Hannahf Keyinsight3 WTC Artifact
Hannahf Keyinsight3 WTC Artifact
Hannahf Keyinsight3 WTC Artifact
Hannah Farthing
This essay evaluates the socio-political movement called the Occupy Movement. The articles
discussed in this essay provide a broad outlook on the movement and other branches of the
Occupy Movement that arose throughout the world, including places such as New York,
California, and London. The main aspects of the Occupy Movement that are evaluated in the
essay are the main goals, strategies, and overall accomplishments of the movement.
History proves that dramatic events promote change in society, policy, and public
opinion. Events that promote change can be positive, like marches on state house grounds, or
masacres, such as mass shootings and detonating bombs in heavily populated areas. With
every occurance, society tends to uproar for some sort of change so the injustice experienced
by society can somehow be retributed. One of the more recent movements looking to
promote change is the Occupy Movement; geared towards fighting the presence of corporate
money in the government and the inequality between the top one percent of the population
and the rest of society. The movement originally started in 2009 on the campus of the
University of California; where students gathered in various buildings to protest cutbacks and
tuition spikes at the university. This essay will discuss the Occupy Movement and its
different aspects such as: main goals of the movement leaders, strategies of the movement
The Occupy Movement emerged to challenge the corrupted form of democracy the
citizens of The United States were living in, while combating the presence of large
corporation money in the government. The movement was branded with the slogan “We are
the 99%”, alluding to the majority of the population that does not possess nearly the same
financial income as the one percent (Klein, 2011). This movement was criticized in the
beginning for having no clear goal in which members aspired to achieve; eventually the
movement supporters rallied for the approval of the Robin Hood Tax. “The Robin Hood Tax
is a tiny financial transaction tax on Wall Street (less than one half of 1%) that could generate
$300 billion annually. It will kickstart the economy by funding College For All, creating jobs,
and strengthening public services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure at home —
while tackling AIDS, global health, poverty, and climate challenges around the world” (Why
the World Needs Robin, 2018). The global hope of the tax would be for it to be universally
passed to shorten the divide in all countries. An article published by The Humanist stated
three main changes the Occupy Movement wanted to see: “reverse the Citizens United
decision by which the Supreme Court largely dismantled election finance laws that limited...
the influence of money in U.S. elections. Second, occupiers want to reform the U.S. financial
system to “prevent fraud and manipulation.” In part, this would include reinstating the 1933
Glass-Steagall Act that prohibited joint ownership of commercial and investment banks... The
third agenda item for the Occupy movement...is the need to prevent politicians from using
2013). The leaders of the movement were extremely bold for going after the minute portion
of society that is responsible for running the country. Before researching this topic I had no
knowledge of the Robin Hood Tax and I personally think it is a smart direction for the
country to take to lessen the income divide in the United States while taking power away
The Occupy Movement was made possible by three main pillars of strategy: social
media, non-violence, and structure. Most of the rallies and protests had such a large
attendance from the community was due to social media and the ability to broadcast specific
information to a large number of people in minutes. Social media was also used to capture the
attention and support of people who could not be in attendance to the various events;
someone could be a thousand miles away and be a part of the movement because of live
streaming on social media. The Occupy Movement was not a violent attempt to promote
socio- political change, and only participated in peaceful protest. The participants in the
protest sometimes did face small acts of retaliation from law enforcement, which increased
the admiration for the cause; even in the presence of violence the movement as a whole
remained peaceful. The most influential strategy leading to the success of the movement was
structure. The participants of the Occupy Movement were structured in a well working
democracy that truely allowed everyone's voice to be expressed. The members of the
movement gathered in two different forms, a large collective, general assembly, and
condensed discussion groups. During the general assembly the “Occupiers responded by
creating a human mic in which a speaker's words were repeated by the crowd so that
everyone could hear her. The process takes a long time, but some occupiers felt it had good
psychological effects and it kept speeches short” (Madrigal, 2013). Outside of the general
assembly, break out groups formed to deliberate the discussed topics and allow each
participant to voice their opinion.“This form of group deliberation has been a key
differentiating component of the occupation. Led by skilled facilitators, the entire group can
not some newfangled idea, but has been developed for years”(Madrigal, 2013). I believe the
strategies implemented by the Occupy Movement were very innovative and progressive
students protesting personal injust that the students were being exposed to. Soon enough the
movement spread all over the world to multiple states in North America and abroad countries
such as London, England. Extensions of the movement did not only affect policy and money
making industries, such as Wall Street and various stock exchanges, but also government law
enforcement agencies such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The most known
branch of the movement was Occupy Wall Street. An article posted by the Building
Movement Project stated that the movement “was extremely successful in adjusting the frame
of the national conversation about the economy” (Endyke). Other than opening the eyes of
the nation’s citizens to the injustice in the economy, the Occupy Movement had no tangible
success, policy change and tax breaks for lower class citizens, that the members hoped to see.
The article also points out shortcomings of the movement, “For example, because of OWS
organizers’ refusal to commit to a specific agenda, they missed out on a potentially valuable
opportunity to partner with other organizations that focused on campaign finance reform as a
way to subvert the power of the 1 percent” (Endyke). During the beginning of my research
into the Occupy Movement, I was very optimistic to find a positive outcome resulting in a
massive progressive change in our nation's government. No one person can ever truly predict
how a large social event will transpire, but with a strong foundation, change is eventually
possible. This first attempt of the Occupy Movement laid the groundwork for future social
and political movements to arise; if new leaders take the strengths and weaknesses from the
primary movement a strong impact on the community will be the ultimate response.
Even though the Occupy Movement did not untimely meet the goal set out by the
founders of the movement, each member of the movement did have many impacts on the
world through education. The Occupy Movement was able to shed light on the corrupt
relationship between government and privatized money. It is personally astonishing that such
an educational and impactful mark on history was originally started by a group of college
students, the same age as myself. Researching this movement puts how powerful the voice of
a group of people with a cause can actually be, and that if you have the right goals change is
possible. I do not believe society has seen the last of the Occupy Movement; hopefully next
time a similar movement arises it will be a true catalyst for change in the global economy and
Boydston, B. D. (2013, December 06). What Exactly Does the Occupy Movement Want?
Endyke, C. (n.d.). Celebrating Successes AND Failures of Occupy Wall Street at 2nd
Klein, E. (2011, October 04). Who are the 99 percent? Retrieved March 20, 2019, from
Madrigal, A. C. (2013, July 17). A Guide to the Occupy Wall Street API, Or Why the
Nerdiest Way to Think About OWS Is So Useful. Retrieved March 18, 2019, from
Why the World Needs Robin. (2018, July 24). Retrieved March 18, 2019, from