Ebook Remote Playbook
Ebook Remote Playbook
Ebook Remote Playbook
Table of Contents
Five first steps for newly-remote leaders Create an ergonomic workspace
Five first steps for newly-remote employees Adopt a self-service and self-learning mentality
Make documentation everyone’s responsibility
08 THE STAGES OF REMOTE Managing a remote team
No remote Tips for hiring new team members
Remote, biased towards one time zone Documentation
All-remote, asynchronous across time zones Text-based communication
Asynchronous communication
12 THE FOUNDATIONS OF REMOTE WORK Informal communication
Facilitate informal communication Tools for effective communication
Document everything (yes, everything)
Have more organized meetings 28 ESTABLISHING A REMOTE COMPANY CULTURE
Align values with expectations How values contribute to an all-remote environment
Sustaining workplace culture in a remote environment
Avoiding burnout
Lifestyle and avoiding isolation
Due to recent events surrounding the global health crisis COVID-19 Today, GitLab is the world’s largest all-remote workforce with 1,200+
(coronavirus), many teams face a new reality: They’re remote and unsure employees across 67 countries, and we’ve been iterating and documenting
of when they’ll be able to return to the office. This playbook serves as a quick how to work remotely for years. This comprehensive guide contains our lessons
start guide to get your remote workforce up and running quickly and smoothly learned and proven methods on how to stabilize a remote workforce, diving
for short-term and long-term success. into topics including asynchronous workflows, meetings, communication,
culture, and management.
As technology and internet access has improved, more of the world’s
workforce opt to work from anywhere. GitLab’s recent Remote Work Report
revealed that 86% of respondents believe remote work is the future of work.
Today, a quarter of remote work settings are all-remote, where all employees
From very early on, we started
work remotely and in their native time zone. In addition to employee benefits
writing things down. Coming to the
like flexibility and zero commute time, remote work employers consistently
office] wasn’t needed. They weren’t
experience increased productivity, efficiency, and employee morale. In the
getting any extra information. They
words of Fast Company, “remote work isn’t going away anytime soon.”
were on Slack, on Zoom, in Google
Docs, in GitLab pages, in GitLab
Enabling a remote workforce is not “business as usual.” There are critical
Issues, in GitLab merge requests –
differences in managing in-office and remotely: communication, culture, and
they didn’t need to be there.
management must adjust. Luckily, remote work has rapidly increased over
— Sid Sijbrandij, co-founder
the years and there are several methods to make remote work a success.
and CEO at GitLab
The Remote Work Playbook aims to answer one simple question:
“How do I work remotely?” Whether it’s unwinding from offices completely
and going all-remote or attempting to level the playing field for in-office and
remote workers, the question of “how do we do this?” is a giant one. GitLab
has been working on the answer since 2014. For GitLab, being an all-remote
company didn’t start as an intentional decision; it was a natural evolution as
our first team members started to work from home. As a complete DevOps
platform, GitLab the product fundamentally changes how teams work by
bringing cross-team collaboration and communication into a single platform.
With everyone contributing to a single conversation within the tool, there
was little reason to congregate in an office.
Five first steps for newly-remote employees
We’re naturally resistant to change — particularly forced change
during times of uncertainty or crisis. Leaders have to meet this 01 (ACHIEVING FOCUS)
reality head-on. An all-hands approach to recognizing the new
reality is advised to empower everyone to contribute to the
success of a remote model. Where you work is as important as what you work on and who you
work with. Ideally, you can use a dedicated space or room purely
For companies with a strong „in-office experience,” it’s vital for for work. If not, even a simple curtain to block off a workspace
leadership to recognize that the remote transition is a process, can usher you into a place of focus. Consider spaces in your home,
not a binary switch to be flipped. Leaders are responsible for coworking venues, etc. where you can be free from distraction.
embracing iteration, being open about what is and isn’t working, Pay close attention to ambient sounds, visual distractions, and
and messaging this to all employees. Managing a remote areas of high traffic. Aim to dedicate a space where only work
company is like managing any company. It comes down to trust, occurs, enabling you to focus while you’re there and disconnect
communication, and company-wide support of shared goals. when you exit. The execution of this will look different depending
on your workspace and who is present during your working hours,
but the key is to find a space that is purely for work.
