LP Fourth Final Exam
LP Fourth Final Exam
LP Fourth Final Exam
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of axiomatic structure of geometry and triangle
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to formulate and organized plan to handle a real-life situation.
EU: Real- life objects can be modeled geometrically.
EQ: How does geometry model the real world?
Group the students into five groups, ask them to choose one from
the following activities:
a. I learned that…
b. I rediscovered that …
c. I realized that …
d. I need help on …
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of triangle congruence.
ERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity, in formulating, investigating,
analyzing and solving real life problems involving proving triangle congruence.
EU: Students will understand that: Triangle congruence can be proven deductively. Real life problems requiring stability involve the use of
triangle congruence.
EQ: How do you know that the given triangles are congruent? What ensures the stability of any structure?
1. Midpoint
2. Vertical angles
3. Right triangle
4. Hypotenuse
5. Isosceles Triangle
I which of the above pairings are the two triangles congruent? Fill up
the activity sheet prepared for you.
The teacher will distribute the activity sheet to each group. Let them
answer for 5 minutes.
Let us see how we can verify if two triangles are congruent using
fewer pairs of congruent corresponding parts.
Let the student answer Exercise 2 and Activity 3 LESS IS MORE.
The teacher will discuss SAS Congruence Postulate, then ask the
student to answer Exercise 3. Let them answer for 3 minutes.
The teacher will discuss ASA and SSS Congruence Postulate. Let the
(FOR M) student answer Exercise 4. (PAIR WORK)
The teacher will say:
A3. Solves corresponding parts of congruent triangles. (M8GE-IIIf-1) With your knowledge of the definition of congruent triangles and the
different triangle congruence postulate, you are now ready to prove
Assessment:Problem Solving
deductively the congruence of two triangles.
The teacher will instruct the students to answer Activity 6. LET”S DO
A4. Proves two triangles are congruent. (M8GE-IIIg-1)
Assessment:Proving Triangle Congruence The teacher will say:
After studying the congruence postulates and theorems, you are
now ready to apply them. How can you prove that two angles or two
A5. Proves statements on triangle congruence. (M8GE-IIIh-1) segments are congruent. Using the same group, let them answer
Activity 9. WHAT ELSE? And Exercise 9.
Use the following guide questions:
.1. What is the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle?
2. What is the true about equilateral triangles?
Then say:
You are now ready to write the proof to show the MIS is
equiangular. Now answer Exercise 10. Your work will be presented in
Then say:
Reflect and then compare your initial ideas with the ideas we have
discussed in this module. How much of your initial ideas are found in
the discussion? Which of your initial ideas are not discussed?
Write your reflections on the sheet of paper .
Now that you know the important ideas about triangle congruence,
let us go deeper by applying what you have learned in solving real-life
As we go on with our lesson, please keep in mind the question:”How
does knowledge on triangle congruence help you solve real-life
When are two triangles congruent?
How can we show congruent triangles through paper folding?
What are the conditions for triangle congruence?
What is an isosceles triangle?
Is an equilateral triangle isosceles?
Is an equilateral triangle equiangular?
What can you say about the bisector of the vertex angle of an
isosceles triangle?
The teacher will give the student 5 minutes to answer. Then, Let them
(FOR T) answer Activity 10FLY FLY FLY and Activity 11 SARANGOLA NI PEPE.
A6. Applies triangle congruence to construct perpendicular lines and
angle bisectors. (M8GE-IIIi-j-1)
Assessment: PT The teacher will say:
At this point, you will be given practical task which will demonstrate
your understanding of triangle congruence.
The teacher will give to the student their Performance task and the
rubric as a basis for grading their output.
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of inequalities in triangle, and
parallel and perpendicular lines.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and
clarity in formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems involving triangle inequalities, and
parallelism and perpendicularity of lines using appropriate and accurate representations.
The teacher will say: The next section will help you answer this
essential question raised in the activity Artistically Yours: How
can you justify inequalities in triangles?
The next lesson will enable you to do the final project that is
inspired by the artwork shown in Artistically yours. When you
have already learned all the concepts and skills related to
inequalities in triangles, you will be required to make a model of
a folding ladder and justify the triangular features of its design.
Your design and its justification will be rated according to these
rubrics: accuracy, creativity, efficiency, and mathematical
Your first goal in this section is to develop and verify the theorems
on inequalities in triangles. To succeed, you need to perform all the
activities that require investigation.
