3 CMCA - Promotion of Normal G and D

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DEVELOPMENT  Self in relation to others

Development of Self-Concept Body Image across childhood:
 Self-Concept Stage Body Image
- How an individual describes himself or Infants - Receive inputs about
herself their bodies through
- Not present at birth but develops gradually self-exploration and
as a result of unique experiences sensory stimulation
- May or may not reflect reality Toddlers - Learn to identify
body parts and able
to use symbols to
Stage Development of Self- represent object
Concept Preschoolers - Become aware of the
Infancy - Awareness of one’s wholeness of their
independent bodies and discover
existence as a result genitalia
of social contact and School Age - Learn about internal
experiences with body structure and
others function
Toddlerhood - More active as - More aware of the
children explore the differences of body
limit of their size
capacities and the Adolescent - Most concerned
nature of their about the physical
impact on others self
School Age - More aware of - Crucial element in
differences among shaping identity
people, more
sensitive to social
- Become more  Self-Esteem
preoccupied with  Value that the individual places on one’s
issues of self- self
criticism and self-  Affective component of self
Adolescence - Focus more on Stage Self-Esteem
physical and Toddlerhood - Egocentric
emotional changes - Unaware of
and on peer differences between
acceptance competence and
social approval
Preschool & Early School- - Positive feedback
Body Image Age Children enhances self-
Body Image consists of: esteem
Early Adolescence - Risk stage
 Physiogic
 Perception of physical characteristics
Aspects of Self- Esteem:
 Psychological 1. Competence
 Values and attitudes toward the body 2. Sense of control
3. Moral worth
4. Worthiness of love  Olfactory Strategies
5. Acceptance  Odors may affect children’s behavior
 Sources of unpleasant odor must be
Child’s Reaction to Dying & Death  Thermal Strategies
 Too warm or too cold environments may
Stage Reaction impose physiological demands on any child
Infants & Toddlers - Lack understanding
of the concept of
death Pattern Variations
- Aware that someone
Pattern encompasses variation in intensity, frequency
is missing
and phrasing of stimuli
- Toddlers may
develop fearfulness  Vestibular Stimulation
and become more  Contribute to the neurological rhythms of
attached to the the body
remaining parent  Includes HR, RR and Neuron synapse
Preschoolers - View death as activity
temporary &  Forms: manual rocking, swinging
reversible hammocks, stroking, using waterbeds
- Magical thinking may
lead to believe that
the dead person will Sleep Promotion
come back Interventions strategies:
School Age - View death as
irreversible 1. Establishing and maintaining sleep
- May believe death as 2. Facilitating sleep
punishment to 3. Applying behavior management
wrongdoing 4. Applying relaxation techniques
- May deny sadness,
attempts to act as
Nutritional Support
Adolescents - View death as Strategies:
irreversible, universal
& inevitable 1. Non-nutritive Sucking
- Develop a better 2. Structuring sucking reflex
understanding 3. Proper positioning
between illness & 4. Spacing of food intake
death 5. Role modeling and socialization
- Feeling of loneliness,
Filipino Beliefs on Growth and Development

Interventions of Health Promotion 1. Giving a bath to their child on Tuesdays and

Fridays will make the child unhealthy.
Environmental Manipulation: 2. Stepping over a child who is sleeping will hinder
the child’s growth.
 Auditory Strategies
3. A family with thirteen children means good
 Monitor sound levels within the
4. During baptism, it is important to bring out your
 Soft soothing music should be played
child first ahead of the others so that he will
 Visual Strategies
grow up a successful person. Filipino beliefs on
 Use of color, form, texture and lighting
G & D.
5. After circumcision, a boy should not step on a
mortar and pestle; otherwise his organ will
grow as big as the mortar and pestle.
6. Children are advised not to bite banana leaves,
as this is believed to cause tooth decay.
7. Newborns should sleep beside books or place
books under their pillows, so that they will be
intelligent as they grow.

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