but unable to engage with them. By explaining that a working • Drop any shame or embarrassment. Everyone is in the same boat
parent is able to spend more time engaging before and after work — a forced work-from-home arrangement with no preparation.
due to dropping the commute, it helps spotlight the benefits to Don't worry about your background, and feel welcome to let your
a child. Furthermore, consider arranging your work schedule to pets and family find their way into calls
allow for a midday activity with a child. By having a midday break on occasion. It humanizes the experience and reminds everyone
and explaining that this wouldn’t be possible if a parent worked that we're people first, and colleagues second.
in an office, it can help reinforce boundaries.
• Connect with family and community. Working remotely
gives you an opportunity to spend time with a different set
When there's no physical office to leave, it's easy to work longer
of people than just your coworkers. Look for opportunities
than is expected (or healthy). If useful, set reminders to begin and
to build bonds with others, which may have been impossible
end work, and plan activities to fill the void where a commute
or limited when you had a commute.
once stood. Proactively planning what you'll do with your
commute time is key to ramping into a workday and ramping
off. This will look different for each individual, but leaving your
home for a walk or running an errand is a great way to create
unmistakable separation. While asynchronous workflows is a significant benefit of an all-
remote team, temporary work-from-home arrangements may be
DON’T STOP ENGAGING WITH PEOPLE less amenable to massive swings in time zone adoption. If this is
03 (AVOIDING LONELINESS) the case, it's wise to formulate a routine that closely aligns with
your prior routine. As mentioned above, the key is proactively
When there’s no office to influence spontaneous informal
filling the space that once held your commute. Aim for using this
communication, you must be intentional to weave it into your day.
time to make yourself healthier. Exercising, resting, bonding with
family, cooking, reading, studying, etc. — all great options. If you
• Schedule regular virtual coffee chats using a video call. aren't careful, that time can be squandered and the lines between
• Experiment with video-based chat tools like Yac. sleeping and working are blurred.
There are different levels of remote work and every organization has unique needs. It’s important to know the stages of
remote work when considering what’s best for the long term as there are advantages and disadvantages to each.
No remote Remote-allowed
Some enterprises don’t allow for any remote work. This could be due to a Also called “remote-tolerated”, this stage of remote allows approved
leadership mandate, or the nature of the business itself. For example, medical employees in a company to work some (but not all) days outside the office.
care, live events, and manufacturing can’t successfully complete tasks while
remote. This is commonly seen in agency and corporate environments where "remote
Fridays" are sold as a perk to employment. In such scenarios, it’s clear that
It’s worth noting that we are seeing new opportunities for remote work arise leadership isn’t piloting remote work as a means to judge the feasibility of
thanks to technological advancements. The da Vinci Surgical System, for all-remote, but rather compromising with employee demands for greater
instance, has been used in telesurgery, and communications infrastructure is flexibility.
robust enough in some locales to support remote broadcasting.
These employers are tolerant of some work outside of the office, but
Multinational corporations with offices across the globe are inherently remote. still expect an individual to spend the bulk of their time in the office.
An employee in one office is remote to another employee in another office, and
a refusal to recognize this reality can make collaborating across offices difficult.
Hybrid-remote 4. Managing guilt. It’s not uncommon to hear remote workers express guilt
if they work in a company that is primarily colocated. Their socialization
Hybrid-remote is more common than all-remote as it’s easier for large,
involves colleagues who may complain about commutes, or express
established companies to implement. In a hybrid-remote scenario, there are
sadness due to an inability to attend family functions. There are
one or more offices where a subset of the company commutes to each day,
inequalities in this arrangement as the remote employee has to empathize
paired with a subset of the company that works remotely.
with colleagues despite not being required to endure the same inflexibility.
For employers who are committed to a colocated model, but wish to expand 5. The burden of lobbying for remote. If an employee is hired in a remote
their recruiting pipeline beyond their HQ, allowing remote employees can be capacity, but this arrangement is not supported equally across teams and
beneficial. Employers may be able to find exceptional team members in a more managers, a situation may arise where the remote employee is constantly
diverse array of locales, pay them local rates, and sidestep ongoing talent wars justifying the perceived privilege of not being forced to commute into a
in major metropolitan areas. physical office.
