EE 604 Image Processing
EE 604 Image Processing
EE 604 Image Processing
Image Processing
Philosophy, perception, optics
What Is This About?
• Very broadly, creating, processing, representing, and presenting visual
information. [Image/Video Processing]
The STS Lens: equations and limitations
Google Images
Spherical aberrarion
Chromatic aberration
Google Images
The Simplest Camera: no lens
• An imaging system or camera ought to consist of the
illumination, the optics as well as the sensor.
• However, the illumination system is often widely
distributed in space, well beyond the confines of the
sensor-optics setup, so we leave it out.
• Thus, the camera is considered to consist of just the
optics followed by the sensor array.
• The simplest optics that one can construct is the
pinhole. A pinhole camera approximately forms an
image on a sensor plane.
• The sensor array can be at any distance behind the
pinhole. It forms an inverted image.
The Thin Lens Camera: description
• A pinhole camera has 2 interesting properties of which the first one is that it focusses all scene depths
at all image depths.
• The second property is a serious limitation. It accepts only very little light from the scene, in particular,
only one ray from each point in the scene. This makes the images formed very dim.
• A this lens camera replaces the pinhole by a this lens at the same centre of projection. Unlike the
pinhole, the lens has a nonzero, finite aperture, so that it admits a nonzero amount of energy.
• Now, for any given scene depth, there is a specific reciprocal, image depth. Images of objects at a
particular depth are formed only at this reciprocal depth, and are ‘defocussed’ at all other depths.
The centre of projection is still taken to be the centre of the lens. But
with a lens, every point in the aperture admits a ray from any given
scene point, delivering more energy, and making the image of the
scene point brighter .So, bigger the aperture and the lens, brighter
the image.
Capture parameters
Exposure and blur
Visual System
Tech specs, capabilities, fallibilities
The Human Eye
Sensor Cells and Image Formation
HVS Spectral Sensitivity Curves
Right: Photopic spectral efficacy
Below Right: Scotopic luminosity function
Below: Individual cone responses
• Things look bluish in dim light
• Reddish objects not seen well in dim light
Scotopic (Low Light) Vision
Human Cat
Capture parameters
Subjective Brightness
Lateral Inhibition
• Lateral inhibition is a mechanism by which neurons
are able to determine more precisely the origin of a
stimulus. For instance, when the skin is touched by an
object, several sensory neurons in the skin next to
one another are stimulated.
• To determine more exactly the origin of the stimulus,
neurons that are stimulated suppress the stimulation
of neighbouring neurons.
• The amount of inhibition is greater when a neuron’s
own stimulation is more powerful.
• Thus, only the neurons that are strongly stimulated
will fire. These neurons are more to the centre of the
stimulus, while the suppressed neurons lie somewhat
away from the centre of the stimulus.
Lateral Inhibition Modeling
Subjective response to spatial frequency variation varies with the spatial frequency.
In the picture shown on the right, frequency is varied horizontally, while contrast is
varied vertically. The response is shown in the plot to the left. The angular
orientation of the spatial variation also matters.
Spatial Frequency Application
Response to temporal
frequency – ‘flicker’. The curve
depend on the intensity range
of the flicker. Sensitivity is
greater at higher intensities.
Digital Images
Image Representation,
Digital Image: Sampling, Quantization
Digital Image Quantization
Digital Image standard and formats
Parameter Typical values
Tools: The continuous 2D Fourier Transform
The 2D discrete Fourier Transform
Properties of the Fourier Transform
Properties of the Fourier Transform
Properties of the Fourier Transform
Properties of the Fourier Transform
• The value of the space signal or its spectrum at the origins:
• Derivatives:
Significance of phase and magnitude
Both the magnitude and the phase functions are necessary for the
complete reconstruction of an image from its Fourier transform
Partial reconstructions
Reconstructed from magnitude alone (phase assumed to be 0) and phase alone (magnitude = 0)
2D FT pairs examples