Catalogues Ultrasonic Unit

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e @00 oe © Utrasonic Unit © Bench-Top Gleaner © Tublar Unit © DURATOP Series © Mulisonic Unit ‘© Megasonic Unit 1 muliconie ~*~ durasonic World leader in ultrasonic DURASONIC II 28kH2, 40kH2, GBkHz, BOKHz, 192kHz, 200kHz. High Performance DURASONIC SERIES 300w ZO * Simple user interface 600W + Frequency sweep PLL 800W + Power MOSFET * Continuous Mode / Frequency sweep mode switchable 900W + Over current protection Over temperature protection + Relay output for alarm + Remote control by relay + Variable output : 20%~100% by volume + 7-level power indicator + Auto ranging input voltage (100~220VAC S0HzI60Hz) + Operating temperature 0~50'C + Operating Humidity 0 ~80% + Transducer combination: Immersible, Plate. Tublar, Bench-Top * Easier maintenance ti ee Output power(W) —: 300 600 —900_—-1200—«1500 ‘1800 3000 General [ao | soon ] sow | secow | rscow ] teow | aon | a1oow ] sooow ne. K | opkHe | 28kHz | 28KHz | 2ekHz | 2ekHz | 2ekHz | 28KH2 | 28KHz | 28KHz ¢ tog | 320" | eoow | soow | woow | tsoon | seoow | 2ooow | ztoow | an00w akiiz | a0Ktic | a0kiic | okie | doKtie | aoKtic | 20KHe | 20KH2 | 28kHe aoow | eocw > Ret 68kH2 | BBKH2 3 soow | ecow | g BOK | soxttz | aokHz B aoow | e0ow Tee 132kHz | 132kHz 7 we oe Broader product line Precision Cleaning Err oaan teed * Allowing you to choose optimum operating frequency according to particle size * We can provide solutions to meet your custom requirements * We are able to meet any industrial applications ranging from big particle removal even to high precision application such as HDD, Semiconductor DURASONIC 1 DURA 2400 Frequency |300, 600, 1000, 1200, 1500 watt 2000, 2400, 3000 watt ‘Auto-tuning ne oscillation system Frequency 28, 40, 68, 80, 192, 200 kHz Remote control Relay Alarm funetion LED indicator : on the front panel Relay contact : on the back panel Dimension(mm) | 310(W) x 440(L) x 140(H) | ___S10(W) X ATO(L) x 1501+) weight akg 19.5kg | Powerful and uniform sweep function "= Broader product line (300W ~ 3000W) Effect of Frequency sweep Frequency sweep function builtin Frequency sweep within resonance frequency #1.5kHz Reducing dead zone for cleaning smaller particle 1 Sweep Cycle=80/se6 Fre, Sweep range FO:L1 SkHz Varing sound pressure during sweep EER ae World class sales , support and consulting(20 years) organigation in place ya Optimal choice for cleaner Ceca 1, Frequency and particle In general cleaning for oil removal 28kHz. 40KH2z(low frequency) recommended In precision cleaning for semiconductor area : higher frequency 50kHz ~ 200khz recommended Frequency * Application Metal & Plastic parts Jewelry / Nozzle Pipe /Glass / Lens etc Low 40kHz 28kHz General industrial area 2. Power and cleaning area Choose right ultrasonic based on tank High * Application 200kHz 132kH2 Electronic Semiconduct parts ‘BOkHz HDD / Ceramic etc 5OkHz Precision cleaning 3000 2700 or basket size(object size) refering to oe = this table 1800 i600 S 100 + Ultrasonic power select by unit area = el (weer) 300 : ° ee + Max power per unit area is 4watt 4200 400 800 €00 1000 1200 1400 re00 1200 2000 2an0 24ca Ee) The me power forares <0xe0cr Ultrasonic effective areata) se 200 Recommend Power range : 600W, 1200W, 1800W, 2400W Power 300W 600W 900W 1200W 1500W 1800W 2400W BLT No.