6. Determining whether remote is truly offered and supported. Many large
Employees looking for additional freedom, autonomy, and workplace flexibility companies will tolerate remote employees, but they won’t openly advertise
will likely view "some remote" as better than "no remote" but hybrid-remote roles as remote, nor will they publicly admit that they support remote
can have some disadvantages: work. This creates an exhausting game of hide-and-seek when searching
for roles, in addition to searching for remote-friendly managers and teams
1. Hybrid-remote employees may have less access to information. Unless within such an organization.
you work for an employer that documents everything, you may be asked
to handle your day-to-day duties with less or incomplete information 7. Risk of being made an example of. It’s possible for remote employees in a
compared to in-person colleagues. Over time, this can lead to mistakes, primarily colocated company to be asked questions like "So, how did you
confusion, frustration, and even underperformance. finagle a remote arrangement?" This places remote employees in a difficult
situation. Either they choose to champion the cause of empowering even
2. Fewer career and development opportunities. Hybrid-remote employees more colleagues to work remotely, potentially harming their reputation,
who are out of sight may be passed over for promotions, advancement, or they seem unhelpful by keeping the perceived perk to themselves.
and development opportunities. They may also have fewer opportunities
to move horizontally within the organization, and less influence to create 8. Demands for overperformance. When you're a remote employee
a new role to serve evolving business needs. working with colleagues who endure long commutes each day,
you may encounter pressure to deliver results beyond those expected
3. The feeling of being a satellite office. Hybrid-remote employees may feel of in-person team members. This stems from a toxic culture of envy,
isolated from the rest of the company. It’s important to ask during the where colocated employees deduce that if they must endure inflexibility
interview process how remote colleagues are onboarded, included, and and commutes, remote colleagues must produce additional results
perceived by others. Some employees may not be fazed by this treatment, so as to not get off easier.
but it can take a mental and emotional toll on others.
Remote, biased towards one time zone What "all-remote" does not mean
Certain companies allow employees to work remotely but maintain "core team The terms "remote" and "distributed" are often used interchangeably,
hours." InVision Studio, for example, has members spread across multiple but they're not quite the same. “Remote" is preferred because "distributed"
countries and time zones, but aims to achieve "at least a 4-hour overlap with suggests multiple physical offices. "Remote" is the most common term to
InVision’s core team hours, 10am–6pm Eastern Standard Time." refer to the absence of a physical workspace, and being able to do a job from
anywhere—at home with family, a coffee shop, traveling, or wherever is most
This tends to attract employees who are in relatively close proximity to comfortable and productive. All-remote does not mean isolated: Technology
one another, or at least in a nearby time zone even if located in a different allows coworkers to stay closely connected whether through text or in real
hemisphere. time via video conferencing.
All-remote, asynchronous across time zones At the organizational level, "all-remote" doesn’t mean simply offshoring work,
it means we're able to hire the best talent in the world. It's also not a manage-
An all-remote company means there is no office where teams work. In all-
ment paradigm. You still have a hierarchical organization, but with a focus on
remote companies, there’s no effort to align team members to a given time
output instead of input.
zone. Rather, a bias towards asynchronous communication encourages docu-
mentation, discourages synchronous meetings as a default for collaboration,
All in all, remote is fundamentally about freedom and individual choice and
and provides greater flexibility for each member to determine the working
valuing results, regardless of where work is done.
hours that best suit their lifestyle.
For example, GitLab is a 100% remote company, where each individual works
remotely and there are no company-owned offices. With team members in
over 65 countries, many time zones are considered. This goes beyond enabling For employees, being part of an
a work from home arrangement; all-remote creates a work from anywhere all-remote company does not mean
arrangement. working independently or being
isolated, because it's not a substitute
for human interaction.
Traditional, on-site companies often take processes, camaraderie, and culture for granted. In a remote
environment, these traits have to be cultivated deliberately, a difficult task that becomes easier once
organizations embrace the foundations of remote work instead of trying to make remote work with
an on-site mindset.
