267 FF182 It3061 Ip-Ppg
267 FF182 It3061 Ip-Ppg
267 FF182 It3061 Ip-Ppg
Section Lecture No. Topic Method Media Student Activity Assessment Tool Remarks
1. Introduction, Elements of Lecture PPT # i) MSE ◘
I image processing system, § ii)HA
Scenes and Images iii) Lab
2. Vector Algebra, Human Visual Lecture PPT iv) Viva
System v)ESE
unitary transforms
30. Properties of unitary Lecture PPT,
transforms. BLACKBOARD
31. One-two dimensional discrete Lecture PPT,
Fourier Transform (DFT) BLACKBOARD
32. Cosine, Slant, Lecture PPT,
33. KL, affine transforms Lecture PPT,
34. Singular Value Decomposition, Lecture PPT,
Applications of transforms in BLACKBOARD
Image processing.
35. Sub band coding, Haar Lecture PPT,
36. it’s application as a Wavelet, Lecture PPT,
multi resolution expansions, BLACKBOARD
37. Wavelet Transform in one Lecture PPT,
dimensions BLACKBOARD
38. Wavelet transforms in two Lecture PPT,
dimensions. BLACKBOARD
39. DB4, Fast Wavelet Transform, Lecture PPT,
40. Other Applications of Wavelet Lecture PPT, ii) Lab
in image processing BLACKBOARD iii) Viva
Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy applicable for the course – Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation (Strike out levels not applicable)
List of Reference Books and Text Books –
Text Books:
1. Rafael Gonzalez & Richard Woods, “Digital Image Processing,” 3rd Edition, Pearson publications, ISBN 0132345633.
2. Anil K. Jain, “Fundamental of Digital Image Processing,” 5th Edition, PHI publication, ISBN 13: 9780133361650.
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology Issue 01 : Rev No. 01 : Dt. 24/08/18
Reference Books:
1. Pratt, “Digital Image Processing,” Wiley Publication, 3rd Edition , ISBN 0-471-37407-5.
2. K.R. Castleman, “Digital Image Processing,” 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 3, ISBN 0-13-211467 -4.
3. K. D. Soman and K. I. Ramchandran, “Insight into wavelets - From theory to practice,” 2nd Edition PHI, 2005.
#- Details of laboratory course student activity for experiments and course project based on appropriate Topic.
§- Details of student activity based on appropriate Topic.
◘- Mode of conduct of MSE is to be mentioned.
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