of my
first day?

Work Placement – Day 2

Using the spaces below to record your feelings and activities from your second day.
What tasks did I
have to do on my
second day?

What tasks do I
have to do

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What skills and

qualities did I
need today?

What did I do
today that I am
really proud of?

On reflection
what would I
have done

What new
about the
organisation and
the jobs it carries
out did I find out

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Is there any
information that
I need to find out

How do I feel at
the end of my
second day?

Work Placement – Day 3

Using the spaces below to record your feelings and activities from your third day.
What tasks did I
have to do on my
third day?

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What tasks do I
have to do

What skills and

qualities did I
need today?

What did I do
today that I am
really proud of?

On reflection
what would I
have done

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Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What new
about the
organisation and
the jobs it
carries out did I
find out today?

Is there any
information that
I need to find out

How do I feel at
the end of my
third day?

Work Placement – Day 4

Using the spaces below to record your feelings and activities from your fourth day.

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What tasks did I

have to do on
my fourth day?

What tasks do I
have to do

What skills and

qualities did I
need today?

What did I do
today that I am
really proud of?

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

On reflection
what would I
have done

What new
about the
organisation and
the jobs it
carries out did I
find out today?

Is there any
information that
I need to find
out tomorrow?

How do I feel at
the end of my
fourth day?

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Work Placement – Day 5

Using the spaces below to record your feelings and activities from your final day.
What tasks did I
have to do on my
final day?

What skills and

qualities did I
need today?

What did I do
today that I am
really proud of?

On reflection
what would I
have done

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What new
about the
organisation and
the jobs it carries
out did I find out

How do I feel at
the end of my
work placement?

Don’t Forget to complete the additional Taunton School documentation:

1. Student End of Work Experience Placement Review
2. (BLOG) - This should have been done daily 
3. Employer End of Placement Review (Supervisor to complete)

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Employer End of Placement Review

This is to be completed by your SUPERVISOR

Please provide details of 5 strengths of the student

Please provide details of 5 weaknesses of the student

Please provide details of improvements the student could make to their professional and personal skills

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Employer End of Placement Review (Supervisor to complete)

This review forms an invaluable part of the learner’s work placement organised by Taunton
School.  The information that you provide will be most beneficial to the individual learner as
it can be used for their future employment.

Please Note: Where you have insufficient knowledge of the learner or have not observed a
particular quality/skill to be able to comment, please ask your colleagues who may know or
write N/A (not applicable).

  Excellent Good Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory (Please comment or write

Quality / Skill    N/A if not applicable)

Honesty and Integrity          
Co-operation and helpfulness          
General conduct in work          
Attitude to work          
Work performance          
Initiative and self-motivation          
Working relationships          
Communication with staff/clients          
Ability to work as part of a team          
Respect for values and attitudes of others          
Telephone skills          
Computer skills          
Working Safely          

Please provide any comments detailing your thoughts about this learner to assist in their future search for employment.
Placement Supervisor Name: (Print) Placement Supervisor: (Signature) Date:

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Work Placement – Review

Once you have completed your work placement read through your pre-placement action plan and
daily diary (BLOG) before your complete your personal review.

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Work Placement Review – Skills Audit

Now you have completed your work placement complete the skills audit again to help you identify
your current strengths and areas for development. Consider what has changed by comparing your
results to your pre-placement skills audit

1 = not confident/not good at this skill 5 = very confident/very good at this skill

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. talking to work colleagues

2. talking to supervisors/managers

3. talking to customers/clients

4. filling in forms or record sheets

5. writing letters

6. writing reports

7. using images e.g. diagrams, pictures which help

to explain any written material
8. using images e.g. drawings or models to explain
things to people to help support what you have done
9. understanding images e.g. pictures, photographs

10extracting information from written material

11.summarising information obtained e.g. writing

things in their own words, making notes, taking

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. using a word processing package to write things


2. using a graphics package to produce a picture

3. using a spreadsheet to work with numbers (e.g.

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Mr. Stoddart – March 2020
Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. awareness of own strengths and weaknesses

Working with Others

2. agreeing targets with supervisor

3. completing tasks to meet targets

4. asking for and getting help when needed

5. working independently, without direct supervision or

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. carrying out a survey

Application of Number

2. using appropriate measuring instruments (e.g. scales,

3. doing calculations

4. using common units of measurement (e.g. centimetres,

5. understanding information involving numerical facts

6. using data to produce tables, bar charts and graphs

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. planning and agreeing joint activities with others

Improving Own learning

2. identifying what you have to do when working in a

3. organising self to complete group activities e.g. what
will you need to get the job done?
4. following given working methods and procedures e.g.
following work plans or job instructions
5. co-operating with others in the group you are working

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5

1. understanding the nature of problems e.g. what do


2. solving problems - coping with the job you are


Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5
I can take the lead in a group
Enterprise Skills

I can work better on my own than in a team

I can make decisions easily
I am good at putting across my ideas

I can come up with new ideas easily

I can deal well with situations where I am not sure what is ex-
pected of me

Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5
Good at time keeping and attendance
Enterprise Qualities

Well organised for the day at work

Following instructions properly and carefully
Work well as part of a team
Get on well with other workers and the public
Know when to ask for help and advice
Work safely and follow Health & Safety instructions
Skill Tasks 1 2 3 4 5
Use your initiative to make your own decisions
Enterprise Attitudes

Be positive and enthusiastic about the things you have to do

Be hard working and trustworthy
Willing to listen to others points of view and accept them
Take pride in your work and doing a good job
I am willing to do new things with enthusiasm

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

The skills I have improved

– as identified from your
pre-placement action plan

How I did this

The skills I still need to


How I plan on improving

these now my work
placement is completed?

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

My main strengths

Summary of the main tasks

I carried out on work

The high points of my work


The low points of my work


The things I would do

differently if I were to do
the work placement again

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Unit 27: Work Experience
Student log book for work placement

What I have learnt about a

working environment

My personal views on

Would I like to continue

working for the
organisation? (provide

Would I recommend this

work placement to another
student? (provide reasons )

Congratulations you have successful completed

your work experience log book.
Please remember to bring this back into Taunton
School upon your return.

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