Total Cost of Ownership

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1. Identify the lowest-price alternative that meets Dirt Bikes’s requirements.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expense (Buying)
Numer of Users 25 25 25
Software License Fees $ 100,000.00
software upgrades $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
Customization cost $ 20,000.00 $ - $ -
Hadware Installation $ 4,000.00 $ - $ -
User Training Support $ 10,000.00 $ - $ -
Technical Support $ 55,000.00 $ 56,650.00 $ 58,349.50
Annual Totals $ 194,000.00 $ 61,650.00 $ 63,349.50
Total for 3 years $ 318,999.50

Expenses (Renting)
Number of users 25 25 25
Software rental fee (Per user) $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Customization cost $ 12,000.00 $ - $ -
User training cost $ 10,000.00 $ - $ -
Annual cost $ 84,500.00 $ 62,500.00 $ 62,500.00
Total for 3 years $ 209,500.00

The total cost of renting this software over a three-year period is $209,500, the total cost

of purchasing this software over a three-year period is $318,999.50. The lowest-price

alternative meets Dirt Bikes’s requirements will be renting the software. Renting would be

the better option here for the company to save money. However though buying the licensing

fee allows you to be able to upgrade and customize the software yourself and in the long run

could be better for the company.

2. What other factors should Dirt Bikes consider besides cost in determining whether to rent or

buy the hardware and software?

Besides cost in determining whether to rent or buy the hardware and software, we should also

consider the quality difference between the hardware and software, the lasting time of the

hardware and software.

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