| 6~7pes | 12~14pcs | 18~20pcs | 24~27pcs | 30~35pes | 36~41pcs | 48~54pcs One BLT power 40~ 50Watt Durasonic’s BLT bonding technology implements strong and uniform cavitation in all area of transducer = SUS 304 Standard, Option (SUS 316, Titan) Flexible type(1.5 meter), Other size available Bulk-Head type(M34), Other size available Best match with durasonic II or dura 2400 = SUS304 Standard, Option (SUS316, Titan, Teflon Coating) = Flexible Type (1.5meter Standard) Other size available. = Bulk-Head Type (M34 Standard), Other size available. = Matching with Generator (DURA I or DURA2400) Ultrasonic radiant area Sound Pressure image of Bolt Type power Size’ 30ow | soow | s00w | 1200w | 1500w | 2400w | sooow coca 170X260 | 270X310 270X350 | 270X430 | 310X430 | 430X550| 480X610 Etfective | 70x20 | 270x270 | 270x310 | 270x390 | 310X390 | 430x500| 430x560 Standard | 170x260 | 270x310 | 270x350 | 270x430 | 310X430 | 430x550 480x610 Fifestie | 170x220 | 270x270 | 270x310 | 270x390 | 310X390 480x500 | 480X560 Standard | 170x260 | 270x310 size Etectve | sroxaz0 | zroxe7o| =p é T | Standard | tim | 170x260 | zroxaro] J | Effective 1 fective | s70x220 | 270x270 i santana] —— E 1 Tac nor —ly Flesbl hoe typo Bullhead toe Recommended DURASONIC 1 DURA 2400 Generator 310 X 440 X 140h 14kg 510X410X180h 19,5kg| Recommending size(Plate) upon customer requirements 1 Plate type is suitable for Multi-Bath Cleaning Machine = Easy to replace ultrasonic plate = SUS304 Standard, Oj in (SUS316, Titan, Teflon Coating) = The plate can be assembled using flanges and gaskets Flange ~/ Telien Gasket — NBR Gasket = Gasket material can be chosen according to used chemical (Soft Teflon, Viton, EPDM etc.) er Pane “max. Bot = Matching with Generator (DURA Il or DURA2400) size | soow | soow | s00w | r200w | is00w | 2400w | 3000w Standard 7ox260 | 270x310 | 270x350 270x430] 310x430 | 430X550) 480X610 2Bktiz se Ellesse | szox220 | 270x270] eroxs10 270x390 | 910x390 490x500 | 490x560 Slenelatd 170X260 | 270X310 | 270X350 | 270x430 | 310X430 | 430X550| 480x610 40KHZ = } t | oe 170X220 | 270X270 | 270X310 | 270X390 | 310X390 | 430X500 | 480x560 Standard | 170x260 | 270x310 eaciz = 2 t+—— Etlective | 170x220 | 270x270 | Standard 479x260 | 270x310 y | Boktz t . | Etletve | s7ox220 | 270x270 | Standard 170X260 | 270x310 wane a ; | fecive | 7ox220 | 270x270 SPIE | Standard | 479x260 | 270x310 | 200KH2 : - Ettcive | roxa20 | 270x270 Recommended DURASONIC I DURA 2400 Generator 310 X 440 X 140n 14kg | Stoxatoxt50n 19.5ka} Equipped with ultrasonic plate Single Bath Type: Easier to replace ultrasonic plate Double Bath Type: Equipped with outer cover = Bath Material: SUS304 Standard, Option (SUS316) = Option: Timer, Heater Freq” ToN@"| size | 6oow | 1000w| r20ow| 1s00w | 2eoow | s000w Overall : sioxsboxero|saoxaroxass90x4e0xs10) a10x610x580 | s2oxe0oxe10 | saoxsi0xs60 | size | 28KH2 | intemal laeoxseoxseo|ssoxssoxseyscox4eoxeoq) atoxstoxs00 | asoxs4oxs4o | ssoxsroxs90 | : | Overall | stoxagoxero [saoxeroxaso) seoxse0xsio| ctoxsioxse0 | seoxeooxs10 | seoxstoxes0 Aoki ~ Internal. Jaeoxseoxaealroxasoxaessox4z0v40q asoxsioxso0 | asoxs4oxs4o | ssoxs70x500 Overall | soxseoxato aooxatoxao000xAa0%610 e8KHz : internal ecoxaeoxs60 s30xa50xsenb90x420x400 Oyerall_| soxseoxa1 aooxatoxeo0so0x490%10, ‘80kHz Size. Imgrge| peoxaeoxe0 oxsoraegpoozo%o9 AEs Overall | soxseoxato fooxatoxeoo2o0xaa0%s10 t90kt2 Internal "sre" |ps0xse0x360fsoxasoxsa0poxizoxeoo) | J Overall | sroxseoxsto [sooxstoxso0|s90x460%510 eee 200KH2 ae # interna 2 E size_PSOSEDISEOFROIEEDISOOERONAPDNADO] Banchtp(Sinule) __Benehop(Ooubl) Recommended DURASONIC II { DURA 2400 Generator 310 x Ad0 X 140 takg S10X@10X150h 19.5kg) = Cavitation produced all around the tube = Ultrasonic produced all around of tubular. * Leading to multipath reflection. = Uniform ultrasonic regardless of water level = Simple installation Flexible hose type & Bulk-head type SUS316 Standard = Application Vacuum Cleaning, Chemical treatment Degassing treatment, Concentration treatment Model . Power . Tuburar Transducer TUBLAR-40-300, | os 300watt kHz 60.5 x L310 Bulk-Head Type Waler Surface Bath Cavitation principle Vertical Horizental SOTONOS: Installation example Packing TUBLAR-28-600 600watt 276.3 x 460 TUBLAR-40-900 200watt 60.5 x L580

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