This way of working is more inclusive. By documenting everything, By brainstorming in text - rather than drawings - we're forced to clearly articu-
no one is left out of the conversation and a diverse set of perspectives late proposals and ideas, with less room for interpretations. A picture may be
can be heard. worth a thousand words, but it's also open to as many interpretations as there
are people viewing it. With Google Docs, we use indentations to go more in-
-depth on a given topic. This method retains context for comments and discus-
sions, even if someone wasn't present for the original conversation.
• Encourage social interaction
• Document everything
• Have meetings when necessary
• Limit interaction to work-related topics
• Rely on 1:1 transmission of information
• Making meetings mandatory
The reality is that almost every company is already a remote company. If you have more than one office,
operate a company across more than one floor in a building, or conduct work while traveling, you are a
remote company. It behooves all teams to adopt remote-first practices, even if some interactions occur
in a shared physical space.
On the following page are some tips from the Mayo Clinic on how to arrange your workstation.
For many companies, the frenetic pace of business creates a false sense of
justification for bypassing documentation. Once this happens, the only way
to consistently learn is to ask another person repeatedly. At scale, this is an
extraordinarily wasteful process that leads to exhaustion, watered-down
instructions, and huge knowledge gaps as team members cycle in and out.
2. Look for candidates that align closely with company values. While working remotely, it’s important • Tap on the virtual shoulder for answers
to stick to company values in order to maintain a team mentality – so it will help to assess candidates
for those values too.
3. Look for qualities that make a strong remote employee. Those include timeliness, dependability,
respect, collaboration, perseverance, empathy, kindness, and ambition.
4. Use video calls to interview and engage with candidates. Knock down some barriers to
communication with video conferencing. Inform candidates ahead of time that the call will be
through video, to give them time to prepare and ensure a stable internet connection.
Below are several reasons to master the art of textual communication Here are a few considerations:
in a business.
1. The goal of low context is to be considerate of the people or audience
• Allows for team members to work asynchronously you're speaking to. It's important to recognize that what you write may be
read in the future, or by someone coming into the conversation at a time
• Information is available to all at the same time
after the initial thread began.
• Allows for deliberate thought and processing time
2. This is one of the more challenging elements to master, particularly for
• Inherently inclusive (works with screen readers and translation tools) those coming from careers in colocated spaces. In colocated environments,
• Easily queried via keyboard or script high context communication is the default. High context is less direct with
an emphasis on human relations, and it's more sensitive to non-verbals
• Can be structured and formatted to showcase a train of thought and the feelings of others.
3. Getting oneself in a low context frame of mind can be useful. Start by
assuming that recipients of your communication don't know anything
Documentation is an essential
about the topic, and wish to learn as much as possible as fast as possible.
competitive advantage.
4. It’s easy to imply your experiences with text communication, but
remember that not everyone has similar life experiences to relate to, hence
Understanding low-context communication the need to be precise.
Providing as much context as possible can help decrease confusion and 5. Be specific so that you force yourself to think through what you’re saying.
misunderstanding. Generally, there’s value in taking the time to be deliberate about
communications. Re-read communiques before sending, particularly if
they may be perceived as negative or inflammatory. The ability to self-edit
before sending is a boon to text communication. Vocalized words cannot
be unsaid once uttered.
6. Aiming for precision in communication requires you to put yourself in
another person’s shoes and to understand their current perspective. It's
important to view text communication not as a way to impose your will,
but as a means to listen, understand, and collaborate.
7. This isn't suggesting that your communication should be cold or clinical.
In the GitLab #thanks Slack channel, for instance, we encourage team
members to be specific about what they are thanking someone for, such
that you don't need prior context to understand how a value was lived.
For those who struggle with this, consider what you would type if your mana- • No ego (Don't defend a point to win an argument or double-down on a
ger or a family member were in the room observing the conversation. This tip mistake.)
will not serve all scenarios, but it's worth considering if stakes are high in a
• Assume positive intent (If a message feels like a slight, assume positive
intent while asking for clarification.)
Below are several reasons why text communication can be difficult. • Get to know each other (Building a rapport enables trust.)
• Say thanks (Taking every opportunity to share praise creates a climate
• Cultural and communication style differences where feedback is viewed as a gift rather than an attack.)
• Delay in immediate feedback (due to time zones or other meetings) • Kindness (It costs nothing to be kind, even if you don't believe someone
• Lack of non-verbals deserves it.)