When you make mathematical generalizations from your observations,
you are actually making conjectures just like what mathematicians do.
Hence, consider yourself little mathematicians as you perform the
Once you have developed these theorems, your third goal is to prove
these theorems. You have to provide statements and/or reasons behind
statements used to deductively prove the theorems.
The competence you gain in writing proofs enables you to justify
inequalities in triangles and in triangular features evident in the things
around us.
Before you go through the process, take a few minutes to review and
master again the knowledge and skills learned in previous geometry
lessons. The concepts and skills on the following topics will help you
succeed in the investigatory and proof-writing activities.
Now that you have already reviewed concepts and skills previously
learned that are useful in this module, let us proceed to the main focus
of this section—develop, verify, and prove the theorems on inequalities
in triangles.
Ask the students to answer Activity 4. WHAT IF IT”S LONGER?
For Activity No. 4, make sure that each student has his/her own
protractor. Ask them to define precision, accuracy, and tolerance
using their own words. Discuss the meaning of these words
related to making measurements.
Ask the students to prepare the following materials
Needed: protractor, manila paper, ruler
1. Replicate the activity table on a piece of manila paper.
2. Measure using a protractor the angles opposite the sides with
given lengths. Indicate the measure in your table.
3. Discover the relationship that exists between the lengths of the
sides of triangles and the angles opposite them and write them on
your piece of manila paper.
Activity No.5:
What if It’s Larger?
For Activity No. 5, start up the class by having a review of the different
kinds of triangles according to sides and angles. Proceed by asking what
triangles are shown in the activity What if it’s Larger.
Discuss the GPE and the tolerance interval of measurements. Once
these are established, let the groups proceed with the activity. Let them
post their outputs, process their outputs; and their answers to the
questions in ponder time. The answers to numbers 3, 4, and 5 should be
written on cartolina and posted in a display board for math concepts.
After discussion, let them answer Quiz No. 1.
Ask the following questions:
1. Is there a relationship between the size of an angle and the length of the
side opposite it?
Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
2. Making Conjecture: What is the relationship between the angles of a
triangle and the sides opposite them?
• When one angle of a triangle is larger than a second angle, the side
opposite the _______________________________.
3. Your findings in no. 2 describe Triangle Inequality Theorem 2. Write it
in if-then form.
4. What is the relationship between the largest angle of a triangle and the
side opposite it?
5. What is the relationship between the smallest angle of a triangle and the side
opposite it?
For Activity No.6:
When Can You Say “ENOUGH”?
Two days before Activity No. 6 will be tackled, assign the groups to
prepare pieces of straws with the following lengths in inches: 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Let them duplicate the 3- and 5-inch straws.
Note: If straws are not available, they may use other objects like broom
sticks. Make sure that all groups have the materials on the day the
activity is scheduled.
Let the group do the activity and record their findings in the table they
transferred on the manila paper. Process their outputs and their answers
to the questions. Answers should be written on cartolina and posted on
the display board of math concepts.
End the activity by asking this: What insight can you share about the
title of the activity? After sharing insights, let them answer Quiz No. 3.
Activity No. 8:
Clock Wisdom: Pretty One!
For Activity no. 8,the teacher will bring a real clock. The teacher
have to show to the students the angles formed by the short and long
hands at 1PM, 2 PM, 3PM and 4PM.
Elicit from the class the measures of the angles formed by the
hands of the clock at the aforementioned times. Let the students
determine the angle by giving them these clues:
• One complete revolution is 360 degrees
• The whole revolution is subdivided into 12 hours
The students must realize that each subdivision is (360/12) degrees
or 30 degrees.
Once the measures of the angles of clock faces A, B, C, and D
are determined, let the groups do the activity and answer questions in
Ponder Time. Let them post their outputs written on manila paper.
Process their outputs. Answers to question no. 6 and 7 (including the
drawings of ΔCAT and ΔDOG) of ponder time must be written on a
piece of cartolina and posted on a display board of math concepts .
For Activity No. 9:
Roof-y Facts, Yeah!
Before starting group Activity 10, decide for the GPE and
Tolerance Interval of the measurements. Proceed to the following:
groups working on the activity and answering activity questions while
you roam around to give technical assistance; posting of outputs;
processing outputs; and writing answers of nos. 3 and 4 (including the
drawings ΔRAP and ΔYES) on a piece of cartolina to be posted on the
display board in mathematics.
Let the class answer Quiz No. 5 and discuss the solutions and answers
for each item.