• Emotional distance • It's impossible to know everything (You can't know how your words are
interpreted without asking.)
• Tough to fully consider the scope of your audience(s)
• Short toes (GitLab is a place where others can feel comfortable with others
It’s important that managers lead the way in helping their teams feel comfor-
contributing to their domains of expertise.)
table in communicating in this way. Patience, understanding, and positivity
should also be encouraged to prevent team members from feeling attacked or
misunderstood. If, during a text conversation, you feel that someone is not communicating in
the spirit of a company's values, respectfully ask if they believe that they are in
a 1-1 setting. It's easiest to assume the worst and quietly disengage, but doing
so creates several additional problems. One, the person communicating isn’t
given the gift of feedback, so their perspective will not change. Two, the person
concerned remains timid about communicating with someone, which can lead
to toxicity and dysfunction if unaddressed.
Have as few mandated meetings as possible. The notion of "optional meetings"
is absurd to those who only think in terms of synchronous communication— Asynchronous companies should implement a low-context
you're either at a meeting to contribute, or you aren't. The beauty of asynchro- culture so that communication is precise and direct.
nous is that team members can contribute to meetings that occur while they
Meetings are more easily made optional when each one has an agenda and a
Google Doc attached to each invite. This allows people to contribute questions/
input asynchronously in advance, and catch up on documented outcomes at a
Informal communication
later time. In colocated environments, informal communication is naturally occuring.
When individuals are physically located in the same space, there are ample
The person who called the meeting is responsible for contextualizing the out- opportunities to chit chat and carry on conversations outside of formal
comes. By placing this burden on the meeting organizer, it acts as a filter for business settings.
whether a meeting is truly necessary. That's a big responsibility, which keeps
the quantity of meetings in check. Making social connections with coworkers is important to build trust within
your organization. One must be intentional about designing informal commu-
nication when it cannot happen more organically in an office.
Plugging the knowledge leak
Asynchronous companies should implement a low-context culture so that com- Informal communication is important, as it enables friendships to form at
munication is precise and direct. Team members forecast what questions may work related to matters other than work. Those who feel they have genuine
be asked and add in as much context as possible in its delivery. By assuming friends at work are more likely to enjoy their job, perform at a high level, feel
that the recipient is asleep, or perhaps doesn't even work at the company yet, invested in the company, and serve others within the organization. For remote
this added context removes ambiguity and decreases the likelihood of misin- companies, leaders shouldn't expect informal communication to happen natu-
terpretation. rally. There are no hallways for team members to cross paths in, no carpools
to the office, etc.
This may feel inefficient, as communiques may take longer to compose. In a remote environment, informal communication should be formally addres-
However, the long-term benefits are remarkable. At GitLab, we have years sed. Leaders should organize informal communication, and to whatever degree
of documented decisions loaded with context. This enables new hires to sift possible, design an atmosphere where team members all over the globe feel
through archives to understand what went into a decision. comfortable reaching out to anyone to converse about topics unrelated to
As companies scale, people will come and go. By utilizing asynchronous
communication, an organization is able to retain knowledge throughout
these natural cycles.
Leaders shouldn’t expect informal Perception has shifted on using emojis in professional settings. In Slack alone, over 26 million custom emoj-
communication to happen naturally. is have been created since the feature was introduced. In all-remote settings, where you may never meet a
Organize informal communication and colleague in person, leveraging visual tools to convey nuance in tone, emphasis, and emotion can lead to
design an atmosphere where team more empathy and a tighter human connection.
members feel comfortable reaching
out to anyone to converse on non- Emojis can create a more inclusive communication environment. When you're working with colleagues
work related topics. where the business language isn't someone's first language, more universal indicators (e.g. "eyes" for "I've
seen this" or "smile" for positivity) can reduce the mental burden of deciphering a message.
Culture comes in two forms when you’re working remotely: workplace culture and your personal culture.
It’s important to maintain a stable sense of both while you’re away from the office.
This is particularly meaningful in an all-remote setting. With less physical interaction, there's less buffer to
compensate for indifference towards company values. Team morale is closely linked to the overall respect
given to values.
An overarching belief in a company's values contributes to less ambiguity in decision making. Respected
values serve as a universal north star, aligning team members on how to address any challenge or
disagreement, even when there's debate related to approach or outcome.
PUT STRUCTURE AROUND CULTURE feel pressured to perpetually overwork in order to meet expectations. More
It may sound counterintuitive, but there’s great value in putting process and broadly, as other teams witness this, they will be less likely to go above and
structure around culture. It's important for leadership to set the tone, but it's beyond in special cases for fear of trapping themselves in a similar cycle of
even more important to document what will define your culture. Each time a overworking just to meet unsustainable expectations.
scenario arises where there is no clearly defined answer, look to your values to
determine the answer, and then document. DOCUMENT PROCESSES AROUND MENTAL HEALTH
Burnout, isolation, and anxiety are issues that impact team members across
Documentation is a shared benefit, and is something that should be embraced all companies, regardless of organizational structure. While they aren't always
by all members of the organization. While it may feel inefficient to document intertwined, there is significant interplay between them.
nuances related to culture, creating good habits ensures that culture is as
strong in the future as it was in a company's infancy. In a colocated setting, it's entirely possible for a team member to appear well,
but struggle with these issues internally. That said, it tends to be easier for
Avoiding Burnout those in an office to reach out to a trusted team member if burnout impacts
their ability to thrive in the workplace.
Burnout rarely happens all at once. It typically takes one by surprise, eventually
coming to a head after days, weeks, or months of overwork creep. This can
happen in remote or in-office environments. Here are some ways to avoid
In a remote setting, where in-person interactions are less common, it's easier
burnout, both for yourself and for your team.
to fall victim to isolation. This is particularly true for those who are not well
acclimated to remote work.
Be careful when thanking someone publicly for going above and beyond to Because you are likely to work alone, it's more difficult to remember that
not send a message that work should always take priority. While working you do have colleagues to call on—especially if you're already overwhelmed
one additional hour to move a project forward is likely not debilitating when or suffering from anxiety. This reality makes it all the more important
viewed in a vacuum, it can trigger a revised baseline where you must continue for companies hiring remote workers to place a great deal of focus on
to overwork in order to maintain the new status quo. documenting processes for team members who face these difficulties.
Consider offering professional assistance and document resources during
onboarding and reinforce options in ongoing learning and development
This becomes toxic when managers fail to recognize that a given sprint sessions.
shouldn't reset the baseline of what is achievable on an ongoing, sustained
basis. It becomes disastrous when team members don't feel safe bringing this Remote workers may feel less comfortable reaching out to a person when
up to their managers in a 1:1 setting. experiencing mental duress, so it's vital to ensure that resources are easily
Particularly in a company where results are valued above all, managers should
be careful to not assume that results garnered in a given period of overwork
are the new norm. This places team members in an unfair scenario where they
Oftentimes, if you’re feeling burned out, you aren't the only one feeling that Prevention is a team sport. Leaders must work to establish a workplace culture
way. GitLab team members have compiled a list of symptoms related to that empowers rather than restricts, managers must be proactive in sensing
burnout. A few are highlighted below. the signs of mental strain, and team members must feel comfortable surfacing
issues while they are still manageable. Below are several recommendations for
• You're constantly tired avoiding and preventing burnout, according to GitLab team members.
About GitLab
GitLab is a DevOps platform built from the ground up as a single application for all stages
of the DevOps lifecycle enabling Product, Development, QA, Security, and Operations
teams to work concurrently on the same project.
GitLab provides teams a single data store, one user interface, and one permission model
across the DevOps lifecycle allowing teams to collaborate and work on a project from a
single conversation, significantly reducing cycle time and focus exclusively on building
great software quickly.
This guide was built by remote work experts with dozens of combined years of experience across the
spectrum of remote. Though GitLab is all-remote, the guiding vision of this work is to educate and equip
everyone — regardless of work environment — with best practices. We want you to thrive as a remote
worker. Connect with us, contribute your own learnings, and keep being awesome.
Darren Murph Shane Bouchard Monica Galletto Luke Babb Jessica Reeder
Rebecca Reich Stephen Karpeles Vanessa Wegner Erica Lindberg Chrissie Buchanan
Suri Patel Amy Waller Jenny Tiemann Todd Barr Dara Warde